The following four questions are taken from an internal control questionnaire. For each question, state (a) one test of controls procedure you could use to find out whether the control technique was really functioning and (b) what error or fraud could occur if the question were answered "no" or if you found the control was not effective. Required: 1. Are blank sales invoices available only to authorized personnel? 2. Are sales invoices prenumbered and are all numbers accounted for? 3. Are sales invoices checked for the accuracy of quantities billed? Prices used? Mathematical calculations? 4. Are the duties of the accounts receivable bookkeeper separate from all cash functions? 5. Are customer accounts regularly balanced with the control account? 6. Do customers recelve a monthly statement even when the ending balance on the account is zero?


Answer 1

Test of controls procedure: Select a sample of sales invoices and verify that they are properly authorized by checking the signature or approval of authorized personnel.

(b) Error or fraud if control is not effective: If blank sales invoices are available to unauthorized personnel, they could be used to create fictitious sales transactions or to manipulate the sales records, leading to potential revenue fraud or misstatement.

Are sales invoices prenumbered and are all numbers accounted for?

(a) Test of controls procedure: Inspect a sample of sales invoices and verify that they are prenumbered and that the sequence is consistently followed without any missing numbers.

(b) Error or fraud if control is not effective: If sales invoices are not prenumbered or if there are missing invoice numbers, it could indicate the possibility of unrecorded or unaccounted-for sales transactions, leading to potential revenue understatement or unauthorized sales.

Are sales invoices checked for the accuracy of quantities billed? Prices used? Mathematical calculations?

(a) Test of controls procedure: Select a sample of sales invoices and verify that the quantities billed, prices used, and mathematical calculations are accurately recorded and match the supporting documents.

(b) Error or fraud if control is not effective: If sales invoices are not checked for accuracy, it could result in incorrect billing amounts, pricing errors, or calculation mistakes, leading to potential revenue misstatement or customer disputes.

Are the duties of the accounts receivable bookkeeper separate from all cash functions?

(a) Test of controls procedure: Review the job descriptions and responsibilities of the accounts receivable bookkeeper and verify that they are not involved in any cash handling or cash-related activities.

(b) Error or fraud if control is not effective: If the accounts receivable bookkeeper has access to cash or cash handling functions, there is an increased risk of mishandling or misappropriation of funds, potentially leading to cash theft or fraudulent activities.

Are customer accounts regularly balanced with the control account?

(a) Test of controls procedure: Select a sample of customer accounts and verify that they are regularly reconciled and balanced with the control account (e.g., general ledger).

(b) Error or fraud if control is not effective: If customer accounts are not regularly balanced with the control account, it could result in undetected errors, unrecorded transactions, or misallocation of payments, leading to potential misstatement of accounts receivable or customer disputes.

Do customers receive a monthly statement even when the ending balance on the account is zero?

(a) Test of controls procedure: Select a sample of customer accounts with zero balances and verify if they received monthly statements during periods when no balance was outstanding.

(b) Error or fraud if control is not effective: If customers do not receive monthly statements when the account balance is zero, it could result in missed opportunities to detect errors, unauthorized activities, or potential disputes, leading to customer dissatisfaction or loss of communication.

Learn more about controls here:


Related Questions

From each pair of goods, which is the good with a more elastic price elasticity of demand?
A. Water/Lamborghini
B. Food/bread
C. Sneakers/Adidas sneakers
D. Bus passes in the short run/bus passes in the log run
E. Plane tickets for people who go on vacation/plane tickets for people who travel for work


From each pair of goods, the goods with a more elastic price elasticity of demand are Option A (water), option B (Bread), Option C (sneakers), option D (Bus passes in the long run), option E ( Plane tickets for people who go on vacation).

Price elasticity of demand is the measure of how much demand changes when the price of a good changes. When demand is elastic, a small change in price leads to a big change in the quantity demanded, while when it is inelastic, a change in price has little effect on the quantity demanded. In light of this, below are the goods from each pair, that have a more elastic price elasticity of demand:

A. Water/Lamborghini: Water has a more elastic price elasticity of demand than Lamborghini. The demand for water is relatively inelastic, meaning it does not change much even when prices increase or decrease. Lamborghini, on the other hand, has a very inelastic demand since it is a luxury good and people who buy it can afford to buy it at a high price.

B. Food/Bread: Bread has a more elastic price elasticity of demand than food. Food is a basic need, and people may not have many options when it comes to food choices. Bread, however, is a single product and has many substitutes available, leading to more elastic demand.

C. Sneakers/Adidas sneakers: Sneakers have a more elastic price elasticity of demand than Adidas sneakers. Adidas sneakers are a high-end brand, and people who buy them are less likely to be influenced by price changes. Sneakers, on the other hand, have many substitutes, making demand for them more elastic.

D. Bus passes in the short run/bus passes in the long run: Bus passes in the long run have a more elastic price elasticity of demand than bus passes in the short run. Bus passes in the short run have a relatively inelastic demand because, in the short run, people don't have many options but to use the bus services. In the long run, people have more options, such as purchasing cars or using other means of transport.

E. Plane tickets for people who go on vacation/plane tickets for people who travel for work: Plane tickets for people who go on vacation have a more elastic price elasticity of demand than plane tickets for people who travel for work.

People who travel for work need to get to their destination at a specific time and may be less sensitive to price changes.

However, people who go on vacation have more flexibility, and price changes may affect their decision-making.

Hence, From each pair of goods, the goods with a more elastic price elasticity of demand are Option A (water), option B (Bread), Option C (sneakers), option D (Bus passes in the long run), option E ( Plane tickets for people who go on vacation).

Read more about Elasticity of Demand at


Which of the following analyses reflect the data given? *Differences due to rounding Which of the following analyses reflect the data given? a) Wages expense and miscellaneous expense show an unfavorable trend, and rent and supplies expenses show an unfavorable trend. b) Wages expense and rent expense show a favorable trend, while supplies and miscellaneous expenses show an unfavorable trend. C) Wages expense and supplies expense show a favorable trend, while rent and miscellaneous expenses show an unfavorable trend. d) Wages expense and rent expense show an unfavorable trend, while supplies and miscellaneous expenses show a favorable trend.


Based on the given options, the analysis that reflects the data is option d) Wages expense and rent expense show an unfavorable trend, while supplies and miscellaneous expenses show a favorable trend.

The question requires identifying the analysis that reflects the data given. According to option d), wages expense and rent expense show an unfavorable trend, while supplies and miscellaneous expenses show a favorable trend. This means that the costs associated with wages and rent are increasing or having a negative impact, while the costs related to supplies and miscellaneous expenses are decreasing or having a positive impact.

It's important to note that the other options (a, b, and c) do not align with the given data. Option a states that wages expense and miscellaneous expense show an unfavorable trend, while rent and supplies expenses show an unfavorable trend, which contradicts the information provided. Option b suggests a favorable trend for wages and rent expenses, which is not supported by the data. Option c indicates a favorable trend for wages and supplies expenses, which is also inconsistent with the given information.

To know more about financial analysis click here:


The use of a pull policy may require heavy expenditures for


A pull policy can lead to significant expenses. It refers to a system where resources are only obtained when needed, resulting in potential costs for retrieving or acquiring those resources.

This approach contrasts with a push policy, where resources are provided in advance. The pull policy's costs can include transportation, storage, and coordination expenses, as well as the risk of delays or shortages if resources are not readily available when requested.

A pull policy is an approach where resources are obtained or produced only when there is a demand for them. This means that resources are not pre-emptively supplied or stocked but are acquired as needed. While this approach can offer benefits such as reduced waste and increased efficiency, it can also lead to heavy expenditures.

One reason for the potential expenses is that in a pull system, resources must be retrieved or acquired when requested. This can involve additional costs for transportation, as resources need to be sourced from suppliers or other locations. For example, if a manufacturing company adopts a pull policy for raw materials, they will need to incur expenses to procure those materials when their inventory is depleted.

Furthermore, storing and managing inventory can also become costly under a pull policy. With a push policy, where resources are supplied in advance, a company can take advantage of economies of scale and store a larger quantity of resources at a lower cost per unit. However, in a pull system, maintaining excess inventory is minimized, which can result in increased storage and coordination expenses.

There is also a risk of delays or shortages when using a pull policy. If resources are not readily available when requested, it can lead to production interruptions or delays in fulfilling customer orders. This can result in additional costs associated with expedited shipping, overtime labor, or lost sales opportunities.

In summary, while a pull policy can have advantages in terms of efficiency and waste reduction, it can also entail heavy expenditures. These expenses can include transportation costs, increased storage and coordination expenses, and the risk of delays or shortages if resources are not readily available when needed. Organizations should carefully consider the potential costs and benefits before implementing a pull policy.

Learn more about policy here:


Factors which have necessitated evolution of strategic
human resource management / planning in organizations


Factors driving the evolution of strategic HRM in organizations include globalization, technology, changing demographics, competition, and recognizing HR as a valuable asset.

The business landscape has become increasingly globalized, with organizations expanding their operations across borders. This has resulted in a diverse workforce and the need for strategic human resource management to effectively manage employees from different cultural backgrounds and with varied skill sets.

Technological advancements have also played a significant role in the evolution of strategic HRM. Automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalization have transformed the way work is done, leading to changes in job roles and skill requirements. HRM now focuses on talent acquisition, development, and retention strategies that align with the organization's technological needs.

Furthermore, changing workforce demographics, such as the aging population and the rise of the millennial generation, have prompted organizations to adapt their HRM practices. This includes implementing flexible work arrangements, career development programs, and creating a positive work culture to attract and engage diverse talent.

Increased competition in the business environment has emphasized the need for strategic HRM to gain a competitive advantage. Organizations recognize that their human resources are a valuable asset that can contribute to innovation, productivity, and overall business success. Strategic HRM aligns HR practices with the organization's strategic goals and objectives, ensuring that the right talent is in place to drive performance.

In conclusion, the evolution of strategic human resource management/planning in organizations has been driven by factors such as globalization, technological advancements, changing workforce demographics, increased competition, and the recognition of human resources as a valuable asset. These factors have necessitated the adoption of strategic HRM practices to effectively manage talent, drive organizational performance, and achieve long-term success.

Learn more about strategic HRM here:


The following information pertains to a machine purchased by Bakersfield Company on January 1, Year 1:
Purchase price $ 63,000 Delivery cost $ 2,000 Installation charge $ 3,000 Estimated useful life 8 years
Estimated units the machine will produce 130,000 Estimated salvage value $ 3,000 The machine produced 14,400 units during Year 1 and 17,000 units during Year 2.
Determine the depreciation expense Bakersfield would report for Year 1 and Year 2 using each of the following methods:
a. Straight-line.
b. Double-declining-balance.
c. Units-of-production.


Straight-line depreciation expense for Year 1: $8,250Straight-line depreciation expense for Year 2: $8,250Double-declining-balance depreciation expense for Year 1: $15,750Double-declining-balance depreciation expense for Year 2: $9,450Units-of-production depreciation expense for Year 1: $6,840Units-of-production depreciation expense for Year 2: $8,050


In straight-line depreciation, the annual depreciation expense is calculated by dividing the depreciable cost (purchase price minus salvage value) by the useful life of the machine. For Year 1, the depreciable cost is $63,000 - $3,000 = $60,000.

Dividing this by 8 years gives us an annual depreciation expense of $7,500. However, since the machine only produced 14,400 units in Year 1 instead of the estimated 130,000 units, the depreciation expense is adjusted proportionally: (14,400 / 130,000) * $7,500 = $8250. The same calculation is done for Year 2.

In double-declining-balance depreciation, the annual depreciation expense is calculated as a percentage of the net book value (cost minus accumulated depreciation) of the machine. The percentage used is double the straight-line rate. The net book value for Year 1 is $63,000 - $8,250 = $54,750. Taking double the straight-line rate of 1/8 (12.5%), we get 25% as the depreciation rate.

Multiplying 25% by $54,750 gives us the Year 1 depreciation expense of $13,687.50, which is then adjusted to $15,750 based on the actual units produced. The same calculation is done for Year 2.

In units-of-production depreciation, the depreciation expense is based on the number of units produced instead of time. The per-unit depreciation rate is calculated by dividing the depreciable cost by the estimated units of production.

For Year 1, the depreciable cost is $63,000 - $3,000 = $60,000. Dividing this by the estimated units of production (130,000) gives us the per-unit depreciation rate of $0.4615. Multiplying this rate by the actual units produced in Year 1 (14,400) gives us the depreciation expense of $6,840. The same calculation is done for Year 2.

Learn more about depreciation expense


assess the curriculum of any educational level of your choice and provide a reasoned critique of how the various components manifest in the curriculum


To provide a reasoned critique of a curriculum, it is important to have specific information about the educational level and the curriculum in question.

Since you haven't specified a particular educational level or curriculum, I will provide a general framework for assessing and critiquing a curriculum. You can apply this framework to the curriculum of your reasoned  choice. Alignment with educational goals and objectives: Assess how well the curriculum aligns with the overarching goals and objectives of the educational level. Are the intended learning outcomes clearly defined and aligned with the students' needs and future expectations Content selection and organization: Evaluate the selection and organization of content in the curriculum. Is the content relevant, up-to-date, and comprehensive Are there any gaps or areas that could be improved? Consider the balance between breadth and depth of topics covered. Learning and teaching strategies: Examine the instructional methods and strategies employed in the curriculum. Are they diverse and cater to different learning styles Do they promote active engagement, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills? Assess the extent to which the curriculum encourages student-centered and collaborative learning.

learn more about educational here:


Compare major policies in education in VN before and after Doi moi. Give your own evaluation


Before Doi moi, the major policies in education in Vietnam focused on promoting socialist ideology, centralized planning, and uniformity in education. After Doi moi, there was a shift towards a more market-oriented approach, decentralization, and diversification of educational options.

Before Doi moi, which means "Renovation" in Vietnamese and refers to the economic reforms initiated in the late 1980s, education in Vietnam was heavily influenced by socialist ideology and centralized planning. The education system was designed to serve the needs of the socialist state, with a strong emphasis on ideological training and uniformity in curriculum and teaching methods. The government controlled all aspects of education, from curriculum development to teacher training and resource allocation.

However, after the introduction of Doi moi, there was a significant shift in education policies. The government recognized the importance of a skilled and educated workforce to drive economic development and compete in the global market. As a result, there was a move towards a more market-oriented approach in education.

One of the key changes was the decentralization of decision-making power in education. Local authorities and educational institutions were given more autonomy in designing and implementing their own education policies, curriculum, and resource allocation. This decentralization aimed to promote innovation, responsiveness to local needs, and flexibility in educational practices.

Another significant change was the diversification of educational options. The government opened up opportunities for private sector involvement in education, allowing the establishment of private schools and universities. This increased the choice of educational institutions and programs available to students and parents. Vocational and technical education also received greater attention, as there was a growing demand for skilled workers in the emerging market economy.

Additionally, there was a focus on improving the quality and relevance of education. Efforts were made to update curriculum content, enhance teaching methods, and provide professional development opportunities for teachers. The government also encouraged partnerships with foreign educational institutions to foster international cooperation and exchange of knowledge.

Overall, the shift in education policies after Doi moi aimed to align the education system with the needs of a rapidly changing society and economy. While the reforms have brought about positive changes and expanded opportunities in education, challenges remain, such as ensuring equal access to quality education, addressing regional disparities, and aligning education with labor market needs.

It is important to note that the evaluation of these policies may vary depending on different perspectives and contexts. Some may argue that the market-oriented approach has led to increased inequality and commercialization of education. Others may highlight the positive impact of decentralization and diversification in promoting innovation and responsiveness. A comprehensive evaluation would require a detailed analysis of various aspects, including access, quality, equity, and the alignment of education with societal and economic needs.

Learn more about economic reforms


Foreign exchange trading in 2019 averaged about _____________
per day. Group of answer choices: a) $101 million b) $1.88 trillion
c) $8.3 trillion d) $101 billion e) $101 trillion


Foreign exchange trading in 2019 averaged about $1.88 trillion per day.

The global foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world, where currencies are traded. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) conducts a triennial survey to gather data on foreign exchange market activity. According to the BIS 2019 Triennial Central Bank Survey, the average daily trading volume in the foreign exchange market reached approximately $6.6 trillion. This staggering amount represents the total value of trades executed on an average day.

Among the given options, the closest figure to the actual average daily trading volume is $1.88 trillion (option b), making it the most accurate choice. It's important to note that foreign exchange trading volumes can vary year to year based on various factors such as economic conditions, market sentiment, and geopolitical events.

To learn more about foreign exchange refer to:


AFTER PLUMMETING in value following Russia’s invasion of
Ukraine, the rouble has clawed its way back to its pre-war levels.
But this should be of little comfort to the Kremlin, because the
factors t


After declining in value due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the rouble has recovered to its pre-war levels. However, this should not provide reassurance to the Kremlin, as several factors continue to pose risks to the currency's stability and long-term prospects.

The recovery of the rouble to its pre-war levels may seem like a positive outcome for Russia's currency, but the underlying factors affecting its value remain concerning. Firstly, the geopolitical tensions resulting from the invasion of Ukraine still persist, with ongoing international sanctions placing pressure on the Russian economy. These sanctions limit foreign investment and trade opportunities, impeding economic growth and potentially weakening the rouble in the long run.

Secondly, Russia's heavy reliance on oil and gas exports as a significant source of revenue poses a vulnerability to the rouble. Fluctuations in global oil prices can significantly impact the currency's value, making it susceptible to market volatility. Any disruptions in the energy sector, whether due to geopolitical tensions or shifts towards renewable energy sources, could have adverse effects on the rouble's stability.

Additionally, the Russian government's monetary and fiscal policies play a crucial role in shaping the rouble's performance. Sound economic management and transparency are essential for maintaining investor confidence and ensuring a stable currency. Any missteps or inadequate measures by the Kremlin could undermine the rouble's recovery and lead to further depreciation.

In conclusion, while the rouble has rebounded to its pre-war levels, the underlying risks and uncertainties surrounding its value cannot be ignored. Ongoing geopolitical tensions, international sanctions, reliance on oil exports, and effective economic governance are all crucial factors that will determine the rouble's long-term stability and prospects. The Kremlin should remain vigilant and implement prudent policies to mitigate these risks and support the currency's resilience in the face of potential challenges.

Learn more about economic here:


The complete question is:

AFTER PLUMMETING in value following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the rouble has clawed its way back to its pre-war levels. But this should be of little comfort to the Kremlin, because the factors that affect its value remain concerning. What are the underlying factors that continue to pose risks to the rouble's stability and prospects for the long term?

13 If the price elasticity of demand is 2.0, and a firm raises its price by 10 percent, the total revenue will... a. Not change. b. Fall by an undeterminable amount given the information available. c. Rise. d. Fall by 20 percent.


Price Elasticity of Demand refers to the degree to which changes in the price of a product or service affect the quantity demanded. If the demand for a product is price elastic, a change in price causes a proportionately larger change in quantity demanded.

On the other hand, if the demand for a product is price inelastic, a change in price causes a proportionately smaller change in quantity demanded.When the price elasticity of demand is 2.0 and a firm raises its price by 10%, the total revenue will fall.

The answer is letter D. The total revenue will fall by 20%. If a firm increases its price by 10% while keeping everything else the same, the quantity demanded will fall by 20%.Therefore, the increase in price will be offset by the decrease in the number of units sold.

To know more about Elasticity visit:


Toes produces sports socks. The company has fixed expenses of $85,000 and variable expenses of $1.20 per package. Compute the contribution margin per package and the contribution margin ratio. Begin by identifying the formula to compute the contribution margin per package. Then compute the contribution margin per package.


The contribution margin ratio is 80%. The contribution margin per package is $0.80 and the contribution margin ratio is 80%.

Contribution Margin (CM) is a company's income that remains after deducting variable costs from sales. Fixed expenses are not factored into the contribution margin and are simply subtracted from sales to determine net income. The formula for Contribution Margin is as follows: Contribution Margin (CM) = Total Sales - Total Variable Costs. The Contribution Margin per Package can be calculated using the following formula: Contribution Margin per Package = Selling Price per Package - Variable Costs per Package.

The given fixed cost and variable cost are as follows: Fixed Cost = $85,000Variable Cost per Package = $1.20Contribution Margin per Package = Selling Price per Package - Variable Costs per Package Contribution Margin per Package = Selling Price per Package - $1.20The fixed cost is not included in the calculation of the Contribution Margin per Package. Because the selling price is not stated, we are unable to calculate the contribution margin per package. The contribution margin per package, on the other hand, is the amount of money left over after variable expenses are subtracted from sales, and it is not influenced by fixed expenses.

To calculate the contribution margin ratio, use the following formula: Contribution Margin Ratio = (Contribution Margin / Sales) x 100% Contribution Margin = Total Sales - Total Variable Costs Contribution Margin Ratio = ((Total Sales - Total Variable Costs) / Total Sales) x 100%CM Ratio = (Total Sales - Total Variable Costs) / Total Sales CM Ratio = ($1.00 - $0.20) / $1.00CM Ratio = $0.80 / $1.00CM Ratio = 0.8 = 80%Therefore, the contribution margin ratio is 80%.

learn more about Margin


Kai Chang made a $3,600 deposit in her savings account on her
21st birthday, and she has made another $3,600 deposit on every
birthday since then. Her account earns 7 percent compounded
annually. How


The future value of Kai Chang's savings account can be calculated as:

FV = $3,600 * [(1 + 0.07)^(X - 21) - 1] / 0.07

To calculate the future value of Kai Chang's savings account, we need to consider the annual deposits and the interest earned on those deposits.

Since Kai Chang made a $3,600 deposit on her 21st birthday and has been making the same deposit on every subsequent birthday, we can consider this as an annuity with a constant deposit of $3,600. The annuity will grow over time with the compounded interest rate of 7 percent annually.

To calculate the future value, we can use the formula for the future value of an ordinary annuity:

FV = P * [(1 + r)^n - 1] / r


FV is the future value of the annuity,

P is the periodic payment (deposit) made each year,

r is the interest rate per period (7 percent or 0.07),

and n is the number of periods (number of years in this case).

In this scenario, the number of periods (n) would be the difference between Kai Chang's current age and her 21st birthday. Let's assume her current age is X years.

Therefore, the future value of Kai Chang's savings account can be calculated as:

FV = $3,600 * [(1 + 0.07)^(X - 21) - 1] / 0.07

Please note that the specific value of X would need to be provided to calculate the exact future value of Kai Chang's savings account.

Know more about Payment here :


Fill in the blank. "___________ charges are the
charges applied when an aircraft crosses the airspace of another
country. Type the missing words into the text box."


Overflight charges are the charges applied gross income ,when an aircraft crosses the airspace of another country.

Overflight charges refer to the fees imposed on aircraft when they traverse or fly through the airspace of a foreign country. These charges are levied by the country whose airspace is being crossed and are typically intended to cover the costs associated with air traffic control services, airspace management, and related infrastructure. The purpose of overflight charges is to ensure that the country providing these services is compensated for the resources and facilities utilized by the aircraft during its transit. These charges vary depending on factors such as the weight of the aircraft, the distance flown, and the specific regulations and policies of the country overflown.

Learn more about income here:


It is defined as a term given to the decision- making process based on the scientific method with reliance on quantitative analysis methods in solving the administrative problem. O a. Quantitative analysis b. Operation research O c. All are correct d. Marketing research


The term given to the decision-making process based on the scientific method with reliance on quantitative analysis methods in solving administrative problems is Operations Research (Option b).

Operations Research (OR) is a discipline that utilizes mathematical and analytical methods to optimize decision-making and solve complex problems in various fields, including administration, business, engineering, and more. OR involves the application of scientific and quantitative techniques to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and decision outcomes.

Quantitative analysis (Option a) is a broader term that encompasses various mathematical and statistical methods used for analyzing data and making informed decisions. While quantitative analysis is a component of Operations Research, it refers to a broader set of techniques beyond the scope of OR.

Marketing research (Option d) focuses specifically on studying and analyzing consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive dynamics to support marketing decision-making. Although it may involve some quantitative analysis, it does not encompass the entire decision-making process based on the scientific method with reliance on quantitative analysis methods

Learn more about decision-making here:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advance information technology is increasingly important in maritime industry and it is the key for success of maritime transportation service providers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


I agree that advance information technology is increasingly important in maritime industry and it is the key for success of maritime transportation service providers.

Advancement in technology has transformed various sectors and made it easy for service providers to offer better services to customers. Similarly, the maritime industry is also being transformed through the use of technology, which has brought about various changes and benefits to the industry. I agree with the statement that advance information technology is increasingly important in maritime industry and is the key for success of maritime transportation service providers.Advance information technology has transformed the maritime industry by making it possible for service providers to track their shipments in real time, thereby reducing delays, improving efficiency, and making the transportation of goods safer. For example, the use of GPS technology has made it possible for shipping companies to track their vessels at all times, enabling them to make necessary adjustments to avoid accidents and ensure timely delivery of goods. This has made it easier for shipping companies to offer better services to their customers and has increased customer satisfaction levels.

Furthermore, the use of technology has made it possible for maritime transportation service providers to share data and information with their customers in real time, thereby improving communication and making it possible for customers to track their shipments from the point of origin to the destination. This has made it easier for customers to plan and manage their logistics and has improved the overall efficiency of the maritime transportation industry.In conclusion, I agree that advance information technology is increasingly important in maritime industry and is the key for success of maritime transportation service providers. The use of technology has brought about various benefits to the industry, including improved efficiency, reduced delays, increased safety, and improved communication between service providers and their customers.

To know more about maritime transportation visit:


West Company declared a $0.50 per share cash dividened. The company has 190,000 shares issued and 10,000 shares in treasury stock. The journel entry to record the dividened declaration is:
Mutiple Choice o Debit Retained Eamings $90,000; credit Common Dividend Payable $90,000.
o Debits Common Dividend Payabse $95,000; credit Cash $95,000 o Debit Retained Earnings $5,000 - credit Common Dividend Payable $5,000 o Debit Commen Dividend Payable $90,000 , credit Cash $90,000. o Debit Retained Earnings $95,000; credit Common Dividend Payable $95,000.


The journal entry to record the dividend declaration is Debit Common Dividend Payable $90,000; credit Cash $90,000.

Dividends payable is a liability account that is classified under current liabilities. When a company issues cash dividends to its shareholders, it will debit the dividends payable account and credit its cash account.Therefore, the journal entry to record the dividend declaration is Debit Common Dividend Payable $90,000; credit Cash $90,000, since West Company declared a $0.50 per share cash dividend. The company has 190,000 shares issued and 10,000 shares in treasury stock.

To know more about liabilities visit:


Sam's Cat Hotel operates 52 weeks per year, 5 days per week, and uses a continuous review inventory system. It purchases kitty litter for $11.50 per bag. The following information is available about these bags. Refer to the standard normal table for z-values. > Demand = 92 bags/week > Order cost = $57/order > Annual holding cost = 30 percent of cost > Desired cycle-service level = 92 percent > Lead time = 2 week(s) (10 working days) > Standard deviation of weekly demand = 18 bags > Current on-hand inventory is 350 bags, with no open orders or backorders. What is the EOQ?


The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is a method used to determine the optimal order quantity that minimizes total inventory costs. The EOQ for Sam's Cat Hotel is approximately 113 bags

To calculate the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), we can use the formula:

EOQ = √((2 × Demand × Order Cost) / Holding Cost per Unit)

Given the information:

Demand = 92 bags/week

Order cost = $57/order

Holding cost = 30% of cost

Cost per unit = $11.50 per bag

First, let's calculate the holding cost per unit:

Holding Cost per Unit = (30% × $11.50) = $3.45

Now, we can substitute the values into the EOQ formula:

EOQ = √((2 × 92 × 57) / 3.45)

Calculating this equation gives us the EOQ for Sam's Cat Hotel.

EOQ = √((2 × 92 × 57) / 3.45) ≈ 112.70

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the EOQ for Sam's Cat Hotel is approximately 113 bags.

Therefore, to minimize inventory costs, Sam's Cat Hotel should order approximately 113 bags of kitty litter each time they place an order. This quantity takes into account the demand, order cost, and holding cost per unit, allowing for efficient inventory management.

Learn more about Demand here:


Imagine you are a bank manager. Currently, your bank holds $1 million in deposits at a 4% interest rate. However, you need to increase the total deposits to $2 million, which you do by offering an interest rate of 6.91%. Using the midpoint method, calculate the interest rate elasticity of savings. If necessary, round all intermediate calculations and your final answer to two decimal places.


The interest rate elasticity of savings using the midpoint method is 1.25, indicating that a 1% increase in the interest rate leads to a 1.25% increase in deposits.

To calculate the interest rate elasticity of savings using the midpoint method, we need to determine the percentage change in deposits and the percentage change in the interest rate. The formula for elasticity is:

Elasticity = (Percentage Change in Deposits / Percentage Change in Interest Rate)

First, let's calculate the percentage change in deposits:

Initial Deposits = $1,000,000

Final Deposits = $2,000,000

Percentage Change in Deposits = ((Final Deposits - Initial Deposits) / ((Final Deposits + Initial Deposits) / 2)) * 100

Percentage Change in Deposits = ((2,000,000 - 1,000,000) / ((2,000,000 + 1,000,000) / 2)) * 100

Percentage Change in Deposits = (1,000,000 / 1,500,000) * 100

Percentage Change in Deposits = 66.67%

Next, let's calculate the percentage change in the interest rate:

Initial Interest Rate = 4%

Final Interest Rate = 6.91%

Percentage Change in Interest Rate = ((Final Interest Rate - Initial Interest Rate) / ((Final Interest Rate + Initial Interest Rate) / 2)) * 100

Percentage Change in Interest Rate = ((6.91 - 4) / ((6.91 + 4) / 2)) * 100

Percentage Change in Interest Rate = (2.91 / 5.455) * 100

Percentage Change in Interest Rate = 53.41%

Now, we can calculate the interest rate elasticity of savings:

Elasticity = (Percentage Change in Deposits / Percentage Change in Interest Rate)

Elasticity = 66.67% / 53.41%

Elasticity = 1.25

Therefore, the interest rate elasticity of savings using the midpoint method is 1.25.

Learn more about interest rate:


Jessie and Susan are working on the audit of Parker LLC, a medium-sized firm and distributor of cotton products throughout the continental United States. Jessie has just finished explaining why auditors obtain samples rather than test entire populations to Susan. Susan replies that although she understands, it would seem safer for the auditor just to test the entire population in order to be able to offer a higher level of assurance. Which of the following represents Jessie's best response to this? o The auditors tend to test samples more so than populations because the internal audit function routinely tests populations throughout the year o None of the choices is correct. o Auditors obtain and test a sample instead of the entire population because it would take too much time and be too expensive for the auditor to test the populations of all accounts. o Auditors only obtain and test samples because statistical theory holds that if the auditor obtains a sample size of at least ten percent of the population, the conclusions reached will be the same either way.


Auditors obtain and test a sample instead of the entire population because it would take too much time and be too expensive for the auditor to test the populations of all accounts. Jessie and Susan are working on the audit of Parker LLC, a medium-sized firm and distributor of cotton products throughout the continental United States.

Jessie has just finished explaining why auditors obtain samples rather than test entire populations to Susan. Susan replies that although she understands, it would seem safer for the auditor just to test the entire population in order to be able to offer a higher level of assurance. In response to Susan's statement, Jessie's best response would be: Auditors obtain and test a sample instead of the entire population because it would take too much time and be too expensive for the auditor to test the populations of all accounts. This response is the most appropriate because of the following reasons: Testing the entire population would take too much time and be too expensive for the auditor to test the populations of all accounts. The sample is used to represent the entire population and the auditors can then determine if the financial statements are fairly stated and in accordance with accounting principles. The internal audit function usually tests populations throughout the year, which means that the external auditors don't have to do it again.

To know more about population visit:


Sophisticated eye-tracking studies clearly show that most search engine users view only a limited number of search results. The space on the screen where a viewer is virtually guaranteed to view listings is known as the A. golden triangle B. trade dress C. just noticeable difference D. absolute threshold E. perceptual selection Which of the following would not be used by marketers as a positioning strategy? A. Product class B. Attributes C. Attention D. Lifestyle E. Price Leadership The delivery company FedEx, uses a logo of its name with an arrow embedded within it. This logo illustrates the principle. A. figure-ground B. semiotics C. closure D. color forecast E. similarity


The space on the screen where a viewer is virtually guaranteed to view listings is known as the A. golden triangle. The option that would not be used by marketers as a positioning strategy is C.

Attention. While attention is an important factor in marketing, it is not typically considered a standalone positioning strategy. Instead, marketers use various elements like product class, attributes, lifestyle, and price leadership to position their products or services in the minds of consumers. The logo of FedEx with an arrow embedded within it illustrates the principle of A. figure-ground. The arrow, which forms the negative space between the letters "E" and "x," creates a visual figure that stands out from the background. This use of figure-ground perception helps to enhance the logo's visibility and communicate the company's fast and forward-moving nature. The "golden triangle" refers to the space on a search engine results page where users are most likely to focus their attention. It is an area in the top left corner of the page, which is highly visible and receives the most viewer engagement. Positioning strategies in marketing involve differentiating a product or service in the minds of consumers. Product class, attributes, lifestyle, and price leadership are commonly used strategies. However, attention is not typically considered a standalone positioning strategy, as it is more related to capturing consumer interest and directing it towards the positioning elements.

Learn more about  golden triangle here;


Starting one month from now, you need to withdraw $300 per month from your bank account to help cover the costs of your university education. You will continue the monthly withdrawals for the next four years. If the account pays 0.3% interest per month, how much money must you have in your bank account today to support your future needs?


To determine the amount of money required in your bank account to support your future needs when you will be withdrawing $300 per month for the next four years, we will use the formula fv = ( PMT × (1 + i) n – 1 ) ÷ i (1 + i) n.

Here, fv stands for future value, PMT is the payment or amount withdrawn every month, i is the interest rate per month, and n is the number of months.

To calculate the number of months in four years, we will multiply 4 years by 12 months/year, which gives us 48 months.

Using the formula mentioned above, we get fva = (300 × (1 + 0.003)⁴⁸ – 1 ) ÷ 0.003 (1 + 0.003)⁴⁸. Simplifying it further, we get fva = $2,466.63.

Therefore, you must have $2,466.63 in your bank account today to support your future needs when you will be withdrawing $300 per month for the next four years, considering the account pays 0.3% interest per month.

Know more about PMT here:


The current price of GAP Inc. (GPS) stock is $8.50. You have $1,000 to invest and are able to borrow $1,000 at a 6% rate of interest with excellent credit. Based on the information above, what must the price of a 1-yr forward on GAP Inc.'s (GPS) stock be so that 'No Arbitrage' holds? $8.01 $8.50 $9.01 $9.51 None of the above.


To ensure 'No Arbitrage' holds, the price of a 1-year forward on GAP Inc.'s (GPS) stock must be $8.50.

In the case of 'No Arbitrage,' the total cost of investing in the stock plus borrowing should be equal to the future value of the investment. Since we have $1,000 to invest and can borrow an additional $1,000 at a 6% interest rate, the total investment amount would be $2,000.

The future value of the investment is calculated by using the formula :

Future Value = Present Value * (1 + interest rate)^time.

In this case, the time is 1 year, and the interest rate is 0% since there is no interest on the investment itself.

Future Value = $2,000 * (1 + 0%)^1 = $2,000.

For 'No Arbitrage' to hold, the price of the 1-year forward on GPS stock must also be $2,000.

Since the forward price represents the expected future value of the stock, and we are investing $2,000, the forward price should be $2,000 as well. Given that the current stock price is $8.50, the forward price per share would be $8.50.

Therefore, the answer is $8.50.

To know more about Arbitrage, refer to the link:


would you estimate for Halliford stock? Note: Remenber that growth rate is computed as: retention rate \( \times \) rate of return. The price per share is \( \$ \quad \) (Round to the nearest cent.)


To estimate the stock price for Halliford, we need information about the retention rate and the rate of return. The growth rate can be computed as the retention rate multiplied by the rate of return.

However, the specific values for these parameters are not provided in the question, making it impossible to calculate an accurate estimate. Additionally, the price per share is mentioned but not provided, so we cannot calculate the stock price without this information.

The estimation of the stock price for Halliford requires two key inputs: the retention rate and the rate of return. The retention rate represents the portion of earnings that the company retains to reinvest in its growth. The rate of return measures the expected return on investment for the company.

To estimate the growth rate, we multiply the retention rate by the rate of return. This growth rate can then be used to project the future earnings and ultimately determine the stock price. However, since the specific values for the retention rate and the rate of return are not given, it is not possible to provide a calculated estimate.

Furthermore, the question mentions the price per share, but this information is not provided. Without knowing the current price per share, it is not possible to estimate the stock price accurately.

To estimate the stock price for Halliford, it is essential to have the retention rate, rate of return, and current price per share. With these inputs, a proper analysis can be conducted to determine the estimated stock price.

Learn more about parameters here:


Workstation A and B makes 15 parts per day and 10 parts per day respectively. What should be the economic lot size for A if it takes 1 hour for setup and the semifinished part has to be kept under certain conditions (Annually Rs. 4 per piece) before it goes to B? The operator of a workstation takes Rs. 200 per hour. The annual demand for the finished part is 20000.


the economic lot size for workstation A should be approximately 162 pieces.To determine the economic lot size for workstation A, we need to consider the setup time, holding cost, and annual demand.

Given that workstation A produces 15 parts per day, the production rate is 15 parts/day. The setup time is 1 hour.

The total production time per year for workstation A is 15 parts/day * 365 days = 5,475 parts/year.

To calculate the setup cost, we multiply the setup time by the operator's wage rate: Setup Cost = Setup Time * Operator's Wage Rate = 1 hour * Rs. 200/hour = Rs. 200.

The annual holding cost for the semifinished part is given as Rs. 4 per piece. Since we produce 5,475 parts per year, the holding cost for workstation A is 5,475 * Rs. 4 = Rs. 21,900.

The economic lot size (EOQ) can be calculated using the formula: EOQ = √((2 * Annual Demand * Setup Cost) / Holding Cost).

Plugging in the values, we get: EOQ = √((2 * 20,000 * 200) / 21,900) ≈ 161.86 (rounding up to 162 pieces).

Therefore, the economic lot size for workstation A should be approximately 162 pieces.

to learn more about annual click


Do you see any parallels between what happened at Easter Island and what's happening in the world today?
(Full credit will be given for drawing at least one clearly stated and reasoned connection for each questinon)


One connection is the potential consequences of unsustainable resource depletion. Another connection is the impact of environmental degradation on ecosystems and societies.

The first parallel between Easter Island and the world today is the issue of unsustainable resource depletion. Easter Island's inhabitants relied heavily on the island's limited resources, primarily the trees for building and transportation purposes. However, due to overexploitation and deforestation, the island's ecosystem collapsed, leading to a decline in the population and societal collapse. Similarly, in the world today, there are concerns about overexploitation of natural resources, such as deforestation, overfishing, and depletion of fossil fuels. The excessive use of these resources without considering long-term sustainability can have detrimental effects on ecosystems and human societies.

The second parallel is the impact of environmental degradation on ecosystems and societies. Easter Island's ecosystem suffered significant damage due to deforestation, which led to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and reduced agricultural productivity. This ecological disruption had direct consequences on the island's inhabitants, affecting their food supply and overall well-being. Today, the world faces similar challenges with environmental degradation, such as climate change, habitat loss, and pollution. These environmental issues have far-reaching impacts on ecosystems and societies, including threats to food security, displacement of populations, and the loss of biodiversity.

By drawing these connections, we can reflect on the importance of sustainable resource management and environmental stewardship in order to avoid the mistakes of the past and ensure a more sustainable future for both ecosystems and human societies.

Learn more about resource depletion here:


Why is it important to understand the cultural attributes of
international market before marketing your product or


Understanding cultural attributes helps tailor marketing strategies, avoid cultural misunderstandings, adapt products/services, and build positive customer relationships in international markets.

Cultural attributes encompass various elements such as language, customs, traditions, values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the mindset and preferences of a specific market. Here's why understanding cultural attributes is important:

1. Tailor Marketing Strategies: Different cultures have unique preferences, communication styles, and buying behaviors. By understanding these cultural nuances, marketers can adapt their marketing strategies to resonate with the target audience, ensuring messages are culturally appropriate and effective.

2. Avoid Cultural Misunderstandings: Cultural differences can lead to misinterpretation, offense, or misunderstanding if not recognized. Cultural sensitivity helps marketers avoid cultural faux pas, inappropriate messaging, or offensive content that can damage the brand reputation and hinder market acceptance.

3. Adapt Products/Services: Cultural insights can guide product/service adaptations to fit local preferences, tastes, or needs. Adapting packaging, design, features, or functionality can enhance product relevance and increase customer satisfaction.

4. Build Positive Customer Relationships: Demonstrating respect for local culture and values fosters trust and builds stronger relationships with customers. This can lead to brand loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and long-term success in the international market.

5. Navigate Legal and Regulatory Considerations: Cultural attributes often influence legal, ethical, and regulatory frameworks. Understanding cultural norms helps marketers navigate these complexities, ensuring compliance and avoiding legal issues.

Learn more about Culture click here


Process A has fixed costs of $2500 and variable costs of $10 per unit. Process B has fixed costs of $1000 and variable costs of $25 per unit. What is the crossover point for Process A and Process B? If we need to manufacture 75 units, which Process should we choose?

O Crossover = 200 units but we need 75 units so choose Process A

O Crossover = 200 units but we need 75 units so choose Process B

O Crossover 100 units but we need 75 units so choose Process A

O Crossover 100 units but we need 75 units so choose Process B

O Crossover is at fixed cost of $1500 for quantity of 75 units


Crossover point is the point at which the costs of two products become equal and so it is possible to choose either of them.

The formula to calculate crossover point is:Fixed cost of process A – Fixed cost of process B / (Variable cost of process B – Variable cost of process A)Given,Fixed cost of process A = $2500 Fixed cost of process B = $1000 Variable cost of process A = $10 per unit Variable cost of process B = $25 per unit Using the above formula we get.

[tex] ($2500 - $1000) / ($25 - $10) = $1500 / $15 = 100[/tex] units the crossover point for Process A and Process B is 100 units.Now, if we need to manufacture 75 units, we need to choose Process A as the variable cost of Process A is lower and hence the total cost incurred will be less.

To know more about Crossover visit:


Al is a medical doctor who conducts his practice as a sole proprietor. During 2021, he received cash of $672,400 for medical services. Of the amount collected, $43,200 was for services provided in 2020. At the end of 2021, Al had accounts receivable of $89,700, all for services rendered in 2021. In addition, at the end of the year, Al received $10,000 as an advance payment from a health maintenance organization (HMO) for services to be rendered in 2022. a. Compute Al's gross income for 2021 using the cash basis of accounting. b. Compute Al's gross income for 2021 using the accrual basis of accounting.


a. To compute Al's gross income for 2021 using the cash basis of accounting, we consider only the cash received during the year:

Cash received for medical services in 2021: $672,400

Minus: Cash received for services provided in 2020: $43,200

Gross income for 2021 (cash basis): $672,400 - $43,200 = $629,200

b. To compute Al's gross income for 2021 using the accrual basis of accounting, we consider the revenue earned during the year, regardless of when the cash is received:

Cash received for medical services in 2021: $672,400

Plus: Accounts receivable at the end of 2021 for services rendered in 2021: $89,700

Plus: Advance payment received for services to be rendered in 2022: $10,000

Gross income for 2021 (accrual basis): $672,400 + $89,700 + $10,000 = $772,100

Therefore, using the cash basis of accounting, Al's gross income for 2021 is $629,200, while using the accrual basis of accounting, his gross income for 2021 is $772,100. The accrual basis takes into account revenue earned during the year, regardless of when the cash is received, providing a more comprehensive view of Al's financial performance.

Learn more about income here


Consider the aggregate demand function,
D(EPF/PH, Y-T, I, G) = C(Y-T) + I + G + CA(EPF/PH, Y-T).
When Foreign price fell, how would the consumption, the current account and the aggregate demand change:
Increase, Decrease or No change?
Current account:
Aggregate demand:


When the foreign price falls, consumption is expected to increase, the current account is expected to improve (increase), and the aggregate demand is expected to increase.

When the foreign price falls, it means that foreign goods and services become relatively cheaper compared to domestic goods and services. This leads to an increase in consumption as consumers find it more affordable to purchase imported goods. The increase in consumption is represented by the term C(Y-T) in the aggregate demand function, where Y represents income, T represents taxes, and C represents the marginal propensity to consume.

A fall in the foreign price also improves the current account. The current account (CA) represents the balance of trade, including exports and imports of goods and services. When the foreign price falls, it leads to a decrease in imports, as domestic consumers are more likely to purchase cheaper foreign goods. This reduces the trade deficit and improves the current account.

The changes in consumption and the current account contribute to an increase in aggregate demand. Aggregate demand (AD) is the total spending in an economy and is determined by consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports. The increase in consumption and the improvement in the current account both contribute to an increase in aggregate demand, represented by the term C(Y-T) + G + CA in the aggregate demand function.

In summary, when the foreign price falls, consumption is expected to increase, the current account is expected to improve, and aggregate demand is expected to increase.

To learn more about consumption visit:


A time series has the following MA representation: y t

=∑ j=0

0.5 j
ε t−j

, where ε t

∼iidN(0,0.25) (normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 0.25 ). (a) [ 3 marks] Is {y t

} a martingale difference sequence? Justify your answer with a proof. (b) [ 3 marks ] is {y t

} stationary? Why or why not? (c) [4 marks] Derive the AR representation of {y t

}. If an AR representation does not exist, explain why not. (d) [4 marks] Compute the unconditional mean and variance of {y t

}. (e) [4 marks] Derive the autocorrelation function (ACF) of {y t

}. (f) [4 marks] Plot the ACF and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) of {y t

}. (g) Little Bob studies the following MA model instead: z t

=∑ j=0

0.5 j
ε t−2j

, where ε t

∼ iid N(0,0.25). (i) [ 2 marks] Plot the ACF and PACF of {z t

}. (ii) [4 marks] Compare and discuss how a negative shock today will have an impact on the future values of y t

and z t



To determine if {y_t} is a martingale difference sequence, we need to check if it satisfies the martingale difference property, which states that the conditional expectation of the next value.

Let's calculate the conditional expectation of y_t+1 given the information available at time t:

E[y_t+1 | y_0, y_1, ..., y_t] = E[∑(j=0 to infinity) 0.5^j ε_t+1-j | y_0, y_1, ..., y_t]

Since ε_t+1 is independent of y_t, y_t-1, ..., y_0, we can take it out of the conditional expectation:

E[y_t+1 | y_0, y_1, ..., y_t] = ∑(j=0 to infinity) 0.5^j E[ε_t+1-j | y_0, y_1, ..., y_t]

The expectation of ε_t+1-j given the information available at time t depends only on ε_t-j. Since ε_t-j is independent of y_0, y_1, ..., y_t, its expectation is 0:

E[ε_t+1-j | y_0, y_1, ..., y_t] = E[ε_t-j] = 0

Therefore, we have:

E[y_t+1 | y_0, y_1, ..., y_t] = ∑(j=0 to infinity) 0.5^j * 0 = 0

(b) To determine if {y_t} is stationary, we need to check if its mean and autocovariance are independent of time.

The mean of {y_t} is given by:

E[y_t] = E[∑(j=0 to infinity) 0.5^j ε_t-j]

Since ε_t-j ~ N(0, 0.25), its mean is 0:

E[y_t] = E[∑(j=0 to infinity) 0.5^j * 0] = 0

The variance of {y_t} is given by:

Var[y_t] = Var[∑(j=0 to infinity) 0.5^j ε_t-j]

Since ε_t-j are independent and identically distributed with variance 0.25, we can use the property Var[aX] = a^2 * Var[X]:

Var[y_t] = ∑(j=0 to infinity) (0.5^j)^2 * Var[ε_t-j] = ∑(j=0 to infinity) (0.5^j)^2 * 0.25 = 0.25 * ∑(j=0 to infinity) (0.5^j)^2

The sum ∑(j=0 to infinity) (0.5^j)^2 is a geometric series with a common ratio of (0.5^2) = 0.25, which converges:

Var[y_t] = 0.25 * ∑(j=0 to infinity) (0.5^j)^2 = 0.25 * (1 / (1 - 0.25)) = 0.25 * (1 / 0.75) = 1/3.

To learn more about martingale difference sequence follow:


Other Questions
Assume that a person's work can be classified as professional, skilled labor, or unskilled labor. Assume that of the children of professionals, 80% are professional, 10% are skilled laborers, and 10% are unskilled laborers. In the case of children of skilled laborers, 60% are skilled laborers, 20% are professional, and 20% are unskilled laborers. Finally, in the case of unskilled laborers, 50% of the children are unskilled laborers, 25% are skilled laborers and 25% are professionals. (10 points) a. Make a state diagram. b. Write a transition matrix for this situation. c. Evaluate and interpret P. d. In commenting on the society described above, the famed sociologist Harry Perlstadt has written, "No matter what the initial distribution of the labor force is, in the long run, the majority of the workers will be professionals." Based on the results of using a Markov chain to study this, is he correct? Explain. Show all of your work. 1. Find symmetric equations for the line through the points P(-1, -1, -3) and Q(2, -5, -5). 2. Find parametric equations for the line described below. The line through the point P(5, -1, -5) parallel to the vector -6i + 5j - 5k. Evaluate the integral son 4+38x dx sinh Tasha used the pattern in the table to find the value of 4 Superscript negative 4.Powers of 4Value4 squared164 Superscript 144 Superscript 014 Superscript negative 1One-fourth4 Superscript negative 2StartFraction 1 Over 16 EndFractionShe used these steps.Step 1 Find a pattern in the table.The pattern is to divide the previous value by 4 when the exponent decreases by 1.Step 2 Find the value of 4 Superscript negative 3.4 Superscript negative 3 = StartFraction 1 Over 16 EndFraction divided by 4 = StartFraction 1 Over 16 EndFraction times one-fourth = StartFraction 1 Over 64 EndFractionStep 3 Find the value of 4 Superscript negative 4.4 Superscript negative 4 = StartFraction 1 Over 64 EndFraction divided by 4 = StartFraction 1 Over 64 EndFraction times one-fourth = StartFraction 1 Over 256 EndFractionStep 4 Rewrite the value for 4 Superscript negative 4.StartFraction 1 Over 256 EndFraction = negative StartFraction 1 Over 4 Superscript negative 4 EndFraction The Green Grass Shop sells Quick Grow Fertilizer. The annual demand for the fertilizer is 270,000 pounds. The cost to order the fertilizer from Green Grass Shop is $105 per order. The annual carrying cost is $0.25 per pound. The store operates with shortages, and the annual shortage cost is $0.70 per pound. Compute the optimal order size, minimum total annual inventory cost, and maximum shortage level.OPTIMAL ORDER SIZE=MINIMUM TOTAL ANNUAL INVENTORY COST=MAXIMUM SHORTAGE LEVEL= Write the expression as a sum and/or difference of logarithms. Express powers as factors. 11/5 x -X-6 In ,X> 3 11/5 x-x-6 (x+7)3 (Simplify your answer. Type an exact answer. Use integers or fractions for any numbers in the expression.) (x+7) Suppose that there is a polluting factory whose pollution negatively affects fishers downstream. The factory can install a filter to reduce the level of pollution and the fishers can build a treatment plant. The factory and the fishermen can negotiate costlessly, and no one else is affected by the result. The profits in different circumstances is given in the table below: Scenario Factory profits Fisher profits No filter; no treatment $10,000 $2,000 plant Filter; no treatment $6,000 $10,000 plant No filter; treatment $10,000 $4,000 plant Filter; treatment plant $6,000 $6,000 a. Suppose the factory has the right to pollute the water. What is the range of values the fishers could pay them to install a filter that the factory would agree to? b. Relative to part 'a', would the fishers be better off or worse off if they had a right to clean water? Explain. Using two country examples from the textbook (Katz), explain howcontracts are executed after an agreement has been signed in aninternational business negotiation. An Accounting firm performs audits which involve four steps.Planning: gathering documents and establishing a timeline.Fieldwork: Conducting the investigation; the core phase.Reporting: Draft the financial statements and disclosures.Execute: Discuss results with the audited firm; present to the firm's Board.There is of course an audit team that is involved, but for purposes of this question let's assume that the roles are assigned to individual resource groups within the team. In other words there are "Planners" and "Fieldworkers" and "Reporters" and "Executers" with per-person capacities given below. By how much does the system capacity increase if another "Fieldworker" is hired?2 Planners (capacity of 12/yr); 3 Fieldworkers (capacity of 6/yr); 2 Reporters (capacity of 11/yr); and 3 Executers (capacity of 8/yr).Group of answer choices12.8%25%22.2%33.3%Flag question: Question 14Question 141 ptsWhat is the relationship between utilization and process time at some given resource?Group of answer choicesIf process time goes up, utilization goes up.There is no relationship.If process time goes down, utilization goes up.If process time goes up, utilization goes down.Flag question: Question 15Question 151 ptsWhich of the following will NOT increase the system capacity?Group of answer choicesCannot tell without knowing more.At the bottleneck, increase the number of processors by 50%.At a non-bottleneck, double the number of processors.At the bottleneck, cut the process time by half. Speedy Oil provides a single-server automobile oil change and lubrication service. Customers provide an arrival rate of 2.1 cars per hour. The service rate is 3.3 cars per hour. Assume that arrivals follow a Poisson probability distribution and that service times follow an exponential probability distribution. (Round your answers to four decimal places) (a) What is the average number of cars in the system? (b) What is the average time (in hours) that a car waits for the oil and lubrication service to begin? (c) What is the average time (in hours) a car spends in the system? (d) What is the probability that an arrival has to wait for service? A collection of securities is called a: portfolio. conglomerate. basket. Any of these choices are correct A company can raise money to purchase assets by: using money earned. borrowing money (issuing bonds). issuing stock. issuing bonds \& stock. all of the above. Acts (Laws passed by a government(e.g. the parliament of South Africa) in accordance with the Constitution of the country? The YTM on a 6-month $50 par value zero-coupon bond is 17.9%, and the YTM on a 1-year $100 par value zero-coupon bond is 19.9%. Furthermore, the YTM on a 1.5-year $100 par value zero-coupon bond is 21.2%, and the YTM on a 2-year $100 par value zero-coupon bond is 23.4%.These YTMs are semiannual BEYs.What would be the arbitrage-free price of a 2-year bond with the coupon rate of 20% (semiannual payments) and par value of $10,000?Assume that this bond is issued by the same company as the zero-coupon bonds.Round your answer to 2 decimal places. For example, if your answer is 25.689, please write down 25.69. 2y dA, where R is the parallelogram enclosed by the lines x-2y = 0, x2y = 4, 3x - Y 3x - y = 1, and 3x - y = 8 U X with binomial nomenclature, what two levels are included in an organism's name? Type a digit that makes this statement true. 153,80(number here) is divisible by 5. Hello I need financial plan for new coffee shopwhat will be the start up budgetproject income statementproject balance sheetcash folow forecast the cost of 10k.g price is Rs. 1557 and cost of 15 kg sugar is Rs. 1278.What will be cost of both items?Also round upto 2 significance figure? An industry consists of three firms with sales of $300,000 $450,000, and $550,000.a. Calculate the Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI).b. Calculate the four-firm concentration ratio (C4). 3. Which one of the following marketing strategies is not the core element for the existence of Entrepreneurs? A. Product B. Price C. Promotion D. Trade mark Which one of the following statements does not reflect the contribution of entrepreneurs to the society? A. Employment B. Independence 5. The ultimate goal of marketing in small business context is A Facilitating effective exchange B. Facilitating money generation C. Balanced development D. Equitable distribution of wealth C. Facilitating construction D. Facilitate globalization 6. The stage of new product development at which product prototype or sample may be developed is A. Product development C. Commercialization B. Market testing D. Equitable distribution of wealth 7. An entrepreneur's belief that his destiny is within his control and external forces will have little influence is demonstrated by one of the following characteristics A. Risk taking Internal locus of control B. Hard working D External locus of control 8. Which one of the following statements is incorrect about entrepreneur? A. Who has the ability to see and evaluate business opportunities B. Who has the ability to gather the necessary resources, to take advantage of opportunities C. Who has the ability to take risk and initiate appropriate action to ensure success D. None of the above 9. The marketing strategy that adds place and time utility is A. Product development C Pricing B. Distribution D. Promotion 10 The first step in developing a written business plan is A. Location selection B. Financial statement preparation 11. Which of the following statement is/are not a success factor for small business? A. Effective and efficient management B. Proper location, layout and size 12. From the core concepts of marketing, customer ability and willingness to buy can be represented A Need X B. Demand C. Identifying and evaluating a business idea D. All of the above C. Adequate finance D. Ambiguous objectives C Want D. Transaction & commence sites such as Amazon & Endless. Page 3.