The graph is that of a fourth-degree polynomial function. Which of the following correctly shows three factors of the function? Image included, please help!


Answer 1


Observe that the roots of polynomial are [tex]-3,2,5[/tex]

We have a polynomial in a factored form,


If you substitute x for any of [tex]-3,2,5[/tex] the product will always equal to zero that is these numbers are roots of polynomial.

Hope this helps :)

Related Questions

Round 61,565 to the
nearest hundred.




Step-by-step explanation:

the 3rd digit is the hundreds. because the digit in the 10s is greater 5, we round it up


61,600 is your answer please

True or false : There exists a function f such that f(x) <0, f'(x) > 0, and F"(x) < 0 for all x.




Step-by-step explanation:

f can never have x next to it

Please proved explanation for answer.



inverse it and do fx and gx inverse its value

What are the coordinates of A’ after a 90° counterclockwise rotation about the origin.



A' (- 1, - 5 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Under a counterclockwise rotation about the origin of 90°

a point (x, y ) → (- y, x ), then

A (- 5, 1 ) → A' (- 1, - 5 )

An account manager for a local software firm believes there is a relationship between the number of contacts and the amount of the sales. To verify this belief, the following data was collected: Salesperson Number of Contacts Sales (in millions) 1 14 24 2 12 14 3 20 28 What is the dependent variable



Amount of sales

Step-by-step explanation:

The dependent variable also called the measured or predicted variable is simply the variable obtained due to inputs in of the independent variable. It is the variable which is being measured in an experiment. Here, the test is that the number of sales depends on the number of contact. Here, the number of contacts will has an influence or determines the amount of sales, hence, the number of contacts is the independent variable while the amount of sales is the dependent variable.

Use the substitution method to solve the system of equations. Choose the
correct ordered pair.
y = 12x-8
y = 8x
A. (4, 12)
B. (5, 11)
C. (2,16)
O D. (3, 15)



C. (2,16)

Step-by-step explanation:



It might be B

Step-by-step explanation:





Your friend offers to place a bet with you. He will pay you $1 if your favorite sports team wins the game on Tuesday night. But you will pay him $3 if his team wins. Your team has an 80% chance of winning, whereas his only has a 20% chance. This bet is in your favor. True or False.


False because $1 =$1 not $3

True. The expected value of the bet is positive ($0.2),

What is probability?

Probability is defined as the possibility of an event being equal to the ratio of the number of favorable outcomes and the total number of outcomes.

Let's calculate the expected value of the bet for both outcomes:

If your team wins: You get paid $1, so the expected value is 0.8 × $1 = $0.8

If your friend's team wins: You pay $3, so the expected value is 0.2 × -$3 = -$0.6

The overall expected value of the bet is the sum of these two outcomes: $0.8 + (-$0.6) = $0.2

Since the expected value of the bet is positive ($0.2), this means that on average, you can expect to win money if you take this bet. Therefore, the bet is in your favor.

Learn more about probability here:


The length of the base of a triangle is twice it’s height. If the area of the triangle is 441 square kilometers, find the height



21 kilometers

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the height be [tex]x[/tex]. Then, the length of the base is [tex]2x[/tex]. The formula for the area is of the triangle is given by base*height/2. Therefore, the area of the triangle is equal to [tex]\frac{x \cdot 2x}{2} = x^2[/tex], which is in turn equal to 441. Since [tex]x[/tex] must be positive, then [tex]21^2=441[/tex], meaning that the height is [tex]21[/tex] kilometers.

What is the area of the shaded part of the figure?




Step-by-step explanation:




6+6+2=14 cm^2

Question 13 plz show ALL STEPS so I can learn thnx


9514 1404 393


  a) (x³ -x² +x +2) +2/(x+1)

  b) (x² +2x -5) +6/(x+3)

Step-by-step explanation:

Polynomial long division is virtually identical to numerical long division, except that the quotient term does not require any guessing. It is simply the ratio of the leading terms of the dividend and divisor. As with numerical long division, the product of the quotient term and the divisor is subtracted from the dividend to form the new dividend for the next step.

The process stops when the dividend is of lower degree than the divisor.

In part (a), you need to make sure the dividend expression has all of the powers of x present. This means terms 0x³ and 0x² must be added as placeholders in the given dividend. They will become important as the work progresses.

Internet providers: In a survey of 780 homeowners with high-speed Internet, the average monthly cost of a high-speed Internet plan was $64.22 with standard deviation S10.75. Assume the plan costs to be approximately bell-shaped. Estimate the number of plans that cost between $42.72 and $85.72. pprosimately bell-shaped. The number of plans that cost between $42.72 and $85.72 is:_________



Hence the number of plans that cost between $42.72 and $ 85.72 is

95.44 %.

Step-by-step explanation:

Now the given are

μ = $64.22.

σ = $10.75.


[tex]P\left ( 42.72 < x< 85.72 \right )=P\left ( \frac{42..72-64.22}{10.75}< \frac{x-\mu }{\sigma } < \frac{85.72-64.22}{10.75}\right )\\P\left ( 42.72 < x< 85.72 \right )= P\left ( -2.00< Z <2.00 \right )\\P\left ( 42.72 < x< 85.72 \right )= P\left (Z<2.00\right )-P\left ( Z<-2.00 \right )\\P\left ( 42.72 < x< 85.72 \right )= P\left (0.9772\right )-P\left (0.0228\right )\\Probability = 0.9544[/tex]

Probability = 95.44%.

25[tex]25^x=125^x^+^3[/tex] = 125x + 3



x = -9

Step-by-step explanation:

25^x = 125 ^(x+3)


5^2^x = 5^3^(x+3)

We know a^b^c = a^(b*c)

5^(2x) = 5^(3(x+3))

5^(2x) = 5^(3x+9)

The bases are the same so the exponents are the same

2x = 3x+9

Subtract 3x from each side

2x-3x = 3x+9-3x

-x =9

x = -9


x is -9

Step-by-step explanation:

Write an expression 9 multiplied by t




Step-by-step explanation:

That's 9 multiplied by t

The sum of two integers is -360. One of them is 60, then the other integer is


CNN can. Nxkxmcidnxixnxksnxixnxixmficocc

X^2 + bx + 49 is a perfect squad trinomial what is one possible value of b? & I need help with the others also due soon!


20. (2) 14

A perfect square trinomial will factor into two expressions that are the same, for example: x^2 + 6x + 9 = (x + 3)(x + 3). Since this problem has a C value of 49, it will factor into (x + 7)(x + 7). 7 doubled is 14, therefore one possible value of B is 7.

21. (4) 2, -12

x^2 + 10x + 25 = 24 + 25

(x + 5)^2 = 49

x + 5 = +/- 7

x = 2, -12

22. (3) 3 + sqrt(17)

x^2 - 6x = 8

Complete the Square

x^2 - 6x + 9 = 8 + 9

(x - 3)^2 = 17

x - 3 = +/- sqrt(17)

x = 3 + sqrt(17), 3 - sqrt(17)

23. (1) 1, -5

x^2 + 4x - 5 = 0

x^2 + 4x = 5

x^2 + 4x + 4 = 5 + 4

(x + 2)^2 = 9

x + 2 = +/- 3

x = 1, -5

Hope this helps!

find the solution to this system of equations x+y=1


9514 1404 393


  (x, y, z) = (1/3, 2/3, 1)

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use the first equation to write an expression for x that can be substituted into the other equations.

  x = 1 -y

  2(1 -y) -y +z = 1   ⇒   -3y +z = -1

  (1 -y) +2y +z = 8/3   ⇒   y +z = 5/3

Subtracting the first of these equations from the second gives ...

  (y +z) -(-3y +z) = (5/3) -(-1)

  4y = 8/3

  y = 2/3

  z = 5/3 -y = 1

  x = 1 -y = 1/3

The solution is (x, y, z) = (1/3, 2/3, 1).

Which of the following choices shows the complete factorization of 50?
52 • 5
2 • 25
52 • 2
None of these choices are correct.


Answer: None of these choices are correct


The factorization of 50 is 2*5^2

None is correct

Hello can anyone answer this question please I need help


9514 1404 393


maximum: 40(8/3, 8/3)

Step-by-step explanation:

The graph shows the relevant vertex of the feasible region is ...

  (x, y) = (8/3, 8/3).

The value of z there is ...

  z = 11(8/3) +4(8/3) = (88 +32)/3

  z = 40

An investor puts $800 into an account that pays 7.5% interest compounded annually. The total amount A in the account after t years is given by which function below?
A = 800(1.75) ^t
A = 800(1.075) t
A = 800(1.075)^ t
A = 800 + (1.075)^ t



A = 800( 1.075)^(t)

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation for interest is

A = p (1+r/n) ^ nt   where p is the principle, r is the interest rate, n is the number of times per year  and t is the years

A = 800( 1+ .075/1)^(1*t)

A = 800( 1.075)^(t)

Let's see

[tex]\\ \tt\leadsto A=P(1+r/n)^{nt}[/tex]

n is 1

[tex]\\ \tt\leadsto A=P(1+r)^t[/tex]

[tex]\\ \tt\leadsto A=800(1+0.075)^t[/tex]

[tex]\\ \tt\leadsto A=800(1.075)^t[/tex]

Option C

What is the different of (5-3x) and (5x-10)

a. 8x-5

b. 15-8x

c. 8x + 15

d. none of the above



15 - 8x

Step-by-step explanation:


This all depends on how you read the question. In other words, which comes first 5 - 3x or 5x - 10. It's not clear.

If you do the first one first, you get

5 - 3x - (5x - 10)         Remove the brackets.

5 - 3x - 5x + 10          Collect like terms

15 - 8x                       So that makes the middle one correct.

Now do it the other way.

5x - 10 - (5 - 3x)

5x - 10 - 5 + 3x

8x - 15

That answer isn't available here. So ..

The answer is 15 - 8x

give me examples of equivalent expressions of square root 54 with a radican of 3


Try this answer 3√54

Which expression is equivalent to 7√x^2/5√y^3? Assume y≠0



Step-by-step explanation:

If the √y³ term is in the denominator, then the expression needs to be written with parentheses:  7√x²/(5√y³)

in a class, 64 offers mathematics while 94 offers chemistry , How many will offer the both course?




Step-by-step explanation:

94-64=30 will offer the same course because the chemistry offers ocerride the mathematics offers

8 and 1/3divided by 3 and 4/7




Step-by-step explanation:

8 1/3 divided by 3 4/7

Let’s start by 8 1/3

Multiply 3 x 8 and then add 1

3 x 8 = 24 + 1 = 25

Add the denominator back


3 4/7

Multiply 7 x 3 and then add 4

7 x 3 = 21 + 4 = 25

Add the denominator back


Final Results: 25/3 & 25/7

Now we’re ready to divide!

Multiply 7 by 25

7 x 25 = 175

Multiply 3 by 25

3 x 25 = 75

Answer: 175/75

Finally Simplify

175/75 = 7/3

Final Answer: 7/3

Ravi bought 50kg rice at the rate of tk.40 per kg and sold it at the rate of tk.44 per kg. What is the percentage of profit


He paid 0.40 x 50 = 20

He sold it for 0.44 x 50 = 22

His profit was 22-20 = 2

Percentage was 2/20 = 0.10 = 10 %

Answer 10 %

in a small town in New York, we initiated a cohort study and followed 5,900 people for a mean follow-up of 2 years. At the end of the 2nd year, none of the participants was lost to follow-up. During this follow-up, we identified 600 cases of malaria. What was the cumulative incidence?
a. 10.1%
b. 10.1 per 1,000
c. 50.8%
d. 10 cases



Option A

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question we are told that:

Sample size n=5900

Number of newly developed cases No.C=600

Generally the equation for Cumulative Incidence is mathematically given by




[tex]CI= 10.1%[/tex]

Option A

A tennis coach divides her 9-player squad into three 3-player groups with each player in only one group. How many different sets of three groups can be made?




9 choose 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Proving the Single Opposite Side Pair Theorem
Given: AD = BC and AD || BC
Prove: ABCD is a parallelogram.
Angles Segments Triangles Statements Reasons
Assemble the proof by dragging tiles to
the Statements and Reasons columns.


9514 1404 393


1. AD ≅ BC, AD ║ BC . . . . given

2. ∠DAC ≅ ∠BCA . . . . alternate interior angles theorem

3. AC ≅AC . . . . reflexive property

4. ΔDAC ≅ ΔBCA . . . . SAS postulate

5. AB ≅ CD, ∠BAC ≅ ∠DCA . . . . CPCTC

6. AB ║ CD . . . . converse of alternate interior angles theorem

7. ABCD is a parallelogram . . . . definition of a parallelogram (has 2 pairs of parallel & congruent sides)


We don't know what your tiles/choices are for statements or reasons. We have shown the triangles are congruent, so their corresponding parts (sides/angles) are congruent. That lets us claim opposite sides are congruent and  parallel. YMMV


Picture Down Below

Step-by-step explanation:

solve for "X" where x±4=12​



x = 8, 16

Step-by-step explanation:

x + 4 = 12

x = 12- 4

x = 8

x - 4 = 12

x = 12 + 4

x = 16

I hope this can help you

find the product using suitable product 854×102 step by step explanation​




Step-by-step explanation:

854 x 102

= 854 x ( 100 + 2 )

= 854 ( 100 ) + 854 ( 2 )

= 85400 + 1708

= 87108


102 x

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