The human heart weighs how many pounds


Answer 1

After careful consideration your answer is...

Just about 1 pound

*Hope I helped*


Answer 2

1 lb (pound)


it is the answer.

Related Questions

1.A virus mutates, and therefore it has which of the following traits of living things?(1 point)

It uses energy

It evolves.

It grows and develops.

It is made of cells.

2.Compare a virus to a unicellular organism.(1 point)

Viruses reproduce through asexual reproduction; unicellular organisms need a host cell.

Neither unicellular organisms nor viruses respond to stimuli.

Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer; viruses have a protein coat.

Viruses need energy; unicellular organisms do not need energy.

3.Summarize the lytic cycle.(1 point)

A virus copies its genetic material and then splits its cell membranes in half to form identical viruses.

A virus lays eggs on the host cell’s protein coat, which then hatch and move on to infect other cells.

The viral DNA incorporates itself with the host cell’s and replicates whenever the host cell replicates itself.

A virus injects its genetic material into the host cell, copies itself, and then forms new viruses that burst out of the host cell.

4.Differentiate between the lysogenic and lytic cycles.(1 point)

The host cell copies its own DNA during the lytic cycle.

The host cell is destroyed during the lytic cycle.

The virus injects DNA into the host cell during the lysogenic cycle.

Viral proteins are synthesized during the lysogenic cycle.

5.Infer why doctors recommend people, especially elderly and those with weak immune systems, get the flu vaccine every year.(1 point)

They should get the flu vaccine because viruses mutate.

They should get the flu vaccine because their bodies already have a resistance.

They should get the flu vaccine because viruses do not mutate.

They should get the flu vaccine because their bodies do not build up resistance.

Please i really need help



1. It grows and develops

2.  Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer; viruses have a protein coat.

3. A virus injects its genetic material into the host cell, copies itself, and then forms new viruses that burst out of the host cell.

4. The host cell is destroyed during the lytic cycle.

5. They should get the flu vaccine because their bodies do not build up resistance.


These are the answers I chose from when i did it  10 minutes ago, they wont let me go back to the quick check to confirm it, but this was the best I could do.

The trait of living things that's depicted by a virus that mutates is that it evolves.

The difference between a virus and a unicellular organism is that Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer; viruses have a protein coat.

The lytic cycle is when a virus injects its genetic material into the host cell, copies itself, and then forms new viruses that burst out of the host cell.

The difference between the lysogenic cycle and the lytic cycles is that the host cell is destroyed during the lytic cycle.

The reason why doctors recommend people, especially the elderly and those with weak immune systems, get the flu vaccine every year is because they should get the flu vaccine because viruses mutate.

It should be noted that when a virus mutates, it shows its ability to evolve. In such a case, there's transformation and development regarding the virus.

People are advised to get the flu vaccine every year because viruses mutate. In this case, getting the flu vaccine will help protect the person from the virus.

Getting a flu vaccine is vital especially for the people that have a low immune system as well as for the older people who are already weak.

In conclusion, the correct options are B, C, D, B, and A.

Read related link on:

An organism and its taxonomic key are shown below.

An image of an organism is shown. The organism has two body regions with four legs on each side. 3 mm is written next to the image of the organism. There are no claw-like pinchers.

Taxonomic Key
Step Characteristic Organism
1 8 legs Go to step 2.
More than 8 legs Go to step 3.
2 One body region Go to step 4.
Two body regions Go to step 5.
3 One pair of legs on each body segment Centipede
Two pairs of legs on each body segment Millipede
4 Less than 1 millimeter long Mite
More than 1 millimeter long Tick
5 Claw-like pinchers Go to step 6.
No claw-like pinchers Spider
6 Long tail with a stinger Scorpion
No tail or stinger Pseudoscorpion

Which organism is shown in the image?


spider has no tail and has no stinger

Answer: its a spider

Explanation: cause it case a legs and it has two body regions

Ans:using a filament of spirogyra in a laboratory Demonstrate how plasmolysi wil occur​



plasmolysis is the shrinkage of protoplast from the cell wall under the influence of a hypertonic solution.this can be observed by placing the fresh filament of spirogyra in a 10% solution of common salt.the cell undergoes exomosis.

I hope this helps

How are mitosis and binary fission similar?
A. They produce identical daughter cells.
B. They occur only in prokaryotes.
C. They involve division of nuclei as well as cytoplasm.
D. They occur only during sexual reproduction.



They produce identical daughter cells.

Plz answer this. I miss typed it as advanced placement.​



option 1



a and R

are correct


Which type of graph could be easily converted into a pie chart?



bar graph can be easily converted to pie chart

for fun

if you had to choose what animal would you be^-^



Husky. Why not?


Which of the following statements are true about antibodies?
A. Polyclonal antibodies are part of the natural immune response; monoclonal antibodies are clones of plasma cells used for medical research.
B. Polyclonal antibodies are used for the treatment of cancer; monoclonal antibodies are used for medical research.
C. Monoclonal antibodies work against many types of antigens; polyclonal antibodies work against a specific antigen.
D. Both Polyclonal and Monoclonal antibodies are naturally produced in immune responses.



The answer are A and D.



Antibodies are immunoglobulin produced in the body by B cells to help i

For immune response or fight against any foreign invade in the body.

There are two common classification of antibodies and these are;

1. Monoclonal antibodies are produced in the laboratory that can help to restore and improve the immune system against cancer attack.

They bind to the antigens and are many on the surface of cancerous cells than normal cells. They are use for medical research.

2. POLYCLONAL ANTIBODIES are produced by different B cells the body. They are produced from heterogeneous molecules in live animals. They can bind to numerous antigens. They are part of the natural immune response of the animals. They are produced by injecting the animal with immunogen.

Therefore, Polyclonal antibodies are part of the natural immune response; monoclonal antibodies are clones of plasma cells used for medical research.

Both Polyclonal and Monoclonal antibodies are naturally produced in immune responses




why do solvents particles flow into the cell when the initial volume is below 50%



because of it's lower concentration

Lower concentration

5. What are hyphae made of?


Answer:Hyphae are the feathery filaments that make up multicellular fungi. They release enzymes and absorb nutrients from a food source. Hyphae have a firm cell wall made of chitin.



They are made of the feathery filaments that make up multicellular fungi

2.1explain the body's hormonal response to dehydration​



Vasopressin, a hormon is secreted by pituitary gland which is response to dehydration , causes kidney to excrete less water.

The body's hormonal response to the dehydration is the action of vasopressin in the kidney. The vasopressin decrease the work of the kidney and it leads to decrease the amount of water secreted by the kidney to save water in the body.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is a condition where there is less water present in the body. There are many reasons of dehydration, like drinking less water or diarrhea. All reactions of the body work by water. So loss of water severely affect the body.

The hormonal response to dehydration is the release of vasopressin by the pituitary gland of the body. The vasopressin saves water from the body to help body fighting with dehydration.  It makes the kidney to filter less water.

Thus, the activation of vasopressin in the kidney causes the body's hormonal reaction to dehydration. Vasopressin lessens the kidney's workload, which causes a reduction in the amount of water the kidney secretes to conserve the body's water supply.

To learn more about dehydration, refer to the link:


While the average human is able to hold his or her breath for approximately one minute, a whale can dive for over 30 minutes without returning to the surface. Which of the following correctly describes this difference?

Whales need less energy than humans.
Whales gather energy from their environment better than humans.
Whales are more efficient at gas exchange than humans which helps them conserve energy.
Whales have cells that produce energy differently than humans.


The answer is: “Whales are more efficient at gas exchange than humans which helps them conserve energy.”

Elodea is a plant that lives in water. Like all plants, elodea can make its own food through
process called photosynthesis. Oxygen gas is also produced during photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis can only happen in the presence of light. To measure the rate of
photosynthesis, a piece of elodea can be placed in an inverted test tube filled with a
sodium bicarbonate solution. Oxygen gas produced by photosynthesis will collect at the
top of the test tube.
A student has designed an experiment using elodea plants. The experimental setup is
shown in Figure 1-4
Which of the setups would serve as the control of the experiment?
Flashlight High


The controlled variable is kept constant during the whole experiment in all the different study groups. In this experiment, Sodium  bicarbonate  solution is the controlled variable.


During an experiment, the controlled variables are kept constant in the control groups and the experimental groups. Unlike the independent variable, the controlled variables do not influence the results. These variables do not affect the response of the dependent variable.  

In this experiment,

The independent variable → presence/absence of light reaching the plant. The researcher regulates the amount of light by using different elements such as the bucket, lamp, flashlight, and natural light. The dependent variable → oxygen production through which the researcher measures the photosynthesis rate. The controlled variableSodium  bicarbonate  solution. It provides carbon dioxyde, and must be constant in the four scenarios to avoid an effect on the results.      


Related link:

For the numbered steps below, select the option that places them in the correct order. 1) The ribosome binds to the mRNA and uses tRNAs to translate mRNA into the corresponding amino acid polypeptide sequence. 2) The spliceosome removes introns. 3) The primary structure of the polypeptide chain undergoes hierarchical foldings to form the tertiary structure. 4) RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region of a gene and initiates transcription.



first 4, then 2, then 1, and lastly 3


First, RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region of a gene on the DNA and initiates transcription. Transcription is the process by which we get mRNA (coding RNA) which is used as a template for protein synthesis. Then, in transcription, the resulting mRNA undergoes modification and maturation. This  involves removal of introns, addition of 3'-poly-A tail and 5'-cap. Introns are sequences that do not code for protein and are hence removed. The structure that removes introns is the spliceosome. Thirdly, mature mRNA travels to the cytoplasm. Ribosome (composed of rRNA) binds to mRNA and tRNA to start the process of protein synthesis. The process of formation of protein is called translation. Lastly, the primary structure of protein may undergo folding to form a tertiary structure.

Which statements describe the synapse? Select all that apply.

It carries information through electrical impulses to the cell body.
It is part of the neuron.
It ensures that information travels in one direction only.
It carries information through chemical impulses to the cell body.
It is the gap between neurons.
It ensures that information travels in multiple directions.




Synapse, also called neuronal junction,  its carries   of information through electric nerve impulses between two nerve cells (neuron)  or between a neuron and a gland or muscle cell (effector).






I just took the quiz on edge

Which of the following is true of living things that have prokaryotic cells when compared to living things that have eukaryotic cells?
They have many types of organelles.
They are types of plants.
O They are always larger than eukaryotic organisms.
They are always unicellular.



the answer is the last one, they are always unicellular


The founder effect occurs when Multiple Choice large groups of individuals leave their home population and establish new settlements, mating only among themselves. small groups of individuals leave their home population and establish new settlements, mating only among themselves. many members of a population die, resulting in a great loss of genetic diversity. many members of a population reproduce causing too much genetic diversity within the population. small groups of individuals leave their home population and join established settlements, and mating with natives.


Answer: small groups of individuals leave their home population and establish new settlements, mating only among themselves.


The founder effect is what happens when a small group of individuals leave their home population in order to establish new settlements. They will then mate only amongst themselves and colonize the area without mixing with the natives.

As a result of the founder effect, there is less genetic variation in the new population than in the home one because the smaller number of individuals who left would not possibly be able to carry all the genes in the home population. The only genes that would be passed on are those of the small individuals.

The celiac ganglion ________. Group of answer choices is located near the base of the superior mesenteric artery arises from the greater splanchnic nerve projects postganglionic fibers that innervate the small intestine and the kidney and urinary bladder arises from the lesser splanchnic nerve arises from the lumbar splanchnic nerve



The correct answer is ''arises from the greater splanchnic nerve''


The greater splanchnic nerve or great adrenal nerve, originates in the thoracic sympathetic chain from vertebral levels T5 to T9 (T10). It runs over the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae and as it descends it becomes more anterior. It enters the abdomen crossing the diaphragmatic pillar and ends at the celiac plexus. The upper part of each celiac ganglion continues with the greater splanchnic nerve. The collateral or prevertebral ganglia innervate the abdominal and pelvic organs and viscera. The celiac ganglion receives preganglionic fibers from T5 to T12 and innervates the stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, small intestine, spleen, and kidneys.

Structure of DNA:
Question 6
What is the function of DNA?
Select one:

To encode instructions for traits.

To help the cell move.

To store energy for the cell.

To protect the cell.



My friend, the answer is to encode instructions for traits.

what is photosynthesis?​


the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.


the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide,water and minerals

What causes an ionic bond to form between sodium and chlorine?



The loss of an electron

Explanation:When sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) are combined, the sodium atoms each lose an electron, forming cations (Na+), and the chlorine atoms each gain an electron to form anions (Cl−


"Sodium has 1 electron in its outermost shell, and chlorine has 7 electrons. ... If sodium can transfer it's "spare" electron to chlorine, both atoms will satisfy their full outer shell requirements, and an ionic bond will be formed."


3. Which of the following most accurately represents the various feeding relationships within an ecosystem?
O A. A biomass pyramid
O B. A food chain
O C. A feeding diagram
OD. A food web



B- A food chain


This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful

list and explain the advantages of 5 farming systems


Which process allows a bacterium to take DNA from its environment and add it to its own genome?



b transformation


In transformation, a bacterium takes up a piece of DNA floating in its environment. In transduction, DNA is accidentally moved from one bacterium to another by a virus. In conjugation, DNA is transferred between bacteria through a tube between cells.

Which molecules in your body do
not contain carbon atoms?
Genes, which are made of DNA


I'm pretty sure its water

0.3 Product Ticket: CER

Use the text to identify the sentences with evidence that matches the claim.

Claim 1 --> Tropical rainforests contain more biodiversity than all other biomes.

1) Biodiversity refers to the total number of different species of all kinds living in an area.

2) Tropical rainforests have many of the climate characteristics that organisms of different species need to grow, such as warm temperatures, plenty of rain, and many food sources.

3) There are large amounts of daily sunlight, which provides a great deal of energy to a variety of rainforest organisms.

4) Surprisingly, rain forest soil is very poor.

5) Due to the large amounts of rainfall, nutrients are leached out of the soil quickly.

6) Warm temperatures cause dead organisms to decay quickly, and the nutrients are then used by many different plants.

1, 2, 5
1, 2, 5

1, 3, 4
1, 3, 4

2, 3, 6
2, 3, 6

1, 4, 5






Which of the following is the primary method of controlling citrus canker?

quarantine and destruction of infected plants

treatment with fungicides

genetic modification of plant stock

treatment with herbicides



genetic modification of plant stock

An ecosystem experiences a loss of denitrifying prokaryotes. Will this loss affect the health of the ecosystem?


yes it will, it will ruin the food chain

ASAP Determine whether the statement is true or false and why. “We have discovered a series of humanoid fossils that are similar to humans, but not human. Each of these humanoid species dates to a different period in time becoming more human-like the closer to the present they are, showing a clear evolution into humans.”
A. False, it should read “We have discovered no series of humanoid fossils that are similar to humans, showing a clear lack of any transitional fossils as evidence of human evolution”
B. True
C. False, it should read “We have discovered a series of humanoid fossils that are similar to humans, but not human. Each of these humanoid species dates to a different period in time becoming less human-like the closer to the present they are, showing a clear evolution away from humans.”
D. False, it should read “We have discovered a series of humanoid fossils that are similar to humans, but not human. Each of these humanoid species dates to the same period in time, showing that many human-like species existed at once, but all went extinct.”


The statement is true.

Human evolution is a scientific term that refers to the process of biological evolution of the human species from its ancestors to the present.

The current knowledge of human evolution is the result of the convergence of various sciences such as:

Genetics.Physical anthropology.Paleontology.Geochronology.Archeology.Linguistics.

The results of various studies relate the current human species as a result of multiple evolutionary processes of hominimus species, ardipithecus, australopithecus, and homo that through time improved different aspects until reaching the human species that exists today.

According to the above, what is described in the fragment presented is true because it presents a correct version of what happened in human evolution. Meanwhile, options A, C and D are incorrect because they do not present correct information regarding human evolution.

Learn more in:

If the results of an experiment are considered valid they will? A. Give the same nontestable results B. Give The same outcome when repeated C. Give different outcomes in different parts of the world D. give different results from repeated by different scientist




If it's valid, then it has substantial evidence to back up the results, which will  be the same over and over again.

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