The Incas developed a record-keeping system using

shells and beads on strings.
knots and designs in strings.
writing and pictographs.
numbers and calculations


Answer 1


The Incas developed a record-keeping system using knots and designs in strings.


BTW .... They're called quipu.  Now you know.  :-)

Answer 2

Answer: b-knots and designs in strings.

Explanation: just did the test much love byee

Related Questions

Where is Dublin, the capital city of ireland?


Dublin, the capital of Ireland, is located on the east coast in the province of Leinster.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

can u help me plz asap
plz plz
i will give brainliest u


Answer: You want to be a doctor. Make sure you be very specific and detailed, ok?


Will be doing: I'm a doctor, I specifically work for the lower rank emergency.

Will still want to do: I really hope to be higer ranked one day.

Will have done: I went through my med school with flying colors. I tried hard to my top of my classes.

Won't have done: Unfortunately, my first plan as a lawyer didnt make the cut. I went for the second best option!

Match each group discussion strategy with a description of how to use it. Think carefully about what you want to say and say what you mean. Work collaboratively with group members toward a common goal. Use exact language and provide examples to support your points. Make eye contact with group members and ask thoughtful questions. Be clear. arrowRight Listen carefully. arrowRight Speak deliberately. arrowRight Be a team player. arrowRight



Think carefully about what you want to say and say what you mean. ⇒ Speak deliberately

Work collaboratively with group members toward a common goal. ⇒ Be a team player

Use exact language and provide examples to support your points. ⇒ Be clear

Make eye contact with group members and ask thoughtful questions. ⇒ Listen carefully

Ok people listen.........
We are just like tacos......
We all fall apart every now and then.


Hiiiii? Is there something you need to know? If so please edit your question or tell me! I’d be happy to help. Have a nice day!

we spoke English (into negative)



We don't speak English.

In addition to the destruction of their habitat, lemurs are threatened by



folk beliefs..............................

8. In an outline, the relationship of topics and subtopics is shown through the use of
O A. Roman numerals only.
O B. indentation.
O C. spacing.
O D. parallel construction.


In an outline, the relationship of topics and subtopics is shown through the use of: C. Spacing.

In an outline, the topics are shown in bold and are followed by subtopics which are subjects that can be discussed under the topics. Spacing is a useful way of separating the topics from the subtopics.

When the topics are written boldly, a space is given before the subtopics are inserted.

Learn more about outline here:

why did abe decided to look after the injured dog​



because the dog is injured and he want to help the dog


Ch and ch name is not given plz give it then we will answer the question from any chapter and story


Hope it helps



write a letter to editor about garbage management in your locality?​



The Editor

The Hindu

Worli West


Subject: The menace of garbage heaps


I write to you to express my deep anguish over the problem of garbage heaps lying unmanaged and uncleaned for many days in our locality. The municipality’s apathy to timely clean these heaps is responsible for this.

Mumbai is the financial capital of India; lots of tourists from other states as well as foreign countries visit it. These heaps of garbage near residential colonies and near roads leave a bad impact on them. These garbage heaps are a source of noxious stink and spreading of so many diseases.  

There is another problem of mismanagement of garbage.  Quite frequently the garbage man collects garbage of the colony and burns it near the park. This burning causes lots of inconvenience to the people living near the park.

This garbage has lots of plastic and other dangerous substances in it. When these substances are burnt toxic gases such as nitrogen oxide, heavy metals, particulates, and dioxin are released into the atmosphere. These pose a serious threat to the health of residents, especially the children and the elderly. Through the columns of your esteemed daily I appeal to people and concerned authorities to look into the matter and take implement some stricter laws to speedy disposal of the garbage heaps. The municipality must introduce proper and scientific garbage management system. Looking forward to your cooperation in this regard.

Yours truly,



What can descriptive details help a reader understand? Check all that apply.
what something looks like
what something smells like
how something sounds
how a word is spelled
what something feels like


what something looks likewhat something soundswhat something feels like

Read the excerpt from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Yet Arthur would not eat until they were all served. He seemed full of the joy of youth, almost a boy. He was happy with his life; he cared little For lying in bed or sitting still for a long time, His young blood so stirred him and his wild brain. And there was a custom, besides, that he meant to keep, That he had assumed in his noble way: he would not eat On such a holiday until he had been told A tale all new of some wonderful event . . . Which textual evidence best supports the conclusion that Arthur respects tradition


Answer: And there was a custom, besides, that he meant to keep, That he had assumed in his noble way.


From the excerpt, Arthur would not eat until everyone else were served. He was full or the joy of youth and he also kept to a custom which he had assumed in his noble way as he would not eat on such a holiday until when he had been told a new tale of some wonderful events.

The textual evidence best supports the conclusion that Arthur respects tradition is that "And there was a custom, besides, that he meant to keep, That he had assumed in his noble way


Read the excerpt from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Yet Arthur would not eat until they were all served.  

He seemed full of the joy of youth, almost a boy.

He was happy with his life; he cared little  

For lying in bed or sitting still for a long time,  

His young blood so stirred him and his wild brain.  

And there was a custom, besides, that he meant to keep,  

That he had assumed in his noble way: he would not eat  

On such a holiday until he had been told  

A tale all new of some wonderful event . . .


Which textual evidence best supports the conclusion that Arthur respects tradition?

He seemed full of the joy of youth, almost a boy. He was happy with his life; he cared little For lying in bed or sitting still for a long time His young blood so stirred him and his wild brain. And there was a custom, besides, that he meant to keep, That he had assumed in his noble way <<<--- Correct


Edge 2021

Summarize the central ideas of the article on the lines below in no more than two sentences. Article : Freud’s Theory of the ID, Ego, and Superego


Hi. Unfortunately you didn't show the lines for which you need to know the central idea. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

By searching for your question on the internet, I was able to access the article you are referring to. In general, we can state that the central idea of ​​this article is to show how Freud researched and presented how the human mind and the behaviors that human beings have are managed and influenced by the components of the subconscious, which are known as ID, Ego, and Superego.

It is possible to recognize the central idea of ​​a text, identifying the main subject that this text wants to present. In this case, in order for you to discover the core idea of ​​the lines your question refers to, you will need to read those lines and find out the main subject they are addressing. This subject will be directly related to the central idea of ​​the complete text, presented in the paragraph above, since the entire text must be coherent and address related subjects.

What is the best way to describe “later” in the following sentence? “He returned later that day”


Late that day. He returned late
So late

Answer: C


A when adverb modifying an adverb

One who tricks other is bound to get tricked





i mean there was
no lie……..

What does the phrase "dying, forlorn, in dreary sorrow" in the
last stanza of "March Evening" suggest?
O The storm that has been raging all day is finally over.
O The last rays of the setting sun show in a gray sky.
O The speaker is sad that the day is coming to an end.
O Day, weary of the bad weather, is feeling depressed.



B. In the last stanza, the day is described as "sinking down" two lines afterword, which suggests the sun is setting as the sky turns dark.


Amy Lowell's sonnet begins with the speaker presenting a picture of a life that is full of monotony and drudgery. Her days are shapeless and covered in dust.

What does the phrase dying, forlorn, in dreary sorrow in thelast stanza of March Evening suggest?

The correct answer is option B.

The last rays of the setting sun show in a gray sky.

This straightforward sonnet by Amy Lowell is loaded with shrewdness. The poetess talks about the abundance that is concealed in each and everything of nature.

This abundance can be maintained assuming we adhere to the laws of nature.

The verse is about admiration and love for the artist's dearest sweetheart. Lowell compares the goddess of beauty, sky, to her cherished. Portraying them both as exceptionally attractive and extremely beautiful.

Blue through the window consumes the dusk heavy, through trees, blows the warm south wind. Shimmering, against the chill, gray bay window, wet, black branches are barred and laced this symbolise the beauty of nature and beauty of sky.

Therefore, correct answer is option B.

For more information, refer the following link:


Write a two-paragraph objective summary of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow
Wallpaper." Identify a theme of the story and explore how characterization and setting
develop that theme. One paragraph will be about character and the other
paragraph will be about setting, but both paragraphs must be about the same theme. Your
story should include the following elements:
Two paragraphs, each about a different detail (character or setting) that shows the theme
Objective summaries that emphasize details related to each paragraph topic
Clear, formal, academic language that shows your professionalism



    According to "The Yellow Wallpaper," a person's labor and self-expression can assist overcome a difficulty while failing to do so might aggravate the situation. Throughout the novel, the main heroine discreetly writes in a journal without telling her spouse. Her spouse, a doctor, advises her to relax and avoid activities in order to recover from her depressive disorder. As she is unable to accomplish what she wants, her mind wanders to the awful yellow background and the imprisoned lady. His objection to her writing worsens her mental state until he faints when he realizes the degree of her craziness.

  When it comes to the fundamental subject of labor and self-expression, the location of the narrative plays a major role. The narrative is set in a tiny room with bars on the windows and dirty yellow wallpaper, which contributes to the narrator's despair and mental decline. This leads her to believe that a lady is trapped behind the wallpaper. She rips the paper to liberate the woman. The narrator feels she is the imprisoned lady, locked in the wallpaper, crawling about the room.


I hope this is helpful, and remember that as long as you try, you will never fail.

8. We are now facing the possible________ of several rare species.
a. danger b. variety c. existence d. disappearance
9. Music can be used to express one’s ____________
a. friends b. friendly c. befriend d. friendship
10. Music plays a very important ________________ in our life.
a. part b. section c. area d. field
11. Folk music ________________ babies to sleep.
a. makes b. wakes c. lulls d. lets
12. __________ is traditional music from a particular country, region, or community.
a. Blues b. Classical music c. Folk music d. Jazz
13. As a nurse I learned to control my ............................
a. hopes b. emotions c. abilities d. thoughts
14. He's really delighted with his new CD player.
a. pleased b. angry c. entertained d. annoyed
15. She usually had a smile on her face, but now she looks..................
a. cheerful b. joyful c. solemn d. delightful
16. We haven't had any _______________ with him for several years.
a. communication b. expression c. excitement d. entertainment
17. I haven’t been to the cinema for a decade.
a. five years b. seven years c. ten years d. twenty years
18. The number of people who went to see that film increased rapidly.
a. gradually b. uncontrollably c. suddenly d. quickly
19. I ______________ thrillers to action films.
a. like b. would rather c. prefer d. enjoy
20. The film Titanic is about the sinking of a luxury liner.
a. boat b. ship c. submarine d. ferry
21. My sister is terrified of spiders.
a. fond b. jealous c. proud d. frightened
22. I wonder who painted the _____________ for the play.
a. scene b. view c. background d. scenery
23. The main ______________ is played by Nicole Kidman.
a. actress b. character c. director d. film maker
24. The film is ___________ the 1940s, during the Second World War.
a. made for b. based on c. set in d. occurred in
25. The international football __________ is held every four years.
a. tournament b. match c. game d. contest
26. FIFA was ____________ in 1904 in England.
a. set up b. put up c. put off d. set off
27. Germany was the ____________ nation of the 2006 World Cup final.
a. held b. host c. house d. hold
28. Uruguay _______________ Argentina in the final match of the first World Cup.
a. passed b. defeated c. wined d. managed
29. Brazil became the first team to ______________ the trophy five times.
a. win b. succeed c. beat d. bite
30. How many countries took part in the first World Cup?
a. interested b. participated c. competed d. cooperated
31. 'Look outside. ........... sky is getting very dark.'
a. A b. The c. θ d. An
32. I'd like to invite him to ........... dinner next week if that's OK with.
a. a b. the c. θ d. an
33. 'I'm going out for a walk. Have you seen my shoes?' 'Yes, they're on ............ floor in .......... kitchen.'
a. a/ the b. the/ the c. a / a d. the/ a
34. 'Would you like .............. ice cream? There's one in ....... fridge.' 'Thanks.'
a. an/ the b. an/ a c. θ / the d. a/ the
35. Don't forget we're meeting on ............ Friday for ............ lunch


Sorry I don’t know this answer??
Ten years
Based on
Put up
C option
Option C.
None needed
12. Folk music
13. Emotions

The man behaved foolishly towards his chicken.--> The man had a ...................

That young man is very generous. He always helps the poor, the old and the handicapped. (enough) --> That young man.........

Our close friend, Tuan Minh usually told us his joke. --> Our close friend, Tuan Minh used ......



The man had a chicken towards whom he behaved foolishly.

That young man who always helps the poor, the old, and the handicapped is a very generous man.

Our close friend, Tuan Minh used to tell us jokes usually.

write a paragraph about how people in your family share housework



"Many hands make light work" mean if everyone do a little bit, the work will less harder. My family aware how difficult to do all the housework alone so we are always have a well cooperation in doing household chores. So everybody in a family has to do housework together. Although we are busy every day, we split the household chores equally.

My dad is the strongest person in the house, so his responsibility includes washes the motorbike, repaints things and does the heavy lifting. My mom teaches in a school in the afternoon, so in the morning she usually cleans the floor, irons the clothes, shops for grocery and does the cooking. In the evening she cooks dinner and cleans the kitchen. But sometimes, he disputes my mother’s cooking. Because he said that he didn’t like the dishes were cooked by my mom. But my mom doesn’t like it because my dad always messy when he is in the kitchen so they always dispute at lunch time and dinner time. This problem makes me tired. In my daily routine, I sweep and clean the floor, hang on the clothes and iron them. I also shower and feed the dog. Whenever I have problem with difficult assignments, doing housework will help me reduce stress. So I really enjoy do household chores.

You can see my family sharing the housework equally. Therefore, on weekend, we have time to hang out and eat out together. I think it is very meaningful and fun after a week with busy and pressure .We love each other very much and expect to live together under the same roof forever. I feel very happy to be alive in my family.

hope it helps



Since my dad is the strongest person in the house, so his responsibility includes washes the motorbike, repaints things and does the heavy lifting. My mom teaches in a school in the afternoon, so in the morning she usually cleans the floor, irons the clothes, shops for grocery and does the cooking. In the evening she cooks dinner and cleans the kitchen. But sometimes, he disputes my mother’s cooking. Because he said that he didn’t like the dishes were cooked by my mom. But my mom doesn’t like it because my dad always messy when he is in the kitchen so they always dispute at lunch time and dinner time. This problem makes me tired. In my daily routine, I sweep and clean the floor, hang on the clothes and iron them. I also shower and feed the dog. Whenever I have problem with difficult assignments, doing housework will help me reduce stress. So I really enjoy do household chores.

Nam is interested _________ English and Physics
A. to
B. for
C. at



The answer is D


I dont know how I know

B because of how you say it

Learning Objective: I will be able to clearly communicate the emotional or
mental growth I experienced through writing a personal narrative rough draft.
Directions: For this assignment, you will be combining your work from assignments 12
and 13, then editing them further to make your essay stronger. For each different part of
this assignment, there are criteria in the right column that are there to guide you what
the requirements are to receive full credit
Minimum of 400 words, Maximum of 470 words.
• All criteria must be answered thoroughly using your own words,
The most important criteria is that you clearly show how you grew or
what you learned from your experience.





frnd 1 advice plz

plz don't answer sweg69 cause he know all the answer and checking us wether we know it or not and at last sayin our answer is wrong and reporting it so plz don't answer him


Seems like a good way to learn if you really are right.

The story told in Around the World in Eighty Days is set the year 1873. It is about a man who makes a bet that he can travel around the world in eighty days.

How does the historical time period influence the events in the passage? Use evidence from the text ("around the world in 80 days", Jules Verne) to support your response. Your response should be at least two complete paragraphs.


Answer: The historical period influences the events in the passage because of the technology in 1873. Back then there were limited methods of quick and efficient transportation, like trains. When they were at the end of the train tracks and had to depart from the train they had to discover another method of moving across places.

They find an elephant and use it as a method of transportation. This shows that they had a limited amount of quick transportation. Using an elephant is better than walking, but compared to today's advancements in transportation, would be very dangerous and slow.

Explanation: You can model your answer like this, but don't plagiarize. Plagiarism is very unfair to those who completed the work only to have someone else pass it as their own.

What part of the word "geology” is the word root?






Geo is the root of the word geology, which has to do with the ground or Earth.

Geography is the study of the ground in a way.


The word "geology” is the word root of Geo word. So, the correct option is B.

What is Root word?

An unmodified core word is referred to as a root word. The most fundamental component of a word is its root, which lacks any prefixes or suffixes. For instance, "shape" is the root word just at core of "conformity." In linguistics, a root word contains a term's most fundamental meaning. We can alter the meaning of a root word by adding prefixes and suffixes.

A root word is a fundamental word that affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are added to create new words from. The root word also functions as a separate word. For instance, the suffix -ly with the word love combine to form the word lovely. The word "geology” is the word root of Geo word.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Root word, here:


Compare Ernest Thayer's "Casey at the bat" to a typical prose story. What differences and similarities do you notice in the development of the plot?How does the pacing of the story in the poem change before and while Casey is at the plate?



    Ernest Lawrence Thayer wrote the poem "Casey at the Bat: A Ballad of the Republic Sung 1h 1888." The narrative takes place at the conclusion of an inning in a baseball game.

    The poem resembles a prose tale in its clarity and dramatic aspect. The poem captures the anticipation, excitement, and drama of professional sports, as well as the reaction of the spectators who, for a little period in that stadium, abandon their daily routines and jobs in order to see their hero fulfill their goals.

    Baseball is a game that truly defines America and its people, as seen in the poem, which is written in a straightforward manner with four-line verses and a rhythmical structure that makes it seem like a ballad.

Chọn dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
Many people like to be _ and rich (fame)


Many people like to be famous and rich


Many people like to be ...........famous................(fame) and rich.


Fame and famous have the same meaning, so I guess the answer is fine.

1. A year has twelve months
There are.....................................................................................................................


The twelve months are:
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

How does satire create meaning in this cartoon?



The expressions on the turkeys' faces make it clear that they are not happy with their situation.

why Should certain books be banned from schools and libraries



Banned books often deal with subjects that are realistic, timely, and topical.

Cuales son las 3 ideas mas importantes de la imagen



can you scrap metal and it is

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