The liquid is being heated.
Marion measured the volume of the liquid at the start and the end of the Marion experiment.
Do you think there was less, more or the same volume of liquid at the end as there was at the beginning?
Give a reason for your answer.


Answer 1

there should be less liquid at the end of the experiment since heating liquid is an endothermic process, and endothermic processes typically break the bonds between liquids. The applied heat would soon break the bonds that hold the molecules of the liquid together, and evaporation would occur once the temperature is hot enough. Thus, the evaporated water would decrease the volume of the liquid.

Related Questions

which best describes nuclear energy?
A the energy that matter has due to the vibrations of its particles
B the energy an object has due to its chemical bonds
C the energy generated by a flow of electrons
D the energy stored inside the center of an atom



The correct answer is - D.  the energy stored inside the center of an atom.


Each atom has a small center in it called the nucleus and the energy that holds the nucleus or center of the atom together in the atom is known as nuclear energy.

It is the energy that is stored in the center of the atom and normally does not come out, however, in some radioactive atoms the sends some part of the energy as radiation.

Thus, the correct answer is - D.  the energy stored inside the center of an atom.

describe an activity to separate the mixture of sand and water​



Sedimentation and decantation


Sedimentation and decantation: Mixture is kept undisturbed for some time. After some time, sand being heavier and insoluble in water, settles down at the bottom of container. Now, water is poured into another container to separate it from sand.


evaporation or destillation


When sand is added to water it either hangs in the water or forms a layer at the bottom of the container. Sand therefore does not dissolve in water and is insoluble. It is easy to separate sand and water by filtering the mixture. Salt can be separated from a solution through evaporation.

define SI unit system​



The SI base units are the standard units of measurement defined by the International System of Units (SI) for the seven base quantities of what is now known as the International System of Quantities: they are notably a basic set from which all other SI units can be derived.

H3C6H507 + H2O + H3O+ + H2C6H507



an acid will give away a proton and become a conjugate base.

A base will accept a proton and become a conjugate acid.

what occurs when the vapor pressure of a lquid is equal to the external atmospheric pressure



The change from a liquid phase to a gaseous phase occurs when the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the atmospheric pressure exerted on the liquid.


Boiling is a physical change and molecules are not chemically altered during the process.

A sample of oxygen gas occupies a volume of 160 liters at 364 K. What will be the volume of the gas when the temperature drops to 273 K?

210 L

120 L

62 L

470 L













hope it help

Convert 15,000 seconds into minutes



250 minutes


60 seconds = 1 minute

15000 secods = 15000 / 60

1500 secons = 250 minutes

Im sorry if its difficult to read

we dont talk about how I messed up my first question and jad to make another one because im slow​



A ball is thrown straight up from a rooftop 320 feet high. The formula below describes the ball's height above the ground, h, in feet, t seconds after it was thrown. The ball misses the rooftop on its way down and eventually strikes the ground. How long will it take for the ball to hit the ground? Use this information to provide tick marks with appropriate numbers along the horizontal axis in the figure shown.


Organisms do not adapt as a result of competition for resources.



The given statement is False.

The organisms adapt as a result of competition for resources. Different places have different organisms suited for that particular places.

The animals living at a particular place compete for the resources available and the nature selects the organism that has won the competition for resources.

The organisms are evolved as a result of competition for resources


I just wanted to say the other person is totally right.

this statement is false.

The law of conservation of energy states that A: energy is always created and destroyed B: energy cannot be created or destroyed C: energy is unable to change forms D: energy should be saved as often as possible





This is the First Law of Thermodynamics which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Câu 6: Cho 4,2 gam este đơn chức no E tác dụng hết với dung dịch KOH ta thu được 4,76

gam muối natri. Vậy công thức cấu tạo của E có thể là:


Please translate this in English or Korean and I’ll be happily help :)

Sorry I just don’t understand this language nor know It or I would translate myself

If an atom has three shell and number of valence electrons are two. Is this element metal
or non-metal and why? Name the element and it’s valency.




Element: Calcium

Valency: 2


To find the element, let's use the periodic table. (Look below)

We already went past 3 shells, just need the 2 electrons after it.

Just skip to the 4th row and count 2 to the right

We end up at Calcium.

Calcium is a metal and we're also on the alkaline earth metals column.

Calcium will need to lose 2 electrons to reach stability, so the valency is 2.

9. a) Name salt that can be prepared by precipitation


I think its the substances that sublimes

Silica (also known as silicon dioxide) reacts with hydrofluoric acid to produce silicon tetrafluoride and water vapor.
a) Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction

b) 12.5 g of silicon dioxide is reacted with a 24.6 g of hydrofluoric acid. What is the theoretical yield of water vapor?

c) If the actual yield of water vapor is 2.50 g, what is the percentage yield of the reaction?


The problem is solved by balancing the reaction equation as shown below. The stoichiometry of the reaction is now applied in solving the question.

The balanced reaction equation is:

SiO2 + 6HF → H2[SiF6] + 2H2O

Using stoichiometry

The amount of silicon dioxide reacted = 12.5 g/60.08 g/mol = 0.21 mole

1 mole SiO2 yields 2 moles of H2O

0.21 mole of SiO2 yields 0.21 * 2/1 = 0.42 moles of H2O

The amount of HF reacted = 24.6 g/20.01 g/mol = 1.23 moles of HF

6 moles of HF yield 2 mole of H2O

1.23 moles of HF yields 2 * 1.23/6 = 0.41 moles of H2O

Hence HF is the limiting reactant.

Theoretical yield of H2O = 0.41 moles of H2O * 18 g/mol = 7.38 g

The percentage yield of the water is = actual yield/theoretical yield * 100


% yield = 2.50 g/7.38 g * 100 = 33.9%

Câu 1: Trong các dung dịch sau, dung dịch nào làm quỳ tím đổi màu xanh?
A. HCl B. H2SO4 C. NaOH D. NaCl
Câu 2: Bazơ nào dưới đây là bazơ không tan?
A. KOH B. NaOH C. Cu(OH)2 D. Ca(OH)2
Câu 3: Trong các chất sau đây, chất nào không phải là muối?
A. HCl B. KCl



C. Cu (OH)

A. HCl

A phase change from a solid to a gas is called:





it is a simple chemistry question
i thought F has 9 electrons, so why does this structure show 8 electrons.



The IUPAC structure only shows bond pairs and lone pairs. In the flouromethane structure above, there is only one bond pair and three lone pairs of electrons. Therefore there is one electron remaining, but since it doesn't not make up a pair, it is ignored in the structure but theoretically it is present.



therefore there is one electron remaining , but since it doesn't make up a pair . It is ignored in the structure but theoretically it is present .

Which statement best describes redox behavior in an electrochemical cell?
Electrons are produced at the copper rod.
Electrons flow from cathode to anode.
Reduction occurs at the zinc electrolyte.
Charges are balanced during redox.



The last one


Charges are balanced in a redox reaction

Which phrase correctly describes the molecular structure within a molecule?(1 point)

A the location of atoms, groups, or ions relative to one another and the number, type, and location of covalent bonds

B long, repeating chains of molecules

C the smallest fundamental unit of a compound that participates in reactions, represented by a bonded group of atoms

D the basic unit of a chemical element


Answer: A the location of atoms, groups, or ions relative to one another and the number, type, and location of covalent bonds

Explanation: I just took the assessment and in my notebook molecular structure has a definition that is literally answer A. Also I got it right lol.

What is known about a reaction with a negative enthalpy?
A. The reaction is endothermic,
B. The reaction is spontaneous,
C. The reaction is exothermic,
D. The reverse reaction is favored,


Considering the definition of enthalpy of reaction, the correct answer is option C. a reaction with a negative enthalpy indicates that the reaction is exothermic.

Definition of enthalpy of reaction

The enthalpy of a chemical reaction as the heat absorbed or released when chemicals are transformed into a chemical reaction and it occurs at constant pressure.

The enthalpy is an extensive property, that is, it depends on the amount of matter present.

Finally, it must be taken into account that:

A reaction is called exothermic if its enthalpy of reaction is negative (that is, if the system gives up heat).A reaction is called endothermic if its enthalpy of reaction is positive (that is, if the system absorbs heat).


In summary, a reaction with a negative enthalpy indicates that the reaction is exothermic.

Learn more about enthalpy of reaction:


Energy in the amount of 420 J is added to a 35 g sample of water at a temperature of 10°C. What is the final temperature of the water?


The final temperature of the water, T2 = 38.57°C

Temperature can be defined as a measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a physical object (body). Thus, it is measured with a thermometer and its units are degree Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F) and Kelvin (°K).

A calorie refers to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a gram of water by one (1) degree Celsius (1°C).

Given the following data:

Quantity of energy = 420JMass = 35 gramsInitial temperature, T1 = 10°C

The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 J/g°C.

To find the final temperature of the water (T2):

Mathematically, the quantity of energy (heat capacity) is given by the formula;

[tex]Q = mcdt[/tex]


Q represents the heat capacity or quantity of heat.M represents the mass of an object.C represents the specific heat capacity of water.dt represents the change in temperature.

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

[tex]420 = 3.5 \; * \; 4.2 \; * \; dt[/tex]

[tex]420 = 14.7 \; * \; dt\\\\dt = \frac{420}{14.7}[/tex]

Change in temperature, dt = 28.57°C

Next, we would solve for the final temperature by using this formula;

[tex]dt = T2 - T1[/tex]

[tex]28.57 = T_{2} - 10\\\\T_{2} = 28.57 \; + \; 10\\\\T_{2} = 38.57[/tex]

Final temperature, T2 = 38.57°C

Therefore, the final temperature of the water, T2 is equal to 38.57°C

For more information visit:

help pls I will mark brainlest​


Resources found in lithosphere: gold and iron etc

Resources found in atmosphere: Water vapor, gases etc.

what is the requirements to obtain citizenship?

please answer it correctly​



Age. ...

Residency. ...

Residence and Physical Presence.

Good Moral Character.

Attachment to the Constitution.


U.S. Government and History Knowledge.

Oath of Allegiance.

These are some requirements for obtaining citizenship .


precautive measures taken when using pooter​


I guess ensuring that you don't suck the insects or specimen collected by ensuring there is a net in the pooter

what do you mean by acceleration due to gravity of a body is 10 metre per second square​



If a body is accelerated by 10m/s^2, it means that the body's speed (or velocity to be precise) is increasing by 10m/s every second. That is, if the initial ...

A student in a lab holds an iron nail over an open flame, and no reaction occurs. The nail is then filed, creating small pieces of
iron shavings. These pieces burn brightly when placed over an open flame.
Which statement accurately identifies one of the changes that occurs as a physical or chemical change?


Formation of small pieces of iron shavings is a physical change whereas burning of pieces of iron shavings is chemical change.

Formation of small pieces of iron shavings is an example of physical change because it can be changed again into nail while on the other hand, burning of pieces of iron shavings on the flame is an example of chemical change because it can't change again into its original shape. Physical change is a change in matter which does not change the chemical properties of the matter whereas chemical change is a change in matter which change the chemical properties of the matter.

what is the purest form of iron​


Wrought iron is the purest form of iron. It contains 0.12 to 0.25% carbon and is thus the purest form of iron.
Wrought iron is the purest form of iron as it contains 0.12- 0.25% of carbon

Plz help me with this question
Drawing of water molecular formulas
1.Draw molecular structure of water​



Here is your answer. I hope it will help you .

Can you tell me name of Chemicals in food?​



Guar gum

sodium nitrite

artificial food colorings

monosodium glutamate


The atomic number of silicon (Si) is 14. What's the electron configuration for silicon? Question 1 options:
A) [Ar] 3p5
B) [He] 1s2 2p6
C) [Ne] 3s2 3p2
D) [He] 2s2 3p2



D.[Ne] 3S2 3P2


The electron configuration for silicon is  [Ne] 3s² 3p². Hence Option (C) is correct.

What is elctronic configuration ?

Electronic configuration, also called electronic structure or electron configuration, the arrangement of electrons in orbitals around an atomic nucleus.

The electron configuration of an element describes how electrons are distributed in its atomic orbitals.

Electron configurations of atoms follow a standard notation in which all electron-containing atomic subshells (with the number of electrons they hold written in superscript) are placed in a sequence.

Silicon belongs to group 14th and 3rd period.Therefore, The electron configuration for silicon is  [Ne] 3s² 3p². Hence Option (C) is correct.

Learn more about Electronic configuration here ;


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