The mean of 14 numbers is 49. Removing one of the numbers causes the mean to decrease to 43. What number was removed?


Answer 1


126 was removed.

Step-by-step explanation:

The total before division took place was

Total = mean * 14

mean = 49

Total = 49 * 14

Total = 685

Now you subtract x from the total

685 - x

And divide by 13 [one number is missing]

(685 - x)/13

and the result = 43

(685 - x ) / 13 = 43                Multiply both sides by 13

685 - x  = 43 * 13

685 - x = 559                       Subtract 685 from both sides

- x = - 126                             Multiply by - 1

x = 126

Related Questions

pls help !! answer both 1a and 1b pls​



KM = 50 mm , ∠ K = 104°

Step-by-step explanation:

Note that KM = KL = 50mm ( congruent legs )

This indicates the triangle is isosceles with base angles congruent, both 38°

∠ K = 180° - (38 + 38)° = 180° - 76° = 104°


So the answer is 398°

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps

Factor the following expression completely. 16x^5-x^3



x³ (4x + 1)(4x - 1)

Step-by-step explanation:


x^3 (4x-1)(4x+1)

Step-by-step explanation:


Factor out x^3

16* x^2*x^3 - x^3

x^3(16x^2 -1)

The term inside the parentheses is the difference of squares

a^2 - b^2 = (a-b)(a+b)

x^3 ( (4x)^2 -1^2)

x^3 (4x-1)(4x+1)

The height and radius of a cone are each multiplied by 11. What effect does this have on the volume of the cone?

The volume of the cone is multiplied by (Blank 1).


The volume of the new cone would be 1331 times more than the volume of the original cone. Thus, The volume of the original cone is multiplied by 1331

The volume of the cone can be calculated by the given formula:

                       The volume of cone = [tex]\frac{1}{3} \pi r^{2} h[/tex]

where r = radius of the cone

           h = height of the cone


The volume of the original cone= .......1

It is given that the height and radius of a cone are multiplied by 11.

then volume

= [tex]\frac{1}{3} \pi (11r)^{2} (11h)[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{1}{3} \pi (121r^{2}) (11h)[/tex] .........2

The change in volume of the cone after multiplying 11 to r and h would be

dividing equation 2 by equation 1

=  [tex]\frac{1}{3} \pi (121r^{2}) (11h)[/tex]/[tex]\frac{1}{3} \pi r^{2} h[/tex]

= 121*11

= 1331

Thus, The volume of the original cone is multiplied by 1331

Learn more about the volume of the cone:

Setting y = 0 allows you to determine the what
of a graph


This allows you to find the x intercepts of the function.

  [tex]y=0[/tex] allows you to determine the x-intercept of a graph.

x-intercept and y-intercept:The points where a line crosses an axis are known as the x-intercept and the y-intercept, respectively.By changing Y to 0 in the equation and figuring out X, you can always determine the X-intercept. Similarly, by putting X to 0 in the equation and solving for Y, you can always determine the Y-intercept.When y is 0, the x-intercept is reached. The graph's intersection with the y-axis, or (0, b), is known as the y-intercept. When x is 0, the y-intercept is reached. When y is 0, the x-intercept is reached.

Therefore, [tex]y=0[/tex] allows you to determine the x-intercept of a graph.

Know more about x-intercept and y-intercept here:


If (3+√5)(4-√5)=a+b√5, where a and b are integers, then what is the value of a + b?


54 = 2 x 3³
So, if a and b are integers, a=2 and b=3

Simplify [2(5 – 4) + 6(7 – 3)] ÷ 2





Step-by-step explanation:





3/4plus 1/9
In the simplest form




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

3/4 + 1/9

= 31/36 --> this is the simplest form, you can't simplify any further.

Find the volume of the of the shaded area for the solid below.




Step-by-step explanation:

First we can find the volume of the box

v = lwh

v = (20)(16)(16)

v = 5120 in^3

Find the volume of the cylinder using this formula

   V = πr^2h

   V = π(5)^2(20)

   V = 1570.79633 (plug this into the final equation, not the rounded one in case it screws up the final value)

   V = 1570.8 in^3

Now we can find the volume of the shaded region by subtraction

5120 - 1570.7963= 3549.2037

Rounding to the nearest 10th and you get....

V = 3549.2

Hope this helps!


Please help explanation if possible




Step-by-step explanation:

concepts: y=mx+b is slope intercept equation formula


b= y intercept

Therefore we need to find the slope and y intercept

first find slope


let y2 be 2

let y1 be -4

let x2 be 1

let x1 be 3


6/-2 = -3


slope is -3

y= -3x+ b

we need find y intercept now

just plug in (1,2) into that equation




What is the translation from the preimage to the image in the graph?​



(x, y ) → (x + 7, y + 5 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Consider the coordinates of R and R'

R (- 5, 0 ) and R' (2, 5 )

x- direction : - 5 → 2 is + 7 units

y- direction : 0 → 5 is + 5 units

Translation rule is (x, y ) → (x + 7, y + 5 )

Which regular polygon can be used to form a tessellation?

I need help


Answer: Option 4 (Hexagon)

Step-by-step explanation:

A equilateral triangle, square and hexagon can be used to form a tessellation.

Please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like

The above set 4 numbers have a mean of 8
what could the mystery number


11 is the mystery number


The mystery number is 11

Step-by-step explanation:

→ Set up an equation

( 10 + 4 + 7 + x ) ÷ 4 = 8

→ Multiply both sides by 4

21 + x = 32

→ Minus 21 from both sides

x = 11

solve this questions​



3 a) solution:-

Discount=Rs 1,200

S .P =RS 4,000

M P=?

we know that,

Discount= M.P - S.P

or, Rs 1,200= M.P - Rs 4,000

or, M.P = RS (4,000-1,200 )

M.P = RS 2,800

In no. 3 all we have to make like this .........

Hope it helps


Step-by-step explanation:

2)a) M.P =₹ 5000

S.P = ₹4000

Discount amount = M.P - S.P

                            = 5000 - 4000

                            = ₹1000

Discount percent = [tex]\frac{discount \ amount}{M.P}*100[/tex]

                             [tex]= \frac{1000}{5000}*100\\[/tex]

                             = 20%

3)a) Discount = ₹ 1200

S.P = ₹ 4000

M.P = S.P + discount

      = 4000 + 1200

      =  ₹ 5200

4)a ) Discount rate = 15%

S.P= ₹ 4000

[tex]M.P = \frac{100+Discount rate}{100}*S.P\\\\=\frac{115}{100}*4000[/tex]

= ₹ 4600



Find the slope of the line that passes through (1, 13) and (4,9)?


Cool ranch Doritos and kool aid
Slope = (13-9)/(1-4)
Slope = 4/-3
Slope = -1 1/3

What number line shows Point A at -4, Point B at 2.5, Point C at -2 1/2, and Point D, which is the opposite of Point A.


Answer: Choice A


Since -3/5 > -0.8, this means -3/5 is to the right of -0.8

Larger stuff is to the right of smaller stuff. Another example would be 10 > 7, meaning we have 10 to the right of 7 since 10 is larger.

Any negative value is always to the left of 0, so -3/5 is to the left of 0.

That's why the answer is choice A.

Pls I need help!!!Question 6 (Essay Worn 6 points) (06.03) 9(5x + 1) = 37 From the expression above, pronde an example of each of the following: sum, term, product, factor, quotient, and coefficient. If any are not present, write 'not present."​









simplify 4x^​2-3xy+2xy+9x^2



13x^2 - xy

Step-by-step explanation:



The sum of 30 terms of series in A.P, whose last term is 98, is 1635. Find the first term and the common difference.​


Let a(n) denote the n-th term in the sequence. Because the terms are in arithmetic progression, there is a fixed number d that separates consecutive terms, so that starting with a(1) = a, the next few terms are

a(2) = a(1) + d = a + d

a(3) = a(2) + d = a + 2d

a(4) = a(3) + d = a + 3d

and so on, up to

a(n) = a + (n - 1) d

We're given that the 30th term is 98, so

a(30) = a + 29d = 98

The sum of the first 30 terms is 1635, so that

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{30}a(n) = \sum_{n=1}^{30}(a+(n-1)d) \\\\ 1635 = a\sum_{n=1}^{30}1 + d\sum_{n=1}^{30}(n-1) \\\\ 1635 = 30a + d\sum_{n=0}^{29}n \\\\ 1635 = 30a + d\sum_{n=1}^{29}n \\\\ 1635 = 30a + \frac{d\times29\times30}2[/tex]

so that

30a + 435d = 1635

Solve the equations in boldface for a and d. I'll eliminate a and solve for d first.

-30 (a + 29d) + (30a + 435d) = -30 (98) + 1635

-30a - 870d + 30a + 435d = -2940 + 1635

-435d = -1305

d = 3


a + 29 (3) = 98

a + 87 = 98

a = 11

Inverse trigonometry functions I need help finding the answers everything I’ve tried says it’s wrong



see below

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj / hypotenuse

cos x = 13/20

Taking the inverse cos of each side

arccos ( cos x ) = arccos( 13/20)

x = arccos ( 13/20)

x =49.45839

x = 49  to the nearest whole number

sin theta = opp/ hyp

sin y = 13/20

Taking the inverse sin of each side

arcsin ( sin y ) = arcsin( 13/20)

y = arcsin ( 13/20)


y = 41 to the nearest whole number

On Saturday, the fruit and juice bar was selling 22 glasses of fruit punch an hour. By 4 p.m., they had sold 132 glasses. If their goal was to sell more than 264 glasses of fruit punch, which inequality can be used to find h, the number of hours they must stay open to make their goal?
A. 132 + 22h > 264
B. 22h < 264 + 132
C. 132 + 22h < 264
D. 132 + 264 > 22h



A. 132 + 22h > 264

Step-by-step explanation:

Hourly sales = 22 glasses of fruit punch

Sales by 4 p.m = 132 glasses

Goal = more than 264 glasses

h = number of hours they must stay open to make their goal

The inequality:

132 + 22h > 264

22h > 264 - 132

22h > 132

h > 132/22

h > 6 hours

This means, the number of hours they must stay open to make their goal of more than 264 glasses is more than 6 hours



9514 1404 393


  m∠H = 38°

Step-by-step explanation:

External angle GFD is the sum of internal angles G and H.

  14x +1 = 89° +(5x -7)

  9x = 81°

  x = 9°

Then the measure of angle H is ...

  angle H = 5(9°) -7° = 38°

5. For an acute angle 0, cos(0) = sin(33) is true. What is the value of 0?



Value is 57

Step-by-step explanation:

sin 33

= sin (90-57)

= cos 57

Answered by GAUTHMATH

find the transpose of matrics.






Step-by-step explanation:

according to your question

your answer is




you must be write this answer in one bracket

An object that weighs exactly 1
pound is placed on a digital scale that measures weight in ounces.
If the scale is accurate and precise, what weight might be shown on the scale?


16 ounces= 1 pound.

what is 7/8 divided by 1/8




Step-by-step explanation:


Division: a system of distributing a collection of things into equal partsFractions: #s that represent a part of a wholeDividing Fractions: dividing a fraction by another fraction = multiplying the fraction by the inverse (reciprocal) of the other oneInverse Operations: operations that are opposite of each other (e.g. inverse of addition is subtraction)


1. First, let's set up the equation:

7/8 ÷ 1/8

2. We can get the reciprocal of 1/8 by doing the opposite of division; multiplication. 1/8 becomes 1 · 8, and that's equal to 8.

3. Now, since we know dividing a fraction by another one is exactly the same as multiplying the fraction by the reciprocal of the other, let's multiply 7/8 by the inverse of 1/8, which is 8.

7/8 · 8 = 56/8 = 7

Therefore, 7/8 divided by 1/8 is equal to 7.

An alphabetical list is generated of each member of the student body at a local middle school. The first name on the list is in the sample, along with every 5th name on the list after that. This is an example of a __________________.
A. systematic sample
B. stratified random sample
C. convenience sample
D. random sample



Option A, systematic sample

Shaded areas ( What is the area of the shaded region? )



119.43 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

The shaded area (A) is calculated as

A = area of rectangle - area of circle

   = (11 × 12) - π × 2²

  = 132 - 4π

  ≈ 119.43 cm² ( to the nearest hundredth )

if a = 6 b=5, then find the value (a+b)​


Step-by-step explanation:

Put the numbers as the value is given


(6+5)= 11 Answer



Step-by-step explanation:

(a + b) where a = 6 and b = 5

Step 1. Substitute a for 6 and b for 5

(6 + 5)

Step 2. Add


The receipt shows the prices of goods that Mr. Baker bought at the store.
The state Mr. Baker lives in has a sales tax rate of 7% on all purchases.

How much money does Mr. Baker pay in sales tax and what is the total amount he must pay for his purchases?



The answer is $82.46 sales tax

$1,260.46 Total

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the price before the Sales tax is $1,178.00 and if you add the 7% Sales tax the total is $1,260.46 and the price of the Sales tax is $82.46

$750x.07= $52.50


An expression is shown below: \sqrt(50)+\sqrt(2) is it irrational or rational




Step-by-step explanation:

It's an irrational number since both of them are irrational

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