The menu bar display information about your connection process, notifies you when you connect to another website, and identifies the percentage information transferred from the Website server to your browser true or false


Answer 1




My teacher quized me on this

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If Scheme were a pure functional language, could it include DISPLAY ? Why or why not?​



When Scheme is a pure functional language, it cannot include the function DISPLAY. Since the pure functional languages will return the same value whenever the same expression is evaluated, and the DISPLAY would be the output and thus it cannot be part of the purely functional language. Thus in the pure functional language we can evaluate the expressions with the same arguments and it returns the same value since there is no state to change.


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An engineer is designing an HTML page and wants to specify a title for the browser tab to display, along with some meta data on what tools the page should use. These items would best fit in which of the following sections

a. The element
b. The element
c. The

d. The



An HTML is made up of several individual tags and elements such as the head, body. form, frame and many more.

In an HTML page, the meta element and the title element are placed in the head element.

An illustration is as follows:

< head >

< title > My Title < /title >

 < meta charset="UTF-8" >

< / head >

The head element contains quite a number of elements and tags; some of them are:

metatitle stylescriptbase

And so on.

Hence, in order to use a meta-data element, the meta element has to be placed within the head element.

Read more about HTML elements at:

Why use LinkedIn automation for LinkedIn?



Using LinkedIn automation tools to run successful outreach campaigns has become popular. It’s because these tools automate tedious networking tasks such as visiting profiles, collecting data, sending out bulk connection requests, messages, and follow-ups, etc.  

With the help of the latest LinkedIn automation tools, you can quickly perform all the repetitive tasks while saving yourself a lot of time that you can use on actual relationship building and lead nurturing tasks.  

However, LinkedIn isn’t really amused when using any bots or automation tools for LinkedIn.

Suppose we can buy a chocolate bar from the vending machine for $1 each. Inside every chocolate bar is a coupon. We can redeem six coupons for one chocolate bar from the machine. This means that once you have started buying chocolate bars from the machine, you always have some coupons. We would like to know how many chocolate bars can be eaten if we start with N dollars and always redeem coupons if we have enough for an additional chocolate bar.For example, with 6 dollars we could consume 7 chocolate bars after purchasing 6 bars giving us 6 coupons and then redeeming the 6 coupons for one bar. This would leave us with one extra coupon. For 11 dollars, we could consume 13 chocolate bars and still have one coupon left. For 2 dollars, we could have consumed 14 chocolate bars and have two coupons left.Write a program that inputs a value for N and outputs how many chocolate bars we can eat and how many coupons we would have left over. Use a loop that continues to redeem coupons as long as there are enough to get at least one chocolate bar.


Answer and Explanation:

Using JavaScript:

/* program should take N input which represents the dollar amount and output how many chocolate bars and how many coupons we have*/

function chocolatebar(dollars){

var dollaramt= dollars;

var i;

for(i=0; i <= dollaramt; i++){



Alert ("you have 1 extra chocolate bar");


Alert ("keep buying chocolate bars to get more coupons for a bonus chocolate bar")




Outlook 365 can be described as a personal information manager.
True or false





The statement is True. The Microsoft Outlook 365 can be described as personal information manager.

What is Microsoft Outlook?

Microsoft Outlook is the software system, that allows the users to manage various personal and official information and data altogether at one place.

The Microsoft Outlook is known as personal information manager because it allows the users to managing task, providing calendar services, helps in emailing. It also manages contact and keeps the record of journal logs and many more.

Therefore, the statement regarding outlook 365 is True.

Learn more about Microsoft Outlook, here:


what is the build in libary function to compare two strings?​



strcmp() is a built-in library function and is declared in <string. h> header file. This function takes two strings as arguments and compare these two strings lexicographically.


Hope it helps

The internet's data pathways rely on what kind of hardware device to route data to its destination?


IP addresses






Essentially a router is a device used in networking that route packets of data from one computer network to another.




Routers are hardware devices that route the data from place to place. Data "hops" from one router to another until it reaches its destination. ISPs and IP addresses are not hardware devices. Servers are hardware devices but do not route data.

-Edge 2022

what is the difference between packed and unpacked bcd numbers ​



Packed BCD ( Binary coded decimal) is type in which each decimal digit is represented by 4 bits ( 1 nibble) . For Example : 14 will be shown as 0001 0100 in packed BCD form. Unpacked BCD is type in which each decimal digit is represented by 8 bits ( 1 byte).

How to use the AI System ?



· New artificial intelligence systems are being developed to help teachers administer more effective testing that could uncover some of these often-hidden conditions. Once they can be properly identified, educators can tap into the resources available for a learning disability. Students can use AI to give reliable feedback.

What is the iterative procedure of recursive and nonrecursive?





cpp Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, which indicates a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that last threshold value. Ex: If the input is:



#include <iostream>

int main() {

 // The length of the list

 int l;

 // The array containing the numbers

 int *list;

 // Threshold, last value in array

 int thresh;


 // Read in first value and create an array with the size of that value

 scanf("%d", &l);

 list = (int*) malloc(l * sizeof(int));


 for(int i = 0; i < l; i++) {

   scanf("%d", &list[i]);


 thresh = list[l - 1];

 // Print the values

 for(int i = 0; i < l - 1; i++) {

   if (list[i] <= thresh) {

     printf("%d ", list[i]);








The program assumes at least two values are provided. The length of the list and the threshold.

We first read in an integer, and find out how many more integers we need to read. We create an array with the appropriate size, and loop through to fill the array with values. We know the last value is the threshold, and so we do one more loop to compare the values in the array with the threshold.

They are correct? thank you!




First one is correct.

For the second one, I think the leader should accept the invitation and forward it to the entire team. [As the team experienced success due to group work, so every team member should be invited... as the success was a result of the hardwork of every member]

About the third one, I think it depends on the person so you may be correct. But, if I was asked to choose I would have been chosen.... rational approach

This is just my opinion. Hope it helps you:)

When we have signals within 1-2 MHz band, using a waveguide is the most preferred choice for a transmission line. T or F?​





Your location has been assigned the /24 network. You are tasked with dividing the network into 13 subnets with the maximum number of hosts possible on each subnet.

a. What is the dotted decimal value for the subnet mask?
b. How many additional bits will you need to mask in the subnet mask?


The subnet mask would be a 32-bit integer which is formed by assigning the host bits to all 0's and the networking bits to so many 1's.In this method, the subnetting separates the IP address between host and network addresses.The subnet mask covers an IP address with its 32-bit number, thus the term "mask".


Network IP address [tex]\bold{= /24}[/tex]

Subnet numbers [tex]\bold{= 13}[/tex]

Calculating the borrow bits:

[tex]\to \bold{= ceil(\log_{2} 13) = 4 \ bits}[/tex]


Calculating the dotted decimal value for the subnet mask:

[tex]\to \bold{11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000}\\\\\to \bold{}\\\\[/tex]


The additional bits which will be needed to mask the subnet mask that is = 4.

Learn more:

you are the network administrator for a college. wireless access is widely used at the college. you want the most secure wireless connections you can have. which of the following would you use?






Of the 4 options, which is the most secured?

WPA was created as a solution to the vulnerabilities in WEP/WEP2. Then, WPA was upgraded to WPA2.

WPA2 is the least vulnerable to hacks because for every user that is connected to the network through WPA2, a unique encryption is made available for such connection.

Hence, the most secure connection, of the 4 is WPA2.

advantages of computational skill



algorithmic thinking - developing a set of instructions or sequence of steps to solve a problem;

evaluation - ensuring a solution is fit-for-purpose;

decomposition - breaking a problem down into its component parts;

Carlos manages a Linux system that users are able to SSH into in order to perform certain tasks. However, he has just installed a critical patch and wants to reboot the server to ensure that it has fully taken effect. Which of the following commands should he use to ensure that a reboot will not interrupt any logged in users?

a. w
b. id
c. whoami
d. uname -a


The answer is "Option b" which is "id", and its further calculation can be defined as follows:

In the Linux system, the id command is being used to find out the account and main indicators and numeric IDs of a current user and any other user on the system. In this, command the User name and genuine user ID.It is used to list all the groups of which a user is a member, and also display the security context of the current user.

The wrong choice can be defined as follows:

In choice a, "w" is the use full command, which displays all users who are currently active.In choice c, "whoami" is used as our user name.In choice d, "uname-a" is used to shows information about the network.

Therefore "Choice b" is the correct answer.

Learn more:

Linux system:

If you were driving the blue Prius in the situation pictured above, explain why the red Mustang should be given right-of-way at this intersection.



The red Mustang should be given the right-of-way at this intersection because:

The red Mustang arrived first before the blue Prius and is closer to the stop sign before the arrival of the blue Prius.  This implies that the red Mustang must have waited for its turn, unlike the blue Prius that just arrived at the intersection.


Traffic laws, regulations, and IPDE defensive driving strategy require that drivers always give way to the vehicle that arrived before them at an intersection.   Assuming that multiple vehicles reach the intersection simultaneously, then the vehicle must be given the right-of-way.  Alternatively, the traffic lights at the intersection should be obeyed and be allowed to regulate the movement of vehicles.  IPDE defensive driving strategy requires drivers to be watchful of their driving spaces to determine the appropriate time to move.

What is system software? Write its types.​



There are two main types of software: systems software and application software. Systems software includes the programs that are dedicated to managing the computer itself, such as the operating system, file management utilities, and disk operating system (or DOS)


There are two main types of software: systems software and application software. Systems software includes the programs that are dedicated to managing the computer itself, such as the operating system, file management utilities, and disk operating system (or DOS)


thanks for question

In what tab can a user find the workspace option?


D. View.
You can find the workspace and preview of the file in View.

Which Windows installation method requires the use of Windows deployment services (WDS)?
1. Network Installation
2. Repair Installation
3. Bootable flash drive installation
4. Unattended installation​



1. Network Installation



Options (1) to (4)


Which requires WDS for installation

WDS are used for remote installations where users do not have to be physically present before installations can be done; in other words, it is necessary for network based installations.

Of all the given options, (a) is correct because without WDS, network installation cannot be done.

Imagine that you wanted to write a program that asks the user to enter in 5 grade values. The user may or may not enter valid grades, and you want to ensure that you obtain 5 valid values from the user. Which nested loop structure would you use?
A. A "for" loop inside of a "while" loop
B. A "while" loop inside of a "for" loop
C. None of the above
D. Either a or b would work


The type of nested loop which I would use to write the program is:

B. A "while" loop inside of a "for" loop

What is a Loop?

This refers to the control flow statement which is used to iterate and lets a particular line(s) of code execute repeatedly

With this in mind, we can see that the type of nested loop which I would use to write the program is a "while" loop inside of a "for" loop because it is a conditional statement that continues to ask for the certain valid grades until it gets the right one.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B

Read more about loops here:

how do you copy a file​



right click and press control c

Discuss the scaled index addressing mode and comments on the following instructions?

a) MOV BX, [CX+5*AX]
b) MOV [DX5*DI+30H], CX


Memory will also be accessible in Scaled index addressing mode using a 32-bit base & indexing register.The instruction's first parameter will be the base register, and the instruction's second parameter will be the index register. The index register is multiplied by a scaling factor before the program is fetched.

For option a:

The baseline register is [tex]\bold{BX}[/tex], while the index register is [tex]\bold{CX+5*AX}[/tex].

The multiplier for Accumulator [tex]\bold{AX }[/tex] will be 5.[tex]\bold{CX }[/tex] will be multiplied with this value.[tex]\bold{CX+5*AX}[/tex] will contain a memory address.The value at position [tex]\bold{CX+5*AX}[/tex] is accessed by [tex]\bold{[{CX+5*AX} ]}[/tex].The value retrieved from the address [tex][\bold{CX+5*AX}][/tex] is moved into Base register BX by the MOV instruction.

For option b:

Its index register is [tex]\bold{CX }[/tex], whereas the base register is [tex]\bold{DX5*DI+30H}[/tex].

[tex]\bold{CX}[/tex] has a number, that is copied to a computed place below.After multiplying [tex]\bold{DI}[/tex] by [tex]\bold{5, DX}[/tex] will be multiplied by this [tex]\bold{5*DI}[/tex].To the aforementioned multiplied value,[tex]\bold{ 30H}[/tex] will be added.[tex]\bold{[DX5*DI+30H]}[/tex] is a value located at location [tex]\bold{DX5*DI+30H}[/tex]. [tex]\bold{DX5*DI+30H }[/tex] is a memory address number.As a result, the value of [tex]\bold{CX}[/tex] will be copied to the [tex]\bold{ [DX5*DI+30H] }[/tex]location.

Learn more:

(1)similarities between backspace key and delete key. (2) different between backspace key and delete key. (3) explain the term ergonomics. (4) explain the following. a click b right click c double click d triple click e drag and drop​




they are both editing keys

3.ergonomics are designed keying devices that alleviates wrist strain experienced when using ordinary keyboard for long hours


.a click is pressing and releasing the left mouse button onceright click is pressing the right mouse button once to display a short cut menu with commands from which a user can make a selectiondouble click is pressing the left button twice in rapid successiondrag and drop is where by the user drags an icon or item from one location on the screen to another.

explain how data structures and algorithms are useful to the use of computer in data management



programmers who are competent  in data  structures and algorithms  can easily perform the tasks related  to data processing ,automated reasoning ,or calculations . data structure and algorithms  is significant  for developers  as it shows their problems solving abilities amongst the prospective employers .

Neymar machine that Run on electricity


"Neymar" = "name a"?

if so, well, there are many, like the little glowing box you use the type questions to the brainliest community, let it be a phone, a pc, or a molded Nintendo

if you meant Neymar indeed, I'm not sure if he runs on electricity, unless he is a soccer playing android somehow.

In regard to segmentation, all of the following are examples of a customer's behavior or relationship with a product EXCEPT: a) user status. b) loyalty status. c) usage rate. d) demographics


Answer: demographics


Market segmentation refers to the process of dividing the consumers into sub-groups of consumers which are refered to as the segments based on the characteristics shared.

The examples of a customer's behavior or relationship with a product include user status, usage rate and loyalty status.

It should be noted that some examples of market segmentation are behavioral, demographic, geographic, and psychographic. From the options given, demographics is not an example of a customer's behavior with a product.

Create union integer with members char c, short s, int i and long b. Write a program that inputs the values of type char, short, int, and long and stores the values in union variables of type union integer. Each union variable should be printed as a char, a short, an int and a long. D the values always print correctly? Also create pseodocode or flowchart.
Here is the feedback that I received when I originally turned this in:
I have the following concerns: You need to save your program file with a .c extension. You should declare your union above the main module and then utilize it from within this portion. You have declared the union and then created a function definition prior to entering the main() function.
Here is the original code provided by homework help: Thanks in advance
union myUnion {
char c;
short s;
int i;
long l;
void print(myUnion u) {
printf("As a character: %c\n", u.c);
printf("As a short: %hd\n", u.s);
printf("As an int: %d\n", u.i);
printf("As a long: %ld\n\n", u.i);
int main() {
myUnion u;
printf("Please enter a character: ");
scanf("%c", &(u.c));
printf("Please enter a short: ");
scanf("%hd", &(u.s));
printf("Please enter an int: ");
scanf("%d", &(u.i));
printf("Please enter a long: ");
scanf("%ld", &(u.l));
return 0;



The updated program in C is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

union myUnion{ char c; short s; int i; long l; };

int main(){

   union myUnion inputs;

   printf("Character: ");    scanf("%c", &inputs.c);

   printf("Output: %c", inputs.c);

   printf("\nShort: ");    scanf("%hd", &inputs.s);

   printf("Short: %hd", inputs.s);

   printf("\nInteger: ");    scanf("%d", &inputs.i);

   printf("Output: %d", inputs.i);

   printf("\nLong: ");    scanf("%ld", &inputs.l);

   printf("Long: %ld", inputs.l);

   return 0;


The pseudocode is as follows:

Function union myUnion {

character; short; int; long


main() {

myUnion inputs;

Input inputs.c;  Print inputs.c

Input inputs.s; Print inputs.s

Input inputs.i; Print inputs.i;

Input inputs.l; Print inputs.l



This defines the union function

union myUnion{ char c; short s; int i; long l; };

The main begins here

int main(){

This calls the union function to main

   union myUnion inputs;

This prompts and gets input for character variable

   printf("Character: ");    scanf("%c", &inputs.c);

This prints the character input

   printf("Output: %c", inputs.c);

This prompts and gets input for short variable

   printf("\nShort: ");    scanf("%hd", &inputs.s);

This prints the short input

   printf("Short: %hd", inputs.s);

This prompts and gets input for integer variable

   printf("\nInteger: ");    scanf("%d", &inputs.i);

This prints the integer input

   printf("Output: %d", inputs.i);

This prompts and gets input for long variable

   printf("\nLong: ");    scanf("%ld", &inputs.l);

This prints the long input

   printf("Long: %ld", inputs.l);

   return 0;


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