The Navigation Act of 1651: Group of answer choices was repealed once Cromwell came to power required all goods imported into Britain or the colonies to be shipped in British vessels was a free trade agreement between England and Holland was contrary to mercantilist principles was mainly an attempt to wrest the colonial trade from the French


Answer 1

The correct answer is "required all goods imported into Britain or the colonies to be shipped in British vessels."

The Navigation Act of 1651 required all goods imported into Britain or the colonies to be shipped in British vessels.

The English Navigation Acts acts heavily taxed goods shipped in the southern colonies and countries other than England.

The English monarchy wanted to exert control over the 13 colonies and get some funds to pay the debts of war, by collecting taxes. There were many taxes in those years. But specifically, the Navigation Acts were a series of English laws that controlled shipping and trade from the English colonies to other countries, limiting the participation of foreign people in commerce with the colonies. The Navigation Acts were passed in 1663, 1673, and 1696.

Related Questions

The American Indian Movement (AIM) was Group of answer choices patterned after the Black Panthers. founded by young Native American men and women in Minneapolis. the group that occupied Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay to demand that an American Indian Museum be built there. all of the above



As stated on AIM's official website, the American Indian Movement's goals were: the recognition of Indian treaties by the United States government, among other goals such as sovereignty and the protection of Native Americans and their liberties.


All of the above


Describe the medieval feudal system.



Feudalism was a system of medieval European societies in the 10th-13th centuries, in which a social hierarchy was formed according to local administrative controls and the distribution of land into units (fiefs). Fueng informs with a contract of military protection and law in exchange for a certain payment from the one who received it (luck).

The payment of vassal to the gods usually came in the form of feudal service, which could mean military service or regular payment of production or money. Neither lord nor ascendancy are freeman, and the term feudalism generally does not apply to relationships between unrestricted peasants (serfs or villeins) and persons of higher social rank than they labor.

The problem of definitions

Although the terms 'feudal society' and 'feudal society' are often used in historical texts, But scholars have never agreed exactly what those words mean. This requirement was applied to medieval European societies from the 16th century onwards and later to societies elsewhere. Especially during China's Zhou (1046-256 BCE) and Japan's Edo period (1603-1868), the term feudalism was not used by people living in the Middle Ages. Feudalism cannot, when defined, be applied consistently in different European states due to changes in laws and customs in different geographic areas and in different centuries. As a result, many historians believe that the word feudal was only a limited use in understanding medieval society.



Feudalism was the system in 10th-13th century European medieval societies where a social hierarchy was established based on local administrative control and the distribution of land into units (fiefs). A landowner (lord) gave a fief, along with a promise of military and legal protection, in return for a payment of some kind from the person who received it (vassal).

The payment of the vassal to the lord typically came in the form of feudal service which could mean military service or the regular payment of produce or money. Both lord and vassal were freemen and the term feudalism is not generally applied to the relationship between the unfree peasantry (serfs or villeins) and the person of higher social rank on whose land they laboured.

The Feudal System Social Hierarchy:

The King or the Monarch ruled the whole kingdom and owned all the land in the country. The king had total control over all the assets and he used to decide as how much quantity of land to provide on lease to the barons. The barons had to swear an oath before taking up the granted land on lease, so as to remain faithful to the king at all the times. In case any of the barons exhibited poor performance, the king had the power to withdraw the granted land and give it on lease to any other person belonging to the baron class. All the judicial power was in the hands of the king.The Barons or nobles leased lands from the kings, which was known as a manor. The Barons in the feudal social hierarchy were the second wealthiest class. They were called as the Lord of the Manor. They established their own legal systems, designed their own currency and set their own tax regulation schemes. In return of the land that they have taken on lease from the King, the Barons had to perform the following functions for them: (1) They had to serve the royal council; (2) They had to provide the King with Knights to tackle with any form of war; (3) They had to provide food and lodging facilities to the king, when they traveled to different locations; and (4) They had to pay the applicable rents and taxes.The Knights were provided the leased land by the barons and in return, they provided military service to the king at the time of need. They also had to protect the Baron and his family. They used to keep a part of the land provided to them by the Barons and distribute the rest of the lands to the Villeins. They also used to set their own taxation and rent guidelines for the Villeins. Their main job role was to give protection to the king and therefore they were paid quite well.The Peasants and serfs were granted land by the Knights. They had to provide food and service to their superior classes on demand. They were not allowed to leave the Manor without prior permission. They had no rights and they were also not allowed to marry without the permission of their Lords. They used to be the poorest class in the feudal system social hierarchy.

When President Andrew Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act, he was
a. reelected. c. impeached.
b. supported. d. overridden.





people argued about him

what statement best describes voting in the united states



Voter turnout is lower in midterm elections than in presidential elections best describes voting in the united states


Voting rates are lower than in other democratic nations


that's all I got

At the time of the V-E Day celebration,
what percentage of WWII was over for
the United States?



V-E day was when around 50% of the war was over, mostly because WW2 was fought in 2 fronts and this was the end of the war on the European front but the Japanese front still remained.

"Empires need to expand to stay functioning" why?
Explain in a paragraph.


Depends on the nature of the Empire. In fact they where always more predefined and agreed upon than it looks like. The Roman's for example did not conquer all of Germany or Great Britain, simply to show what an Empire brings. So the normal Empire has a predefined frontier, however an Empire is always involving multiple people and countries.

Then there are things like Khanates or Imperium, which where more licence to conquer for a certain area and in this sense there for that. Here the empire adds an additional area into their Empire and prepares it through a different ruler.

Also one need to see war as a form of politics in the last centuries rather than the demonic thing it is now. Especially when a war was fought with swords and on horses many people always liked times of wars and further could gain good rewards when the Emperors let them conquer some land.

Sometimes an Empire ended and the structures of power needed to be removed, and shaken like Napoleon did with the HRR. This is seen as conquest even he just acts in the name of the HRR.

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx

How did this backlash result in violence against Chinese communities in California?



Violent attacks against Asian American elders have left the community reeling, especially across Chinatowns from New York to San Francisco.



White Americans were attacking Chinese immigrants with violence and hate. Many mobs and deaths occurred because of this.


Which statements describe Babylon during Nebuchadnezzar's reign?

Select all correct answers.

Walls around the city provided protection from enemies.

Natural geographic landforms offered protection from invaders.

A moat filled with water from the Euphrates River surrounded the city.



i would select all of them


What was the significance of Thoreau's comparing the nation's "establishment" with the "households" of its citizens?


Thoreau wanted to show that a household does not need to be an establishment full of wealth and furniture, as households simply exist, without the need for luxury.

Although you have not shown the text that your question refers to, we can see from the context of your question that you are referring to "Walden" written by Thoreau.

This book was written when Thoreau was living alone in the desert, where he reflected on many points of society. In this book, we can find concepts such as:

Society doesn't need an excess of things to be happy.Wealth is overrated.Simplicity is what can bring peace and unity among people.A household is formed by the union between family members and not by the wealth and luxury that exists within the establishment.

Thoreau's thoughts manage to fit into our society and even with all modernity, we can see that he had a very punctual reading about humanity and our relationship with wealth and with the individuals around us.

You can find more information about Thoreau at the link below:

How did Booker T. Washington disagree with W. E. B. Du Bois's strategy for overcoming racism against African Americans?

A.Washington argued that African Americans must separate completely from white society to escape racism.

B.Washington argued that African Americans should pursue economic opportunity before worrying about social equality.

C.Washington argued that access to education was one of the most important elements of African Americans' struggle for equality.

D.Washington argued that white Americans could only be compelled to respect African Americans' rights through federal action.



The correct answer is B. Washington argued that African Americans should pursue economic opportunity before worrying about social equality.

Hope this helps!

Which is NOT a characteristic of an oral tradition?
A. To entertain an audience. B. To instigate war Between tribes.
C. To preserve a cultures history.



to instigate a war between tribes


oral traditions teach younger generations history in an entertaining way

To Instigate war is not a characteristic of an oral tradition

Oral Tradition encompasses form of communications where information passed through different generations by word of mouth.

These tradition practice transmits knowledge, art, ideas and cultural material through oral means and are preserved by a generation and transferred to another.

Information transferred includes the likes of proverbs, tales, legends and so on and are common among the African tribe.

In conclusion, Oral tradition are used to entertain and preserves a history but are never used to causes war, rather, they are passed to the next generations.

Learn more about Oral tradition here

Match the following Maya, Aztec, and Inca inventions to the effects they produced.
rope bridges
pyramid at Chichen Itza
helped the Aztec farm more productively
helped the Inca travel long distances
and communicate with their neighbors
helped the Maya view astronomical
phenomena such as eclipses with
the naked eye


The correct answer is the following.

Match the following Maya, Aztec, and Inca inventions to the effects they produced.

Rope bridges - helped the Incas travel long distances and communicate with their neighbors.

The pyramid at Chichen Itza - helped the Maya view astronomical

phenomena such as eclipses with the naked eye.

Chinampas - helped the Aztec farm more productively.

Prehispanic civilizations such as the Aztecs, the Mayas, and the Incas were some of the most important and stronger civilizations in Mesoamerican times and South American times.

The Aztecs built impressive "chinampas," where they built their homes and grew crops in small portions of land in the water canals that connected the great capital city of the empire: Tenochtitlan.

The Mayas were great astronomers and built observatories in Chichen Itza, one of the most important cities in the Yucataán Peninsula.

The Incas were the dominant civilization in South America, they built Machu Pichu at the top of the Andes mountains.

What is a manuscript?



The definition of a manuscript is a book that is written for submission to a publisher, or a book, play or other creative work that is written by hand instead of typed

manuscript is the work that an author submits to a publisher, editor, or producer for publication. In publishing, "manuscript" can also refer to one or both of the following: ... an accepted manuscript, reviewed but not yet in a final format, distributed in advance as a preprint.

Hope this helps :))


How would al-Qaeda have been affected if the Taliban had not supported it?

It would not have had Osama bin Laden as its leader.
It would not have developed a strong base in Afghanistan.
It would not have been motivated to attack the United States.
It would not have had the funding to commit terrorist attacks.


Answer: It's B

Explanation:Edg 2021

Al-Qaeda  is a Sunni pan-Islamist militant organization have been affected if the Taliban had not supported it because it would not have developed a strong base in Afghanistan. The correct option is b.

Al-Qaeda is a Sunni pan-Islamist militant organization led by Salafi jihadists who self-identify as a vanguard spearheading a global Islamist revolution to unite the Muslim world under a supra-national Islamic state known as the Caliphate.

Its members are mostly composed of Arabs, but also include other peoples. Al-Qaeda has mounted attacks on civilian and military targets in various countries, including the 1998 United States embassy bombings, the 2001 September 11 attacks, and the 2002 Bali bombings; it has been designated as a terrorist group by the United Nations Security Council, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union, and various countries around the world.

Learn more about al-Qaeda, here:


Did the Aztecs bungee jump?



I think yes


I'm not sure but hope it helps


never thought of that


now I need to know but probably not though but it would be cool

How can people limit the power of government and guarantee their rights as citizens?

A.) Through the use of a declaration of independence

B.) Establishing a monarchy to rule the nation

C.) By giving power to tyrant

D.) Through the use of written constitution ​


The correct option would be D.

How did the founding and development of Jamestown enough the first permanent English colony?



On December 6, 1606, the journey to Virginia began on three ships: the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery. On May 13 they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement, which was named after their King, James I. The settlement became the first permanent English settlement in North America.


In 1612, John Rolfe, one of many shipwrecked on Bermuda, helped turn the settlement into a profitable venture. He introduced a new strain of tobacco from seeds that he brought and tobacco became the long-awaited cash crop for the Virginia Company, who wanted to make money off their investment in Jamestown. John Rolfe had the colony plant and harvest tobacco, which became a cash crop and was sold to Europe. This is mainly how Jamestown was good enough to become the first permanent english colony.

Please mark brainliest if that helps!

The Donner party became stranded on the Oregon Trail mainly because: Group of answer choices of the succession of their own mistakes and poor decisions their party was too small to survive the journey they became caught in the crossfire of the Mexican war for independence a broken compass led them astray of annihilation by the Indians



the succession of their own mistakes and poor decisions


The Donner Party was a group of pioneers who moved to California from the Midwest. The party was led by Brothers George, Jacob Donner and James Reed. The Donner Party became stranded en route to California in late 1846 because of their poor decision. The party decided to take the new trail called The Hastings Cutoff. They took this route believing it would cut their journey in half. The party was trapped in snow in the Sierra Nevada, and their food ran out.

Why does Jefferson think the National Bank is unconstitutional



Thomas Jefferson opposed this plan. He thought states should charter banks that could issue money. Jefferson also believed that the Constitution did not give the national government the power to establish a bank. ... The bank became an important political issue in 1791, and for years to come.


Thomas Jefferson opposed this plan. He thought states should charter banks that could issue money. Jefferson also believed that the Constitution did not give the national government the power to establish a bank. Hamilton disagreed on this point too.

The Password

A man wanted to encrypt his password but he needed to do it in a way so that he could remember it. His password is 7 characters long. The password consists of letters and numbers only (no symbols like ! or <). In order to remember it he wrote down "You force heaven to be empty." Can you guess what his password is?



His password is U472BMT

Which of these is TRUE of the United States Senate?
es )
filibusters are not allowed
members serve two year terms
there are no limits on debate
the Speaker is chosen by the majority
Branches of Gov


I believe that the answer would be D if I am thinking of the correct thing.




What role do you think nationalist newspapers,
such as Nigeria's The West African Pilot, played in independence movements?



The newspaper played a key role in the spread of racial consciousness and nationalistic ideas in the interior of Nigeria. Its motto was "Show the light and the people will find the way".

Question 6 of 10
How did the George W. Bush administration convince Congress and the
American people to invade Iraq?
A. By claiming Sunnis needed U.S. assistance against Shiites, who
were a threat to national security
B. By claiming Osama bin Laden was being protected by Iraq, which
was a threat to national security
C. By claiminghaq had weapons of mass destruction, making it a
threat to national security
D. By claiming Saddam Hussein would invade Iran, which in turn
would be a threat to national security



C. By claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, making it a threat to national security

Check out this app! It's millions of students helping each other get through their schoolwork.​



yes and hi broooooooooooi

Why was the baptist church bombed and what did it have to do with the civil right moving in Birmingham



The church had served as the centerpiece of the city's African American community, functioning as a meeting place, social center, and lecture hall. Because of its size, location, and importance to the community, the church served as headquarters for civil rights mass meetings and rallies in the early 1960s.

Match each description to the correct civilization.
conquered by
Francisco Pizarro

conquered by Hernán Cortés
located in the Andes

located in Central America
worshiped the sun god, Inti

worshiped many gods,
including Quetzalcoatl



The answer is below


1. The civilization that was conquered by Francisco Pizarro is - INCA

2. The civilization that was conquered by Hernán Cortés - AZTEC

2. The civilization that was located in the Andes Mountains - INCA

3. The civilization that was located in Central America - MAYAN CIVILIZATION

4. The civilization that was worshiped the sun god, Inti - INCA

5. The civilization that was worshiped by many gods, including Quetzalcoatl - AZTEC

Which of the following climbed
the steps of the steeple of Old
North Church to light lanterns at
the top?
A. John Pulling, Jr.
B. Samuel Adams
C. Paul Revere




The person who did not hang the lanterns but was thought to have done so, was Paul Revere. He did not like the idea that he would have to pass through a graveyard and did not do it.

The person who did (of the three listed) was John Pulling, who was the vestry of the church. Interesting term -- vestry. It is the title given to someone who takes care of the affairs of the church (Anglican). Tells you two things:

he was an official of the church, and therefore of some importance.he was an Anglican which is the official Church of England. The Episcopalian Church had not been established yet: The Revolutionary War had not been fought either.

What returned voting rights to roughly 150,000 former Confederates?



The Amnesty Act


The Amnesty Act is responsible for allowing former confeds to vote.

Which of the following groups were most likely to support the Mexican-American War?
Southerners who believed in Manifest Destiny
Southerners who wanted to add new slave states
Northerners who were members of the Whig Party
Northerners who lived far away from the conflict



Its B not a



the answer is B


The southern Black Codes: Group of answer choices allowed the arrest on vagrancy charges of former slaves who failed to sign yearly labor contracts pleased northerners because they saw that the rule of law was returning to the South were some of the first laws adopted as part of Radical Reconstruction in 1867 were denounced by President Johnson and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1865.





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