the number of boys and girls in a school are 480 and 576 respectively. express the ratio of the number of boys to that of girls​


Answer 1


boys : girl

5 : 6

Step-by-step explanation:

boys : girl

480: 576

Divide each side by 96

480/96 : 576/96

5 : 6

Answer 2

Boys = 576

Girl = 480

GCF of 576 and 480 is 96.

Now , dividing both numbers by GCF.

[tex] \large\bf{\red{ \longrightarrow}} \tt \: \frac{ \cancel{480} \: ^{5} }{ \cancel{576} \: ^{6} } \\ [/tex]

[tex] \large\bf{\red{ \longrightarrow}} \tt \: \frac{5}{6} \\ [/tex]

Hence , the ratio will be 5 : 6

Related Questions

Look at the image for the question?



Surface area = the sum of the area of all six sides:

(11 · 10) + (11 · 10) + (11 · 8) + (11 · 8) + (8 · 10) + (8 · 10)

= 110 + 110 + 88 + 88 + 80 + 80

= 220 + 176 + 160

= 556 ft²


556 ft^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The surface area of a rectangular prism is

SA = 2(lw+wh+lh) where h is the height l is the length and w is the width

SA = 2( 11*10+10*8+11*8)

      = 2(110+80+88)


     =556 ft^2

The point p=(2/5,y) lies on the unit circle below what is the value of y in simplest form


Step-by-step explanation:

distance of (1,0) from the origin is,


= √1

= 1

So the radius of the circle is 1,

now for the point (2/5,y) distance from origin should be the same since it's the radius


√{(2/5-0)²+(y-0)²} = 1

or, √(4/25+y²)=1

or, 4/25+y²=1

or, y² = 1-4/25

or, y²=21/25

or, y=√(21/25)

or, y=√21/5

so, the simplest form of y is,

[tex] \frac{ \sqrt{21} }{5} [/tex]

A function does not have any x-intercepts. What
might be true about its domain and range?


The domain exists on all real numbers i.e {x∈R}∈

The range exists all on real numbers except at y = 0

Domains are all input values of a function for which the function exists while ranges are all the output values for which the function exists.

Since the x-intercept of a function exists at where y = 0, this means that the point where a function does not have any x-intercepts are all other points on the graph except at y = 0.

The following statements are therefore true;

The domain exists on all real numbers i.e {x∈R}The range exists all on real numbers except at y = 0

Learn more here:

Describe how to find the domain of a square root function just by looking at the function.



Step 1: Set the expression inside the square root greater than or equal to zero. Step 2: Solve the equation found in step 1. In this case, we divided by a negative number, so had to reverse the direction of the inequality symbol. Step 3: Write the answer using interval notation.

Sarah has two similar rectangular boxes. The dimensions of Box 1 are four times those of Box 2.

How many times greater is the surface area of Box 1 than the surface area of Box 2?








Step-by-step explanation:

an area is always calculated by multiplying 2 dimensions.

when changing the dimensions, then the change factors for EACH dimension go into the calculation too.

therefore, when both dimensions of an area are enlarged 4 times, then the area is enlarged 4×4 = 16 times.

this just propagates to the whole surface area of an object, as each individual area of the overall surface area is enlarged by the same factor. and so, the sum of all the individual areas (= altogether the surface area of the object) is also enlarged in total by the same factor.

just think

16×a + 16×b + 16×c ... = 16×(a+b+c+...)

and you understand why.

With a two dimensional surface, if we take (2, 1) as the center point and consider

a transformation with a rotation angle of 45◦, then point (3, 3) is transformed

into point (----)?​



Step-by-step explanation:

Distance between (2,1) and (3,3) = √5

parametric equations for circle of radius √5, centered at (2,1):

x = √5cosθ+2

y = √5sinθ+1

At (3,3), θ = arccos(1/√5) ≅ 63.4°

After 45° transformation:

θ' = 63.4° + 45° = 108.4°

x' = √5cos(108.4°)+2 = 1.29

y' = √sin(108.4°)+1 = 3.12

(3,3) transformed to (1.29,3.12)

Write an algebraic expression for each person’s share, if P people share 16 slices of pizza equally.



P /16

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the total amount, P and divide by the number of people sharing, 16

P /16

Solve this inequality: 4x-8>-40



x > - 8

Step-by-step explanation:

4x - 8 > - 40

4x > - 40 + 8

4x > - 32

Divide 4 on both sides,

4x / 4 > - 32 / 4

x > - 8


x > 12

Step-by-step explanation:

4x - 8 > 40

Add 8 to both sides

4x > 48

Divide both sides by 4

x > 12

Which sequence is arithmetic?
O 2, 6, 18, 54, ...
O 3, 6, 12, 24, ...
O 11, 14, 17, 20, ...
O 7, 11, 13, 18, ...



11, 14, 17, 20, ...

Step-by-step explanation:

An arithmetic sequence is one where each term increases by the same number every time. This is called the common difference and is always added to the previous term to get the current term. The only sequence that follows this is the third once. Every term increases by 3; therefore, it is an arithmetic sequence.

Find the area AND perimeter of the shaded regions below. Give your answer as a completely simplified exact value in terms of π (no approximations).



a=40+8pi, p=4pi+4(sqrt of 29)

Step-by-step explanation:

rsm geometry class 122?

Question 6 plz show ALL STEPS


Step-by-step explanation:

6a. Both the x and y coordinates are negative so this means isn't must be in the Third Quadrant.

6b. The measure of this using the unt circle is

[tex] \cos(x) - \frac{1}{2} [/tex]

[tex] \sin(x) = - \frac{ \sqrt{3} }{2} [/tex]

In the unit circle, this occurs about

an angle of 240 degrees. We can find coterminal angles within the interval of 2 pi to -2 pi. Just subtract 260 from theta.( which is 240)

[tex]240 - 360 = - 120[/tex]

So the angles in the interval is

240, -120.

6c. pi/2 is the same as 90 degrees so this means that

[tex](240 + 90) = 330[/tex]

In the unit circle, we know that at 330 degrees,

[tex] \cos(330) = \frac{ \sqrt{3} }{2} [/tex]

[tex] \sin(330) = \frac{1}{2} [/tex]

So the coordinates are

(sqr root of 3/2, 1/2).

6d. pi is the same as 180 degrees so this means that

[tex](240 - 180) = 60[/tex]

In the unit circle, we know that 60 degrees,

[tex] \cos(60) = \frac{1}{2} [/tex]

[tex] \sin(60) = \frac{ \sqrt{3} }{2} [/tex]

So the coordinates are

(1/2, sqr root of 3/2)

In 2014, the population of Ohio was 11.59 million people. One-hundred years earlier the population was 5.109 million people. Using scientific notation, how much did the population grow over the hundred-year span?


The answer is the population grew over the hundred-year span by [tex]6.481*(10)^6[/tex]

Given that in 2014, the population of people in Ohio = [tex]11.59[/tex] million

Also given that One-hundred years earlier of the year 1914, the population =  [tex]5.109[/tex] million people

One-hundred years earlier in the year 2014 = 2014 [tex]- 100[/tex] years

One-hundred years earlier in the year 2014 = Year 1914

The scientific notation of the year 2014 population is [tex]11.59*(10)^6[/tex]

The scientific notation of the year 1914 population is [tex]5.109*(10)^6[/tex]

How much did the population grow over the hundred-year span?

Growth of the population from 1914-2014 = [tex]11.59*(10)^6 - 5.109*(10)^6[/tex]

Growth of the population from 1914-2014 = [tex]6.481*(10)^6[/tex]

Conclusion: The population grew over the hundred-year span by [tex]6.481*(10)^6[/tex]

Learn more about scientific notation here

What is the slope of the line passing through the points (6,1) and (-3,-4)?​




Step-by-step explanation:

y2-y1/x2-x1 = 5/9

A certain drug is used to treat asthma. In a clinical trial of theâ drug, 17 of 258 treated subjects experienced headachesâ (based on data from theâ manufacturer). The accompanying calculator display shows results from a test of the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches. Use the normal distribution as an approximation to the binomial distribution and assume a 0.01 significance level to complete partsâ (a) throughâ (e) below. â
a. Is the testâ two-tailed, left-tailed, orâ right-tailed?
b. What is the best statistics?
c. What is the P-value?
d. What is the nut hypothesis and what do you conclude who det hypothesis?
Identify the null hypothesis.
A. H0: pâ 0.11.
B. H0: p=0.11.
C. H0: p<0.11.
D. H0: p>0.11.
Decide whether to reject the null hypothesis.
A. Reject the null hypothesis because theâ P-value is greater than α.
B. Fail to reject the null hypothesis because theâ P-value is less than or equal to α.
C. Reject the null hypothesis because theâ P-value is less than or equal to α.
D. Fail to reject the null hypothesis because theâ P-value is greater than α
e. What is the finalâ conclusion?
A. There is not sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches.
B. There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches.
C. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches.
D. There is sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that less than 11â% of treated subjects experienced headaches.


Solution :

a). The test is a left tailed test.

b). The sample proportion is :

[tex]$\hat p = \frac{x}{n}$[/tex]

[tex]$\hat p = \frac{17}{258}$[/tex]

  = 0.065

Determining the Z statistics using the formula :

[tex]$Z=\frac{\hat p - p}{\sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}}$[/tex]

[tex]$Z=\frac{0.065 - 0.11}{\sqrt{\frac{0.11(1-0.11)}{258}}}$[/tex]

   = -2.31

∴ Z statistics value is -2.31

c). Using the excel function, the P-value is :

P-value = Normsdist(-2.31)

             = 0.0104441

d). The null hypothesis is [tex]$H_0: P = 0.11$[/tex]

    The level of significance is 0.01

    We fail to reject the null hypothesis as the P value is less than or equal to the significant level.

Value of x








Which equation shows a slope of 3 and a y-intercept of (0,7)?
y = 7x + 3
y = −7x + 3
y = 3x
y = 3x + 7



[tex]{ \tt{y = 3x + 7}}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

General equation of a line:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{y = mx + c}}}[/tex]

m is the slope, and c is the y-intercept:

m = 3, and c = 7

PQRS is a parallelogram of area 18 cm. if PQ = 5 cm & QR = 4 cm. calculate the lengths of corresponding heights ?​




Step-by-step explanation:

area of parallelogram=b*h=18cm


length of corresponding heights=20-18


the length of corresponding height of the parallelogram is : 2cm

Meaning of a parallelogram

A parallelogram can be defined as a simple quadrilateral that is it possesses four sides and two pairs of parallel sides.

A opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal and the opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.

In conclusion, the length of corresponding height of the parallelogram is : 2cm

Learn more about  parallelogram :


Select the correct answer.
Select the function that defines the given sequence.
-8, -20, -50, –125, 625,...
- 1)
f(n) = -8-()
- 1)
= -8.(29)
OC f(1) = -8
f(n) = f(n − 1), for n = 2, 3, 4, ...
OD. (1) = 8
f(n) = - . 1(n − 1), for n = 2, 3, 4, ...



Option C

Step-by-step explanation:

f(1) = -8

f(2) = -5/2×-8 = -20

f(3) = -5/2×-20 = -125




So option C is the answer


C.  a1 = -8

an = an-1 * 5/2  for n >1

Step-by-step explanation:

-8, -20, -50, –125, 625,...

We need to find the common ratio

Take the second  term and divide by the first term

-20/-8 = 5/2

Take the third term and divide by the second term

-50/-20 = 5/2

The common ratio is 5/2

A geometric sequence is

an = a1 * r^(n-1)

an = -8 *(5/2)^(n-1)

We can also write a recursive formula

a1 = -8

an = an-1 * 5/2  for n >1

How many more cherry pies have 60 to 89 cherries than 90 to 119 cherries?



6 pies

Step-by-step explanation:

For 60 - 89 cherries there are 10 pies

For 90 -119 cherries there are 4 pies

10 -4 = 6

There are 6 more pies in the 60 -89 cherries category than in the 90-119 category

You are trying to get an important customer order out the door, but your boss keeps coming over to ask you about the status of this order and several other orders. He's just nervous and wants to be


it’s should be a i think

Identify the triangle, ABC, which has a 72∘ angle and a 36∘ angle.



isosceles acute

Step-by-step explanation:

sum of angles in a triangle = 180

to find third angle, subtract 72 & 36 from 180 and you get 72

72, 36, and 72 are all less than 90 so it will be an acute triangle

It will also be isosceles bc there are 2 angles of the same measure

If the average(arithmetic mean) of g and 100 is 75,what is the value of g + 100?


The value of g + 100 is 150.

Given that,

The average of g and 100 is 75.

And we have to determine the value of g + 100.

So that means

The arithmetic mean of g and 100 is 75.

So, mathematically it should be

[tex]\frac{g + 100}{2} = 75\\\\[/tex]

So, g + 100 = 150

Therefore we can conclude that the value of g + 100 is 150

Learn more about the mean here:

I need help completing this problem ASAP



D. [tex]3x\sqrt{2x}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The problem gives on the following equation:


Alongside the information that ([tex]x\geq0[/tex]).

One must bear in mind that the operation ([tex]\sqrt[/tex]) indicates that one has to find the number that when multiplied by itself will yield the number underneath the radical. The easiest way to find such a number is to factor the term underneath the radical. Rewrite the terms under the radical as the product of prime numbers,


Now remove the duplicate factors from underneath the radical,





find the midpoint of the segment with the following endpoints (10,6) and (3,1)




Step-by-step explanation:

To find the x coordinates of the midpoint, average the x coordinates of the endpoints

(10+3)/2 = 13/2 = 6.5

To find the y coordinates of the midpoint, average the y coordinates of the endpoints

(6+1)/2 = 7/2 = 3.5


Part III- Percentage Problems

1. You currently have $4,500 saved in your bank account. You have decided to use $2700.

What percentage of your savings did you use? Show all your work to justify your answer.

2. An organization raises money for students who attend Berkeley College every year.

Currently, they have raised $11,250 which represents 45% of the money they raise.

Determine the amount of money the organization will raise in total. Show all your work

to justify your answer.


The percentage of your savings that I use is 60%

This shows that the amount of money the organization will raise in total is $25,000.

1) Given

Total amount saved = $4500

Amount used = $2,700

Percentage of money used = Amount used/Total amount saved × 100%

[tex]Percentage \ of \ money \ used = \frac{2700}{4500} \times 100\\Percentage \ of \ money = \frac{27}{45} \times 100\\Percentage \ of \ money \ used = \frac{2700}{45} \\Percentage \ of \ money \ used = 60 \%[/tex]

Hence the percentage of your savings that I use is 60%

2) Let the amount of money the organization will raise in total be x

Since the 45% of the money they raise represents $11,250, hence:

[tex]45\% \ of \ x = \$11,250\\0.45x = 11,250\\x = \frac{11250}{0.45}\\ x = 25,000[/tex]

This shows that the amount of money the organization will raise in total is $25,000

Learn more on percentages here:

Which of the following equations shows the linear relationship between the x and y variables shown in the table of ordered pairs? A. y = x + 5 B. y = 2x C. y = x + 6 D. y = x - 5



The linear relationship will be B



Step-by-step explanation:

x^ 3 +x^ 2 +4x/x^ 2 +x-2
into partial



x + (4/ x-2) + (2/ x-1)

Step-by-step explanation:

x + (6x/ x^2 + 2x - x -2)

x + (6x/ (x + 2) X (x - 1))

(6x/ (x + 2) X (x - 1))

(A/ x+2) + (B/ x-1)

(6x/ (x + 2) X (x - 1)) = (A/ x+2) + (B/ x-1)

6x = Ax + Bx - A + 2B

6x = (A+B)x + (-A+2b)

{0 = -A+2B

{6 = A+B

(A,B) = (4, 2)

(4/ x+2) + (2/ x-1)

x + (4/ x-2) + (2/ x-1)

Find f′ in terms of g′


Select one:







f(x)g(x) if you find the derivative of two products, you get f(x)g’(x)+f’(x)g(x). Let’s say x^2 = f(x).

(x^2)(g’(x))+2x(g(x)) so it would be your last option, 2x(g(x))+x^2(g’(x))

Hello Pls help and thanks



c.) in the correct answer

I need one quarter liter of milk to make a milkshake. A.How much milk will I need to make 3 milkshakes?. B. How many ml will that be?.​



a: 750 ml (three quarters)

b: 750 ml

Step-by-step explanation:

1/4 liter= 250ml

A) 250*3= 750ml

B) the same as A

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