The nurse gave the patient a blank injection to ease his pain


Answer 1


Maybe the the nurse give the patient a pain killer injection to ease his pain.

Related Questions

Where do you think
the line between public safety and personal freedom
should be drawn?




One thing I should warn you about. This question is kind of vague. Some mods don't believe it is part of a school subject, and so it will get deleted. You should make clear why you want an answer.

Let me begin by saying that in Canada, the question is not really a question. We have a constitution and a bill or rights. We don't think our rights have been transgressed when something like the virus shows up and we have to obey certain restrictions. Public Health takes presidence over personal freedom, and most of us willingly suspend our personal freedom in favor of public health. We can go back to expressing our opinions with letters to the editor and our government representatives when the virus is no more. There is a minority that objects to what I've written, and they get to have their say, but most of us are obedient.

The line is not really a line. Where public safety is concerned, the scale tips in that direction.

11. This was the dirtiest looking dog I ……………….(ever see).
12. My friend…………….. (not see) me for many years when I ……… (meet) him last week.
13. After John………………… (wash) his clothes, he (begin) ………….to study.
14. She came into the room when they ……………….(watch) television.
15. As soon as we find another apartment, we ………………. (move).
16. She …………… (play) the piano when our guests ………… (arrive) last night.
17. My mother ………… (come) to stay with us next weekend.
18. Violets ……….. (bloom) in the spring.
19. We …………….. (not live) in England for the last two years.
20. I never ……..…….. (forget) what you just ……….. (tell) me.
21. They …………….….. (prepare) the Christmas dinner today.
22. I didn’t know what time it ……….. (be), so I ……….. (turn) on the radio.
23. She says that she ……….. (live) in the country when she ……….. (be) a child.
24. When the teacher came in, the pupil ……………... (play).
25. Mary ____________(not/eat) meat. She is a vegetarian.
26. They (go) ___________home after they (finish) _____________ their work.
27. In my country, it often (snow) ________a lot in winter.



11. This was the dirtiest looking dog I have ever seen.

12. My friend haven't seen me for many years when I met him last week.

13. After John had washed his clothes, he began to study.

14. She came into the room when they was watching television.

15. As soon as we find another apartment, we'll move.

16. She was playing the piano when our guests had arrived last night.

17. My mother will come to stay with us next weekend.

18. Violets blooms in the spring.

19. We haven't been living in England for the last two years.

20. I have never forget what you have just told me.

21. They preparing the Christmas dinner today.

22. I didn’t know what time it was, so I turned on the radio.

23. She says that she lived in the country when she was a child.

24. When the teacher came in, the pupil were playing.

25. Mary does not eat meat. She is a vegetarian.

26. They will go home after they will have finished their work./They went home after the had finished their work

27. In my country, it often snows a lot in winter.

11. This was the dirtiest looking dog I have ever seen.

12. My friend haven't seen me for many years when I met him last week.

13. After John had washed his clothes, he began to study.

14. She came into the room when they were watching television.

15. As soon as we find another apartment, we'll move.

16. She was playing the piano when our guests had arrived last night.

17. My mother will come to stay with us next weekend.

18. Violets blooms in the spring.

19. We haven't been living in England for the last two years.

20. I have never forgotten what you have just told me.

21. They are preparing the Christmas dinner today.

22. I didn’t know what time it was, so I turned on the radio.

23. She says that she lived in the country when she was a child.

24. When the teacher came in, the pupil were playing.

25. Mary does not eat meat. She is a vegetarian.

26. They will go home after they will have finished their work./They went home after the had finished their work

27. In my country, it often snows a lot in winter.

What are tenses?

Tense is a category used in language to communicate time reference. The employment of various verb tenses, particularly in their conjugation patterns, frequently indicates a tense.

The past, present, and future are the three basic tenses that can be found in various languages. Only two tenses are used in some languages, such as past and non past or future and nonfuture.

Like the majority of Chinese languages, there are tense less languages as well, albeit they may also use the future and nonfuture tenses found in Sino-Tibetan languages.

Tenses typically use the present tense to convey time. However, in some circumstances, their meaning might be viewed as being relative to a predetermined moment in the past or future (the moment being spoken about). Relative (as opposed to absolute) tense is what this is.

Different verb tenses or formulations, such as the pluperfect ("past-in-the-past") and "future-in-the-past," exist in some languages.

What is Christmas?

Christmas is a yearly celebration honoring the birth of Jesus Christ that is celebrated by billions of people all over the world on December 25 as a religious and cultural holiday.

The season of Advent, also known as the Nativity Fast, precedes this important feast, which marks the beginning of the Christmastide season, which traditionally lasts twelve days and ends on Twelfth Night in the West.

Christmas Day is a public holiday in many nations. It is a religious festival for the majority of Christians and a cultural holiday for many non-Christians. It also plays a significant role in the holiday season that is centered on it.

Hence, the above options are the correct answer

To learn more about Tenses here,


plz help change into tag questions plz and I will mark as brainliest who answered correctly and will follow them......​plz help change into tag questions



16 isn't it?

15 Do you?

14 don't he?

13 aren't they?

12 isn't it?

11 isn't it?

10 shall we?

9 will you?


1) haven't they?

2) wouldn't you?

3) don't they?

4) didn't i?

5) aren't they?

6) were they?

7) don't we?

8) don't they?

9) shouldn't we?

10) shouldn't we?

11) shouldn't they?

12) don't they?

13) aren't they?

14) oughtn't he?

15) will you?

16) isn't it?

17) mustn't she?

"There's no tipping point. It's a constant evolution of how
we eat [and] what the supermarket is going to look like."
The suffix - tion in the words evolution and description most
likely means
A. Above
B. Fear of
C. Near
D. State of





what is the synonyms of good​




of high quality

of a high standard






in order

up to scratch

up to the mark

up to standard

up to par


not bad

all right





of the highest quality

of the highest standard






























on fleek

















































bona fide




















morally correct



In Fences, Wilson includes many stories within a story to develop complex characters. Select one of these "stories" and create a narrative backstory from the perspective of one of the characters in the text. Your backstory should be based on the details you have learned about the characters from the play. Include at least three narrative devices, five complex sentences, and four vocabulary words from the unit.



At that moment, however, Troy believes he became a man. He could no longer live under the roof with a man that would commit these unacceptable acts, so he left home to be on his own, though he was homeless and broke,

what opini


Answer: mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

Ok I literally don’t get the question

Write a essay about your favorite person



My favourite person is my father


In this word, everybody has someone who is the best favourite person for them. Hence I also have a person to which I like the most, is my father. My father is my favourite person in my life.

I love my dad more than any other love in this world. When I was small child my passion is for both person is my life there are "my dad and my mom " for both the person my passion is equal but I feel I love most to my dad.

My dad is a lovely person. Sometimes when he shows love and care to other kids, I feel very jealous of them. Sometimes my mom also jealous of my dad because he is the most person in my life.

An important person in my whole life is my father. He is the best father in the entire world. What I want and I need he never hesitate to provide it to me. He always use to teach to me the way/ sources to become to a better person and to be a better citizen.

To explain very single detail , I will take a lifetime . He always pays for me so that I can't get any problem whether it is related to education or other things such as clothes, shoes etc.

I hope it will help you so .

Have a great day .

Which of the following sentences has all words capitalized correctly?

He and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.
He and i both enjoyed the brownies you made.
He and I both enjoyed the brownies You made.
he and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.



He and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.


Cloze test without clues (A Modern Library)
A modern library, with some exception is regarded as (a) ____ service institution. Its aim is to enable the (b) ____ to make the most effective use of the resources and services of the (c) ____. This type of library acquires materials, processes it, and makes it available for use rather than (d) ____. It allows open (e) ____ to its collection and provides service to its users. It is expected to (f) ____ potential users into habitual users. A habitual user is (g) ____, who goes to a library regularly and use the library as a source of (h) ____ in order to convert potential users (i) ____ habitual users, it is essential to (j) ____ desired kind of contact between the user and the document.


The missing words are:

A) auxiliary scientific, educational, and cultural

B) users

C) institution

D) sell them

E) Public

F) Convert

G) One

H) Information

I) into

J) Create the

A modern library, with some exceptions, is regarded as an auxiliary scientific, educational, and cultural institution. Its aim is to enable the users to make the most effective use of the resources and services of the institution.

This type of library acquires materials, processes them, and makes them available for use rather than sell them. It allows the open public to its collection and provides services to its users.

It is expected to convert potential users into habitual users. A habitual user is one who goes to a library regularly and uses the library as a source of information. In order to convert potential users into habitual users, it is essential to create the desired kind of contact between the user and the document.

Learn more about libraries here:

Which theme is developed through the interaction between nJack and Miss Prism in paragraphs 2-9?

A. One's instincts about one's family often prove incorrect.

B. Even close friends may have difficulty forgiving each other.

C. Mistakes from the past can eventually be resolved.

D. It is better to doubt unlikely explanations than to accept them.

Plz help :3




I think b or c

What will you do on/in Monday?



on and in both are correct


but,on is mostly preferred.

Keep smiling and hope u are satisfied with my answer.Have a good day:)

what is ethos, logos, and pathos?



Pathos appeals to the audience's emotions and evokes feelings.

Logos or the appeal to logic is the use of logic or reason to persuade an audience.

Ethos  It is an appeal to authority and credibility in persuasive language. Ensuring an audience of the speaker/or writer's argument's reliability or credibility. Making yourself (or your argument) appear credible and trustworthy will help you persuade your audience.

what are the four elements of a text



1) Purpose, 2) Message, 3) Audience, and 4) Voice.



Four elements of a text are purpose, audience, genre, and organization.

Hope it helps!

Which details of Beatty's account of firemen make it credible/incredible? Is his account a history or simply a fable meant to influence Montag's behavior?


Beatty presents real facts about society, which Montag can recognize as true. This makes his speech believable, but he manipulates the information in the speech to influence Montag's behavior.

According to the context of the question, we can see that you are referring to the book "Fahrenheit 451" where we are introduced to a society where books are banned and burned by firefighters.

Montag is one of those firefighters, but after having access to a few books, he begins to question whether his profession acts correctly and whether books, in fact, need to be banned and burned.

Upon realizing this, Captain Beatty, who is the captain of the firehouse to which Montag is a part, gives a long speech, showing why the books were burned and how the firefighters' work began.

Beatty shows that books allowed people to perceive their realities, have ideas, feel sad about situations they cannot change and contend with each other because of different ideas.

He says that the thinking triggered by the books made people unhappy and that was socially disadvantageous. For that reason, the work of firefighters is so important.

Montag recognizes that books are capable of providing questions and interpretations of reality that do not always develop happiness and, therefore, realizes that Beatty's speech is believable.

However Beautty manipulates the information in the speech, without showing that through books society has knowledge and freedom and these are the main basements of happiness. This manipulation is done to influence Montag to behave in favor of firefighters and against books.

You can have more information about this book at the link below:

What does the word disembark mean?


disembark = To go ashore out of a ship or boat; to leave a train or airplane or,

To remove from on board a vessel; to put on shore..


"The desert sky is encircling, majestic, terrible." The underlined portion is an example of...
Select one:
O a metaphor.
O b. asyndeton.
O c. hyperbole.
O d. allusion



The correct answer is C. Hyperbole.


Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or stylistic figure. Hyperbole can also be used in cases of such exaggerations for emphasis or effect. Hyperbole is often used in informal speech as an amplifier, such as saying "the bag weighed a ton." Hyperbole indicates that the speaker found a bag that was extremely heavy, although it was nothing like a literal ton. Understanding hyperbole and its use in context can further enhance the ability to understand the messages sent by the speaker. The use of hyperbole generally conveys feelings or emotions from the speaker, or from those the speaker is talking about. Hyperbole can be used in the form of humor, excitement, trouble and many other emotions, all depending on the context used by the speaker.

hlo plz help 5 point s and I will mark as brainliest also change in tag questions​



look below didn't know if they should be positive tags or negative but I tired I guess


1. will he?

2. isn't there?

3. weren't they?

4. shall we?

5. isn't she?

6. is it?

7. were you?

8. aren't I?

9. does she?

10. would you?

11. didn't he?

12. will you?

13. don't you

14. should I?

15.cant you?


17. will he?

18. didn't they?

19. can't he?

20. had he?

21. dont they?

22. do you?

13. wasn't he?

14. wouldn't you?

15. do I?

16. dont I?

17. shall we?

18. wouldn't you?

19. will you?

20. aren't I?


22. dont we?

Which scientific law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction? Law of universal gravitation.


Newton's third law of Motion

The Third Law of Motion indicates that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object instantaneously exerts a force back on the first object.

Law of universal gravitation

The universal law of gravitation states that every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force F which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

This law was given by Sir Isaac Newton.

[tex]\large\bf{\red{ \implies}} \rm \: F \: = \: G \: \times \: \frac{m \: \times \:M}{ {d}^{2} } \\ [/tex]

60. The majority of the students....... him to be innocent.
A) believes B) believe C) believing D) to believe
61. Not only he but also his friends.... this film. A) liking B) to like C) like D) likes
62. This pair of scissors....... dull.
A) am B) is C) are D) was
63. Everybody...... him because he as well as his family well-known.
A) love/ are B) loves/ is C) to love / were D) loving/ was
64. Either he or his parents....... seeing horror films. A) liking B) to like C) like D) likes
65. favorite sports. A) am B) is C) are D) be

66. Both the boss and his secretary...... flying to Paris. A) am B) is C) are D) be
67. Half of the students in this class...... from southeast Asia. A) am B) is C) are D) be
68. Most of the furniture in my house......... comfortable. A) am B) is C) are D) be
69, Most of these books..... interesting for the children. A) am B) is C) are D) be
70. Eight hours of sleep...... enough for him to drive. . A) am B) is C) are D) be
71. Many famous pop stars........been ruined by drugs. A) have B) has C) to have D) having



1 b because like is not ment to be likes

2 c

3 b


What is the tone of the following statement? "Still no word from Mark since he headed over to England, but I know he is very busy. I am sure we will hear from him soon
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Hopeful
D. Angry
Reset Selection





because I have hope that he will be soon ☺️

to be fair we need to divide the task (equal)



To be fair, we need to divide the task equally.

Read this passage from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein:
The storm appeared to approach rapidly ... it advanced;
the heavens were clouded, and I soon felt the rain coming
slowly in large drops, but its violence quickly increased....
The darkness and the storm increased every minute, and
the thunder burst with a terrific crash over my head....
Vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my eyes, illuminating the
lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire... (75).
How is nature most clearly portrayed in this passage?
O A. As a detached observer
O B. As an uncaring father
O C. As a lonely child
O D. As an uncontrollable entity



D. As an uncontrollable entity


This is the correct answer because during the storm a lot of things has happened including the discovery of the murderer of Frankenstein's brother.

Plz look the photo
and help me asap plz plz
i will give brainliest



Please see the attached file, I have written the blog entry explaining what I think happened to the missing helicopter.

70. We each other one day while John a bookin the library and i down beside him a. Met / was reading / sat c. Meet / is reading / have sat b. Had met / was reading / had sat d. Will meet / reads / sat


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.

Answer: a. Met / was reading / sat

We met each other one day while John was reading a book in the library and I sat down beside him.


Out of the options provided, only the chosen one correctly uses the verb tense for the missing words in the sentence: all the actions happened in the past.

Option c is incorrect because it uses the present tense (meet) and the past perfect (have sat) as if the act of sitting had happened before they met.  

Option b. is incorrect because both actions, meeting, and seating, are in the past perfect tense, so there is an action that should happen after that that is missing.

Option d. is incorrect because the act of meeting happens in the future.

What theme of Frankenstein is reflected in the following excerpt?
by Mary Shelley
if this journey had taken place during my days of study and happiness, it would have afforded me inexpressible pleasure. But a blight had come
over my existence, and I only visited these people for the sake of the Information they might give me on the subject in which my interest was so
terribly profound. Company was irksome to me when alone, I could fill my mind with the sights of heaven and earth; the voice of Henry soothed
me, and I could thus cheat myself into a transitory peace. But busy uninteresting joyous faces brought back despair to my heart. I sawan
insurmountable barrier placed between me and my fellow-men: this barrier was sealed with the blood of Willam and justine, and to reflect on
the events connected with those names filled my soul with anguish.
OA revenge
OB. family
Ocbirth and creation
OD alienation and Isolation



It's D.


It states in the excerpt that they only visited people for information but the rest talks about how lonely they've become and isolated that without Henry they've built barriers around themselves and kept themselves away.

-what were some of the similarities you found in your schools and education system
-what are some of the differences you found in your schools and education system
please help me



Much difference here for me. Everything seems much complicated here. learning is really full and the educational system. ain't working really well for students

16) Had
my driving license, you
the first to know. *
a) gotten, would be
b) get, would have been
c) got, would have been
d) had got, would be





write the questions for the underlined words. i met my cousin yesterday -> Whom did you meet yesterday?. the Muong inhabited viet nam thousands of years ago -> _____________________



I met my cousin yesterday. Whom did you meet yesterday?

The Muong inhabited Vietnam Nam thousands of years ago.


Correct grammar in the above sentences.

i met my cousin yesterday_ Whom did you meet yesterday?. the Muong inhabited viet nam thousands of years ago_

Can you guys help me on this question please

Which quotation most accurately shows why Douglass wrote this narrative?




the explanation

hope this helps :)

i hope this is the correct answer
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