Describe how tuples can be useful with loops over lists and dictionaries,
and give Python code examples.
Create your own code examples. Do not copy them from the textbook or any other source.
Your descriptions and examples should include the following: the zip function, the enumerate function, and the items method.


Answer 1


what is computer

what is simple machine

what is output device

Related Questions

The invention of the integrated circuit was the first major advance in computing. The integrated circuit made it possible for all of a computer's electrical components to reside on one silicon chip.

This invention became known as the __________.

personal computer


client-server configuration

mainframe computer



micro processor


A life insurance salesperson who takes advantage of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon would be most likely to:________
a. emphasize that his company is one of the largest in the insurance industry.
b. promise a free gift to those who agree to purchase an insurance policy.
c. address customers by their first names.
d. ask customers to respond to a brief survey of their attitudes regarding life insurance.



d. ask customers to respond to a brief survey of their attitudes regarding life insurance.


A life insurance policy can be defined as a contract between a policyholder and an insurer, in which the insurer agrees to pay an amount of money to a specific beneficiary either upon the death of the insured person (decedent) or after a set period of time.

A salesperson (sales representative) refers to an individual or employee who is saddled with the responsibility of taking orders from customers, as well as selling finished goods and services to consumers or end users.

A foot-in-the-door phenomenon can be defined as a compliance (persuasive) technique or tactics that assumes a person agreeing to perform a small request increases the likelihood of he or she agreeing to a subsequent larger request. Thus, it posits that when a person agrees to a small, it makes it difficult for him or her to decline a second, larger (bigger) request.

In this context, a life insurance salesperson who takes advantage of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon would most likely ask his or her customers to respond to a brief survey of their attitudes regarding life insurance.

what is the build in libary function to compare two strings?​



strcmp() is a built-in library function and is declared in <string. h> header file. This function takes two strings as arguments and compare these two strings lexicographically.


Hope it helps

c)what formula would be in the cell E2


Excel will generally be able to handle any properly-input mathematical formula, if valid operators are used. Commonly used operators include "+" (addition), "-" (subtraction), "*" (multiplication) and "/" (division).  (Microsoft has a complete list of valid operators to be used in Excel formulas on the Office website).  Here are some examples of formulas using common operators:

Formula                                                                              Description

=C2-B2                                                                Subtracts contents of B2 from contents of C2

=C2/B2                                                                Divides contents of C2 by contents of B2

=(B2+C2+D2)/3                                                  Adds contents of B2, C2, and D2 and divides result by 3

After hitting "Enter", the cell will display the calculated value, while the formula bar will still display the formula.  (Note: Always hit “Enter” when finished entering a formula, manually.  If you click off the cell, the cell you click to will be added to your formula.)Formulas

Formulas in Excel are basically mathematical expressions that use cell references (e.g., “A5”,” D17”) as arguments.  For example, a formula that adds the contents of cell E5 and E6 could be written as follows:


= E5+E6


(Note: all formulas in Excel need to be preceded by an “=” sign.) If the values contained in E5 and E6 are 6 and 11, respectively, the formula will produce 17 as the value it displays. If you change E5 to 7, the result will automatically change to 18.


Let's say you were putting together an office supply order, and you wanted to keep track of much you were spending. You could put together a spreadsheet like the one below, with the list of items to be purchased, their unit prices, the number of each item ordered, and the total spent for each.  It would make sense to enter the things you know in advance (like the price of individual items and the number ordered), but you could let Excel calculate the totals for you.  For the first item listed below (pencils), this could be done by making the value of the total price (cell D2), the value of the unit price (held in cell C2) multiplied by the number of items ordered (held in D2).  This formula would be written "=B2*C2".

Once you click "OK", your completed formula will be input into the cell.

Copying and pasting formulas

Often, you will need Excel to do a series of similar computations, where the only things that will change are the cells used as arguments.  For instance, in the example above, you would probably like Excel to calculate the Total Price for each item in the order.  You could re-input the same formula used to get the total price for pencils in each cell in that row, just changing the cells referenced (i.e. "=PRODUCT(B3:C3)", "=PRODUCT(B4:C4)", etc.), but Excel has simpler method for this. If you have multiple cells in the same row or column that need to do the same computation, you can simply copy the value in the cell you entered a formula, and then paste it into the subsequent cells.  Excel will then automatically adjust which cells are included in the formula, based upon which cell the formula was pasted to.  So, if the original formula entered in D2 was "=PRODUCT(B2:C2)", the formula pasted into D4 would be "=PRODUCT(B4:C4)"

More simply, if you have a formula you want repeated in a number of directly adjoining cells, you can just click and drag the bottom right corner of the cell with the original formula (see image below) onto the cells you want the same formula entered, and Excel will automatically copy and paste the formula for you, with appropriate adjustments made to the cell numbers in the formula.

After selecting "PRODUCT" and clicking OK, you will get another dialog box, that allows you to select the cells to be multiplied.  You can do this for individual cells, by selecting cells separately in the "Number1" and  "Number2" boxes shown below, or by selecting an array of cells, by clicking and dragging on the range cells you want to use on the spreadsheet, itself.  (Note: if you try to enter a formula in a cell using the Insert Formula button and there are adjacent cells with numbers, Excel will often select those cells automatically, so make sure the cells selected in the dialog box are the correct ones.) Excel also has built-in functions that can do a lot of useful calculations.  These are most easily accessed by hitting the Insert Function button, which is represented by the “fx” symbol next to the formula bar.  For example, instead of entering the formula shown above, the same result could have been achieved using the built-in "PRODUCT" function by clicking in cell D2 and hitting the Insert Formula button.  This would give a dialog box like the one shown, below.

After choosing “PRODUCT” and pressing OK, a new dialogue box will appear where you may choose which cells should be multiplied. By selecting particular cells in the “Number1” and “Number2” boxes as shown below, you can do this for specific cells.

What is the formula would be in the cell E2

Additionally, Excel contains many useful built-in functions that can perform calculations. The button shown by the “fx” sign next to the formula bar, “Insert Function,” can be used to access these the simplest way by clicking it.

Make sure the cells selected in the dialogue box are the proper ones because if you try to insert a formula in a cell using the Insert Formula button and there are adjacent cells containing numbers. Excel will frequently select those cells automatically.)

Therefore, by deciding a range of cells on the spreadsheet itself by clicking and dragging on the desired range of cells.

Learn more about cell E2 here:


1. For this assignment you will print the steps for 8-bit by 8-bit multiplication.
2. Your program should read in two unsigned numbers from stdin, the first being the multiplicand and the second being the multiplier. Your program should verify that both values are within the range 0 to 255. If not, the program should print an appropriate error message and exit.
3. Your program should then initialize the simulated registers and echo the input values in decimal and also in binary.
4. Then your program should illustrate the eight steps required for multiplication using the same type of step diagrams as given in the lecture notes.
5. Finally, your program should print a check section that shows a summary of the multiplication in binary as well as in decimal. See the example below.
6. You may write your program in C, C++, or Java. If you choose to work in C, here is an example function that will allow you to represent an n-bit value within an int data type and print out the binary value in "length" bits. It uses the shift right operator and the bitwise and. (You can also choose to use unsigned int as the data type; since you are using only the lower 8 of the 32 bits in an int, there will be no apparent difference between using int and using unsigned int. However, if you choose to use char as the data type, you should use unsigned char to ensure that the compiler generates logical rather than arithmetic shifts.)
void prt_bin( int value, int length ){
int i;
for( i=(length-1); i>=0; i--){
For example, if you declare acc as an int, then you could call prt_bin(acc,8) to print the 8-bit value in the accumulator.
You should format your output to exactly match the output below. 10% of the grade will be awarded for following the same format.
Sample Run is given below:
multiplicand: 33
multiplier: 55
c and acc set to 0
mq set to multiplier = 55 decimal and 00110111 binary
mdr set to multiplicand = 33 decimal and 00100001 binary
step 1: 0 00000000 00110111
+ 00100001 ^ add based on lsb=1
0 00100001 00110111
>> shift right
0 00010000 10011011
step 2: 0 00010000 10011011
+ 00100001 ^ add based on lsb=1
0 00110001 10011011
>> shift right
0 00011000 11001101
step 3: 0 00011000 11001101
+ 00100001 ^ add based on lsb=1
0 00111001 11001101
>> shift right
0 00011100 11100110
step 4: 0 00011100 11100110
+ 00000000 ^ no add based on lsb=0
0 00011100 11100110
>> shift right
0 00001110 01110011
step 5: 0 00001110 01110011
+ 00100001 ^ add based on lsb=1
0 00101111 01110011
>> shift right
0 00010111 10111001
step 6: 0 00010111 10111001
+ 00100001 ^ add based on lsb=1
0 00111000 10111001
>> shift right
0 00011100 01011100
step 7: 0 00011100 01011100
+ 00000000 ^ no add based on lsb=0
0 00011100 01011100
>> shift right
0 00001110 00101110
step 8: 0 00001110 00101110
+ 00000000 ^ no add based on lsb=0
0 00001110 00101110
>> shift right
0 00000111 00010111
check: binary decimal
00100001 33
x 00110111 x 55
---------------- ------
0000011100010111 1815





using namespace std;  

char* prt_bin( int value, int length, char s[]){

   for(int i=(length-1); i>=0; i--){

     if((value>>i)&1) {

       s[length-1-i] = '1';  

       // putchar('1');


     else {

       s[length-1-i] = '0';  

       // putchar('0');



   s[length] = '\0';

   return s;


int main(){

     int nbits = 8, c, acc;

     char s[nbits+1];

    int multiplicand, multiplier, mq, mdr;  

   cout<<"Multiplicand: ";


   cout<<"Multiplier: ";



    if(multiplier<0 || multiplier>255 ||multiplicand<0 || multiplicand>255){

    cout<<"Given Multiplicand or multiplier is incorrect. Exiting the program.\n";

       return 0;


   c = 0; acc = 0;

      cout<<"c and acc set to 0\n";

   mq = multiplier;

   mdr = multiplicand;

   cout<<"mq set to multiplier = "<<multiplier<<" decimal and "<<prt_bin(multiplier, nbits, s)<<" binary\n";

   cout<<"mdr set to multiplicand = "<<multiplicand<<" decimal and "<<prt_bin(multiplicand, nbits, s)<<" binary\n";



    for(int i=1;i<=nbits;i++){

       printf("step %d: %d %s ",i, c, prt_bin(acc, nbits, s));

       printf("%s\n",prt_bin(mq, nbits, s));

       char lsb = s[nbits-1];  


           printf("     + %c %s    ^add based on lsb=%c\n", c, prt_bin(mdr, nbits, s), lsb);

           printf("      ----------\n");

           acc = acc + multiplicand;



           printf("     + %c %s    ^no add based on lsb=%c\n", c, prt_bin(0, nbits, s), lsb);

           printf("      ----------\n");


       printf("      %d %s ", c, prt_bin(acc, nbits, s));

       printf("%s\n",prt_bin(mq, nbits, s));  

       printf("     >>          shift right\n");  

       mq = mq>>1;  


           mq = mq+128;


       acc = acc>>1;  

       printf("      %d %s ", c, prt_bin(acc, nbits, s));

       printf("%s\n",prt_bin(mq, nbits, s));  



   char sr[nbits*2+1];  

   printf("check:              binary   decimal\n");

   printf("                 %s        %d\n", prt_bin(multiplicand, nbits, s), multiplicand);

   printf("       x         %s  x     %d\n", prt_bin(multiplier, nbits, s), multiplier);

   printf("          ----------------    ------\n");

   printf("          %s      %d\n", prt_bin(multiplier*multiplicand, nbits*2, sr), multiplier*multiplicand);

   return 0;


1.which screen appears after the password is typed (welcome, lock)​



it should be the welcome screen I will hope so lol


welcomeyou don't know that much also

An engineer is designing an HTML page and wants to specify a title for the browser tab to display, along with some meta data on what tools the page should use. These items would best fit in which of the following sections

a. The element
b. The element
c. The

d. The



An HTML is made up of several individual tags and elements such as the head, body. form, frame and many more.

In an HTML page, the meta element and the title element are placed in the head element.

An illustration is as follows:

< head >

< title > My Title < /title >

 < meta charset="UTF-8" >

< / head >

The head element contains quite a number of elements and tags; some of them are:

metatitle stylescriptbase

And so on.

Hence, in order to use a meta-data element, the meta element has to be placed within the head element.

Read more about HTML elements at:

Suppose we can buy a chocolate bar from the vending machine for $1 each. Inside every chocolate bar is a coupon. We can redeem six coupons for one chocolate bar from the machine. This means that once you have started buying chocolate bars from the machine, you always have some coupons. We would like to know how many chocolate bars can be eaten if we start with N dollars and always redeem coupons if we have enough for an additional chocolate bar.For example, with 6 dollars we could consume 7 chocolate bars after purchasing 6 bars giving us 6 coupons and then redeeming the 6 coupons for one bar. This would leave us with one extra coupon. For 11 dollars, we could consume 13 chocolate bars and still have one coupon left. For 2 dollars, we could have consumed 14 chocolate bars and have two coupons left.Write a program that inputs a value for N and outputs how many chocolate bars we can eat and how many coupons we would have left over. Use a loop that continues to redeem coupons as long as there are enough to get at least one chocolate bar.


Answer and Explanation:

Using JavaScript:

/* program should take N input which represents the dollar amount and output how many chocolate bars and how many coupons we have*/

function chocolatebar(dollars){

var dollaramt= dollars;

var i;

for(i=0; i <= dollaramt; i++){



Alert ("you have 1 extra chocolate bar");


Alert ("keep buying chocolate bars to get more coupons for a bonus chocolate bar")




An administrator needs to protect rive websites with SSL certificates Three of the websites have different domain names, and two of the websites share the domain name but have different subdomain prefixes.
Which of the following SSL certificates should the administrator purchase to protect all the websites and be able to administer them easily at a later time?
A . One SAN certificate
B . One Unified Communications Certificate and one wildcard certificate
C . One wildcard certificate and two standard certificates
D . Five standard certificates



Option A (One SAN certificate) is the right answer.


A vulnerability management certificate that permits many domain identities to be safeguarded by such a singular or unique certification, is considered a SAN certificate.Though on the verge of replacing common as well as accepted security credentials with either of these de-facto certifications.

Other alternatives are not connected to the given scenario. Thus the above option is correct.

hi, solution, help me please.​





is it infinity ? let me know

During the data transmission there are chances that the data bits in the frame might get corrupted. This will require the sender to re-transmit the frame and hence it will increase the re-transmission overhead. By considering the scenarios given below, you have to choose whether the packets should be encapsulated in a single frame or multiple frames in order to minimize the re-transmission overhead.

Justify your answer with one valid reason for both the scenarios given below.

Scenario A: Suppose you are using a network which is very prone to errors.

Scenario B: Suppose you are using a network with high reliability and accuracy.


The packets would be encapsulated in single frame in scenario A. In scenario B, it should be in multi frames.

In scenario A, given that this network has been said to be prone to error, the packets should be encapsulated in single frames.

The reason for this is because, using a single frame helps to decrease error. We have been told already that it is prone to error. If you use the multi frame, there would be very high likelihood of errors occurring.

In scenario B, given that the network is accurate and very reliable, the best packet is the multi frame.

It would give a quicker transmission and the likelihood of errors occurring is also low.


What is the iterative procedure of recursive and nonrecursive?





Input two numbers and work out their sim, subtraction, multiplication, division, remainder, average and sum of the squares of the numbers.


def ultimate_math (num1, num2):


array_num = [num1, num2]

print (num1 + num2)

print (num1 - num2)

print (num1 * num2)

print (num1 / num2)

print (num1 % num2)

print ((num1 + num2) / (len(array_num)))

print ((num1**2) + (num2**2))

except ValueError:

return "Invalid Input"

user_num1 = float (input (" Please enter a num: "))

user_num2 = float (input (" Please enter a second num: "))

print (ultimate_math (user_num1, user_num2))

If your organization hires a new employee, what would you do to create a user account in the Linux system and add the account to a group? What commands would you use? What configuration files would you check and modify?


Following are the responses to this question:

The user account is "olivia".In the Linux system to see the account go to the "/home directory".For the configuration file we use ".bash_logout , .bash_profile, and .bashrc" files.

Creating users:

We will use the useradd command to achieve this. Using that same command, you can create users who would log in or customers who would log in (in the case of creating a user for a software installation).

In its basic form, the command is as follows:

[Options] useradd username

Take this user olivia, for instance. Assuming that you had been to issue the command prompt:

olivia has become a user.

Users are added to the system without the need for a home directory and are unable to log on. It if we were using this rather than running the command without arguments?

sudo using useradd -m olivia

Using the command above, a new user would be created, including a home directory that corresponded to the username. That means that you might now see the name "olivia" in the directory "/home".

But what about the lockout concern that was raised earlier? Both these methods are possible. After creating the user, you can enter the following command:

Password for olivia is: sudo passwd olivia

You'll be requested to enter & verify your new password once you've completed the process. This unlocks the user profile, allowing them to log in.

This command might look like if you wanted to accomplish it in one go:

sudo useradd -m olivia -p PASSWORD

You should be using Passcodes as the login for the user olivia.

As soon as the user logs in, he or she can update their account password by using the password command to input their current password, and afterward entering/verifying their new one.

To create a user that has no personal account and cannot log in, execute the following instructions:

sudo use useradd as  the-M USERNAME ​sudo use usermod as the -L USERNAME

The user to be added is identified by USERNAME.

It establishes a user with really no root folder and prevents them from signing in with a second operation.

To add an existing user to a group on Linux, follow the instructions:

As root, log in to your accountUse the useradd instruction to add a new user (for example, useradd roman)If you'd like to log on as a new customer, type su plus that user's name.Entering the word "exit" will logout you from your account.

Another way to add a user to a group under Linux would be to use the following syntax:

Alternatively, you can use the usermod command.The name of the club should be substituted for example group in this sentence.Example username should be replaced with the name of the user you'd like added.

The following operations are performed when a new login is added to the system.

The user's home directory (/home/username by default) is now created.To set configuration files for the user's session, the following secret files are copied into another user's home directory.




/var/spool/mail/username includes the user's mail spool.The new user account is arranged in groups with the same name.

Learn more:

Linux system:

Why use LinkedIn automation for LinkedIn?



Using LinkedIn automation tools to run successful outreach campaigns has become popular. It’s because these tools automate tedious networking tasks such as visiting profiles, collecting data, sending out bulk connection requests, messages, and follow-ups, etc.  

With the help of the latest LinkedIn automation tools, you can quickly perform all the repetitive tasks while saving yourself a lot of time that you can use on actual relationship building and lead nurturing tasks.  

However, LinkedIn isn’t really amused when using any bots or automation tools for LinkedIn.

what is the difference between packed and unpacked bcd numbers ​



Packed BCD ( Binary coded decimal) is type in which each decimal digit is represented by 4 bits ( 1 nibble) . For Example : 14 will be shown as 0001 0100 in packed BCD form. Unpacked BCD is type in which each decimal digit is represented by 8 bits ( 1 byte).

What are the activities a Database Designer will do if using the SDLC to design a Database [10]
List the five main components of Access Database and state their uses [10]



What are the activities a Database Designer will do if using the SDLC to design a Database [10]


List the five main components of Access Database and state their uses [1


why do we need vector graphics for creating logo​



hope it will help u

please mark brillient


So we can maintain high quality designs at any graphic scale.


Unlike other graphic formats which simply define colors for fixed pixels, vector graphics define points and shapes (vectors) which are then used to draw the graphic at the desired and appropriate resolution.

Our graphic can look good at any resolution, no matter how large it gets. If we take a png or jpg file and make it extremely large, you'll notice the image begins to get blurry, because the pixels are being stretched and colors are being predicted or matched for the larger scale.

5. When you send your email to a bad address it may come back as a:
spam email
server email
bounced email
hypertext email



The answer is a bounced email

Java there are n coins each showing either heads or tails we would like all the coins to form a sequence of alternating heads and tails what is the minimum number of coins that must be reversed to achieve this


El número mínimo de monedas que se deben invertir para lograr esto:

45 moas

If Scheme were a pure functional language, could it include DISPLAY ? Why or why not?​



When Scheme is a pure functional language, it cannot include the function DISPLAY. Since the pure functional languages will return the same value whenever the same expression is evaluated, and the DISPLAY would be the output and thus it cannot be part of the purely functional language. Thus in the pure functional language we can evaluate the expressions with the same arguments and it returns the same value since there is no state to change.


The internet's data pathways rely on what kind of hardware device to route data to its destination?


IP addresses






Essentially a router is a device used in networking that route packets of data from one computer network to another.




Routers are hardware devices that route the data from place to place. Data "hops" from one router to another until it reaches its destination. ISPs and IP addresses are not hardware devices. Servers are hardware devices but do not route data.

-Edge 2022

Write a program that repeatedly accepts as input a string of ACGT triples and produces a list of the triples and the corresponding amino acids, one set per line. The program will continue to accept input until the user just presses ENTER without entering any DNA codes.




The following code is written in Python. I created a dictionary with all the possible gene combinations and their corresponding amino acids. The user then enters a string. The string is split into triples and checked against the dictionary. If a value exists the gene and amino acid is printed, otherwise an "Invalid Sequence" error is printed for that triple. The program has been tested and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

def printAminoAcids():

   data = {

       'TTT': 'Phe', 'TCT': 'Ser', 'TGT': 'Cys', 'TAT': 'Tyr',

       'TTC': 'Phe', 'TCC': 'Ser', 'TGC': 'Cys', 'TAC': 'Tyr',

       'TTG': 'Leu', 'TCG': 'Ser', 'TGG': 'Trp', 'TAG': '***',

       'TTA': 'Leu', 'TCA': 'Ser', 'TGA': '***', 'TAA': '***',

       'CTT': 'Leu', 'CCT': 'Pro', 'CGT': 'Arg', 'CAT': 'His',

       'CTC': 'Leu', 'CCC': 'Pro', 'CGC': 'Arg', 'CAC': 'His',

       'CTG': 'Leu', 'CCG': 'Pro', 'CGG': 'Arg', 'CAG': 'Gln',

       'CTA': 'Leu', 'CCA': 'Pro', 'CGA': 'Arg', 'CAA': 'Gln',

       'GTT': 'Val', 'GCT': 'Ala', 'GGT': 'Gly', 'GAT': 'Asp',

       'GTC': 'Val', 'GCC': 'Ala', 'GGC': 'Gly', 'GAC': 'Asp',

       'GTG': 'Val', 'GCG': 'Ala', 'GGG': 'Gly', 'GAG': 'Glu',

       'GTA': 'Val', 'GCA': 'Ala', 'GGA': 'Gly', 'GAA': 'Glu',

       'ATT': 'Ile', 'ACT': 'Thr', 'AGT': 'Ser', 'AAT': 'Asn',

       'ATC': 'Ile', 'ACC': 'Thr', 'AGC': 'Ser', 'AAC': 'Asn',

       'ATG': 'Met', 'ACG': 'Thr', 'AGG': 'Arg', 'AAG': 'Lys',

       'ATA': 'Ile', 'ACA': 'Thr', 'AGA': 'Arg', 'AAA': 'Lys'


   string = input("Enter Sequence or just click Enter to quit: ")

   sequence_list = []

   count = 0

   gene = ""

   for x in range(len(string)):

       if count < 3:

           gene += string[x]

           count += 1



           gene = ""

           gene += string[x]

           count = 1


   for gene in sequence_list:

       if gene.upper() in data:

           print(str(gene.upper()) + ": " + str(data[gene.upper()]))


           print(str(gene.upper()) + ": invalid sequence")


How to use the AI System ?



· New artificial intelligence systems are being developed to help teachers administer more effective testing that could uncover some of these often-hidden conditions. Once they can be properly identified, educators can tap into the resources available for a learning disability. Students can use AI to give reliable feedback.

Write a program that uses input to prompt a user for their name and then welcomes them. Note that input will pop up a dialog box. Enter Sarah in the pop-up box when you are prompted so your output will match the desired output.


user_name = str (input = ("Please enter your name: "))

def greet (user_name):

print ("Welcome to your ghetto, {0}!".format(user_name) )

cpp Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, which indicates a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that last threshold value. Ex: If the input is:



#include <iostream>

int main() {

 // The length of the list

 int l;

 // The array containing the numbers

 int *list;

 // Threshold, last value in array

 int thresh;


 // Read in first value and create an array with the size of that value

 scanf("%d", &l);

 list = (int*) malloc(l * sizeof(int));


 for(int i = 0; i < l; i++) {

   scanf("%d", &list[i]);


 thresh = list[l - 1];

 // Print the values

 for(int i = 0; i < l - 1; i++) {

   if (list[i] <= thresh) {

     printf("%d ", list[i]);








The program assumes at least two values are provided. The length of the list and the threshold.

We first read in an integer, and find out how many more integers we need to read. We create an array with the appropriate size, and loop through to fill the array with values. We know the last value is the threshold, and so we do one more loop to compare the values in the array with the threshold.

Which of these is a tool for creating mobile apps?

Appy Pie


Apple Pie






C++ is used in application development

You want to remind users of the acceptable usage policy that applies to all computer systems in your organization, so you decide to display a message after the user logs in. The full path and filename to the file you would edit is


It should always be changed to show one message informing customers of the approved user policy which applies to every one computer network within our organization.The "motd" was its filename of a modified version of such a file that displays any messages after logging in.The document should be modified when the message is to be displayed before a user logs in.Please find the attached file for the complete solution.

Learn more:

user logs:

notes on secondary memory​



non-volatile and persistent in nature

Outlook 365 can be described as a personal information manager.
True or false





The statement is True. The Microsoft Outlook 365 can be described as personal information manager.

What is Microsoft Outlook?

Microsoft Outlook is the software system, that allows the users to manage various personal and official information and data altogether at one place.

The Microsoft Outlook is known as personal information manager because it allows the users to managing task, providing calendar services, helps in emailing. It also manages contact and keeps the record of journal logs and many more.

Therefore, the statement regarding outlook 365 is True.

Learn more about Microsoft Outlook, here:


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