The nursing assistant just told Mrs. Symington, one of the residents with dementia, that it is time to go to bed, and the assistant is going to help her get into her pajamas. Mrs. Symington begins to scream and cry, and cannot be consoled. What is Mrs. Symington experiencing


Answer 1


catastrophic reaction

Related Questions

A 3-year-old child being treated for asthma presents with itching on the face and arms. There is oozing and crusting to the lesions. There is erythema, papules, and thickening of the skin on the extensor surfaces. The most likely cause of these lesions is



i dont knowtion:

The doctor ordered medicine 750 my PO BID for 8 days. The medicine comes in 250 mg tablet. How many tabs are you giving.

1. 16
2. 24
3. 48

Please put the steps of how you got the answer :)



250x3=750 BID means 3 pills am 3 pills pm 6 total
6x8 days=48

what damage does the caranbola​



Small branches may be damaged at 25° to 29°F, and large branches and mature trees may be killed at temperatures of 20° to 24°F. Symptoms of freezing damage include leaf wilting, water soaking, desiccation, and drop; stem and limb dieback; fruit drop; and tree death.

To arrive at a diagnosis, Dr. Feng first interviews Lisa and then examines her. If Dr. Feng is still unable to reach a diagnosis, which is she most likely to do next?

examine family members
order blood tests
administer a vaccine
prescribe antibiotics


She will most likely Order blood tests


B order blood tests


The observation is sometimes erratic with intravenous administration?





Intravenous drug administration consists of applying a drug directly into the patient's vein. This type of drug administration promotes more accurate observations on the drug's effects on the patient's body and on the drug's effectiveness in fighting the disease, mainly because intravenous administration allows the drug to act faster, even when applied in large volumes.

1. A researcher is investigating the effects of exercise on weight. What are the independent and dependent variables in this experiment?
A)The dependent variable is the amount of exercise; the independent variable is the number of calories consumed.
B)The dependent variable is weight; the independent variable is exercise.
C)The independent variable is weight; the dependent variable is the number of calories consumed.
D)The independent variable is the number of calories consumed; the dependent variable is diet.


Answer: The dependent variable is weight; the independent variable is exercise.


The dependent variable refers to the variable which depends on the independent variables which are the other factors that are measured.

The dependent variable is expected to change due to the manipulation of the independent variables. Since the researcher is investigating the effects of exercise on weight, the dependent variable is weight while the independent variable is exercise.

The USDA dietary guidelines recommend that individuals obtain approximately 0.80 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight. This number should also fall between 10 and 35 percent of total daily calories. Jose weighs 152 pounds, which is a healthy weight for his height. He consumes about 2,200 calories a day. According to these USDA guidelines for daily protein intake, approximately how many grams of protein should Jose consume every day



the correct answer is - 55 gm.


A 26-year-old G2P1 woman at 41 weeks gestation is brought in by ambulance. The emergency medical technician reports that a pelvic examination performed 20 minutes ago when the patient had a severe urge to push revealed that she was fully dilated and the fetal station was 2. Fetal heart tones were confirmed to be in the 150s, with no audible decelerations. When the patient is placed on the fetal monitor, the heart rate is noted to be in the 60s. The maternal heart rate is recorded as 100. Without pushing, the fetal scalp is visible at the introitus. A repeat pelvic exam shows that the infant is in the occiput anterior position. What is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient



Have the mother push with her next contraction


the baby is in danger now with heart rate of 40. Mother is fully dilated and the baby is in the best (normal) position for labor. The baby needs to be delivered promptly.

try to list three medical enponyms and if possible also identify their locations and or functions
ex: achilles’s tendon



1. adams apple

2. zygomatic bones

3. achilles tendon


1. it is located in the front of the thyroid cartilage. the function of the adam's apple is to control metabolic functions throughout the body. the adam's apple also gives males a deeper voice.

2. these bones provide structure to the face and it located in the cheek area. it fills the face and protects arteries, nerves, and veins that lie below the zygomatic bone.

3. this tendon is located in the back of the leg. this tendon connects muscles in the calf and it allows people to best walk, run, or do other physical activities.

An ideal exercise plan incorporates variety, balance, and moderation. Determine whether each scenario is describing exercise in variety, balance, or moderation. B. Bob used to run for a cardiovascular workout. After sustaining shin splints, he has taken up bicycling and swimming as non-weight bearing cardiovascular alternatives to running. C. Tina used to thing that doing only cardiovascular exercise was the ideal way to keep fit. Now she realizes the benefits of balance, strength, and endurance workouts interspersed with cardio. A. In high school, Charlie used to run until his knees would almost give out. Now that he is older, he values the importance of regular exercise but stays fit without overdoing it during his workouts A. Moderation B. Balance C. Variety



Variety: Bob used to run for a cardiovascular workout. After sustaining shin splints...

Balance: Tina used to think that doing only cardiovascular exercise was the ideal way to keep fit. Now she realizes...

Moderation: In high school, Charlie used to run until his knees would almost give out. Now that he is older, he values...


In Bob's case, we can see that he practices exercises using the principle of variety. This is possible to notice, as he does different exercises, preventing a single part of his body to be overloaded, or his body to get used to the exercise and stop showing results.

In Tina's case, we can see the principle of balance, as she balances cardio exercises with strength and resistance exercises.

In Charlie's case, we can see the principle of moderation, as he realized that it's not okay to run until his knees buckle and began to use a more regular and no-nonsense running schedule.

The training effect, in which individuals experience improvements in physical fitness as they continue a regular exercise regimen, is a product of All of the choices are correct. increased number of mitochondria in muscle cells. increased number of capillaries in muscles. increased efficiency of the heart.



- increased production of lactic acid by muscles

- increased number of mitochondria in muscles

- increased number of capillaries in muscles


The 'training effect' is an outcome of all the above changes in one's body that leads him/her to encounter advancement in their physical fitness post pursuing a continuous exercise routine. Regular exercise assists the body in enhancing its ability to produce more lactic acid, mitochondria, and capillaries that improve the body's strength and metabolism that shield it from diseases, muscle cramps, and make him feel fitter, stronger, and healthier. The exercise keeps one energized throughout the day to work efficiently without getting strained due to the above factors and hence, it is promoted that one should follow a regular exercise regimen.

A two year old client experiencing an anaphylactic reaction and respiratory distress with laryngeal spasms is being prepared for an endotracheal tube (ETT) placement. The healthcare provider has ordered 0.5mL of epinephrine 1:10,000 to be given STAT. The attempts to place an intravenous catheter were unsuccessful. What is another appropriate route to administer the epinephrine during this anaphylactic emergency







Endotracheal tube.


Interosseous, intramuscularly, endotracheal tube

(Rationale: Ideally during an anaphylactic reaction intravenously administration of epinephrine would be the best route. In the event, an intravenous route is not available, epinephrine can be administered order of preference for faster absorption, tibial interosseous, followed by endotracheal tube after the dose has been diluted in 2.5mL of normal saline before being administered down the ETT. Intramuscularly would be your last option if no other access was available due to the slow absorption rate.)

What medication would you anticipate administering to a six month old having an active tonic-clonic seizure?


What is the correct clases for this drugs

heelp me please

You attended a party last night and you consumed several glasses of wine. You are planning to fly your aircraft home and have been careful to make sure 8 hours have passed since your last alcoholic drink. You can make the flight now only if you are not under the influence of alcohol and your blood alcohol level is





I am pretty sure that is correct

Jennie has just finished a course of antibiotics for strep throat, and during her follow-up visit, she tells the doctor that she feels the need to urinate frequently and that urination is painful. Her urinalysis reveals cloudy urine and hematuria. What is the like diagnosis for Jennie's condition


She more than likely has a UTI

A woman gave birth 48 hours ago to a healthy infant girl. She has decided to do not breastfeeding. During your assessment you notice that both of her breasts are swollen, warm, and tender on palpation. The woman should be advised that this condition can best be treated by:



Apply ice to her breasts for comfort


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Which two excerpts avoid wordiness and redundancy A _____________ strategy entails an organization developing a product and/or service that offers unique attributes that are valued by customers and that the customer perceives to be distinct from competitor offerings. Adverbial Clauses Of ConcessionWhich is the right answer Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree. In terms of pedogenic regimes, the process that results in an accumulation of humus overlaying a thick, water saturated layer of clay in cold, wet climates with poor drainage conditions is Mr. J, aged 38 years, presents to the clinic today for his routine physical. During the review of systems, he offhandedly mentions that he has a "knot" in his neck, but he figures it is no big deal since it does not hurt. He also reports occasional fever and chills, and the last several weeks, he has awakened drenched in sweat. He attributes this to the fact that he was around his niece and nephew who were both recovering from the flu. 1. What other questions would be helpful to determine the source of these symptoms? 2. The healthcare provider (HCP) has ordered a chest x-ray because he is suspicious of Hodgkin lymphoma. What is the rationale for this order? HELP1. Yo ___ la guitarra el mes pasado. (tocar, preterite)2 Mis hermanos pequeos ___ muy tarde. (dormirse, preterite)3. La semana pasada, mis amigos y yo ____ por el parque. (andar, preterite)4. T _____ a la profesora que el examen fue difcil. (decir, preterite)5. Cuando ramos pequeos, nosotros ____ mucho. (jugar, imperfect)6. Yo ____ el examen maana. (estudiar, present progressive)7. Qu _____ nosotros en la clase hoy? (hacer, present progressive)8. Sandra _____ ir al cine esta noche. (querer, present)9. No _____ tan alto. (hablar, t negative command)10. No _____ en la biblioteca, (hablar, Uds. negative command)11. 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When Carol _______ last night, I ______ my favorite show on television.A. was calling / watched B. called / have watchedC. called / was watching D. had called / watched16. By this time next summer, you _______ your studies.A. completes B. will complete C. are completing D. will have completed17. Right now, Jim _______ the newspaper and Kathy _______ dinner.A. reads / has cooked B. is reading / is cookingC. has read / was cooking D. read / will be cooking18. Last night at this time, they _______ the same thing. She _______ and he the Newspaper.A. are doing / is cooking / is reading B. were doing / was cooking / was readingC. was doing / has cooked / is reading D. had done / was cooking /read19. When I _______ home last night, I _______ that Jane _______ a beautiful candlelight dinner.A. had arrived / discovered / preparedB. was arriving / had discovered / was preparingC. have arrived / was discovering / had preparedD. arrived / discovered / was preparing20. Sam _______ to change a light bulb when he _______ and _______.A. was trying / slipped / fell B. tried / was slipping / fallingC. had been trying / slipped/ was falling D. has tried / slips / falls evaluate expressions 1. find the value of f(x) = 3x -2 when x is given value a.). f(3) b.) f(-5) c.) f(0) One political movement that changed history Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (7,5) and (-7,-8). Put your answer in fully reduced point-slope form, unless it is a vertical or horizontal line. The following is what kind of reaction?2 CH4 +4 02 2 CO2 + 4H2O ___ is writing that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.MoralObjectiveMotivationsDialogue How can you say gravitational force is a field force what percent of 65 gives you 33 what is mean by measurement a sphere of diameter 6.0 cm is moulded into a thin wire of diameter 0.2 mm calculate the length of the wire in metres