the perimeter of a rectangle is 68 feet the length is 5 inches shorter than twice the width what are the dimensions of the rectangle


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter formula is P = 2L + 2W. If the perimeter is given as 68 feet, then our P will be filled in with 68. If the length is "5 inches shorter than twice the width" is an expression that looks like this, keeping in mind that "shorter" means subtraction, "twice" means doubled, and the word "is" means equals:

L = "length is"

2W is "twice the width"

5 inches shorter is " - 5". Putting it all together:

L = 2W - 5. Now we can fill in the perimeter formula:

68 = 2W + 2(2W - 5) and

68 = 2W + 4W - 10 and

68 = 6W - 10 and

78 = 6W so

W = 13. The width is 13 inches and the length is

L = 2(13) - 5 so the length is

L = 21 inches.

Related Questions

There is a proportional relationship between any length measured in centimeters and
the same length measured in millimeters. There are two ways of thinking about this proportional relationship. If you know the length of something in centimeters, you can calculate it’s length in millimeters


The constant of proportionality is 10.

What is constant of proportionality?

The ratio connecting two given numbers in what is known as a proportional relationship is the constant of proportionality. The constant of proportionality is the fixed or constant pace at which ratios rise and decrease. Two ratios are said to be directly proportional if they share the same constant of proportionality. Constant ratio, constant rate, unit rate, constant of variation, and even rate of change are other names for the constant of proportionality. The constant of proportionality is the name given to this consistent pace of growth or decline.


since , 1 cm = 10mm

9cm = 90mm

12.5cm = 125mm

50cm = 500mm

88.49cm = 884.9mm


The constant of proportionality is 10.

To know more about constant of proportionality please visit:


jojo is twice as Old as esi who in turn is five years older than kweku . if their total age is 47,how is each of them​



jojo is 26

esi is 13

and kweku is 8 years old.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let esi's age be x then jojo's age is 2x.

Also kweku's age is x - 5. as esi is 5 years older than kweku.

So  x + 2x + x - 5 = 47

4x = 47 + 5 = 52

x = 13.

So jojo's age is 2*13 = 26 and kweku's age is 13 - 5 = 8.

Find the future sum of a present value of $2,000 deposited in a bank at 5% interested for 8 years, compounded continuously (F=Pert). Round answer to the nearest dollar. Use 2.718 for e.
I'll give a brainliest




Step-by-step explanation:

A = $2000[tex]e^{8*.05}[/tex] =

What is the decimal equivalent of 9.7x10^5
A. 0.000097
B. 970,000
C. 9,700,000
D. 97,000,000



B. 970,000

Step-by-step explanation:

Move the decimal 5 places to the right, since the exponent is a positive 5.

9.7 x 10 = 970,000.

If it is a negative exponent, you would have to move the decimal to the left.

-5 (k+4) > 2 - (3k+6)


I believe that the answer you are looking for is -8>k, or k<-8.


First, writing out the inequality,

-5(k+4) > 2-(3k+6)

Next, using the Distributive Property on both sides,

-5k-20 > 2-3k-6

Simplifying the right side just a little bit more,

-5k-20 > -3k-4

Adding 5k to both sides,

-5k+5k-20 > -3k+5k-4

-20 > 2k-4

Now, adding 4 to both sides,

-20+4 > 2k-4+4

-16 > 2k

Finally, dividing 2 from both sides,

So, therefore, the final answer is -8>k, or k<-8.

I hope this helped answer your question. Enjoy your day, and take care!      

If 2 fligs make a flog and 3 flogs make a flug, how many fligs in 12 flugs?



There are 72 fligs in 12 flugs



⇒x²+ 4² - x²+ 2x - 2x + 4 = 20

⇒ x² - x² + 2x - 2x + 4² + 4 = 20

⇒ 16 + 4 = 20

⇒ 20 = 20

RHS = LHS hence proved

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest


x = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

(a + b)² = a² +2ab + b²

(a +b)(a -b)= a² - b²

(x + 4)² - (x + 2 )(x - 2) = 20

x² + 2*4 *x + 4² - [x² - 2²] = 20

x² + 8x + 16 - [x² - 4]  = 20

x² + 8x + 16 - x²  + 4   = 20                 {(-1) is distributed x² and (-4)²}

x² - x² + 8x + 16 + 4     = 20 {Combine like terms}

                      8x + 20   = 20

                           8x      = 20 - 20

                               8x   = 0

x = 0



5a + 18 < −27 pre algibra



X < -9

Step-by-step explanation:

5a +18 < -27

5a < -27 -18

5a < - 45

5a/5 < - 45/5

a < - 9

Answred by Gauthmath

Answer: -9

Step-by-step explanation:

5a+18 < -27

5a< -27-18


a< -45/5

a< -9

If give 7 billions for 7 millions people. What is total?



this is a very big number

Step-by-step explanation:


Find he probability of no more than 35 defective CD's in a batch of 80 CD's if the probablility of any one CD being defective is 0.1.




Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :

Probability of CD being defective, p = 0.1

q = 1 - p = 1 - 0.1 = 0.9

Total number of CD's = number of trials = 80

Probability, that no more than 35 CD's are defective ;

The question satisfied the requirements for a binomial probability problem ;

Recall :

P(x = x) = nCx * p^x * q^(n-x)


P(x ≤ 35) = 80C35 * 0.1^35 * 0.9^(45)

Using calculator to save computation time :

P(x ≤ 35) = 0.999999

Someone help please With geometry




Step-by-step explanation:

RT = ST + RS

RT = x + 5, ST = 4x - 9, RS = x - 2

x + 5 = 4x - 9 + x - 2

Combine like terms

x + 5 = 5x - 11

Add 11 to both sides

x + 16 = 5x

Subtract x from both sides

16 = 4x

Divide both sides by 4

4 = x

Find RT

RT = x + 5

x = 4

RT = 4 + 5

RT = 9


RT = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

        R         x - 2                   S        4x - 9             T


                                         x + 5

RT = RS + ST

x + 5 = x - 2 + 4x - 9

x + 5 = 5x - 11

-4x = -16

x = 4

RT = x + 5

RT = 4 + 5

RT = 9

What is the sum of the geometric series below?




The correct answer for your geometric series is 4 13/27 (mixed form) or 121/27.

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

r =term 1 ÷ term 2 = 1 ÷ 3 = 1/3

a =term 1 = 3

n = 5

[tex]Sum = \frac{a(1-r^{n})}{1-r}[/tex]

        [tex]= \frac{3*(1-(\frac{1}{3})^{5}}{1-\frac{1}{3}}\\\\=\frac{3*(1-\frac{1}{243})}{\frac{2}{3}}\\\\=\frac{3*\frac{242}{243}}{\frac{2}{3}}\\\\=3*\frac{242}{243}*\frac{3}{2}\\\\=\frac{121}{27}\\\\=4 \frac{13}{27}[/tex]

The area of a square piece of land is 784metersquared .What is the perimeter​



112 m

Step-by-step explanation:

The area (A) of a square is

A = s² ( s is the length of side )

Here A = 784 , then

s² = 784 ( take the square root of both sides )

s = [tex]\sqrt{784}[/tex] = 28


perimeter = 4s = 4 × 28 = 112 m



Step-by-step explanation:

the area of the square is 784m^2 so the square root of 784 would give us the length of the sides(since it's a square the length of each sides are equal). √784 would give 28m. 28 m is the length of each now the perimeter would be the addition of each sides which in case would be 4 times 28 because it's a square. 4 times 28 gives 112m.

The fan below has been stretched open as far as it will go to form a semi-circle.
Each of the eighteen sectors formed by the fan consists of the same amount of fabric. The length of
each wooden rod that connects the center of the fan to its edge is 12 cm. The wooden rods are
glued to the fabric forming the fan. Determine the approximate area of each sector.



Area of each sector=[tex]12.6cm^2[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that

Length of each wooden od that connects the center of the fan to its edge ,r=12 cm

Total number of sectors=18

We have to find the approximate area of each sector.

Area of semi-circle=[tex]\frac{1}{2}\pi r^2[/tex]

Using the formula

Area of fan=[tex]\frac{1}{2}\pi (12)^2=72 \pi cm^2[/tex]

Area of each sector=[tex]\frac{area\;of\;fan}{Total\;number\;of\;sectors}[/tex]

Area of each sector=[tex]\frac{72\pi}{18}=\frac{72\times 3.14}{18} cm^2[/tex]

Where [tex]\pi=3.14[/tex]

Area of each sector=[tex]12.56cm^2\approx 12.6 cm^2[/tex]

For the remaining questions, show your work.
6. Solve each of the following equations.
a. - 5 = -3 + a
b.Зc + 2 = -22


Step-by-step explanation:


[tex] - 5 = - 3 + a[/tex]

[tex] - 2 = a[/tex]


[tex]3c + 2 = - 22[/tex]

[tex]3c = - 24[/tex]

[tex]c = - 8[/tex]

An Olympic swimming pool is 25 meters long. How long is the pool in yards?


27.34 yards is 25 metres

Evaluate 4(3 - 1)^2..




Step-by-step explanation:

4(3 - 1)^2

~Simplify using PEMDAS




Best of Luck!

The city park is 9 and 2/5 km from Roland Public School. The city library is 3 and 3/10 km from the same school. How much farther from the school is the park than the library? PLS HELP



6 1/10

Step-by-step explanation:

Convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions (denominator × whole number + numerator / denominator):

9 2/5 = 47/5

3 3/10 = 33/10

Convert improper fractions to have the same denominator:

47/5 × 2/2 = 94/10

Find the difference by subtracting the numerators:

94/10 - 33/10 = 61/10

Convert the answer into a mixed number:

61/10 = 6 1/10

comeplete using distributive property (x+2x+3x)(x+4)​



6x^2 + 24x

Step-by-step explanation:

Find m<1

A. 70°

B. 65°

C. 50°

D. 40°


Question :- Find Angle 1 in diagram

Answer:- Exterior angle is equal to sum of two opposite interior Angle

so :- ATQ

[tex]140 = \angle1 + 90 \\ 140 - 90 = \angle1 \\ 50° = \angle1 \: \: ans[/tex]

so your answer is option (C) 50°

Tìm các chữ số a, b , c biết a/-5=b/-7=c/2 và a-b+c=-28




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{a}{-5} =\frac{b}{-7} =\frac{c}{2} =r(say)\\a=-5r,b=-7r,c=2r\\a-b+c=-5r+7r+2r=4r=-28\\r=\frac{-28}{4}=-7\\a=-5 \times -7=35\\b=-7 \times -7=49\\c=2 \times -7=-14[/tex]

Difference of the square of (x+6)(x+4)



x^2 + 10x + 24

Step-by-step explanation:


x^2 + 4x + 6x + 24

x^2 + 10x + 24

By visual inspection, determine the best-fitting model of the three types of regression for the data plot below.
A. Quadratic
B. Exponential
C. Linear
D. None of the above​



B. exponential

Step-by-step explanation:

The graph is clearly decreasing exponentially, shown by the downward curve. Therefore, the answer should be B.

Use the figure to find the radius.


The answer is 4 (four)

need help asap today by 5



I put a photo of the answers.

Step-by-step explanation:

For the problems, I turned the whole under into a fraction, flipped the second fraction and multiplied.

the width of a rectangle is twice as long as the length. if the length is increased by 50% and the width is decreased by 20%, the perimeter becomes 248. find the width and length of the original rectangle.



Width: 160

Length: 80

Step-by-step explanation:

Width = 2x and length = x

X + 0.5x + 2x - 0.4x = 248

3.1x = 248

X = 248/3.1

X = 80

Width = (2)(80) and length = 80

Amy, a nature photographer, randomly sampled photographs she took within the last year. She wanted to find out how many of her photographs contained flowers. The proportion of photographs that had flowers was 0.61, with a margin of error of 0.04. Construct a confidence interval for the proportion of her photographs taken within the last year contained flowers.


The Constructed  confidence interval for the proportion of her photographs taken within the last year contained flowers is

[tex]CI\ E(0.57,0.65)[/tex]

From the question we are told that:

The proportion of photographs that had flowers P= 0.61

Margin of error of M.E= 0.04

Generally, the equation for Confidence interval for proportion is mathematically given by

[tex]CI=0.61 \pm 0.04[/tex]P \pm M.E

Therefore Confidence interval is

[tex]CI=0.61 \pm 0.04[/tex]

And can also be written as

[tex]CI\ E((0.61+0.04),0.61-0.04))[/tex]

[tex]CI\ E(0.57,0.65)[/tex]

In conclusion the Confidence interval is

[tex]CI\ E(0.57,0.65)[/tex]

For more information on this visit

Please solve it by Simultaneous method





Step-by-step explanation:









by substitute in (1)







Ryan loves collecting keychains from his family vacations. He currently has 15 keychains in his collection and wants to add 5 keychains each year. How many keychains will be in his collection in 18 years?


Here you go, hope it helps

Jay has a jar of beads. 6 purple beard, 8 blue beads, and 4 yellow beads. If he removes one bead at random, what is the probability that it will not be yellow?


You get a pie chart to do percentages just so you dont cheat you still can do work y'know

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