The postwar policy of the United States known as Containment was
designed to
O overthrow dictatorships.
O reunify Germany
O prevent the spread of communism.


Answer 1


prevent the spread of communism.

Related Questions

Who is Nat King Cole???
Pls answer ASAP!!!
30 pts ​


He is a American singer who was also a jazz pianist and a actor

At the start, Europe dominated the slave market and continued to export slaves to European countries.
O True
O False



Probably true.


Without a time frame, this is hard to ascertain. Europeans did not dominate slavery when Egypt was at its peak of power, and similarly the Middle East had power in the slave markets at some points in history. if we're discussing American (Northern and Southern) history, then this question is true. Otherwise, a quick review of the players at work would help to determine if this is true.

The Atlantic slave trade was the result of, among other things, labour shortage, itself in turn created by the desire of European colonists to exploit New World land and resources for capital profits.

The first Indus Valley site discovered was-
(a) Harappa
(b) Mohenjo-daro
(c) Kalibangan
(d) Lothal



The first Indus Valley site discovered was-

(a) Harappa

Which example of sensory imagery from the excerpt best shows that Doodle is upset about the death of the scarlet ibis?





edge 2021

Read the background on energy policy and President Trump's speech on the Paris Agreement. How should government balance consumer demand for energy and environmental protection? What sacrifices are you willing to make to protect the environment? How much do you think people would give up to limit energy consumption and waste?


Energy production is essential in the country, but this production causes a great environmental impact, which harms life on the planet. For this reason, it is necessary to create projects that maintain energy production, but preserve nature.

Based on this, you can answer the above questions as follows:

A. The demand for energy is very high in any society, for this reason the government must balance energy production with environmental preservation. This can be done as follows:

Encouraging the use of renewable energies (mainly for public buildings), promoting equipment that promote greater efficiency in energy production, establishing government programs that promote the reduction of fossil fuel burning,managing and evaluating energy data to achieve mitigation over-exploitation.

B. To help the environment, we can save on our energy use by allowing the demand for it to decrease. We can do this by:

taking quicker hot showers, unplugging electronic devices when they're not in use; reducing the use of cars and vehicles that need to burn gasoline, creating community programs that promote energy savings.

C. People would make sacrifices to decrease energy use if they were taught that our survival directly depends on it. Also, it would be important for these people to be educated about how energy savings would be rewarding for them.

You can find out more about this at the link below:

Which of the following states banned any form of black enlistment?
Georgia and Alabama.
South Carolina and Georgia.
South Carolina and Florida.
Maryland and Virginia.



georgia and album is your answer.

Which colonial region had people with the most diverse backgrounds and religions?

Caribbean Colonies

Middle Colonies

New England Colonies

Southern Colonies



the correct answer is option ( B ) Middle Colonies


Middle Colonies. The Middle Colonies of British North America comprised of

1 ) New York,

2 ) New Jersey,

3 ) Pennsylvania,

4 ) and Delaware

became a stage for the western world's most complex experience with religious pluralism.

Hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a nice day

(B) Middle Colonies.

Hope this helps :)

Which of these sped up the production of
industrial goods in the U.S. in the 1920s, but
cost workers their jobs?
A. surplus of crops
B. machines in factories
C. the stock market crash
D. consumer spending decrease


Answer: I'll see what I can find


2) What does the leader of National American Woman's Suffrage Association think about
the tactics of the National Woman's Party - specifically the protest in front of the White
House? Does she agree or disagree?



Traditional lobbying and petitioning were a mainstay of NWP members, but these activities were supplemented by other more public actions–including parades, pageants, street speaking, and demonstrations. The party eventually realized that it needed to escalate its pressure and adopt even more aggressive tactics


2. How were the Potawatomi affected by the Indian Removal Act?

A.) A treaty with the United States enabled the Potawatomi to remain on ancestral lands.
B.) The American government made the Potawatomi leave early Indiana for Kansas.
C.) Chief Menominee encouraged the Potawatomi to leave the land and move to Kansas.
D.) The U.S. government recognized and honored the Potawatomi's right to remain on the land.​



Indian removal policy ofetn led to divisions within tribes . in 1800 the Potawatomi claimed land in Michigan, Wisconsin Indian and Illinois, however between 1836 and 1841 the tribe was forced to be removed beyond the Mississippi river

In 1800 the Potawatomi claimed land in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Illinois. Though between 1836 and 1841, the tribe was forced to sell those lands and to be removed beyond the Mississippi River.

The British expedition in 1497 led to the discovery of what is known today as ______________.

A) Newfoundland

B) Quebec

C) Montreal

D) St. Augustine


A Newfoundland that is my answer


bro the option is wrong and the answer is Cabot

National rights definition


Rights that people supposedly have under natural law. The Declaration of Independence of the United States lists life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as natural rights.

Which state led the way in public school reform?




D.New York


The state that led the way to public school reform was Massachusetts. The state of Massachusetts played an important part in the Education Reform Movement. Horace Mann was one of the most important supporters of education reformation in the United States. so the answer is Massachusetts

Massachusetts led the way in public school reform

According to Wilson, what was the United States’s goal for the peace treaty?



In his War Message to Congress, Wilson declared that the United States' objective was “to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world.” In several speeches earlier in the year, Wilson sketched out his vision of an end to the war that would bring a “just and secure peace,” not merely

A result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was that
A: as African American registration increased, the number of African Americans elected increased.
B: as African American registration increased, the number of African Americans elected decreased.
C: as African American registration decreased, the number of African Americans elected increased.
D: as African American registration decreased, the number of African Americans elected decreased.



your answer would be A hope that helps you out


As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, A: as African American registration increased, the number of African Americans elected increased.

What effect did the Voting Right Act of 1965 have?

As a result of the Act, Black Americans were able to vote in larger numbers in the South of the United States.

This allowed them to vote in more Black Americans into elected office such that there was an increase in the number of African Americans elected.

In conclusion, option A is correct.

Find out more on the Voting Rights Act of 1965 at

What was one lasting contribution of the Roman Empire



I'm not sure, but either B or D


The Christian church could have survived without the Roman Empire, but it helped boost its popularity. D. Because it was one of the first Democraticish types of government that are still used today.

How did these inventions affect the number of farmers needed to to grow food?



This innovation greatly increased crop yields simply by inserting the seeds into the ground. ... Both of these major innovations helped in overall agricultural productivity.

Farmers have been able to improve agricultural commodities yields due to technological advancements in agriculture that have improved farmland productivity.

What is Farmers?

Farmers are referred to as individuals whose primary occupation is farming or activities related to agricultural fields like growing crops, irrigations, and providing manure as well as livestock grazing.

Due to improvements and technologies that changed the way farming was done, the Agricultural Revolution played a role in the Industrial Revolution and helps in the growth of the country.

Nowadays, crops can be mapped, agricultural development can be monitored, and irrigation systems can be improved using drones which reflects the significant development of technologies in agriculture.

Learn more about  Agricultural Revolution, here:


At the end of World War II, which of the Allied nations captured the German capital city of Berlin? Great Britain France the Soviet Union the United States



the soviet union


At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union captured the German capital city of Berlin. Thus, option C is correct.

What were the After effects of World War II?

The majority of Europe, Asia, and sections of Africa were in ruins by the time World War II ended. Cities and towns had been levelled, bridges and railways had been devastated, and the countryside had been burnt. The death toll from the battle was enormous for both military personnel and civilians.

After peace was declared, shortages of food, gasoline, and several consumer goods remained and, in many areas, got worse. Europe and Japan, both devastated by war, were unable to manufacture enough products for their own populations, let alone for export. There were multiple primary reasons of World War II. Following World War I, the effects of the Treaty of Versailles, the global economic downturn, the failure of appeasement, the growth of militarism in Germany and Japan, and the collapse.

Learn more about Aftermath of world war II here:


Are you surprised to hear what Jesus said about the scribes and Pharisees? Those actions, don't we do the same thing? Who’s glory do you seek and why?

Matthew 23:23-26


I'm not really surprised about what Jesus said about the scribes and the Pharisees because, according to what the Bible relates through the four gospels, which give great indications of the social form in the time of Jesus, people like the scribes and the Pharisees sought to enrich themselves by promulgating the word of God and only pretending.

The Pharisees, as Matthew 23:23 says, did not act with justice or mercy, therefore, I consider that Jesus simply told them something that corresponded to the truth of his hearts.

Very surely today people make mistakes, sometimes we are unjust, some other people are unfaithful or hypocritical, but perhaps what differentiates a current person from the Pharisees is that he does not regularly enact good works pretending to be holy (in most cases cases), but we are aware that, as sinful people, we must consider our actions and expect to improve day after day.

Personally, I seek the glory of God, because he is the one who has given us all the blessings that we currently enjoy and who protects us at all times, I feel protected knowing that God approves my way of acting.

If you want to know a little more about the justice promulgated in the bible, please visit the following link:

Natural disasters

A group of four prisoners were held captive by the enemy and each prisoner was to be shot each day through the week. As natural disasters were common in this specific part of the world, the group of prisoners decided to make up a plan of distracting the guards. Before each prisoner would be shot, they would shout out a natural disaster, which would cause chaos and distract everyone to give enough time for each prisoner to escape. As three days passed the first three prisoners escaped by shouting out their chosen natural disasters and running away, however the final prisoner shouted out a disaster and was shot dead on the spot.
What was the natural disaster he shouted?



I'm assuming it would be earthquake.


If the first three lived then they must have said something believable so the fourth one must have said something that wasn't believeable. and if he said earthquake no one would believe him because they would be able to feel a earthquake.

The Iran-Contra Affair essentially involved a hiring Iranian militants to fight for the Contra cause in Central America. b selling arms to Iran in exchange for hostages and using the profits to illegally fund the Nicaraguan Contras. c selling arms to both sides in the Iran-Iraq War. d secretly recognizing the Iranian regime while claiming to be boycotting it. e using both Iranian and Nicaraguan Contra agents to help free American hostages in Lebanon.



c) selling arms to Iran in exchange for hostages and using the profits to illegally fund the Nicaraguan Contras.

what did seyyid said transfer his capital​


Political Persecutions forced Seyyid Said to move his capital to Zanzibar from Muscat. Oman had become insecure for him to live and carry on with administration. - The religious persecutions in Saudi Arabia also forced him to leave Oman and settle at the coast of East Africa which was free from such acts.



It was a series of domestic programs (from about 1933 to 1939) that were implemented during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration to combat the devastating effects of the Great Depression on the US economy and society. The New deal revitalized the US economy through enormous federally-funded series of infrastructure and improvement projects across America, creating jobs for workers and profits for businesses. In the short term, New deal programs helped improve the lives of people suffering from the events of the depression. In the long run, New Deal programs set a precedent for the federal government to play a key role in the economic and social affairs of the nation. Programs included the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Farm Security Administration (FSA), the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA), and the Social Security Administration (SSA) to name a few.

The growth and prosperity of British colonies in North America during the 17th-century triggered new measures of Imperial Control. In a thoughtful and thorough essay, examine the enforcement of Imperial colonial policies following the Restoration of Charles II in 1660. Additionally, discuss the reaction of American colonists to those policies. Finally, discuss how the Glorious Revolution altered Imperial colonial policy moving into the 18th-century.



Dissolution and revolt.


The enforcement of Imperial colonial policies following the Restoration of Charles II in 1660 greatly affected the American colonists which turn the American colonist against the Great Britain and produces many problems for the Great Britain. The Glorious Revolution altered Imperial colonial policy because Glorious Revolution affected the colonies which results in the dissolution of the Dominion of New England and caused a rebellion act against the Catholic leaders of Maryland.

which statement accuretly contrasts the effects of judahism and christianity?


What are the statements?

Who was the first Greek ruler to attempt reforms?







I think it was pericles so B


I think it was Pericles

When should a firearm be unloaded?
when crossing a fence
when calling game
when stalking game
when approaching downed game


When Approaching Downed Game

Which words are the modern English equivalents of the middle English words??



nothing is impossulehhggdddddffgff

Answer:not sure .................

Which native Oklahoman became a famous performer in wild west shows? a.Cyrus Avery
b.James Gamer
c.Will Rogers
d.Ron Howard​





not a 100% sure...

sry if its wrong


ron maybe


What characteristics of the painting above reflected attitudes of that period?


Answer: The ants on the orange clock in the bottom left corner symbolize decay and this may reflect that the people of that time period had negative attitudes toward WW1. They might've thought that society is decaying as a whole because of the war.

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