The radius of a circle is increasing at the rate of 0.1 cm/sec. At what rate is the area
increasing at the instance when r=5cm?​


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

A=pi*r^2, differentiate with respect to t both sides



dA/dt=pi=3.1416 cm^2/sec

Answer 2

Step-by-step explanation:

since the user is listed as beginner, I was wondering, if (while correct) the answer should be based on differentiation (rather advanced topic).

I thought originally this would be about sequences.

and I wondered about the start value.

in any case, here a different view.

the area of a circle is

Ac old = pi × r²

now, r is increasing by 0.1

Ac new = pi×(r+0.1)² = pi×(r² + 0.2r + 0.01) =

= pi×r² + pi×0.2r + pi×0.01 =

= Ac old + pi×0.2r + pi×0.01

so, the increase of the area is

pi×0.2r + pi×0.01

for r=5

pi×0.2×5 + pi×0.01

pi×1 + pi×0.01 = pi + p×0.01 = pi×(1 + 0.01) =

= pi×(1 + (radius change)²)

now, it depends on what your teacher wants to see here.

a "digital stair case" 0.1 by 0.1 increase/sequence approach ?

in this case you might also want to calculate the above with r=4.9 (as only with the last 0.1 step r reaches 5).

and either the r=4.9 (result a tiny bit less than pi) or r=5 (result a tiny bit larger than pi) is correct, of simply the value in the middle (practically pi).

or it was meant to be a continuous increase (not step by step).

in which case we need then to calculate the limit with "radius change" going to 0. which delivers pi as rate result (as with the differentiation).

Related Questions

If I get paid $100 a week but my car cost $4, 990 how long will I have to save to officially buy my car?


50 weeks 49 weeks to pay $100 and the 50th week you pay $90


50 weeks.

Step-by-step explanation:

Did the math like u should've

What's 955 ÷ 35 ?
[tex]955 \div 35[/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:









I hope this works♥️

Given the following data from a repeated-measures design study examining the effect of a treatment by measuring a group of 9 participants before and after they received treatment:
Participant Before After
A 8 7
B 7 5
C 6 6
D 7 6
E 9 7
F 8 5
G 5 4
H 9 4
I 7 4
a. Calculate the difference scores and MD.
b. Compute SS, sample variance, and estimated standard error.
c. Is there a significant treatment effect?



MD = 2

SS = 18



Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

A 8 7

B 7 5

C 6 6

D 7 6

E 9 7

F 8 5

G 5 4

H 9 4

I 7 4

Difference, d = Before - After

______ d

A 8 7 __ 1

B 7 5 __ 2

C 6 6 __ 0

D 7 6 __ 1

E 9 7 __ 2

F 8 5 __ 3

G 5 4 __ 1

H 9 4 __5

I 7 4 ___3

The mean of difference, MD ;

MD = Σd/ n = (1+2+0+1+2+3+1+5+3) / 9 = 18 / 9 = 2

The sum of square, SS ;

(1 - 2)^2 + (2 - 2)^2 + (0 - 2)^2 + (1 - 2)^2 + (2 - 2)^2 + (3 - 2)^2 + (1 - 2)^2 + (5 - 2)^2 + (3 - 2)^2 = 18

Sample variance, S² = SS/(N-1) = 18 / (9 - 1) = 18 / 8 = 2.25

Sample standard deviation, S = √Variance = √2.25 = 1.5

Standard Error, S.E = S / √n = 1.5 / √9 = 0.5

Test statistic : MD / S.E = 2 / 0.5 = 4

We test at α = 0.05 since no α - value is stated in the question.

Critical value at 0.05, df = 8 ;

Critical value = 2.306

Since; Test statistic > Critical value, then result is significant at α = 0.05

A box contains orange balls and green The number of more four the number of orange If there 38 balls how many green balls and how balls are there in the box ?


let number of green balls= x

let number of orange balls=x+4





number of green balls=17

number of orange balls=21

3. A bag contains chocolates: 3 Snickers, 5 Hershey Bars, 6 Kit-Kat Bars, 6 Milky Ways
Without replacing any of the chocolates back to the bag
a) What is the probability of selecting 2 Snickers?
b) What is the probability of selecting a Snickers and Hershey Bar in that order?
c) What is the probability of selecting a Milky Way and a Kit Kat bar in that order?


The probability of selecting 2 Snickers is 3/190. The probability of selecting a Snickers and Hershey Bar in that order is 3/76. The probability of selecting a Milky Way and a Kit Kat bar in that order is 18/190.

Number of Snickers = 3

Number of Hershey Bars = 5

Number of Kit-Kat Bars = 6

Number of Milky Ways = 6

Total number of chocolates = 20

a) What is the probability of selecting 2 Snickers?

= 3/20 × 2/19

= 3/190

The probability of selecting 2 Snickers is 3/190

b) What is the probability of selecting a Snickers and Hershey Bar in that order?

= 3/20 × 5/19

= 3/76

The answer is 3/76

c) What is the probability of selecting a Milky Way and a Kit Kat bar in that order

= 6/20 × 6/19

= 18/190

The probability is 18/190

Read related link on:

Find the midpoint of the line segment joining (–4, –2) and (2,8)
Show all work



Mid- point =(-4+2/2, -2+8/2)



The mid point of the line segment joining  (–4, –2) and (2,8) is (-1, 3)

Mid point formula

mid point = (x₁ + x₂ / 2, y₁ + y₂ / 2)


(-4, -2)(2, 8)

x₁= -4

x₂ = 2

y₁ = -2

y₂ = 8


mid point = (-4 + 2 / 2, -2 + 8 / 2)

mid point = (-2 / 2, 6 / 2)

mid point = (-1, 3)

learn more on mid point here:

An economist wants to estimate the mean per capita income (in thousands of dollars) for a major city in Texas. He believes that the mean income is $30.8, and the standard deviation is known to be $8.2. How large of a sample would be required in order to estimate the mean per capita income at the 95% level of confidence with an error of at most $0.39



A sample of 1699 would be required.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that to find our [tex]\alpha[/tex] level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.95}{2} = 0.025[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Z-table as such z has a p-value of [tex]1 - \alpha[/tex].

That is z with a pvalue of [tex]1 - 0.025 = 0.975[/tex], so Z = 1.96.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

Standard deviation is known to be $8.2.

This means that [tex]\sigma = 8.2[/tex]

How large of a sample would be required in order to estimate the mean per capita income at the 95% level of confidence with an error of at most $0.39?

This is n for which M = 0.39. So

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.39 = 1.96\frac{8.2}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.39\sqrt{n} = 1.96*8.2[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{n} = \frac{1.96*8.2}{0.39}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (\frac{1.96*8.2}{0.39})^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 1698.3[/tex]

Rounding up:

A sample of 1699 would be required.

An automobile manufacturer has given its van a 47.2 miles/gallon (MPG) rating. An independent testing firm has been contracted to test the actual MPG for this van since it is believed that the van has an incorrect manufacturer's MPG rating. After testing 250 vans, they found a mean MPG of 47.0. Assume the population standard deviation is known to be 1.9. A level of significance of 0.02 will be used. Find the value of the test statistic. Round your answer to two decimal places.



Test statistic = 1.664

Step-by-step explanation:

The hypothesis :

H0 : μ = 47.2

H1 : μ ≠ 47.2

Given that :

Sample mean, xbar = 47

Sample size, n = 250

Standard deviation, σ = 1.9

The test statistic :

(xbar - μ) ÷ (σ/√(n))

T = (47 - 47.2) ÷ (1.9/√(250))

T = (0.2 / 0.1201665)

Test statistic = 1.664

Circled one please help



If a set has “n” elements, then the number of subset of the given set is 2n and the number of proper subsets of the given subset is given by 2n-1. Consider an example, If set A has the elements, A = {a, b}, then the proper subset of the given subset are { }, {a}, and {b}

Symbol that can be used-

The symbol "⊆" means "is a subset of". The symbol "⊂" means "is a proper subset of".

Hope it helps you... pls mark brainliest if it helped you.

Given: ABCD is a trapezoid,
AB= 13, CD = 14,
BC = 5, and AD= 20.
Find: A





lvnununuunkmviodjoifmvujibg ibzf




speaking giberish

Step-by-step explanation:

cos it is just a word that is rare

Simplify the given equation.
6 - (3x+10) + 4(2 - x) = 15
O 4-7 x = 15
O4 - 4 x= 15
O 12 - 7 x= 15




Step-by-step explanation:

expand brackets



move 15 to left side




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]6 - (3x + 10) + 4(2 - x) = 15 \\ 6- 3x - 10 + 8 - 4x = 15 \\ - 7x = 15 + 10 - 8 - 6\\ - 7x = 11 \\ the \: same \: one \: is \\ 4 - 7x = 15[/tex]

At which times could Rory's phone have been plugged into the charger? Select three options.



what three options bro where are the options


9 hours, 11 hours, 19 hours.

A hole the size of a photograph is cut from a red piece of paper to use in a picture frame. On a coordinate plane, 2 squares are shown. The photograph has points (negative 3, negative 2), (negative 2, 2), (2, 1), and (1, negative 3). The red paper has points (negative 4, 4), (4, 4), (4, negative 4), and (negative 4, negative 4). What is the area of the piece of red paper after the hole for the photograph has been cut? 17 square units 25 square units 39 square units 47 square units Mark this and return



its d      47

Step-by-step explanation:

yep yep


D: 47

Step-by-step explanation:

Edge 2022

Factor: x^3-2x^2-8x

1. (x-4)(x+2)
2. x(x+4)(x-2)
3. x(x-4)(x+2)
4. (x-4)(x^2+2x)



x( x-4)(x+2)

Step-by-step explanation:


First factor out the greatest common factor x

x( x^2 -2x -8)

What 2 numbers multiply to -8 and add to -2

-4*2 = -8

-4+2 = -2

x( x-4)(x+2)

Find m2 ABD.




Step-by-step explanation:

m∠ABD = m∠DBC because they’re being split equally among m∠ABC

Therefore, m∠ABD = 40°

Find the slope of the line through the pair of points. (7.-10) and (-6, -3)​



Fraction form: 7/-13

Decimal form:-0.53846153846154

Find the answer for x and y



x = 57

y = 57

Step-by-step explanation:

because of the two parallel lines :

41+y+8+74 = 180 add like terms

y + 123 = 180 subtract 123 from both sides

y = 57

x - 3 + 41 + y + 8 = 180 because they make a straight line

x + y + 46 = 180

x + 57 + 46 = 180

x + 123 = 180 subtract 123 from both sides

x = 57

Solve the inequality (help pls)




Step-by-step explanation:




x>-31/2, -31/2=-15 (1/2), x> - 15 (1/2)

How to solve this question. I need to show my work for this question.
A cookie recipe calls for 3 eggs and makes 4 dozen cookies.
a). How many cookies could you make with a dozen eggs?
b). How many eggs would you need to make 18 dozen cookies?


Step-by-step explanation:

Recall that 1 dozen = 12 so 4 dozen cookies has a total of 48 cookies. We are going to use the following ratios to solve the problem:

[tex]\left(\dfrac{3\:\text{eggs}}{48\:\text{cookies}}\right)[/tex] and [tex]\left(\dfrac{48\:\text{cookies}}{3\:\text{eggs}}\right)[/tex]

a) [tex]12\:\text{eggs}×\left(\dfrac{48\:\text{cookies}}{3\:\text{eggs}}\right) = 192\:\text{cookies}[/tex]

b) 18 dozen cookies = 216 cookies

[tex]216\:\text{cookies}×\left(\dfrac{3\:\text{eggs}}{48\:\text{cookies}}\right) = 13.5\:\text{eggs}[/tex]

what fraction of 1 day is 48 minutes​



48 ÷ 60 = 4/5

Step-by-step explanation:

4/5 is the answer



Step-by-step explanation:

We require the number of minutes in a day.

i hour = 60 minutes

24 hours = 24 × 60 = 1440 minutes ( 24 hours in 1 day )


fraction = [tex]\frac{48}{1440}[/tex] ( divide numerator/ denominator by 12 )

            = [tex]\frac{4}{120}[/tex] ( divide numerator/ denominator by 4 )

            = [tex]\frac{1}{30}[/tex]

If Jan can weed the garden in 2 hours and her husband can weed it in 1 hour and 30 minutes, find how long it takes them to weed the garden together.



3 hours 30 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

Jan :2 hours

her husband : 1 hour 30 minutes

2hr + 1 ½ hrs = 3 ½ hrs...that is 3 hours 30 minutes....?

Find COS Instructions: Find the value of the trigonometric ratio. Make sure to simplify the If needed



Sin X = 12 / 37

Step-by-step explanation:

Given a right angled triangle, we are to obtain the Sin of the angle X ;

Using trigonometry, the sine of the angle X , Sin A is defined as the ratio of the angle opposite X to the hypotenus of the right angle triangle.

In the right angle triangle :

Sin X = opposite / hypotenus

Opposite = 12 ; hypotenus = 37

Sin X = 12 / 37

evaluate sum of 5th termand 6th term



general term - 7n+4

5th term - 7(5) + 4 = 39

6th term - 7(6) + 4 = 46

Please find this answer!! :)



Amanda's box is in this case, the bigger one. Then subtract the Amanda's by Mary's. The Larger box is 70cm^3 larger then the smaller box.

Step-by-step explanation:

Amanda's box: 13.5*10*10= 1350cm^3

Mary's box: 20*8*8= 1280cm^3


The larger box is 70cm^3 larger then the smaller box.

If you have any questions regarding my answer tell me in the comments, i will come answer them. Have a good day.

Write an inequality, in slope-intercept form, for the graph below. If necessary,
use *<=' for sor">=' for .




Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of line is y=-2x+4. For the region left of it, y<=(-2x+4)



The answer would be 16% then 10%


20% of students prefer to go to the aquarium

50% of teachers prefer to go to the aquarium

Step-by-step explanation:


8 students prefer the aquarium out of 40 students.

Set up an equation:

Variable x = percentage of students

8/40 = x/100

Cross multiply:

8 × 100 = 40 × x

800 = 40x

20 = x



Check your work:

40 students × 20%

Convert percentage into decimal:

40 × 0.20


8 students prefered the aquarium so this is correct!


5 teachers prefer the aquarium out of 10 teachers.

Set up an equation:

Variable x = percentage of teachers

5/10 = x/100

5 × 100 = 10 × x

500 = 10x

50 = x


Check your work:

10 × 0.50



Quan điểm quản lý của trường phái đưc trị


.・。.・゜✭・Srry but which language is this!?

A)15.8 inches
B) 17.8 inches
C)16.2 inches
D)14.8 inches




Step-by-step explanation:

Use pythagorean theorem

4^2+5^2=AC^2, AC= 6.4

7^2+9^2=CB^2, CB=11.4

A line has a slope of 11 and passes through the point (5,7). Which of these is an equation for the line? O A. y-7 = -11(x - 5) B. y + 7 = 11(x + 5) O C. y-5 = -11(x - 7) O D. y - 7 = 11(x - 5) SUBMIT​



D. y - 7 = 11(x - 5)

Step-by-step explanation:

Use point slope form, y - y1 = m(x - x1), where m is the slope and (x1, y1) is a point on the line.

Plug in the given slope and point:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

y - 7 = 11(x - 5)

So, the correct answer is D. y - 7 = 11(x - 5)

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