The roof rafter of a house has been raised to a height of 13 yards at the ridge. Half of the length of the run measures 9 yards. Find
the length of the rafter. Round to the nearest 100th.


Answer 1


15.81 = ?

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle we can use the Pythagorean theorem

a^2+b^2 = c^2 where a and b are the legs and c is the hypotenuse

9^2 + 13^2 = ?^2

81 +169 = ?^2

250 = ?^2

Taking the square root of each side

sqrt(250) =?

15.8113883= ?

To the nearest 100th

15.81 = ?

Answer 2


Using Pythagorean theorem:- [tex]a^{2} +b^{2} =c^{2}[/tex]

a= 13

b= 9

c= ? ( length)

[tex]13^{2} +9^{2} =?^{2}[/tex]

[tex]13^{2} =169[/tex]

[tex]9^{2} =81[/tex]






Related Questions

Christa needs to make a painting for art class.
She can only choose two of the eight colors listed
in the table above. What is the probability the two
colors she chooses are green and purple?


Because it is a
1/8 she gets green and a 1/8 she gets purple after so u multiply and get 1/64

Rewrite in simplest terms (-9x-2y)+(4x-5y)



-5x - 7y

Step-by-step explanation:

-5x - 7y is the simplified answer to this question. Pls leave a thanks!

A lemonade recipe calls for 1/4 cups of lemon juice for every cup of water.

Plot the pairs in the table in a coordinate plane



they are in order cross x with the y across from it

Step-by-step explanation:

Brady scored a total of 320 points last season for his basketball team. This season, the team
added 2 extra games to the schedule. Brady thinks this will allow him to increase the total
number of points he scores by 5%. How many points is Brady expecting to score this season?

a. 336
b. 325
c. 304
d. 16


Brady is expecting 325 points this season.

Please Help and thank you so much!!


The probably of getting prime is 50%=0.5=1/2

A circle has a radius of 8cm. An angle of 1.4 radians is subtended at the center by an arc. Calculate the length of the arc



11.2 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that;

Arc Length Formula (if θ is in radians): l = ϴ × r

ϴ = angle subtended in radians

r= radius of the circle

l = 8cm × 1.4 radians

l= 11.2 cm

What is the volume of this figure?


Step-by-step explanation:

3 x 3 x 3 = 27

2 x 2 x 2 = 8

6 x 10 x 2 = 120


If f(x)=5x-3 find x=2



Answer: A. 7


Here, we need to understand the idea of evaluation.  

When encountering questions that gave you an expression with variables, then stated: "If x = a, y = b, z = c" (a, b, c are all constants), this means you should substitute the value given for each variable back to the expression.


Given Information

f(x) = 5x - 3

x = 2

Substitute the value into the function

f(2) = 5 (2) - 3

f(2) = 10 - 3

f(2) = 7

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

A set of composite number less than 12.Express it in listing and set-builder methods


composite numbers less than 12={1,3,4,6,8,9,10}

What is the image of the point (-1,3) after a rotation of 270° counterclockwise
about the origin?




Step-by-step explanation:

The image of the point (-1,3) after a rotation of 270° counterclockwise about the origin is (3, -1).

The given coordinate point is (-1, 3).

What is a rotation of 270° counterclockwise about the origin?

When rotating a point 270 degrees counterclockwise about the origin our point A(x, y) becomes A'(y,-x). This means, we switch x and y and make x negative.

The point (-1, 3) is rotated 270° counterclockwise about the origin becomes (3, -1).

Therefore, the image of the point (-1,3) after a rotation of 270° counterclockwise about the origin is (3, -1).

To learn more about the rotation of 270° counterclockwise visit:


Help is greatly appreciated:)


well there are 6 units down and 11 units across so 6•11=66. there are 14 red units. 66-14=52. the area of yellow is 52.

plz do this all plz ​



I don't know search it up I picked B

okay it's 5 and I'm

Miguel can use all or part of his $25 gift card to make a music purchase. Each song costs $1.50, and there is a $1.00 per account activation fee.

Which inequalities can represent this situation if m is the number of songs he can buy? Select two options.
1 + 1.5 m less-than-or-equal-to 25



A, E or 1, 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Its not A, D

the length of a rectangle pools 15m greater than its width. what is the length if the perimeter of the pool is 96m



31.5 m

Step-by-step explanation:

Let w represent the width of the pool.

Since the length is 15 m greater than the width, it can be represented by w + 15.

Use the perimeter formula, p = 2l + 2w. Plug in the perimeter, and w + 15 as l into the formula:

p = 2l + 2w

96 = 2(w + 15) + 2w

96 = 2w + 30 + 2w

96 = 4w + 30

66 = 4w

16.5 = w

So, the width of the pool is 16.5 m. Add 15 to this to find the length:

16.5 + 15

= 31.5

The length of the pool is 31.5 m


Let the width be w

Length = w + 15


Perimeter = 2(l + w)

96 = 2(w + 15 + w)

96/2 = w + 15 + w

48 = 2w + 15

48 - 15 = 2w

33 = 2w

33/2 = w

16.5 = w


Length = w + 15

Length = 16.5 + 15

Length = 31.5 m

[tex] \\ [/tex]




We have, sinx+sin3x+sin5x=0











Either sin3x=0 or 2cos2x+1=0

i.e. sin3x=0 or cos2x=−



Now, cos2x=−cos









∴sin3x=0 or cos2x=cos


3x=nπ,n∈Z or 2x=2mπ±


where m∈Z

Hence, x=


or x=mπ±



, where n,m∈Z.

What is the area of the triangle?



Where is the picture of the triangle?

Can someone please help me!


Answer: Pretty sure that it's y=-5/3x+8

Step-by-step explanation: Since the slope-intercept form is y=mx+b with b as the y-intercept and m as the slope. b would be 8 since that's where the line intercepts the y-axis and the slope is -5/3 (negative bc the line is slanted down)


y = - [tex]\frac{8}{5}[/tex] x + 8

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

Calculate the slope m using the slope formula

m = [tex]\frac{y_{2}-y_{1} }{x_{2}-x_{1} }[/tex]

with (x₁, y₁ ) = (0, 8) and (x₂, y₂ ) = (5, 0 ) ← 2 points on the line

m = [tex]\frac{0-8}{5-0}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{-8}{5}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{8}{5}[/tex]

The line crosses the y- axis at (0, 8 ) ⇒ c = 8

y = - [tex]\frac{8}{5}[/tex] x + 8 ← equation of line

What are the solution(s) to the quadratic equation x2 – 25 = 0?

x = 5 and x = –5
x = 25 and x = –25
x = 125 and x = –125
no real solution


X= 5 and it also equals -5


x²-25 =  (x+5)  ( x-5)  

As a multiplication can only add up to zero if one of term is  0 ,

there is two solutions  :  

x+5 = 0

x = -5  

and   x-5 = 0

        x = 5  

So two solutions for  x² -25 = 0  which are   -5  and 5

The domain for f(x) and g(x) is the set of all real numbers.

Let f(x) = x2 + 1 and g(x) = 3x.

Find f · g.

x2 + 3x + 1

3x3 + 3x

3x3 + 3x + 1

x2 + 3x



I say it's a

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this help

Solve for x using the
distributive property.
-2(-3+ x) = -4
X =




Step-by-step explanation:

-2(-3+ x) = -4


-2 * -3 + (-2) *x = -4

6 -2x = -4

Subtract 6 from each side

6 -2x-6 = -4-6

-2x = -10

Divide each side by -2

-2x/-2 = -10/-2

x = 5



Step-by-step explanation:


Use distributive property (Multiply -2 by -3 which gives you 6vand multiply -2 by x which gives you -2x )


Bring the 6 over to the other side



Divide both sides by -2 to get x by itself


x²+10x+25resove into factors.​



(x + 5)(x + 5)

Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:





In the diagram, AB = 10 and AC = 210. What is the
perimeter of ABC?
A (8,4
O 10 units
4 3 2
O 10+ 210 units
O 20 units
O 20+ 2/10 units
2 3 4 5
B (5,-2)
C (5,-2)


9514 1404 393


  20 +2√10 ≈ 26.3 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Length AB is given as 10 units. Length AC is given as 2√10 ≈ 6.325 units. The length BC is the difference of the x-coordinates of its end points, since they are on a horizontal line: 5 -(-5) = 10 units.

The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides of the triangle.

  P  = AB +AC +BC = 10 +2√10 +10 = 20 +2√10 ≈ 26.3 . . . units

A shopkeeper marked the price of an article a certain percent above the cost price and he allowed 16% discount to make 5% profit. If a customer paid Rs 9,492 with 13% VAT to buy the article, by what percent is the marked price above the cost price of the article?
Plz solve this problem ​




Step-by-step explanation:

let the MP be x

sp without vat =x-16%of x

= 21x/25

sp with VAT = 21x/25 +13% of 21x/25

rs 9492 = 2373x/2500

( 9492*2500)/2373=x

x = 10000

cp = ((21x/25 )*100)/100+5 ( 5= profit percent )




Given m|n, find the value of x.
Submit Answer



x = 15

Step-by-step explanation:

The two angles form a straight line so they add to 180

6x-5+6x+5 = 180

Combine like terms

12x= 180

Divide by 12

12x/12 =180/12

x = 15

Find the value of x in the isosceles triangle shown below.



x = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

The isosceles triangle is divided into two forming two right triangles

in right triangles the square value of hypotenuse is equal to sum of other two side lengths

x^2 + 4^2 = 52

x^2 + 16 = 52 subtract 16 from both sides

x^2 = 36 find the root for both sides

x = 6

Ahmed is working at a restaurant. His boss pays him $16.00 per hour and
promises a raise of $1.25 per hour every 6 months. Which sequence
describes Ahmed's expected hourly wages, in dollars, starting with his current




Step-by-step explanation:

each of the numbers is just adding 1.25 on to it

Answer: Choice B

16.00, 17.25, 18.50, 19.75, ...



We start with $16.00 as the first term, as this is the amount the boss pays him initially. Then we add on 1.25 to get 16+1.25 = 17.25 to represent the next wage after that first raise.

Then after the second raise he gets, he'll then earn 17.25+1.25 = 18.50 an hour. This process theoretically can go on forever, but realistically the boss will likely set some kind of limit.

We say that this sequence { 16.00, 17.25, 18.50, 19.75, ... } is arithmetic with the first term of 16.00 and common difference 1.25

The common difference is the gap width between any two neighboring terms, and it's the amount the wage goes up each time he gets a raise.

Write an equation of a circle given the center (-4,4) and radius r=5



Step-by-step explanation:

Equation of circle: (x - h)² + (y - k)² = r²   where (h,k) is the center.

Center( -4 , 4) and r = 5

(x -[-4])² + (y - 4)²= 5²

(x + 4)² + (y-4)² = 25

x²  + 2*4*x +4²  + y²  - 2*y*4 + 4²  = 25

x²  +8x + 16 + y²  - 8y + 16 = 25

x²  + 8x + y²  - 8y + 16 + 16 -25 = 0

x²  + 8x + y²  - 8y +7 = 0

We have that the an equation of a circle given the center (-4,4) and radius r=5  is mathematically given as


Equation of a circle

Question Parameters:

Given the center (-4,4) and radius r=5

Generally the equation for the Equation of a circle   is mathematically given as


Therefore, The resultant equation will be



Hence,an equation of a circle given the center (-4,4) and radius r=5 is


For more information on Equation visit

The volume of a gas in a container varies inversely with the pressure on the gas. If a gas has a volume of 450 cubic inches under a pressure of 3 pounds per square inch, what will be its volume if the pressure is increased to 5 pounds per square inch


Answer: [tex]270\ in.^3[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure i.e.

[tex]V\propto \dfrac{1}{P}\\\\PV=\text{constant}[/tex]

Initially, [tex]V_1=450\ in.^3,P_1=3\ psi[/tex]

Then, pressure increases to [tex]P_2=5\ psi[/tex]

[tex]\therefore P_1V_1=P_2V_2\\\Rightarrow 3\times 450=5\times V_2\\\Rightarrow V_2=3\times 90\\\Rightarrow V_2=270\ in.^3[/tex]

Thus, volume decreases to [tex]270\ in.^3[/tex].

On the first day of travel, a driver was going at a speed of 40 mph. The next day, he increased the speed to 60 mph. If he drove 2 more hours on the first day and traveled 20 more miles, find the total distance traveled in the two days.




Step-by-step explanation:

This is a bit nasty. It depends on how you read the 20 miles more and what you do with it. The best and most careful way to do it is do it a long way setting up the two equations carefully.

Second day

Let the time travelled = t

Let the speed travelled = 60 mph

d2 = 60*t

First Day

40*(t + 2) = d1

but d1 = d2 + 20 because he travelled 20 miles further on d1

40 * (t + 2) = d2 + 20

d2 however = 60*t

40*(t+2 ) = 60*t + 20          Remove the brackets

40t + 80 = 60t + 20           Subtract 20 from both sides

40t + 60 = 60t                   Subtract 40t from both sides

60 = 20*t                           Divide by 20

t = 60/20

t = 3 hours.

Day 2 = 60 + t = 180

Day 1 = 40*5  = 200

Total distance = 380

Where did that 20 miles go? It was just an observation about the difference in distance travelled between the 2 days.

The total distance the driver traveled in the two days is 260 miles

From the question, on the first day, the driver was going as a speed of 40 mph.

Let s be speed

∴ [tex]s_{1}= 40mph[/tex]

On the second day, he increased the speed to 60 mph

∴ [tex]s_{2}= 60mph[/tex]

From the statement- If he drove 2 more hours on the first day

Let time be t


[tex]t_{1}= t_{2} + 2[/tex] hrs

and traveled 20 more miles

Let d be distance  


[tex]d_{1}= d_{2} + 20[/tex] miles

From the formula

Distance = Speed × Time


[tex]d = s \times t[/tex]

∴ [tex]d_{1} = s_{1} \times t_{1}[/tex]

From above,

[tex]d_{1}= d_{2}+20[/tex] miles

[tex]s_{1}= 40mph[/tex]

[tex]t_{1}= t_{2} + 2[/tex] hrs

Putting these into

[tex]d_{1} = s_{1} \times t_{1}[/tex]

[tex]d_{2} + 20 = 40\times (t_{2}+2)[/tex] ...... (1)


[tex]Time = \frac{Distance}{Speed}[/tex]

∴ [tex]t_{2}= \frac{d_{2} }{s_{2} }[/tex]

From above, [tex]s_{2}= 60mph[/tex]

∴ [tex]t_{2}= \frac{d_{2} }{60}[/tex]

Put this into equation (1)

[tex]d_{2} + 20 = 40\times (t_{2}+2)[/tex]

[tex]d_{2} + 20 = 40\times (\frac{d_{2}}{60} +2)[/tex]

[tex]d_{2} + 20 = \frac{2}{3}d_{2} +80\\d_{2} = \frac{2}{3}d_{2} +80-20\\d_{2} = \frac{2}{3}d_{2} +60[/tex]

Multiply through by 3

[tex]3\times d_{2} = 3\times \frac{2}{3}d_{2} +3 \times 60\\3d_{2} = 2d_{2} + 120\\3d_{2} -2d_{2} = 120[/tex]

∴ [tex]d_{2} = 120[/tex] miles

∴The distance traveled on the second day is 120 miles

For the distance traveled on the first day,

Substitute [tex]d_{2}[/tex] into the equation

[tex]d_{1}= d_{2}+20[/tex] miles

∴ [tex]d_{1}= 120+20[/tex]

[tex]d_{1}= 140[/tex] miles

∴ The distance traveled on the first day is 140 miles

The total distance traveled in the two days = [tex]d_{1} + d_{2}[/tex]

The total distance traveled in the two days = 120 miles + 140 miles

The total distance traveled in the two days = 260 miles

Hence, the total distance the driver traveled in the two days is 260 miles

Learn more here:

Wendy went to the salon and had 2 1/6 inches of hair cut off. The next day she went back
and asked for another 2 1/6 inches to be cut off. How much hair did she have cut off in all?
Write your answer as a fraction or as a whole or mixed number.



4 1/3 of her hair

Step-by-step explanation:

Just add 2 1/6 + 2 1/6 and there you go

There is the total amount of her hair she cut

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