The set of relationships and connections with other members of the community that leads to the
willingness to help them is known as
A. Ideology
B. Democracy
C. Political engagement
C. social capital


Answer 1

Social Capital is the set of relationships and connections with other members of the community that leads to the willingness to help them.

Social capital means networks among member of a society or organization with shared norms, values and understandings and such network builds co-operation and benefit among the group.

Social capital is known as a lubricant that facilitates the ease of getting things done in the society effectively and refers to as a positive outcome of human interaction.

This system allows people to work together and to access benefits from social relationships.

Three main components that enables the formation of social capital are:

• Social relations/networks

• Norms

• Trust.

Learn more about social capital here

Related Questions

7 Question 8 of 20 Which principle must a government follow in order to be considered a democracy? O A. The government must have a written constitution that protects individual rights. O B. Laws must be created to reflect the dominant religious beliefs in a society O C. Citizens must be able to vote directly on laws rather than relying on representatives, O D. Leaders must be selected by the citizens rather than inheriting power.​





Leaders must be selected by citizens be it in a representative democracy system or direct democracy system

which outcome of India's independence movement did Mohandas Gandhinor



The establishment of Pakistan as an interdependent Muslim state.


Hope it helps


The establishment of Pakistan as an independent Muslim state

Following World War II, the Soviet Union established "satellite
nations" in Eastern Europe. Which statement
BEST describes a satellite nation?
O A country that became part of a larger country.
O A country that is dominated politically and economically by another
O Nations that were colonies of another country.
Nations that were the first to send a satellite into space.


a country that is dominated politically and economically by another

Robert Boyle made the biggest Impact on science by.



discovering that heat was the result of moving particles. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Known for his law of gases, Boyle was a 17th-century pioneer of modern chemistry. Every general-chemistry student learns of Robert Boyle (1627–1691) as the person who discovered that the volume of a gas decreases with increasing pressure and vice versa—the famous Boyle's law.


Please answer, I need it asap




(Note: You put this question in the "History" section so not a lot of people will answer since it doesn't seem to have anything to do with history. Next time put it in "Math" so people will be able to be more help. Its kind of confusing when there is a question in the wrong section.)


First, substitute the variables out using the given numbers...

x = 6, y=8, z=6 so..


Secondly, we have to solve this.

6+8 = 14

6(14) = 84

So your answer is


Hope this helps :)




z ( x + y ) = 6 * (6+8) = 6 * 14 = 84

What was the Manhattan Project?

a protection plan for New York City

a development project for the atomic bomb

a development plan for D-Day

a development plan for Hitler's murder



B. The development project for the first atomic bombs


B.a development project for the atomic bomb

Which is true of televangelists?
A. They generally opposed government positions.
B. They preached using mass communication.
C. They supported the hippie counterculture.
D. They never asked for money.



B. They preached using mass communication


Since televangelists were primarily focused on religion (thus the name, televangelist), which is an area that plays a large part in social conservatism, the answer would be A.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

The statement that is true of televangelists is They preach using mass communication. Thus the correct option is B.

What are televangelists?

Televangelism is the practice of spreading Christianity using media for broadcasting preaching, and the name "televangelist" is used to denote this practice.

Radio and television are the two media that are most frequently utilized for televangelism. A televangelist ensures that his message is broadcast on radio and television because these two media are widely available.

The Moral Majority aimed to influence conservative Citizens to make decisions on topics that were significant in their perspective. To win over supporters, a number of strategies were employed.

Therefore, option B preached using mass communication is appropriate.

Learn more about televangelists, here:


In what way did the Greek civilization help to build our current cities?


The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Literature and theatre was an important aspect of Greek culture and influenced modern drama. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture.

which policy is most similar to soviet totalitarianism under joseph stalin



Empowering the police to monitor citizens at all times

The first police shortly created after the overthrow of the Tsarist regime, would be an instrument to be used in a totalitarian command

The secret police of Stalin NKVD was a force that drew later under Stalin the totalitarian policy most scandalous for carrying out Stalin's Purges.

The secret police was mostly used for securing that Stalin would stay in power indefinitely,

The alleged national security and their aims were far beyond and contributed for cruel work camps, famines and social engineering.

They wanted to create conditions for a new socialist system to born.

Stalin also used the NKVD for eliminating close people to him when he became suspicious.

Periodically he will use systematically "cleaning lists" for setting a quota of people to be killed.

Which general was responsible for laying waste to the Southern countryside in his "march to the sea"?
O George McClellan
O Robert E. Lee
O Ulysses S. Grant
O William Tecumseh Sherman


Answer: D) William Tecumseh Sherman



William Tecumseh Sherman


Sherman and his men torched everything that had any kind of military value in Atlanta. They then marched towards the sea leaving a trail of destruction throughout Georgia in the process.

Which statement describes joint committees?



They contain members from both major political parties.

Once created, they will continue to function unless disbanded by the passage of a law.


They contain members from both major political parties.

Once created, they will continue to function unless disbanded by the passage of a law. Or A

joint committee - Committees including membership from both houses of Congress. Joint committees are usually established with narrow jurisdictions and normally lack authority to report legislation. Chairmanship usually alternates between the House and Senate members from Congress to Congress.

Plsss helpp , marking brainliest as well


The order would be 7000 BC then 6000 BC, then AD 250 and finally AD 450.

I need help on the crossing movie

1. How many Hessians were taken prisoner and how many Americans were killed or wounded at the Battle of Trenton?

2. How many months after the American Declaration of Independence was the Battle of Trenton fought?

3. In the Battle of Trenton, the Continentals outnumbered the Hessians almost 2 to 1. The Hessians were surprised and were poorly led. Why was this victory considered so important?

4. Where did the Hessians come from and why were they fighting for the British?

5. What would probably have happened to the American Revolution had Washington not crossed the Delaware and engaged the Hessians at Trenton at the end of December, 1776?

6. One of the memorable incidents shown in the film is Washington making a joke at the expense of General Knox, his commander of artillery. The novelist and screenwriter, Howard Fast, found a reference to this in the memoirs of some of the soldiers who were present. What role did Washington's joke play in his leadership at the Battle of Trenton?

7. Describe three actions other than cracking the joke about General Knox that Washington took which showed leadership at Trenton.

8. Washington was described as one of those rare few who, under fire, appeared to be without fear. Why is this important in a military leader?

9. After the battle, the character of General Greene asks the character of General Washington to speak with Colonel Rall before Rall dies. Washington replies: "Do you want me to weep for those b******, men who kill for profit?" General Greene responds that: "Our own cause at its heart is a fight against taxation, is it not? In the end, we all kill for profit, the British and the Hessians and us." Do you agree with the character of General Greene that the American Revolution was fought for money?

10. (Be honest; Don't deceive, cheat or steal; Be reliable -- do what you say you'll do; Have the courage to do the right thing; Build a good reputation; Be loyal -- stand by your family, friends and country) The Battle of Trenton shows the Continental troops demonstrating this Pillar. What did they do?



did u actually type all this

dude u got time

just eat and sleep

what was a result of the twenty-fourth amendment



On this date in 1962, the House passed the 24th Amendment, outlawing the poll tax as a voting requirement in federal elections, by a vote of 295 to 86. At the time, five states maintained poll taxes which disproportionately affected African-American voters: Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas.

Prohibition on any poll taxes in elections

Which of these services were provided by the Freedmen’s Bureau?
legal help and membership in political parties
legal help and schools for African Americans
medical care and small plots of land for rent
medical care and employment in city factories


Legal help and schools for African Americans is the answer.

3 How many wars were fought against the Xhosa Kingdom?



3 to 7 wars


hope it helps!!!


Nine wars


Nine wars were fought against the Xhosa Kingdom

What was the Antifederalists' main reason for opposing the new Constitution? What addition to the
Constitution helped ease this opposition?


The Antifederalists opposed it because they thought it would bring too much power into one national body, the Constitution. Their idea was that equal authority should be spread among all states so individual rights can be protected. Although the Federalists thought it would unnecessary, they still promised for a Bill of Rights in order to compromise with the Antifederalists to establish the Constitution.

Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world?
Globalization is growing less important as time passes,
The world is becoming more globalized and connected,
Globalization has resulted in fewer connections among countries,
O Countries are growing less likely to wade with one another



The world is becoming more globalized and connected.

What effect did Kennedy's inaugural speech have on his approval rating?

increased it

decreased it

didn't affect it

approval ratings weren't measured



the correct answer is option ( A )

his approval rating was increased


Hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a good day

porque medusa era diferente a otras mujeres en su entorno?


According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters born to Keto and Phorkys, two primordial sea gods; Medusa was mortal, while the others, Stheno and Euryale, were immortal.

China uses its lumber supply to make millions of __________ each year. A. shoes B. weapons C. chop sticks D. bamboo drums Please select the best answer from the choices provided


C. chop sticks, China uses its lumber to millions of chop sticks.


Your answer would be C hope that helps you out


What are two features of the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?



many farmers became industrial workers



The answer is 3 and 5

3. many farmers became industrial workers.

5. people moved from rural places to urban areas.


none needed im right

What were the immediate results of the November 1917 Bolshevik Revolution


the provisional government under Alexander Kerensky was overthrown by Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik followers who then took power to themselves alone rather than sharing.

Which best describes why Women's Christian Temperance Union was formed? Members were concerned about the impact of new ideas on their communities. Members were concerned about the impact of alcohol on their communities. Members wanted to organize distillery workers, who had few rights. Members wanted more religious freedom for their families.



Members were concerned about the impact of alcohol on their communities.


The women christian temperance union was a religious organization that was formed for the main objective of addressing and combating the influence of alcoholic drinks in families and in the society at large. This organization was formed in the year 1874 in Cleveland Ohio. Alcohol was blamed for the decline in culture, immorality, increased violence and death. Hence the need to combat alcohol intake.

Statement that best describes why Women's Christian Temperance Union was formed is Members were concerned about the impact of alcohol on their communities.

What is Women's Christian Temperance Union?

This are Union that are formed to sensitize about effect of alcohol in the body.

Therefore, Women's Christian Temperance Union was formed is Members were concerned about the impact of alcohol

Learn more about Temperance Union at:


how different groups of Native Americans adapted to the amount of rainfall they received


North America features an incredible range of environments, and the people who first lived here had to adapt to each of them. This lesson explores cultural adaptations to diverse climates and what America looked like to those who lived here first. this is what I got

What best describes the protests at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago



Protestors Take Over Lincoln Park

In July 1968, MOBE and yippie activists applied for permits to camp at Lincoln Park and hold rallies at the International Amphitheatre, Soldier Field and Grant Park. Hoping to dilute the protestors’ momentum, Mayor Daley approved only one permit to protest at the bandshell at Grant Park.

About a week before the convention, despite not having permission, thousands of protestors—many of them from out of state and from middle-class families—set up camp at Lincoln Park, about ten miles from the Amphitheatre. Expecting resistance, protest leaders organized self-defense training sessions including karate and snake dancing.

In the meantime, Democratic Party delegates began arriving in a Chicago that was rapidly approaching a state of siege: National Guardsmen and policemen met their planes. Their hotels were under heavy guard and the convention Amphitheatre was a virtual fortress.

The answer is What they said ^^

what makes a crater fire?



Coal,Oak Wood, Charcoal,Gasoline


what is a crater fire

Te parece que la pintura representa una situación de la realidad? Explica.



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Art is characterised in truly representative theory by its capacity to represent reality. This is not to say that art must constantly replicate reality, but it must portray reality in some manner (even if it is through metaphor). As a result, the fundamental link between individuals and art is one of observation rather than feeling.

Which is true of the Civil Rights Act of 1866?

A- President Johnson vetoed the bill, but Congress overrode his veto.

B- Radical Republicans voted against its passage in Congress.

C- It gave voting rights to all men and women over the age of 18.

D- It restored all seceded states back into the Union.



Which is true of the Civil Rights Act of 1866?

A- President Johnson vetoed the bill, but Congress over rode his vétø.

B- Radical Republicans voted against its passage in Congress.

C- It gave voting rights to all men and women over the age of 18.

D- It restored all sécédéd states back into the Union.




The Civil Rights Act of 1866 declared all persons born in the United States to be citizens, "without distinction of race or color, or previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude." Although President Andrew Johnson vetoed the legislation, that veto was overturned by the 39th United States Congress and the and the bill became law. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was the nation's first civil rights law.

The military districts shown on the map were created during Reconstruction to
create economic and social equality in the South.
pay for the physical rebuilding of the South
move Native American Indians to reservations.
govern the former Confederate states.


Govern the former Confederate states (because they resented the Union's authority and overbearingness).

The military districts shown on the map were created during the Reconstruction Era to govern the Confederate States. Hence, option D is appropriate.

What is the Reconstruction Era?

The Reconstruction era has been referred to as the time from the American Civil war days to the Era of Compromise. Broadly speaking, the Reconstruction Era went on from 1865-1890. The reconstruction Era was a phase of great historical value in the Americas.

The main and most important thing was that during the Reconstruction Era, the African Americans, or the number of slaves who had been freed were now being put under the citizenship of the United States. It was in simpler terms patch up where the newly freed southern states of the African American slaves were to be incorporated within the Union.

The Reconstruction Era saw various discrepancies between the Federal government and the government of the states. The Reconstruction Era sought to merge African Americans with that Whites. Hence, option D is correct.

Learn more about the Reconstruction Era here:


Other Questions
what is extrusive rock Which step did Woo Jin get wrong and why? step 2, because you do not check for a pulse if you are not trained step 3, because you call 911 only after five minutes of not breathing step 5, because chest compressions should be hard and slow step 6, because CPR is done only until the call to 911 is made Read the entry on Jonas Salk from Compton's Encyclopedia/The Britannica School Edition, and answer the question beneath the text.Compton's EncyclopediaJonas Salk (1914-1995). For the first half of the 20th century, poliomyelitis, also known as infantile paralysis, was one of the most dreaded diseases to attack young people. By 1955 American physician and researcher Jonas Salk had developed a vaccine that almost eradicated the disease in the United States and other developed countries.Jonas Edward Salk was born in New York City on October 28, 1914. He graduated from the City College of New York in 1934 and earned his doctorate in medicine from New York University's College of Medicine in 1939. While in medical school he had worked with Thomas Francis Jr. on killed-virus immunology studies. In 1942 he joined a group at the University of Michigan working on a vaccine against influenza. The vaccine was perfected in 1953.In 1947 Salk became associate professor of bacteriology and head of the Virus Research Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. There he began working on the polio vaccine. Three viruses caused polio, and a vaccine had to be effective against all of them. By 1952 Salk had developed such a vaccine and conducted field tests on children. His findings were published in 1953, and a mass field test was done the next year.On April 12, 1955, the vaccine was released for use in the United States. In 1957 Salk was named professor of experimental medicine at Pittsburgh, and in 1963 he went to San Diego as head of the Institute (later named the Salk Institute) for Biological Studies. In 1977 Salk was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He died on June 23, 1995, in La Jolla, California.Answer the following question based on the Compton's Encyclopedia reading:Which choice best describes the biggest impact of Jonas Salk's work with poliomyelitis? Jonas Salk became a professor of medicine and the head of the Institute for Biological Studies. Jonas Salk was celebrated for his work and awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Jonas Salk created a vaccine that has nearly eliminated the disease in the United States and many other developed countries. Jonas Salk tested his vaccine on a large group of children and published his findings the following year. Select the correct text in the passage . Which detall best creates tension in the plot the tell-tale heart what should be the rate of simpe interest such that the interest is double of the sun at 10 years Which of the following rational functions is graphed below?10- 1010thoA. F(x) =3X-7B. F(x) = x + 3X-7C. F(x) =(x+3)(x-7)(x+3)(x-7)D. F(X)1(x + 7(x-3)7\x-Check the picture out and please help me lol 6. An analysis, by Manning and others (2007), of the Kitty Genovese murder found that the original news reports: of bystander inaction were generally accurate exaggerated the extent of bystander inaction. understated the extent of bystander inaction . O exaggerated the severity of the attack. A (5,3) and B (2,-1) are two verticles of a square ABCD and D is on the x axis. Find the coordinate of C and D Work out an estimate for the value of41.2 x 19.8- 0.49 Jack is a married male, while John is single. Your company has an assignment in a branch in Mexico that would last a couple of years. 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Hate Behavioral factors are choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing adisease or health condition.TrueFalse What is the Equation of Reduction in Mg+F2 gives MgF2, I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIST 4.1.10 english 10 sem 2Create an outline for an argumentative research essay, which you will draft in Lesson 2. The outline will begin with a strong claim, followed by at least three supporting reasons. The evidence that backs up each reason must come from credible sources that you find through research. In its finished state, your outline should show how the claim, reasons, and evidence all relate.Your outline should include the following elements:A claim that takes a clear stand on an important, controversial issueAt least three reasons that support the claimEvidence from at least five sources that backs up your reasons (and the claim, indirectly)A works-cited page that lists your sources and follows MLA guidelines a road rises 16 feet for every 50 feet of horizontal distance covered. in percent what is the grade of the road?