Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. cat B. hat C. that D. Hate


Answer 1


D. hate


Answer 2
The answer is D. Hate

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Which synonym best replaces the
underlined word in the following
In the scenario I developed, I
never thought this would happen!
A. mood
B. synergy
C. aftermath
D. plan


It has to be c aftermath
Mood is correct answer

Should global population growth be restricted?



Yes in some cases it should to prevent orphans and stuff.


How would you describe the Nazi soldiers who carried out the torture and murder of the Jewish people in World War Two





because although they were following the orders it was affecting the people live ( jewish)

Answer:people with no hearts .


who can bear seeing blood and the pain of others ?

If this golden block is made of pure gold, we ______ very rich.


If this golden block is made of pure gold, we will be very rich

PLEASE HELP QUICKLY Which root is used in each of the following words? manual: manage



The word manual comes from Latin root words meaning "of the hand ,,,, here is your ans bro

1 only? Subject : English Put the verbs in brackets forms: 1. The earth.....(move) round the sun. He generally ....( sing) in Hindi. 3. This paper ......(appear) twice weekly. 4. Milk ...(be) white. 5 The match....... (start) at 3p.m. tomorrow. 6. Don't disturb me. I ....(do) my homework. am 7 Look ! Your father ... (come) to see you. O 1... (do) anything at this moment. He still... (dance) an The old man .. (die) recently. died ​


1. Moves
2. Sings
3. Appears
4. Is
5. Starts
6. Am doing
7. Came
8. Are you doing (I’m not sure, the sentence isn’t very clear)
9. Dances
10. Died


1) moves

2) sings

3) appears

4) is

5) starts

6) am doing

7) has come

8) (question not clear)

9) danced

10) died

build an argument for is deportation an effective solution for illegal immagrants



— The solution must be in the rational middle ground between mass deportation and amnesty. Report by Laura Collins January 19, 2021.

Which suffix means to make something be in a particular state?
A. -or
B. -ology
C. -ify
D. -like


C.-ify hahahdhagsidbajdisba
Oh hi my dad just told me that you are doing a lot and not..op with week long and I can’t even do. Yea ma’am I’m going back in a little uuiu lol but

write meaning of accident and epitome and markeone sentence for each​



Accident: unforseen event,mishap,disaster

Epitome:an abridgement,a compendium

Which option describes an interaction in a text that you might analyze?


Answer:which option describes an interaction in a text that you might analyze


Which option describes an interaction in a text that you might analyze?

A statistical evidence such as data from a scientific experiment

B a significant similarity between people, things, events, or ideas

C a notable difference between people, things, events, and ideas

D the effect that one person, thing, event, or idea has on another

The answer to this question is option D. An interaction that one may want to analyze is the effect that one person, events, things or idea has on another.

While a reader is going through a text, it is useful to think about the happenings, events and ideas in the text.

The major goals are to

Establish how the happenings in the text have an effect on people and things. Take note of the interactions and the results that arise from the interactions.


aktiviti yang manakah meningkatkan kelenturan​



what does that mean ?? let me know if you need any help

outdo to the students of the African Americans have you seen it on your first day back in my head is




hahaha why would i even look




What do you call the Swiss president’s airplane?

Answer: Tobler One.

plz plzzz helpp mee
look photo
plz help asap
i will give brainliest



They said that they forgot to inform you and that they are really sorry

2.The mayor said that he was going to introduce a new system to reduce crime

3.The reporter said to the official that can he give more information about the plan

4.The man said that if i work for him i will be rich soon

5.The woman said that she does not want to buy the watch because it is expensive.

6.The teacher said to the class to study the text carefully.

7.The man said that he could help me with my work.

8. The headmaster said to my parents to come to his office tomorrow morning please.

What view point is being expressed in the e-mail


hi how

In not more than 250 words write a letter to your friend in another town tell him about three things that make you feel happy in your school. ​


School brings me joy because I spend time with friends and teachers. I learn new things, which makes me smarter. I also learn to get new skills like speaking up and communication with others.

Write the word that is part of speech indicated in the parenthesis




I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls


adjective is itchy on Melanie wore on itchy sweater

his excellent performance surprised everyone into interrogative​



Did his excellent performance surprise everyone?


I guess its right!!!

my day has been going good because

in which case do we experience more friction while walking or running​


We experience more friction while running.

While running exerts more force on ground to go ahead.For which we experience more friction to go forward.When we walks we experience a low friction because we exerts a low force.

Bird flu is not as lethal to humans as to the birds true or false​


I think it's false

because it a virus and it is very dangerous to both human and bird species.

Discussion Question(s): The power to shape the world into a better place rests within each of us. Our communities can only thrive if each of us are willing to step up and become an active citizen of our area. a) Discuss what are some positive benefits and outcomes, for yourself and the community, in your decision to become involved in a local program as a contributor, member, or volunteer. b) Who in your community (i.e. homeless, disadvantaged elementary school kids, etc.) would you like to help out or work more with? Why are you so passionate about that population? c) How can you get involved, even now, to helping that group out? What is a specific community program, group, social media campaign, etc. that you can become a part of locally? If you don’t have an idea, who or where can you find more information on how to get involved?



Better environment are always better for everyone.


it's possible Everyone benefits from a cleaner environment. Participate in community service. Support local businesses, especially those that serve the homeless and others who are disadvantaged.


A Writers choice and arrangement of words is called____.



A Writer choice and arrangement of words is called diction .

When I've finished The Da Vinci Code I'll ......... all of Dan Brown's novels
A. have read
B. read
C. have been reading
D. be reading


When I've finished The Da Vinci Code I'll ...( read )...... all of Dan Brown's novels

Since each novel in the Robert Langdon series by Dan Brown stands alone, it is not required to read them in order. However, because many of us who like thriller books like to read our series in order, I do suggest starting with Angels & Demons. Thus, option B is correct.

What best define about The Da Vinci Code?

The producers, however, have made the tough decision to wrap up The Da Vinci Code earlier than anticipated because of the present difficulties associated with travelling. We hope to watch this fantastic performance again soon, since we are so proud of the cast and creative team's hard work in making it.

Although they are based on the same book series, The Da Vinci Code (2006), Angels & Demons (2009), and Inferno are the films that are in the chronological order of the books (2016).

Therefore, When I've finished The Da Vinci Code, I'll (read ) all of Dan Brown's novels.

Learn more about Da Vinci Code here:


Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the worsening law and order situation in your town. (formal letter)​


Answer: Dear sir/ma'am;

As a good law abiding citizen, I come to you with the most urgent of matters. I have observed the rising of crime and disorder in our fair town, I and I come to you to plea that you would kindly raise awareness about this situation to the public. I fear for our safety, and I feel as if I'm at my wits end. I would appreciate it, you would be doing a service for your country, for you town, and for your fellow citizens.

All my respect;

( name here )


Which of the following is a complex sentence?
A. Although she was sick today, she still went to work.
B. Don't touch the hot stove!
C. I can't believe it is already Friday!
D. The team was very happy they finally won.





A complex sentence has an independent clause & a dependent clause which are usually seperated by a comma.

A hope this helps!!! :)

Read the passage from The Odyssey - Teiresias. One narrow strait may take you through his blows: denial of yourself, restraint of shipmates. When you make landfall on Thrinakia first and quit the violet sea, dark on the land you'll find the grazing herds of Helios by whom all things are seen, all speech is known. Avoid those kine, hold fast to your intent, and hard seafaring brings you all to Ithaka. But if you raid the beeves, I see destruction for ship and crew. Which excerpt from the passage best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict


Answer: restrain of shipments.


A character vs. character conflict, ocurs when two characters have needs, desires, beliefs or motivations which place them in opposition with one another.

The excerpt from the passage that best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict is the restrain of shipments. It should be noted that the restrain of shipments in this case is regarded to be partially a character versus character conflict.

Fathers have indispensable ......... to play in the lives of their children



responsibility ig?



Fathers have an indispensable responsibility to play in the lives of their children.

What is  indispensable responsibility?

An employee who is expected to be present at all times is a vital employee. Unavoidable duty that cannot be avoided or disregarded. anything or someone essential.

When something or someone is completely required by other things or people and cannot exist without them, it is said to be essential. The term "necessary party" refers to a party to a proceeding who must be joined in order for the court to render and enforce a final judgment.

On the surface, it makes sense to become indispensible. If they need you around, having a job will be more secure for you. You may even achieve fame.

Thus, it is responsibility.

For more information about  indispensable responsibility, click here:


Punctuation and capitalization
1)Mannie Dookie a top-class runner who was born at St James in 1915 made his entrance early on the sporting scene. At twelve the youths running abilities were discovered. At fifteet,he was defeating much older runners unable to afford to buy shoes he ran bare footed and became known as the bare footed runner .Read more about him in" heroes of the people".



After punctuating and capitalizing the passage, it becomes:

1. Mannie Dookie, a top-class runner who was born at St James in 1915, made his entrance early on the sporting scene. At twelve, the youth's running abilities were discovered. At fifteen, he was defeating much older runners. Unable to afford to buy shoes, he ran barefooted, and became known as the Barefooted Runner. Read more about him in "Heroes of the People".


We must capitalize the first word of each new sentence after a period. Proper names such as people's names or names of countries must also be capitalized.Whenever we finish a complete thought and start a new sentence, we must use a period.The use of commas unfolds into different rules. For instance, when we add an appositive to a sentence, that is, a word or phrase that explains another word, we place it between commas. Commas are also used to separate items in a list, even if each item is an entire clause. Commas also separate introductory phrases from the rest of the sentence.

Plz look the photo
and help me asap plz plz
i will give brainliest
plz use modal deduction:must,can’t,might,could have +p.participle



He must have gotten a promotion.I'm sure I've seen him before, but I just can't remember where exactly. He could be feeling sad and disheartened. I might have positioned my foot incorrectly on the pedal. I'm worried she may be scared of being all alone. She could have fallen asleep. She must have been very tired.She may be struggling financially.

Circle the verbs in these sentences:
1. The car stopped in front of the house.
2. We went to the movies on Friday after school.
3. Our teacher gave us a funny book to read.
4. The girls walked in front of the boys.
5. The wind blew our hats off of our heads.



1 stopped

2 went

3 gave

4 walked

5 blew

Dr. Reynolds' priority in his life is:
becoming famous.
marrying Susanne.
becoming a professor of religion.
None of the choices are correct.



becoming famous.


In Tony Hillerman’s novel, Chester Reynolds has a doctorate in anthropology; his primary academic field is archaeology. As a specialist in ancient Native American culture, he is dedicated to promoting the importance of Folsom, a culture that he believes originated much earlier than other scholars have yet determined and then maintained a continuous presence in the US Southwest.

Unfortunately, he is so obsessed with proving this idea that he completely loses his perspective. Reynolds will stop at nothing to gain recognition for his expertise in this area. Among his transgressions are placing artifacts obtained elsewhere in the sites that his people are digging—a practice called “seeding”—so that the archaeologists who find them will believe his theory. Even worse, he kills people who stand in his way.

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