The story of Aeneas is found in:
A. The Iliad
B. The Odyssey
C. The Aeneid
D. Metamorphoses


Answer 1


C is the correct answer


Related Questions

How is a photograph used to make a persuasive argument


Answer: it has to show emotion.

Explanation: Because when you see a picture it says a lot just by looking at it.

A photograph itself has a lot of emotions and feelings in it, sometimes mayb even more than words so it’s so easy to persuade someone from it

how can the author's use of similes help to communicate a message to the reader? (Four sentences)



Simile - a kind of description. A simile compares two things so that the thing described is understood more vividly, eg 'The water was as smooth as glass. A simile can create a vivid image in the reader's mind, helping to engage and absorb them.Generally, a writer uses similes to enable the reader to imagine in his mind what the writer is saying. This is why a writer compares one thing to another with which the reader is familiar. The speaker compares his love to a red rose that has just bloomed.Writers often use similes to introduce concrete images (like boxes of chocolates) into writing about abstract concepts (like life). Readers are more explicitly aware of the direct comparison that's being made with a simile compared to a metaphor, which is often more poetic and subtle.

hope it helps ya :-)

what is figurative meaning​



departing from the literal use of words or representing forms that are derived from life

Write synonyms
I haven't gone to the gym since May



I last went to the gym in May.

I visited the gym around May.




Becky Surged Down The Dusty Path A Single Piece Of Twine As Waist Hight, Streched Slightly Between trees Toward The Makeshift Finishline



Why does reading fiction make you a better person?


Answer: Maybe it is just more fun to read then non-fiction.

any of them can do this.(into negative)​



[tex] \large{ \boxed{ \tt{ANSWER : NONE \: OF \: THEM \: CAN \: DO \: THIS.}}}[/tex]

Note : ' Any of ' changes into ' none of ' in negative.

- Hope I helped! Let me know if you have any questions regarding my answer! & Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need any help!

Which sentence uses an objective tone?

-"We will plant the best garden of any school in the area."

-"The new campus garden will surely be envied by other schools."

-"A garden would provide numerous benefits to the students."

-"You will probably agree that gardens have many benefits."



A garden provide numerous benefits to the students.

The  sentence that uses an objective tone is "A garden would provide numerous benefits to the students."

What is objective tone?

Objective tone can be explained as  impartial which doesn't concur to the feelings for or against a topic.

In this case, it is unbiased or neutral and example is "A garden would provide numerous benefits to the students."

Learn more about objective tone at:


Should shellfish, which is labeled frozen but received thawed be excepted


Yes as long as the label is attached and accurate

3.Choose the sentence or question that has similar meaning to the first one. They will collect letters tomorrow morning. (4 Points) A. Letters will be collected tomorrow morning. B. Letters will be collecting tomorrow morning. C. Letters will be collect tomorrow morning. D. Letters will collect tomorrow morning.



A. Letters will be collected tomorrow morning


the answer is A.Letters will be collected tomorrow morning

Identify and write the prepositional phrases in the following sentences.

1. Did your car stall on the viaduct? Mine did that once, when I was driving in the rain.

2. My sister lives in Chicago. Her house is located across the river.

3. A large bouquet of flowers was delivered to my office. I hoped they would be on my desk. However, they were sent down the hall to Ellen's office.

4. Our family sat around the camp fire. We told stories about our childhood.

5. Dalton hit the ball over the barn. Jason had to run around the building and across the field to get it.



Answer for question 1 is "on the viaduct"

Because she slept through her alarm and did not have enough time to get ready, Paula looked a little ____ when she got to school.


Answer: disheveled


Because she slept through her alarm and did not have enough time to get ready, Paula looked a little (disheveled) when she got to school.

Disheveled means to be in disorder or look unkempt. The statement simply means that because Paula didn't have enough time to get ready, she looked untidy or unkempt when she got to school.


Disheveled and infuriated


three problems to develop the school​



Classroom Size

Many areas of the country are facing classrooms that are literally busting out at the seams. A report at NEA Today two years ago discussed how schools in Georgia, in the midst of major funding cuts for schools, had no choice but to lift all class size limits to accommodate students with the faculty the school system could still afford to keep. More recently, Fairfax County in Virginia has been looking into a proposal to increase classroom sizes in the face of significant budget cuts. The Board of Education in South Carolina is also weighing their options in this area.


Technorati reported last fall that 22 percent of the children in the U.S. live at or below poverty level. American Graduate defines poverty as a family of four with an annual income level of $23,050 or lower. American Graduate also cites a report from the Southern Education Foundation, which shows in 17 states across the U.S., low-income students now comprise the majority of public school students in those states. Some estimates put poverty levels for public school students at 25% in the not-so-distant future.

Family Factors

Family factors also play a role in a teacher’s ability to teach students. Principals and teachers agree that what is going on at home will impact a student’s propensity to learn. Divorce, single parents, poverty, violence and many other issues are all challenges a student brings to school every day. While some teachers and administrators try to work with children in less than ideal family environments, they can only do so much – especially when parents are often not willing to partner with the schools to provide for the children.

I...the film was gripping, Harry slept from beginning to end



although the film was gripping, Harry slept from beginning to end

A boy's song summary and analysis​



A boy's song is a poem that depicts a small boy's admiration for nature. The boy enjoys watching the bright and deep pools and the gray trout in the river. He loves to hear the blackbirds sing and see the hawthorns bloom. At the same time, he cannot stop admiring the little birds chirp from inside their nest.


In that year I had had time to become aware of the meaning of all my father’s bitter warnings, had discovered the secret of his proudly pursed lips and rigid carriage: I had discovered the weight of white people in the world. I saw that this had been for my ancestors and now would be for me an awful thing to live with and that the bitterness which had helped to kill my father could also kill me.

Which best explains this excerpt’s role in the problem-and-solution structure of the passage?
The excerpt presents the solution to the overarching problem in the passage.
The excerpt sets up a secondary problem addressed by the passage.
The excerpt presents the solution to a secondary problem in the passage.
The excerpt sets up the overarching problem addressed by the passage.


This excerpt’s role in the problem-and-solution structure of the passage is best explains as The excerpt sets up the overarching problem addressed by the passage. Thus the correct option is D.

What is problem-and-solution structure?

When a text structure shows a problem and its solution, it is doing a Problem-solution text structure. The problem is presented in the opening paragraph, and the second paragraph will provide the data-based solution.

In the example provided, the author explained several text elements to inform the reader of the overriding issue the passage addressed and what measures will be taken to address them.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about  problem-and-solution structure, here:



D. The excerpt sets up the overarching problem addressed by the passage


Edge 2023

I’m going to introduce my hometown, Phu Tho province, which is located in the North of Vietnam. When you (11. come) ____ there, I would recommend you visit several stunning sights like King Temple or Bac Waterfall, which all (12. become) our honor and pride. You can also experience Phu Tho’s local specialties such as ear cake or sour meat, which satisfies the travellers’ desire about cuisine.The atmosphere (13. be) _________ so fresh, and the pace of life (14. be) ________ very slow which (15. give) ________ people a feeling of peace. The people here (16. be) ________ friendly with a warm-hearted attitude that I feel comfortable whenever I (17. come) ______ back.My hometown is becoming more and more vibrant as time (18. go) ______ on. The factories and chain stores has begun opening up, which brings out environmental issues such as air pollution. It is the place that I (19. be) _______ really interested in. Initially, it is my home where my beloved is living there. I personally (20. feel) _________that my hometown is the nicest place that I’ve ever known. *
40 điểm



I’m going to introduce my hometown, Phu Tho province, which is located in the North of Vietnam. When you (11. come) go there, I would recommend you visit several stunning sights like King Temple or Bac Waterfall, which all (12. become) became our honor and pride. You can also experience Phu Tho’s local specialties such as ear cake or sour meat, which satisfies the travellers’ desire about cuisine.The atmosphere (13. be) is so fresh, and the pace of life (14. be) is very slow which (15. give) gives people a feeling of peace. The people here (16. be) are friendly with a warm-hearted attitude that I feel comfortable whenever I (17. come) came back. My hometown is becoming more and more vibrant as time (18. go) goes on. The factories and chain stores has begun opening up, which brings out environmental issues such as air pollution. It is the place that I (19. be) am really interested in. Initially, it is my home where my beloved is living there. I personally (20. feel) feel that my hometown is the nicest place that I’ve ever known. *

which statement best describes the similarity between these excerpts​



which experts


complete your question




D i believe


Nancy took a breath and gathered her thoughts. She imagined that passing through the gray-zone door into Level 4 was like a space walk, except that instead of going into outer space, you went into inner space, which was full of the pressure of life trying to get inside your suit. People went into Level 4 areas all the time at the Institute, particularly the civilian animal caretakers. But going into a containment zone to perform a necropsy on an animal that had died of an amplified unknown hot agent was something a little different. This was high-hazard work. The central idea of this excerpt is that working in a containment zone is very dangerous. Which phrases from the excerpt most support the central idea



The phrases  "But going into a containment zone to perform a necropsy on an animal that had died of an amplified unknown hot agent was something a little different," and the "This was high-hazard work." supports the central idea that working in a biological containment zone is very dangerous. The first few sentences shows that Nancy is preparing herself for the gray-zone door, and it also states they are wearing something like a suit or space suit possibly. If they are wearing space suits, this shows there is a very high danger behind the door.


-The Hot Zone.

I read the full book and also got this on a quiz in edge recently.


A. amplified unknown hot agent; high-hazard work


These words show how dangerous it is to work in the containment zone, which is the central idea. Thus, these words support the central idea. Unknown hot agent portrays uncertainty and danger because it is unknown and dangerous, and high-hazard work also portrays danger.

I took the test and got 100%

Hope this helps!

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menus.
Read the excerpt. Then choose the correct way to complete the sentence.

Stone’s attitude toward her audience changes from to .


Answer: Stones attituded changes from happy to sad


simple sad

Stone's attitude towards her audience has changed from amused to disappointed. The correct answer is A. amused and C. Disappointed.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought, idea, or proposition. It typically consists of a subject, which is the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about, and a predicate, which includes the verb and any objects or complements that follow it. A sentence can be simple, consisting of just one independent clause, or it can be complex, with multiple clauses and phrases. In written English, sentences are typically punctuated with a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark at the end.

Here in the Question,

The play's creator is dissatisfied in the audience's response and believes that they were uninterested in the play.

He finds the response amusing and disappointing at the same time.

Therefore, Due to the audience's lack of interest in the plot and the small number of people that waited for the finale, Stone's attitude toward her audience changed from amused to disappointed.

To learn about Context clue click:


Your brain has the ability to download, process, and react to information coming from
A. The basic movements part of the brain
B. A supercomputer
C. Your eyes, ears, and other sensory organs
D. Microscopic cells.​


Answer: The answer is your eyes, ears, and other sensory organs.

Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

What is the contracted form of the words in bold?

I hope we will meet again.



we'll is the answer


The letters “w” and “i” in the word “will” are replaced by the apostrophe to create the word “we’ll.”

Fill in the missing prepositions
41. She always agree ...... everything he says
42. Are you acquainted ....... the lady?
43. you will soon get accustomed ....... English cooking
44. She is very angry ...... me
45. I apologize ....... keeping you waiting
46. The dog begged .... a piece of cake
47. does this belong ..... you ?
48. she is always borrow money ....... me
49.My cat is very fond .... fish
50. I'm very grateful .... her ...... her help
51. The room was full ... people
52. I'm quiet different ..... her
53. She insits ..... coming
54. He is quiet incapable .... such a thing
55. I should like to be independent ... everyone
56. May I introduce you ..... Miss Brown ?
57. I'm afraid ..... this dog
58. Are you interested ... literature
59. She is very jealous ... her sister
60. Won't you joint ... the game ?
61. Clean air provides us ..... a health supply of oxygen
62. I'm very sorry ... what I have dne
63. His son succeeded .... the throne
64. My hat is quite similar .... yours
65. I'm tired .... waiting for her
66. I'm so worried ....... my sister who is ill
67. It is very bad .... you to eat so quickly
68. I'm not good ... tennis
69. My birthday is .... the first ... the month
70. This will come in very useful ... her


Answer: I put the answers below, most of them should be correct.


41. with

42. with

43. to

44. at

45. for

46. for

47. to

48. from

49. of

50. for, and

51. of

52. from

53. on

54. of

55. from

56. to

57. of

58. in

59. of

60. in

61. with

62. for

63. I'm not sure but it could be on.

64. to

65. of

66. about

67. for

68. at

69. on, of

70. for or to

41. She always agree with everything he says.

42. Are you acquainted with the lady?

43. you will soon get accustomed to English cooking.

What do you mean by English cooking?

The culinary techniques, customs, and dishes connected with England are all included in English cuisine. Although it has unique characteristics of its own, it also has many similarities to larger British cuisine, thanks in part to the importation of products and concepts from the Americas, China, and India during the British Empire's era and as a result of post-war immigration.

Bread and cheese, roasted and stewed meats, meat and game pies, boiled vegetables and broths, and freshwater and saltwater fish are only a few examples of traditional foods with long histories. The Forme of Cury, an English cookbook from the royal court of Richard II in the 14th century, includes recipes for these.

44. at, 45. for, 46. for, 47. to, 48. from, 49. of, 50. for, and, 51. of, 52. from, 53. on, 54. of, 55. from, 56. to, 57. of, 58. in, 59. of, 60. in, 61. with, 62. for, 63. I'm not sure but it could be on., 64. to, 65. of, 66. about, 67. for, 68. at, 69. on, of, 70. for or to.

Learn more about English cooking, here


which narrator is most clearly omniscient



B. The speaker felt his knees shaking. However, no one in the  audience even knew he was nervous.


An omniscient narrator knows everything that happens before the story, during the story, after the story. The key pointer is the narrator knows every character's thoughts and feelings.

A. Vicente learned that opening a candy shop would be no easy task,

but that wouldn't stop him.

The narrator is only discussing Vicente's thoughts, so this could be first-person narration.

B. The speaker felt his knees shaking. However, no one in the

audience even knew he was nervous.

The narrator talks about the thoughts of both "the speaker" and the audience, so the narrator is omniscient.

C. "Stop, thief!" the guard shouted, but the thief was too quick and

made it over the castle walls.

This could be any third-person objective or limited narration. It's like similar to watching a movie; you aren't told what the characters are thinking.

D. Ting looked across the table and noticed the frown on her date's

face. Something must be wrong.

This could be first-person narration since we only know the thoughts for one character, Ting.


The speaker felt his knees shaking. However, no one in the audience even knew he was nervous.


The answer above explains everything perfectly :)

A P E X  L E A R N I N G

What are the social functions of idiophones​




Idiophone, class of musical instruments in which a resonant solid material—such as wood, metal, or stone—vibrates to produce the initial sound. The eight basic types are concussion, friction, percussion, plucked, scraped, shaken, stamped, and stamping. In many cases, as in the gong, the vibrating material itself forms the instrument’s body. Other examples include xylophones and rattles.

none but our english teacher can read this.(affirmative statement )



* How to answer, “How would you explain yourself?”

I am passionate about my work. ...

I am ambitious and driven. ...

I am highly organised. ...

I'm a people person. ...

I'm a natural leader. ...

I am results oriented. ...

I am an excellent communicator.

* Here are a few strategies for answering questions in a helpful way!

If they're not asking clearly, help them clarify. ...

Figure out what they know already. ...

Point them to the documentation. ...

Point them to a useful search. ...

Write new documentation. ...

Explain what you did. ...

Solve the underlying problem.


Which sentence is capitalized correctly?

A. Mr. Reynolds plants his flowers in the Spring.

B. Whales swim south during the winter months.

C. Megan will visit New York during the Fall.

D. Most students love Summer break.


Answer: B


Seasons don't have capitalizations. Spring, summer, fall, and winter should all be lowercase in a sentence except for the start of one (like this sentence). Therefore, B is the only correct sentence.

identify words with positive and negative connotation

(please help me )​


Gossip is the most negative

Trevor shared the gossip that he had heard from his friend.

Select the item that uses correct grammar, punctuation, and connecting words. Students overlooking the errors they have made, and cause them to receive lower grades. Students overlooking the errors they have made, and cause them to receive lower grades. Overlooking errors will cause students to receive lower grades. Overlooking errors will cause students to receive lower grades. Students overlooking the errors they have made. Will cause them to receive lower grades.



overlooking errors will cause students to receive lower grades.

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