The sum of two numbers is is 49 and the difference between these two numbers is 9 what are these two numbers please show the workout


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:



that's the answer

Related Questions

Becky Anderson must pay a lump sum of $6000 in 5 yr. If only $5000 is available to deposit right now, what annual interest rate is necessary for the money to increase to $6000 in 5 yr?



Out equation is: [tex]A=P(1+\frac{r}{n} )^t^n[/tex]

A= 6000




R= What we are trying to find

This means we will have [tex]6000=5000(1+r)^5[/tex]

Divide both sides by 5000:

[tex]\frac{6000}{5000} = (1+r)^5[/tex]

Move the power to the other side by rooting both sides:

[tex]\frac{6000}{5000} ^1^/^5 = 1+r[/tex]

Subtract 1 from both sides:

[tex]\frac{6000}{5000} ^1^/^5 -1 = r[/tex]

Now we just need to calculate: R = 0.03713728...

I don't know how many decimal places you can have, but I will round to 2. This will give you an Interest Rate of 3.71%.

I hope this helps! :)

I agree with him so he haves the answer correct

find the value of z, secant and tangent angles



z = 110

Step-by-step explanation:

The measure of an angle created by the intersection of two secants outside a circle is half the difference of the angles it intercepts. In this it would be:

2x + 15 = 1/2 * (10x + 20 - 80)

We can now solve:

4x + 30 = 10x - 60

30 = 6x - 60

6x = 90

x = 15

This means the values of 10x + 20 is 10(15) + 20, which is 170.

Now, we can add up all the arcs in a circle, which sum to 360 degrees:

360 = z + 170 + 80

360 = z + 250

z = 110


[tex]A)\ \ z = 110[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

One is given a circle with two secants. Please note that a secant is a line that intersects a circle in two places. The secant exterior angle theorem states that when two secants intersect each other outside of a circle, the measure of the angle formed is half the of the positive difference of the intersecting arcs. One can apply this theorem here by stating the following:






Inverse operations,





Substitute this value into the equation for one of the intersecting arcs to find the numerical value of that intersecting arc:

[tex]10x+20\\x = 15\\\\10(15) + 20\\= 150 + 20\\= 170[/tex]

The sum of all arc measures in a circle is (360) degrees. One can apply this here by stating the following:

[tex]80 + 170 + z = 360[/tex]


[tex]80 + 170 + z = 360[/tex]

[tex]250 + z = 360[/tex]

Inverse operations,

[tex]250 + z = 360[/tex]

[tex]z = 110[/tex]

Find the answer for x and y



x = 57

y = 57

Step-by-step explanation:

because of the two parallel lines :

41+y+8+74 = 180 add like terms

y + 123 = 180 subtract 123 from both sides

y = 57

x - 3 + 41 + y + 8 = 180 because they make a straight line

x + y + 46 = 180

x + 57 + 46 = 180

x + 123 = 180 subtract 123 from both sides

x = 57

6. If gallon A has 8L of water and gallon B has 800 ml of water, calculate the total volume of water in both the gallons.​



send me again I can't understand question

Four- sevenths of the children in class earned A's on the last math test. 18 children did not earn an A. How many earned A's? SHOW ALL WORK!!!


Answer: 24 people earnt As

Step-by-step explanation:

1. We know that 18 people are the other 3/7 of the class

2. We first find out 1/7, which is calculated by dividing 3/7 by 3, which is 18 / 3 so 6

3. We can then find 4/7 by multiplying the amount of 1/7 by 4, so 6 x 4 = 24

There is a circle with a center of 0,0 on a coordinate plane. There is one point on the circle's circumference in which the x:y ratio is 3:1. What is a possible coordinate?



(3, 1)

Step-by-step explanation:

A circle with radius √10 and centre at (0, 0) will have a point (3, 1) on its circumference.

In the graph above, which vertical line (V) and horizontal line (H) can be used to graph point A?


V: x = 1; H: y = 4


V: x = 4; H: y = 1


V: y = 4; H: x = 1


V: x = 1; H: y = –4



V: x = 1; H: y = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

Point A is at x = 1 and y = 4

A vertical line at x=1 and a horizontal line at y = 4

A chef is going to use a mixture two different brands of Italian dressing the first spring and days 5% vinegar the second brain contains 15% vinegar the sheriff wants to make 390$ ml addressing that is 9% vinegar how much of each brand should she use


I guess the chef is making the mixture for the sheriff... Let x be the amount of dressing with 5% vinegar that is required, and y the amount of 15% vinegar dressing (both amounts in mL).

The sheriff wants 390 mL of the mixed dressing, so that

x + y = 390

x mL of the 5% dressing contains 0.05x mL of vinegar, while y mL of the 15% dressing contains 0.15y mL of vinegar. The resulting mixture should have a concentration of 9% vinegar, so that it contains 0.09 (390 mL) = 35.1 mL of vinegar. This means

0.05x + 0.15y = 35.1

Solve for x and y :

y = 390 - x

0.05x + 0.15 (390 - x) = 35.1

0.05x + 58.5 - 0.15x = 35.1

23.4 = 0.10x

x = 234

y = 156

An organization consists of 8,684 employees. They decided to conduct a survey about their new vacation policies. The organization surveyed 884 of their employees and found that 36% of those surveyed disliked the new vacation policies. Assuming a 95% confidence level, which of the following statements holds true?



A. As the sample size is appropriately large, the margin of error is ±0.032.

Step-by-step explanation:

The margin of error is ±0.032 and the sample size is appropriately large. Therefore, the correct option is A.

PHOTO WILL BE UR Bsf when doing math lol

Solve the inequality (help pls)




Step-by-step explanation:




x>-31/2, -31/2=-15 (1/2), x> - 15 (1/2)

given that the following two are geometric series are convergent: 1+x+x^2+x^3+...and 1-x+x^2-x^3+... determine the value(s) of x for which the sum of the two series is equal to 8​


Let S and T denote the two finite sums,

S = 1 + x + x ² + x ³ + … + x

T = 1 - x + x ² - x ³ + … + (-x) ᴺ

• If both S = 8 and T = 8 as N goes to infinity:


xS = x + x ² + x ³ + x ⁴ + … + x ᴺ⁺¹

-xT = -x + x ² - x ³ + x ⁴ + … + (-x) ᴺ⁺¹

so that

S - xS = 1 - x ᴺ⁺¹   ==>   S = (1 - x ᴺ⁺¹)/(1 - x)

and similarly,

T = (1 - (-x) ᴺ⁺¹)/(1 + x)

For both sums, so long as |x| < 1, we have

lim [N → ∞] S = 1/(1 - x)

lim [N → ∞] T = 1/(1 + x)

Then if both sums converge to 8, this happens for

S : 1/(1 - x) = 8   ==>   x = 7/8

T : 1/(1 + x) = 8   ==>   x = -7/8

• If the sum S + T = 8 as N goes to infinity:

From the previous results, we have

1/(1 - x) + 1/(1 + x) = 8   ==>   x = ±√3/2

The table and the Circle Chart shown display the percentage of dogs in seven different groups of dog breeds in a dog competition.

How does the Circle Graph misrepresent the data in the table?

A. The percentages do not add up to 100.
B. The size of the section representing the Non-Sporting group is smaller than the section that represents Herding group.
C. The number of regions in the graph is not correct for the data.
D. One of the breeds in the table is not represented in the Circle Chart.




Step-by-step explanation:


Incorrect, it's actually B.

Step-by-step explanation:

Look at the Non-Sporting Group and Herding Group. The sizes of the slices are different (NSG being smaller than HG)

brainliest to correct




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

-9 × -3

= 27

Note: When you multiply two integers with same sign, then their product is positive.

A triangle has side lengths of (4.6x-4.4y)(4.6x−4.4y) centimeters, (7.5x-8.8z)(7.5x−8.8z) centimeters, and (7.7z-9.2y)(7.7z−9.2y) centimeters. Which expression represents the perimeter, in centimeters, of the triangle?


The expression that represents the perimeter, in centimeters, of the triangle is [tex]77.41x^{2}+104y^{2}+ 136.73z^{2} -40.48xy - 132xz - 141.64yz[/tex] cm OR 77.41x²+104y²+136.73z²-40.48xy-132xz-141.64yz centimeters

From the question, the side lengths are

(4.6x-4.4y)(4.6x−4.4y) cm, (7.5x-8.8z)(7.5x−8.8z) cm, and  (7.7z-9.2y)(7.7z−9.2y) cm.

First, we will clear the brackets one after the other

For  (4.6x-4.4y)(4.6x−4.4y) cm

[tex]4.6x(4.6x-4.4y) -4.4y(4.6x-4.4y)[/tex]

[tex]21.16x^{2} -20.24xy -20.24xy+19.36y^{2}[/tex]

[tex]21.16x^{2} -40.48xy+19.36y^{2}[/tex]

∴ (4.6x-4.4y)(4.6x−4.4y) cm = [tex]21.16x^{2} -40.48xy+19.36y^{2}[/tex] cm

For  (7.5x-8.8z)(7.5x−8.8z) cm

[tex]7.5x(7.5x-8.8z) -8.8z(7.5x-8.8z)[/tex]

[tex]56.25x^{2} - 66xz -66xz + 77.44z^{2}[/tex]

[tex]56.25x^{2} - 132xz + 77.44z^{2}[/tex]

∴ (7.5x-8.8z)(7.5x−8.8z) cm = [tex]56.25x^{2} - 132xz + 77.44z^{2}[/tex]  cm

For (7.7z-9.2y)(7.7z−9.2y) cm


[tex]59.29z^{2} - 70.84yz-70.84yz+84.64y^{2}[/tex]

[tex]59.29z^{2} - 141.64yz+84.64y^{2}[/tex]

∴ (7.7z-9.2y)(7.7z−9.2y) cm =  [tex]59.29z^{2} - 141.64yz+84.64y^{2}[/tex] cm

Now, for the expression that represents the perimeter of the triangle,

Perimeter of a triangle can be calculated by determining the sum of all its sides

That is,

Perimeter of the triangle =  [tex]21.16x^{2} -40.48xy+19.36y^{2}[/tex] cm + [tex]56.25x^{2} - 132xz + 77.44z^{2}[/tex]  cm + [tex]59.29z^{2} - 141.64yz+84.64y^{2}[/tex] cm

[tex]=21.16x^{2} -40.48xy+19.36y^{2} + 56.25x^{2} - 132xz + 77.44z^{2} + 59.29z^{2} - 141.64yz+84.64y^{2}[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]= 21.16x^{2}+ 56.25x^{2} -40.48xy+19.36y^{2}+84.64y^{2} - 132xz + 77.44z^{2} + 59.29z^{2} - 141.64yz[/tex]

[tex]= 77.41x^{2} -40.48xy+104y^{2} - 132xz + 136.73z^{2} - 141.64yz[/tex]

[tex]= 77.41x^{2}+104y^{2}+ 136.73z^{2} -40.48xy - 132xz - 141.64yz[/tex] cm

Hence, the expression that represents the perimeter, in centimeters, of the triangle is [tex]77.41x^{2}+104y^{2}+ 136.73z^{2} -40.48xy - 132xz - 141.64yz[/tex] cm OR 77.41x²+104y²+136.73z²-40.48xy-132xz-141.64yz centimeters

Learn more here :

IF A= -35 , B = 10 , C= -5 verify that:-
a x (b+c) = a x b + a x c

Plz tell​



see below

Step-by-step explanation:

a x (b+c) = a x b + a x c

Let A= -35 , B = 10 , C= -5

-35 * ( 10 -5) = -35 *10 + -35 * -5

-35 *(5) = -350 + 175

-175 = -175


A.) find f^-1 and use it to evaluate: f^-1(12)

B.) write a formula for the function g(x) that results when the parent function: f(x) = x^3 is vertically stretched by a factor of three, shifted to the left by 4 units and shifted down by 5 units



Step-by-step explanation:

y = x³

x = ∛y

Switch x and y:

y = ∛x

f⁻¹(x) = ∛x

f⁻¹(12) = ∛12 ≅ 2.29


x = 2.29

f(x)  = 2.29³ ≅ 12

What are the odds IN FAVOR of picking a red marble from a bag of 10 green marbles, 10 yellow marbles, and 5 red marbles?



there is a 20% chance of getting a red marble

Step-by-step explanation:


there is a 1/5 percent chance or 20%

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope this helps!

How to solve this question. I need to show my work for this question.
A cookie recipe calls for 3 eggs and makes 4 dozen cookies.
a). How many cookies could you make with a dozen eggs?
b). How many eggs would you need to make 18 dozen cookies?


Step-by-step explanation:

Recall that 1 dozen = 12 so 4 dozen cookies has a total of 48 cookies. We are going to use the following ratios to solve the problem:

[tex]\left(\dfrac{3\:\text{eggs}}{48\:\text{cookies}}\right)[/tex] and [tex]\left(\dfrac{48\:\text{cookies}}{3\:\text{eggs}}\right)[/tex]

a) [tex]12\:\text{eggs}×\left(\dfrac{48\:\text{cookies}}{3\:\text{eggs}}\right) = 192\:\text{cookies}[/tex]

b) 18 dozen cookies = 216 cookies

[tex]216\:\text{cookies}×\left(\dfrac{3\:\text{eggs}}{48\:\text{cookies}}\right) = 13.5\:\text{eggs}[/tex]

2. What is the number 643,581 rounded off
to the thousands place?
(1) 640,000
(2) 643,000
(3) 643,600
(4) 644,000
(5) 644,600



(4) 644,000

Step-by-step explanation:


The 3 is in the thousands place

We look at the hundreds place


It is 5 or greater so we round the thousands place up 1



(2) 643,000

Step-by-step explanation:

Since 3 is a lesser number than 5 the number would be rounded to 643,000

what fraction of 1 day is 48 minutes​



48 ÷ 60 = 4/5

Step-by-step explanation:

4/5 is the answer



Step-by-step explanation:

We require the number of minutes in a day.

i hour = 60 minutes

24 hours = 24 × 60 = 1440 minutes ( 24 hours in 1 day )


fraction = [tex]\frac{48}{1440}[/tex] ( divide numerator/ denominator by 12 )

            = [tex]\frac{4}{120}[/tex] ( divide numerator/ denominator by 4 )

            = [tex]\frac{1}{30}[/tex]

If Jan can weed the garden in 2 hours and her husband can weed it in 1 hour and 30 minutes, find how long it takes them to weed the garden together.



3 hours 30 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

Jan :2 hours

her husband : 1 hour 30 minutes

2hr + 1 ½ hrs = 3 ½ hrs...that is 3 hours 30 minutes....?

Select the appropriate descriptions of the correlation coefficient (r).

a. r describes the clustering of the points around a line, relative to the SDs.
b. r says how the average value of y depends on x.
c. r determines the accuracy of the regression predictions, through the formula for r.m.s. error.
d. All of the above are accurate descriptions of the uses of r.


Step-by-step explanation:

I Think Its C

Find COS Instructions: Find the value of the trigonometric ratio. Make sure to simplify the If needed



Sin X = 12 / 37

Step-by-step explanation:

Given a right angled triangle, we are to obtain the Sin of the angle X ;

Using trigonometry, the sine of the angle X , Sin A is defined as the ratio of the angle opposite X to the hypotenus of the right angle triangle.

In the right angle triangle :

Sin X = opposite / hypotenus

Opposite = 12 ; hypotenus = 37

Sin X = 12 / 37

Can someone please help me solve the equation?



B opition is right

Step-by-step explanation:

The domina a function of

evaluate sum of 5th termand 6th term



general term - 7n+4

5th term - 7(5) + 4 = 39

6th term - 7(6) + 4 = 46

1. A tank is 3/5 full of water. After 330 litres of water is drawn out, it becomes 2/7 full. Find the capacity of the tank in litres.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = full capacity

[tex]\frac{3}{5} x=\frac{2}{7} x+330[/tex]

Move the variable to the left side by subtracting both sides by [tex]\frac{2}{7} x[/tex]

[tex]\frac{3}{5} x-\frac{2}{7}x=\frac{2}{7} x+330 -\frac{2}{7}x[/tex]

[tex]\frac{3}{5} x-\frac{2}{7} x=330[/tex]

Combine the like terms (don't forget about common denominator)

[tex]\frac{21}{35} x-\frac{10}{35} x=330[/tex]

[tex]\frac{11}{35} x=330[/tex]

Multiply both sides by [tex]\frac{35}{11}[/tex] to isolate the x

[tex](\frac{35}{11})\frac{11}{35} x=330(\frac{35}{11})[/tex]

[tex]x = 1050[/tex]

Find the equation of the line passing through the point (1, -5)
and perpendicular to y 1x + 2



-8 and 3

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of the line will be - 8, the equation is y=-8x+3

Hi friends,
Please assist with my question below.

In a right angle triangle, an angle of 30 degrees has an adjacent side which measures 17 cm. what is the length of its hypotenuse?


Answer : 19.6cm

I hope this helps you! Have a good day!

Please find this answer!! :)



Amanda's box is in this case, the bigger one. Then subtract the Amanda's by Mary's. The Larger box is 70cm^3 larger then the smaller box.

Step-by-step explanation:

Amanda's box: 13.5*10*10= 1350cm^3

Mary's box: 20*8*8= 1280cm^3


The larger box is 70cm^3 larger then the smaller box.

If you have any questions regarding my answer tell me in the comments, i will come answer them. Have a good day.

Write an inequality, in slope-intercept form, for the graph below. If necessary,
use *<=' for sor">=' for .




Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of line is y=-2x+4. For the region left of it, y<=(-2x+4)

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