The Thames Barrier is a (16)________major____ part of the flood defence scheme for protecting London (17)___________rising water level. The defenses (18)__________ included raised embankments and (19)_________________ flood gates at strategic points, including the Barking Barrier. The unique structure that is the Barrier spans the 520 – meter wide Woolwich reach and (20) ______________ of 10 separate movable gates, each pivoting and supported between concrete structures which house the operating machinery.

When raised, the four main gates (21)____________ stand as high as a five – storey buildings and as wide as the opening of Tower Bridge. Each (22)___________3700 tonnes. During the first twelve years of (23)___________, the Barriers has been closed twenty times to protect London.

(24)___________ the Barrier from the comfortable cafeteria. Picnic on the riverside. Picnic on the riverside embankment. Enjoy beautiful view from the riverside walk. Visit the shop which stocks a large selection of souvenirs, books and Barrier information.

There is a children play are suitable for 4- to 12- year olds, located adjacent to the riverside walk. A visit to the spectacular Thames Barrier is a (25)_____________experience.

16. A. major

B. frequent

C. similar

D. various

17. A. against

B. for

C. between

D. with

18. A. and

B. also

C. still

D. too

19. A. addition

B. add

C. additional

D. additionally

20. A. consists

B. includes

C. involves

D. contains

21. A. which

B. every

C. each

D. none

22. A. measures

B. costs

C. calculates

D. weighs

23. A. operation

B. surgery

C. vocation

D. profession

24. A. Sight

B. View

C. Hear

D. Explore

25. A. forgettable

B. memorable

C. forgetful

D. memorized


Answer 1


16) A

17) A

18) B

19) D

20) A

21) C

22) A

23) A

24) B

25) B


The Thames Barrier is a major part of the flood defenses scheme to protect London against rising water levels. The defenses also included raised embankments and in furthermore, flood gates at strategic points, including the Barking Barrier. The unique structure that is the Barrier spans the 520-meter wide Woolwich reach and consists of 10 separate movable gates, each pivoting and supported by concrete structures which house the operating machinery.

When raised, the four main gates each stand as high as a five-story building and as wide as the opening of Tower Bridge. Each measures 3700 tonnes. During the first twelve years of operation, the Barriers has been closed twenty times to protect London.

View the Barrier from the comfortable cafeteria. Picnic on the riverside. Picnic on the riverside embankment. Enjoy the beautiful view from the riverside walk. Visit the shop which stocks a large selection of souvenirs, books, and Barrier information.

There is a children's play area suitable for 4- to 12- year olds, located adjacent to the riverside walk. A visit to the spectacular Thames Barrier is a memorable experience.

Related Questions

What do my friends think
about reading? Do they
like to read? Why do you
they think they like to read
or do not like to read?



Some of my friends like to read, other's have been corrupted by the mindset that reading is horrible and boring because they were forced to do it as a kid and have not tried it since. Plus, popular reads like Twilight and The Vampire Diaries have taken over the young adult library and are notoriously unappealing, but the good books with smaller audiences don't get enough publicity.

They don't have the motivation to read, and if my friends do, many don't know where or how to look to find a good book.

Read the following poems then fill in the compare/contrast chart.
“Fall, leaves, fall”
Number of Stanzas
Rhyme Scheme


The rhyme seen stains those number of stencils fall leaves for fall November August September November December matches torch bottle Gatorade bottle of the computer iPad iPod touch iPod touch volleyball and football basketball basketball soccer speaker JBL boom box matches poop the answer is 24

Boeing sells a third of its aircraft overseas, making it the biggest ....... In the United States. ( export)


The correct answer is exporter. I hope this helps; if you find this answer helpful, please mark Brainliest. Have a wonderful day!

Based on the information given, the correct form of the verb will be exporter.

An export simply means the good or services that are produced in a country and then sent to another country.

From the sentence given, the correct sentence will be Boeing sells a third of its aircraft overseas, making it the biggest exporter in the United States.

Learn more about exports on:

Do you enjoy shopping for clothes? Why?


Yes i enjoy shopping , it takes my mind off of certain things or just helps me feel better when i’m having bad days

can you guys help with those questiong


1. Health Care Costs
2. Social Security for Elderly
3. Child Care Costs
4. Student Loans Reduction
5. Consumer Protection Agencies
6. Veterans Benefits
7. Spending on National Parks
8. National Defense Spending

"What would happen if we waited a week before trying this idea?" What kind of language is this?
A. Blocking
OB. Speculative
OC. Hypothetical
OD. Exploratory



What idea?


The answer is OC. Hypothetical

Which of the following describes a literary review?



can you give full options


i think the answer is option B. A reviewer reads a novel and writes an article that says whether he or she liked the work.

Jobs contends that you need to love what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why​



I agree


I believe that if you don't like what you do, then you will start to slack off, and won't get any better at it. You work harder if you like your work, and therefore you need to like what you do. Don't go the path others what you to go, unless you want to.

Underline the line that best illustrates how the death of Curly impacted Buck. Explain.



It taught Buck that when you're fighting other dogs, you shouldn't expect fair play, and that the other dogs will tear him apart, just like they did to Curly.

I can't really underline it for you, but I explained how it affected Buck. Hope this helped :)

Which statement BEST describes the central
idea of the passage?
Objects in nature offer many important
lessons about kindness.
People must be kind if they expect to receive
kindness in return.
Acts of kindness do not need to be
complicated or cost a lot of money.
People who perform acts of kindness benefit
themselves and the world.


Answer: "Objects in nature offer many important  lessons about kindness."

Explanation: Because the central idea is the most important concept that the author wants to get across to the reader, and the central idea is usually at the start of paragraphs, the answer would be, "Objects in nature offer many important  lessons about kindness."

Good luck!


Write a two-paragraph objective summary of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow
Wallpaper." Identify a theme of the story and explore how characterization and setting
develop that theme. One paragraph will be about character and the other
paragraph will be about setting, but both paragraphs must be about the same theme. Your
story should include the following elements:
Two paragraphs, each about a different detail (character or setting) that shows the theme
Objective summaries that emphasize details related to each paragraph topic
Clear, formal, academic language that shows your professionalism



   According to "The Yellow Wallpaper," a person's labor and self-expression can assist overcome a difficulty while failing to do so might aggravate the situation. Throughout the novel, the main heroine discreetly writes in a journal without telling her spouse. Her spouse, a doctor, advises her to relax and avoid activities in order to recover from her depressive disorder. As she is unable to accomplish what she wants, her mind wanders to the awful yellow background and the imprisoned lady. His objection to her writing worsens her mental state until he faints when he realizes the degree of her craziness.

 When it comes to the fundamental subject of labor and self-expression, the location of the narrative plays a major role. The narrative is set in a tiny room with bars on the windows and dirty yellow wallpaper, which contributes to the narrator's despair and mental decline. This leads her to believe that a lady is trapped behind the wallpaper. She rips the paper to liberate the woman. The narrator feels she is the imprisoned lady, locked in the wallpaper, crawling about the room.


I hope this is helpful, and remember that as long as you try, you will never fail.

the synonym of the word ask ​



The synonym of the word ask is inquire. look up if you don't believe me!

Which of the following shows the noun “time” becoming an adjective?
A. Timeless
B. Timelessly
C. Timely
D. Timer


I honestly think that the answer is B

The following shows the noun “time” becoming an adjective is Timely. Thus option C  is correct.

What is a noun?

A name of anything which includes, objects, places, or accessories is called a noun. To identify a noun it sounds like a unit when written in a sentence.

There are various types of nouns which include common, proper, abstract, collective, concrete nouns, so on. Examples include the United States, Pen, Chair, and so on.

An adjective is referred to as a word that shows the quality of the noun. It shows the noun in an effective manner. There are different types of adjectives which include qualitative, demonstrative, quantitative, proper adjective, and so on. An example includes honesty, beauty, clever, and so on.

The adjective of the noun "time" will be "timely" as it shows meaning as "on time". This shows that the events have taken place at the proper time. Therefore, option C Timely is the appropriate answer.

Learn more about Noun, here:


Alexander fleming discovered penicillin in 1928( passive voice)​



Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming

what does precisely mean? in your own words



precisely mean Exactly and perfectly

Have you any idea............ ? a. What is his name b. what his name is My friend prefers coffee C. what name tea​





Which of the following is the correct possessive form of the bold word?

Which of the CDs that you borrowed is Amber?

A. Amber’s

B. Ambers

C. Amber

D. Ambers’


A. amber’s
explanation bc it’s ambers cd The diagram shows the floor of a room. The carpet used to
cover the floor costs $5.25 per square foot. How much will
it cost to carpet the entire floor?
A? Maybe?????????????????????

Help me please I need it



not sure



Can someone help with the questions (1 and 2) please. ASAP


the asnwer is letter b


What is the mood of the poem The Black Man's Plea for Justice?
A overwhelmed
C. indignant
D. conciliatory



The answer is { Indignant }


Answer:What is the mood of the poem The Black Man's Plea for Justice?

A overwhelmed


C. indignant

D. conciliatory

The answer is C. indignant


Which of the following is a complete
A. After the large Independence Day celebration by the
lake, complete with fireworks.
B. When everyone left the party, the room was full of
tables, and the floor was covered with confetti.
C. Now that Captain is the head of our school football



B is the complete sentence.


This is because the transition word "when" is used to link two complete sentences.

When links the two sentences "everyone left the party" and "the room was full of tables, and the floor was covered with confetti.

The sentence everyone left the party is a complete sentence because it has a subject (everyone) followed by a verb (left).

The sentence the room was full of tables and the floor was covered with confetti is a complete sentence because it has two subjects (the room, the floor) followed by two verbs ( was full of, covered).

A is not a complete sentence because After links a sentence with a fragment. "Complete with fireworks" does not have a subject, nor a verb, so it cannot be a complete sentence.

B is not a complete sentence because it has a linkage, "Now that", with no second sentence. It only has the one sentence of  "captain is the head of our school football team.

Hope this helps!

give ten example of noun clause ​



Explanation: 1. Mary isn’t the type of person who gossips

2. People lost faith in banks.

3. She will defeat them.

4. I was delighted at the news of her success.

5. They brightly decorated the wooden house for the holiday.

6. I saw a black zebra at the zoo.

7. He wants a cute kitten for Christmas purposes.

8. The close-up photos of the Moon surprised humanity.

9. In summer, the sun’s rays come perpendicular to the Earth.

10. Samuel has a good side and an evil side.









Questions 1–5: The following groups of words all have the same denotation. For each word in the groups, choose the term (positive, negative, or neutral) that best describes its connotation. For example, the word surprising has a neutral connotation, while alarming has a negative connotation. Each word will have at least one word flavor (connotation). proud, vain, conceited, self-assured spinster, unmarried, independent, old maid shack, house, mansion, residence, dump happy, elated, ecstatic, content, pompous talkative, verbose, friendly Questions 6–7: Rewrite the following sentences on a separate sheet of paper. Substitute more concrete, specific, picture-making words for the italicized words. You may have to rephrase the sentence or add a few ideas to the original. The county fair was full of interesting sights. The firemen worked as the crowd watched the fire.



Negative: vain, conceited; Neutral: proud; Positive: self-assured

Negative: old maid, spinster; Neutral: unmarried; Positive: independent

Negative: shack, dump; Neutral: house, residence; Positive: mansion

Negative: pompous; Neutral: happy, content; Positive: elated, ecstatic

Negative: verbose; Neutral: talkative; Positive: friendly

Your answer may be different, but here's a sample response: The county fair was full of anxious patrons in long lines for various food vendors, beautiful creations at all kinds of craft booths, smiling children on exciting rides, animals of all types in the petting zoo, and the remnants of what must have been a fantastic demolition derby!

Your answer may be different, but here's a sample response: The firemen worked tirelessly, pulling both adults and children from the burning homes, as the horrified crowd of worried neighbors stood helplessly and watched the fire.


penn foster

The correct way to show the group of words which have the same denotation is:

Negative: Vain, Conceited

Neutral: Proud

Positive: Self assured

Negative: Shack, dump

Neutral: House, Residence

Positive: Palace

Negative: Old maid, spinster

Neutral: Unmarried

Positive: Independent strong woman

Negative: Pompous

Neutral: Happy, Content

Positive: Elated, Joyous

Negative: Verbose

Neutral: Talkative

Positive: Social, Friendly

Read more about positive words here:

Samus drank tea with a polite, gnome in the forest.




Samus drank tea with a polite gnome in the forest.

Because polite is an adjective describing the noun "gnome", you don't need the comma between the adjective and noun.

Hope this helps!

have you take my pen change it into passive voice



Did you take my pen?


reate a properly formatted works cited page for a research paper about the Little Rock Nine. Include at least five sources to support the research paper. Use the provided list of sources. Select the link below to view possible sources.



On September 4, 1957, nine African American students came at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, ready for class. The Arkansas National Guard, however, ordered them to leave.

The Little Rock Nine were a group of African American students detained by the National Guard in Little Rock, Arkansas, on September 4, 1957. This episode is largely recognized as a pivotal milestone in American civil rights history.

For many years, the United States maintained segregated educational systems for African-Americans and whites. In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court declared unanimously that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional under the US Constitution.

The Arkansas Governor, Orval Faubus, initially prohibited the nine black students from entering the building, but subsequently changed his mind. Later, crowds of people threatened them with lynching. President Eisenhower deployed Army Division 101 to the state, bringing the Arkansas Military Guard under federal military command.

What was one rule inside the air lock?
Only use the electric blower when absolutely necessary.

Never leave someone behind.

They needed to communicate using sign language.

The two doors could never be open at the same time.


Answer: I’m not sure the context, but the most logical is D: The two doors could never be open at the same time.

Which literary work was written for the ourpose of providing information about native American customs and language


Answer: A Key into the Language of America


A Key into the Language of America was written in 1643 by Roger Williams. The book described the languages of the American Indian in New England during the 17th century.

The book studied the culture of Natives as it gave insight into the customs of the native American customs and their languages. The book also helped in introducing some American Indian words into English.

In not more than 250 words write a letter to your friend in another town tell him about three things that make you feel happy in your school.​


Dear Friend, I feel if the school was a little more fair on their punishment it might make it a happier place, And if the teachers cared that would make a big impact haha. Also the other students think they have the right to separate everyone into groups, can you believe that? Not everyone has money or smarts I just hope they notice that.

your friend Jimmy

5 sentences please I need help!



Police can get involved in a car accident.

Police can get involved in a fund raiser.

Police can get involved in a domestic situation.

Police can get involved in a wellness check.

Police can get involved in a parade.


They get involved in these situations by either just showing up or actually doing something to help others.

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