The times to pop a 3.4-ounce bag of microwave popcorn without burning it are Normally distributed with a mean
time of 140 seconds and a standard deviation of 20 seconds. A random sample of four bags is selected and the
mean time to pop the bags is recorded. Which of the following describes the sampling distribution of all possible
samples of size four?


Answer 1

This question is solved using the central limit theorem, giving an answer of:

Fourth option, approximately normal with mean of 140 seconds and standard deviation of 10 seconds.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem establishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

Mean of 140, standard deviation of 20, sample of 4:

By the Central Limit Theorem, the distribution is approximately normal.

Mean is the same, of 140.

[tex]n = 4, \sigma = 20[/tex], thus:

[tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} = \frac{20}{\sqrt{4}} = 10[/tex]

Thus, the correct answer is:

Fourth option, approximately normal with mean of 140 seconds and standard deviation of 10 seconds.

For another example of the Central Limit Theorem, you can check

Related Questions

How do you solve this problem?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Fill in the given values and do the arithmetic.

  [tex]\displaystyle x\ \blacksquare\ y=\frac{x}{y}-xy\\\\4\ \blacksquare\ 5=\frac{4}{5}-4\cdot5=0.8-20\\\\\boxed{4\ \blacksquare\ 5=-19.2}[/tex]

not sure if this makes sense to you guys but if you can help that'd be great. 15 points(all i have left) due today. thank you!!



The graph that have 2 lines is for Question 21 and the graph with three lines is for Question 22

Step-by-step explanation:

(6.6 x 10{-2}) (3.3 x 10{-4})




Step-by-step explanation:

(6.6 x 10(-2) ( 3.3 x 10(-4))

(6.6 x - 20) ( 3.3 x -40)

(-132) (-132)


4 raised to power two minus 8u minus 9=0​


Answer: u = [tex]\frac{7}{8}[/tex] or 0.875

Step-by-step explanation:

Let us convert this statement to a question

[tex]4^{2}[/tex]-8u-9 = 0

16-8u-9 = 0

-8u = 0+9-16

-8u = -7

u = -7 ÷ -8

u = [tex]\frac{7}{8}[/tex] or 0.875

Dan invests £18790 into his bank account. He receives 5.9% per year simple interest. How
much will Dan have after 2 years? Give your answer to the nearest penny where appropriate.


Answer: £21007.22

Step-by-step explanation:

First, find the interest amount using the formula SI = (P × R × T) / 100.

SI = interest amount P = principle amount = £18790R = interest rate(in percentage) = 5.9T = time(in years) = 2

SI = (P × R × T) / 100 = (18790 × 5.9 × 2)/100 = 221722/100 = £2217.22

The total amount = principle amount + interest amount

= £18790 + £2217.22 = £21007.22

Zoe and Hanna share tips in the ratio 3:7
Last week Zoe received £24
How much did Hanna receive last week?




Step-by-step explanation:

Zoe : hanna

3         7

Zoe got 24

3*8 = 24

so multiply each side by 8

Zoe : hanna

3*8         7*8

24           56

Hanna got 56

what is the formula to calculate VAT percentage



Take the gross amount of any sum (items you sell or buy) – that is, the total including any VAT – and divide it by 117.5, if the VAT rate is 17.5 per cent. (If the rate is different, add 100 to the VAT percentage rate and divide by that number.)


divide by 117.5 if the rate different, add 100 to the percentage and divide by the number therefore multiply by 100 to get the total

Step-by-step explanation:

the formula to calculate vat percentage

Ben is 4 times as old as Ishaan. 6 years ago, Ben was 6 times as old as Ishaan.
How old is Ishaan now?



Ishaan is currently 15 years old.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let B represent Ben's current age and I represent Ishann's current age.

Ben is four times as old as Ishaan. In other words:


Six years ago, Ben was six times as old as Ishaan. In other words:


Solve for I. Substitute:




Subtract 4I from both sides and add 36 to both sides:


And divide both sides by two. Hence:


Ishaan is currently 15 years old.


Age of Ishaan = 15 years

Step-by-step explanation:

Let Ishaan's age = x years

Age of Ben = 4 * x = 4x years

6Years ago:

Age of Ishaan = x - 6

Age of Ben = 4x - 6

6 years ago, Ben was 6 times as old as Ishaan

So, Age of Ben = 6 * Ishaan's age

     4x - 6 = 6 *(x-6)

4x - 6 = 6x - 36

Add 36 to both sides

4x - 6 + 36  = 6x  

4x + 30 = 6x

Subtract '4x' from both sides

30 = 6x - 4x  

30 = 2x

2x = 30

Divide both by 2 sides

x = 30/2

x = 15

What type of line is PQ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯?

A. median

B. angle bisector

C. side bisector

D. altitude



angle bisector

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the line divided the top angle into two equal pieces we call this an angle bisector.

The reliability coefficient of scores in an end of semester examination. If the variance of the exam score is 100. What is the standard error of measurement ?



I Will explained you youuuuuu<uuuuuuuuuu

The graph of g(x) is a translation of the function f(x)=x^2. The vertex of g(x) Is located 5units above and 7 units to the right of the vertex of f(x). Which equation represents g(x)


Step-by-step explanation:

The real part (red) and imaginary part (blue) of the Riemann zeta function along the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first non-trivial zeros can be seen at Im(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022 and ±25.011. The Riemann hypothesis, a famous conjecture, says that all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function lie along the critical line.

in a group of 300 mice, 75% are male and 20% are albino. What is the greatest number of mice in the group that could be both female and not albino?

a) 45


Correct Answer: C
C Out of the 300 mice, if 75% are male, 25% must be female, so translate: × 300 = 75 females. Eliminate D and E, because there are no more than 75 females of any sort. Because 20% of the mice are albino, and 25% of the mice are female, both groups are small enough not to overlap at all. There are 80% non-albino mice, so × 300 = 240 non-albino mice, so all 75 females could be non-albinos.

the length of a rectangle is 8 cm longer than its width. find the dimensions of the rectangle if its area is 108cm
!!no links!!



[tex]4+2\sqrt{31}\text{ by } -4+2\sqrt{31}[/tex]

Or about 15.136 centimeters by 7.136 centimeters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Recall that the area of a rectangle is given by:

[tex]\displaystyle A = w\ell[/tex]

Where w is the width and l is the length.

We are given that the length is 8 centimeters longer than the width. In other words:

[tex]\ell = w+8[/tex]

And we are also given that the total area is 108 square centimeters.

Thus, substitute:


Solve for w. Distribute:


Subtract 108 from both sides:


Since the equation is not factorable, we can use the quadratic formula:

[tex]\displaystyle x = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}[/tex]

In this case, a = 1, b = 8, and c = -108. Substitute and evaluate:

[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} w&= \frac{-(8)\pm\sqrt{(8)^2-4(1)(-108)}}{2(1)} \\ \\ &=\frac{-8\pm\sqrt{496}}{2}\\ \\ &=\frac{-8\pm4\sqrt{31}}{2} \\ \\ &=-4 \pm 2\sqrt{31} \end{aligned}[/tex]

So, our two solutions are:

[tex]w=-4+2\sqrt{31} \approx 7.136 \text{ or } w=-4-2\sqrt{31}\approx -15.136[/tex]

Since width cannot be negative, we can eliminate the second solution.

And since the length is eight centimeters longer than the width, the length is:

[tex]\ell =(-4+2\sqrt{31})+8=4+2\sqrt{31}\approx 15.136[/tex]

So, the dimensions of the rectangle are about 15.136 cm by 7.136 cm.

Simplify the variable expression by evaluating its numerical part.
p-7+56 - 12
A. p + 51
B. p+37
O c. p-51
D. p + 49


The answer to this is B. p+37

sipho made a 12.5% when he sold a coat for E437.50 .calculate original cost of the coat​




Step-by-step explanation:

Given x the original price of the coat

437.5 + 0.125x = x

437.5 = 0.875x

x = E500

The table below represents the function f, and the following graph represents the function g.
f(x) 8
-8 -10
- 2
Complete the following statements.
The functions fand g have


The functions f and g have different axis of symmetry

The y-intercept of f is higher than the y-intercept of g

Over the interval [-6, -3], the average rate of change of f is more rapid than the average rate of change of g

The known value in the question includes the following

The given table of f(x) and x, from which we have;

The point of the minimum value, which is the vertex = (-3, -10)

The axis of symmetry, of a parabola is the vertical line passing through the vertex such that the y-values at equal distance from the line on either side are equal is the line x = -3

The y-intercept, which is the point the graph intercepts with the y-axis or where x = 0 is the point (0. 8)

Over the interval [-6, -3], the average rate of change of f = (-10 - 8)/(-3 -(-6)) = -6

From the graph of g(x), we have;

The axis of symmetry is the line x = -3

The y-intercept = (0, -2)

Over the interval [-6, -3], the average rate of change of g ≈ (6 - (-2))/(-3 -(-6)) = 8/3

Therefore, we have the correct options as follows;

The functions f and g have different axis of symmetry

The y-intercept of f is higher than the y-intercept of g

Over the interval [-6, -3], the average rate of change of f is more rapid than the average rate of change of g

Learn more about parabola here;

Hey plz could you help me with this???? Tysm




Step-by-step explanation:

πr + d

3.142(5) + 10

= 25.71

i think

Find the distance between the points (2, 4) and (8, -8) on a coordinate plane, to the nearest whole number.





Step-by-step explanation:

distance between two points formula:

[tex]d = \sqrt{( x2 - x1) ^{2} + (y2 - y1) ^{2} } [/tex]

where the x and y values are derived from the known points

we are given the points (2, 4) and (8, -8)

given these two points let's define each variable

x1 = 2

x2 = 8

y1 = 4

y2 = -8

we now substitute in these values into the formula

[tex]d = \sqrt{(8 - 2) ^{2} + ( - 8 - 4)^{2} } [/tex]

now we evaluate the expression using PEMDAS

first we do the subtraction inside of the parenthesis

8 - 2 = 6

-8 - 4 = -12

d = sqrt(6)^2 + (-12)^2

next we do the exponents

6^2 = 36

-12^2 = 144

d = sqrt( 144 + 36 )

next do the addition inside of the parenthesis

144 + 36 = 180

d = sqrt ( 180 )

finally we do the square root of 180

sqrt ( 180 ) = 13 ( rounded to the nearest whole )

d = 13

The perimeter of a rectangular garden is 4534 m. The length is 1125 m more than thrice the width. Find the length and the width of the rectangular garden. (Estimate to the nearest tenths place and verify the reasonableness).



length = 1696 m

breadth = 571 m

Step-by-step explanation:

perimeter = 4534 m

let breadth be b

so length = b + 1125 m


perimeter of rectangular garden = 2(l+b)

4534 m = 2(b+1125m+b) {substituting the value}

or, 4534 m = 2(2b+1125m)

or, 4534 m = 4b + 2250 m

or, 4534 m - 2250m = 4b

or, 2284m = 4b

or, b = 2284m/4

so, b  = 571m

so, l = b + 1125 m

= 571 m + 1125m

= 1696 m

Please help ASAP
Which pairs of rectangles are similar polygons?



D is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

39 is 3 times greater than 13 and 27 is 3 times greater than 9

A block has a mass of 880g and a volume of 80 cm Calculate the density​



Density formula (p=m÷v). ---[ p= Density, m= Mass, v= volume]

so, 880g/80cm³


880 divided by 80= 11glcm3

(x⁴ + 3x³ – 2x² + 5) + (2x⁴ – 5x³ + 4x – 15).




[tex]=[/tex] [tex]x^4+3x^3-2x^2+5+2x^4-5x^3+4x-15[/tex]






write the equation of the line that goes through points (0,4) (6,16)


Answer: Y= 2x

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

firstly find the gradient





then use the equation to find the answer





Câu 1: Trong các mệnh đề sau, mệnh đề nào là không đúng ?

A. Nếu a // b và (α) vuông góc a thì (α) vuông góc với b

B. Nếu (α) // (β) và a vuông góc với (α) thì a vuông góc với (β)

C. Nếu a và b là hai đường thẳng phân biệt và a vuông góc (α), b vuông góc với (α) thì a // b

D. Nếu a // (α) và b vuông góc a thì b vuông góc (α)



Hey can you ask this question in English so I can no answer this question in English and then you can convert that my answer in your language as you're I'm Indian so I don't know this language

Step-by-step explanation:

Please don't you think that I'm doing this for points I think I should know this question so can you please answer this you're this and English

The distance to the nearest exit door is less than 100 feet.
Use d to represent the distance (in feet) to the nearest exit door.



d < 100

Step-by-step explanation:

the distance is less than (<) 100 ft

d < 100

The sentence translates to the inequality  d < 100

There's not much else to say about this problem. We just simply replace the "less than" wording with its corresponding symbol. We can think of the inequality sign as an alligator mouth that always wants to eat the larger value (so the open ended side is facing toward the larger value).

[tex]\text{Solve for 'x':}\\\\3(x+1)=12+4(x-1)[/tex]


Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  

[tex]x = -5[/tex]

»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Solving for 'x'...}}\\\\3(x+1)=12+4(x-1)\\----------\\\rightarrow 3x + 3 = 12 + 4x - 4\\\\\rightarrow 3x + 3 = 12 -4+4x\\\\\rightarrow 3x + 3 = 8 + 4x\\\\\rightarrow 3x + 3 = 4x + 8\\\\\rightarrow3x + 3 -3 = 4x + 8 - 3\\\\\rightarrow 3x = 4x + 5\\\\\rightarrow 3x - 4x = 4x - 4x + 5\\\\\rightarrow -x = 5\\\\\rightarrow \frac{-x=5}{-1}\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{x = -5}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  



Step-by-step explanation:











Explain the relationship of the meaning of the word isometric to the properties of an isometric or rigid transformation


Step-by-step explanation:

The iso parts of isometric means same, and It is similar becuase rigid trtransformation and the metric parts means measure. Basically isometric means same measure. Rigid transformation preserve "same measures" like angles and side lengths.

Mackenzie is designing a rectangular greenhouse. Along one wall is a 7-foot storage area and 5 sections for different kinds of plants. On the opposite wall is a 4-foot storage area and 6 section for plants. All the plant sections are equal length. What is the length of the wall?



3 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

4 + 6x = 7 + 5x

6x - 5x = 7 - 4

x = 3

Calculate the volume of each solid. Use 3.14 for pi. Round answers to the nearest whole number.



See below.

Step-by-step explanation:

Rectangle Volume = Length x Width x Height

Rectangle Volume = 15 x 6 x 8

Rectangle Volume = 720 in^2

Cube volume = s^3

Cube volume = 9^3

Cube volume = 729

Cylinder Volume = [tex]\pi[/tex]r^2h

Cylinder Volume = [tex]\pi[/tex]4^214

Cylinder Volume = [tex]\pi[/tex]1614

Cylinder Volume = [tex]224\pi[/tex]


720, 729, 703

Step-by-step explanation:

your welcome

I need help on this this is very hard. I need the answer right now. Wrong answer=report


The remainder is 5 rm 8
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