The weight of body is 420 N . Calculate it's mass..​


Answer 1


Force = 420N

Gravity = 9.8m/s^2

Mass = ?


Force = Mass * Gravity

420 = Mass * 9.8

420/9.8 = Mass

Mass = 42.85Kg

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Related Questions

Name at least three neuromitters and state the roles of these neuronmitters in human body ? Except acetylcholine, (GABA)and domanine. Please help as soon .





The chemical messengers present in the body are known as neurotransmitters. These are the chemicals that the nervous system uses to send and receive information between neurons and muscles. A neurotransmitter can have one of three effects on a neuron:

Excitatory effect, Inhibitory effect, and/or Modulatory effect.

The list of neurotransmitters and their roles are as follows:

Glutamate: This is present in amino acid compounds which are located in the synapses. It functions as an excitatory neurotransmitter, causing neurons to discharge instructions when stimulated in the central nervous system.

Adrenaline: It helps to respond to body's psychological stress and protection mechanism. They are positioned above the kidney and are created by the adrenal glands. They operate throughout the central nervous system and swiftly increase your heart rate and provide oxygen to your muscles.

Serotonin: Serotonin is a crucial brain neurotransmitter that also has a role in the small intestine. In your digestive tract, serotonin increases feelings of contentment after eating and controls your appetite. When you eat anything that doesn't agree with your stomach, serotonin assists your body in getting rid of it.

Choose the appropriate term for each labeled part of the image. Label A Label B Label C Label D



Label A- ocean trench

Label B- ridge

Label C- ridge push

Label D- Convection Current


got it correct on edge. give thanks please. <3


Ocean Trench


Ridge Push

Convection Current

Molecule 1 on the diagram has the nitrogenous base sequence TCAAGT.

Which set of bases in Molecule 2 can bond to this sequence in a
complementary way?









because because you need the same explanation as you take in picture

When we ingest food containing large molecules such as lipids, carbohydrates,
and proteins, these molecules must undergo catabolic reactions whereby enzymes
split these into smaller molecules. This series of reactions is
A. absorption.
C. chemical digestion.
B. secretion.
D. mechanical digestion.


The answer is (c) chemical digestion

i) Describe the function of stomata.



Stomata have two main functions, namely they allow for gas exchange acting as an entryway for carbon dioxide (CO2) and releasing the Oxygen (O2) that we breath. The other main function is regulating water movement through transpiration.


the main fiction of stomata is to open and close the pores in the leaves for an exchange of gases.

it allows the plants to take in carbondioxide and gives out oxygen for photosynthesis.

what is the menstrual cycle


the process of ovulation and menstruation in women and other female primates

Which of the following terms describes all of the living and nonliving things
that interact in an area?
A. Ecosystem
B. Biome
C. Population
D. Community


The answer is Ecosystem





Refer to Animation: Cell Signaling: Adrenaline Signaling in the Heart Muscle. Adrenaline stimulates an increase in heart rate by binding to: G proteins on the cytosolic face of the plasma membrane. adenylyl cyclase. regulatory regions in genes that code for muscle cell proteins. G protein-coupled receptors on the surface of heart muscle cells. nuclear transport proteins that allow adrenaline to be taken into the nucleus to act as a transcription factor.



The correct answer is ''G-protein coupled receptors on the surface of cardiac muscle cells.''


Adrenaline is a catecholamine whose pharmacological effects occur at alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. The mechanism of action of all beta adrenergic receptors is the activation of a G protein that activates adenylyl cyclase and increases cyclic AMP production. Adrenaline by b-adrenergic stimulus increases the contractile force of the myocardium (positive inotropic action) and increases the frequency in which the myocardium contracts (positive chronotropic action), consequently there is an increase in cardiac work, with a greater demand for oxygen due to the myocardium to be able to contract. Therefore, the blood flow to the heart is indirectly increased, bringing with it a greater supply of oxygen.

In the _________________________were the absorption of nutrients takes place, the enzyme ___________________hydrolyses ___________________ into _________________________

A. small intestine -lipase-lipid-fatty acid and glycerol

B. mouth-salivary amylase-lipid-amino acid

C. small intestine-lipase-protein-amino acid





In the small intestine where the Absorption of nutrients takes place, the enzyme lipase hydrolyses lipid into fatty acid and glycerol



Hope this helps. Please mark me brainliest . Sorry for wrong answer


2) 5 precipitation

3) 4 runoff

4) 2 condensation

5) 3 evaporation

how does secondary succession differ from primary succession? it begins on bare rock or land, it begins where no plants have grown, lichens and mosses form soil first, soil nutrients are already in place


in georgia or in the crib


In primary succession, newly exposed or newly formed rock is colonized by living things for the first time. In secondary succession, an area that was previously occupied by living things is disturbed, then re-colonized following the disturbance.

what phase of mitosis is shown in the diagram..?
(Please can anyone help me out0





It is the phase right before the cells split, but theyre fully developed, this is just to get to the character requirement so dont mind this.

Resources that humans have thanks to biodiversity are:

B. Wood products
C. Compounds used in medicines
D. all of the above.



D. tất cả các ý trên


Ponies which are mostly found in Europe have an average height of 86-97 cm. If the ponies breed among themselves, is it possible that the offspring will have the normal height of a horse which is about 160 cm? *

a. Yes

b. No





Since mutations do occur it is likely that a mutation of height will occur

According to the principle of maximum parsimony,
A. phylogenies based in DNA require the most base changes.
B. the preferred tree is the one that minimizes the amount of evolutionary change.
C. a large number of trees should be examined.
D. in the case of trees based on morphology, a parsimonious tree requires the most changes.



The correct answer is B. the preferred tree is the one that minimizes the amount of evolutionary change.


The principle of maximum parsimony selects the cladogram or phylogenetic tree that explains the phylogeny that has the minimum number of evolutionary changes. It is based on the principle known as Occam's Razor (Occam’s razor) formulated by William Ockham in the 14th century. This principle refers to a type of reasoning based on a very simple premise: other things being equal, the simplest solution is probably the correct one. This is because the simplest solution requires the least number of assumptions and logical operations. The basic premise in Parsimony is that taxa that share a characteristic (similarity) do so because they inherited that characteristic from a common ancestor, homology.

can the enzyme DNA polymerase be used to break down or build lactose?


Yes it could because if you look it up it will tell you that it is used to break down .

by which process does air move into the lungs?​



When you breathe in, the diaphragm moves downward toward the abdomen, and the rib muscles pull the ribs upward and outward. This makes the chest cavity bigger and pulls air through the nose or mouth into the lungs.

pls mark me the brainliest


respiratory system


The respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help you breathe. It includes your airways, lungs, and blood vessels. The muscles that power your lungs are also part of the respiratory system. These parts work together to move oxygen throughout the body and clean out waste gases like carbon dioxide.

Hope this helps

animais que dependem parcialmente da água - necessitam de ambientes úmidos para evitar a dessecação da pele e para botar seus ovos, pois a casca não é resistente a perda de água. a descrição refere-se a qual grupo de vertebrados?
a) aves
b) mamíferos
c) répteis
d) anfíbios
e) peixes

pfv ajudem


Aves is yhe answer ok will you

vo contra pro psor que tu ta pegando resposta no brainly

How is pH measured?
A. It is based on a scale of o to 14.
B. It is a percentage between 1 and 100.
C. It is a level between 1 and 4.
D. It is a decimal between 0 and 1.


A. it is based on a scale of 0 to 14

Racoons will almost eat anything. They are most accurately called...
1. carnivores
2. omnivores
3. herbivores
4. producers​


The anwser is 2. Omnivores

Which flowchart best explains how a change in ocean temperature, such as
occurs during El Niño or La Niña, could affect weather in another part of the
A. Ocean
Clouds - Wind
B. Coriolis effect - Atmosphere – Wind - Ocean
C. Weather
Atmosphere – Wind – Ocean
D. Ocean – Atmosphere
Atmosphere – Wind – Weather





Becuase the weather atmostphere is the core to our weather systems


option c is the correct answer

In a haplodiploid mating system, how can the coefficient of relatedness between two sisters be 0.75 (75%)? Females are haploid, and they pass on 100% of their genes, whereas males are diploid and pass on 50% of their genes, meaning that the coefficient of relatedness is 0.75. Females can reproduce asexually, meaning they produce clones, and those clones share on average 75% of the genes of their sisters. If a queen mates with a single drone, then all the resulting females have all of the same genetic contribution from the male, since males are haploid and contribute 100% of their genes. Male and female bees are both diploid. The males contribute 100% of their genes to their offspring, and females contribute 50%. Therefore, each female offspring shares 75% of her genes with her sister siblings on average.



If a queen mates with a single drone, then all the resulting females have all of the same genetic contribution from the male, since males are haploid and contribute 100% of their genes


Haplodiploidy is a type of sex-determination system where males are haploid (i.e., they contain only a set of chromosomes 'n') and develop from unfertilized eggs, whereas females are diploid (i.e., they contain two complete sets of chromosomes '2n') and develop from fertilized eggs. The bees show this haplodiploid system of sex determination, which is quite common to many hymenopterans. In bees, workers and queens are diploid (2n) females and contain 32 chromosomes, a set of 16 chromosomes is contributed by the queen's egg, and another set of 16 chromosomes is contributed by the drone sperm (16 + 16 = 32 chromosomes). On the other hand, drones are haploid (n) males and contain only one set of 16 chromosomes, which is exclusively contributed by the queen's egg.

Which statement best explains the difference between water temperature at
the poles and water temperature at the equator?
O A. The water is denser and saltier near the equator, so it holds more
B. The sun's rays strike the water at an angle at the poles.
C. Deep sea vents pump steam into the conveyor belt near the
D. Due to Earth's rotation, gyres near the poles flow clockwise.



B. The sun's rays strike the water at an angle at the poles.




At high latitudes, ocean waters receive less sunlight – the poles receive only 40 percent of the heat that the equator does. These variations in solar energy mean that the ocean surface can vary in temperature from a warm 30°C (86°F) in the tropics to a very cold -2°C (28°F) near the poles

1. The first person to observe cells was?



robert hooke


The answer is Robert Hooke.

When you have corona virus what is the main body system that is being affected? How does it affect other systems?


Symptoms often overlap and can affect any system in the body. Infected people have reported cyclical bouts of fatigue, headaches, months of complete exhaustion, mood swings, and other symptoms.

Please help I’ll give brainliest


Answer: 17
The atomic number is the number of protons, neutrons, or electrons a cell has in its original form

.5km/sec north by northwest is an example of



The answer is Distance.

Select the correct answer. If pinecones are placed in water, they close up. But they open up in warm and dry conditions. How do pinecones benefit from this characteristic? choices in pic ​



B: it protects the seeds from unfavorable conditions


While the pinecone is developing its seeds, it is vulnerable to wet conditions, which can cause rot.

What are wildfires? (With detail)



A wildfire is an unplanned fire that burns in a natural area such as a forest, grassland, or prairie. Wildfires are often caused by human activity or a natural phenomenon such as lightning, and they can happen at any time or anywhere. In 50% of wildfires recorded, it is not known how they started.


sự kiện lửa phát sinh trong một khu rừng, tác động hoặc làm tiêu hủy một số hoặc toàn bộ các thành phần của khu rừng đó.


what is a function of ATP?​




Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the source of energy for use and storage at the cellular level. ... In addition to providing energy, the breakdown of ATP through hydrolysis serves a broad range of cell functions, including signaling and DNA/RNA synthesis.

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