The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Theme for English B by Langston Hughes How are the two similar


Answer 1

The two texts are similar in that they both show people struggling to recognize themselves within an environment that oppresses them.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Both texts show how an oppressive and violent society with people from social minorities can be harmful.This is because this society allows individuals not to recognize themselves and have difficulties in perceiving their reality and their role in the world.

In "Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman we can see this through a woman, who suffers the effects of a sexist society that violently oppresses her. Whereas in "Theme for English B" by Langston Hughes, you see it through a black boy, who has a hard time recognizing himself amidst so much racism.

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Hi! I hope this helps, if it does, please mark my answer brainliest!!!


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I could give a better thesis but you didn't even say what side you were on. *shrugs*.

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The practice of an exercise, regardless of its nature, will always be beneficial to an individual, because it will always seek the optimization of a specific and efficient quality.

Based on this, we can state queue:

Large and complex problems often require a great deal of time and effort to resolve.However, this expenditure of time and effort is beneficial to exterminate this type of problem, as it causes improvements for the individual and the feeling of triumph.

In addition, we can assert that citizens have the right to be informed about current topics of interest, as these issues cause social changes that will be faster and more beneficial if the entire population knows about them.

You have not informed the exercise to which this question refers. For that reason, I can't write an exact answer, but I hope the information above can help you.

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2 points
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C and D


im pretty sure these are right

What is the correct meaning of the word studious?
The studious boy reviewed his notes every day.
My Progress >
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Scholarly is right for this answer

he girl is looking at cards * A. PHRASE B. DEPENDENT CLAUSE C. SENTENCE


C -sentence because it talks about a thing

What is the best way to combine these sentences? It was a very close finish. The crowd was delighted. The bay mare won the race. A. The crowd was delighted because the bay mare won the race, and it was a very close finish. B. To the delight of the crowd, the bay mare won the race in a very close finish. C. To the delight of the crowd and also in a very close finish, the bay mare won the race.​



B.) is the best answer, it makes the most sense



The answer is C I think


It makes more sence, can you please let me know if it's correct?

Insert two dashes where needed.
Colombian diver Orlando Duque a nine-time world champion plunged off a 95-
foot precipice in Portugal to take second in the 2012 Red Bull Cliff Diving
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Colombian diver Orlando Duque- a nine-time world champion- plunged off a 95-foot precipice in Portugal to take second in the 2012 Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series.

What figurative language / literary devices are in the following quote from Macbeth by Shakespeare? What is the meaning of this quote?

“Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood. Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse, That no compunctious visitings of nature Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between Th’ effect and it. Come to my woman’s breasts And take my milk for gall, you murd’ring ministers, Wherever in your sightless substances You wait on nature’s mischief. Come, thick night, And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark To cry ‘Hold, hold!’” (I.v.47-61).



This quote is an example of personification. Having just witnessed an important part of the witches ' prophecy being fulfilled when he was named Thane of Cawdor, he believes that the rest may be soon be within his grasp. He is overcome by ambition and a desire for the...





use of imperative verbs "come", "fill", "make", "stop" link to later Macbeth mentioning "fruitless crown" representing having no children of his ownimagery of blood"nature" is used- linked to how things are not in its natural order/place"milk"- purity, maternal imagery (Lady Macbeth is not maternal this is shown by how she wants to get rid of anything pure and swap it for poison)"murd'ring ministers" plosive of 'm' like hunger showing Lady Macbeth's greed

what is true love????​



Essentially, true love means that you have an unwavering, unbreakable and unparalleled fondness and devotion for your partner. It's also defined by an emotional as well as physical connection with him or her that runs immeasurably deep, and life without your significant other would be practically unthinkable

if it's help pls give me Brainliest



True love is defined as having an unwavering, unbreakable connection with a significant other.


How are an archetype and a cliché different?



I believe its D) An Archetype focuses on the plot of a story, while a cliche focuses on the characters


archetypes tend to be broader and wider while cliches are specific traits/tropes

Look at the proofreading symbol.

What does this symbol mean?

close up space

add a comma

add a space



close up space................

What key ideas does Douglas convey in his “Duty, Honor, Country” speech? How does Douglas develop these key ideas? How do the key ideas in the speech work together to develop Douglas’s overall message? Use evidence from the text to support your response


The key ideas of the speech are that Americans must maintain faith, courage, and hope even if it seems impossible to maintain them. He develops these ideas by reinforcing how these feelings build what a person is and should be. These ideas help form the theme that resilience is what builds duty, honor, and country.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The “Duty, Honor, Country” speech was recited by Douglas MacArthur to showcase the ideals espoused by Korean War veterans.He shows that these ideals must be followed by all Americans, as they transform what Americans were, are and will be.He claims that these ideals should be enough to build people's resilience, leaving them with faith, hope and courage, even when circumstances don't help.

In that case, he asserts that Americans must be resilient, as this is what built honor and duty to the country, allowing for the safety and protection of America and its constituents.

More information about a theme of a text:

A letter to your friend telling him or her three reasons why you love your parents



if youre learning english, here you go


Dear, (friend),

I want to tell you why I love my parents. For one they are always there for me when I need them. Second, they love me unconditionally and help me with whatever I need. Lastly, I love my parents because they give me a happy home. I hope you love your parents as much as I do.

Sincerley, (blank)

Is this the correct answer guys?



[tex]\huge\underline\mathtt\colorbox{cyan}{oops its not A}[/tex]


I was quite sure - that it should've been A

Which sentence below matches pronouns and antecedents correctly?
Larry's wife planted a lilac when her granddaughter was born: she blooms every spring and fills the yard with fragrance.
White and yellow daisies covered the top layer of the wedding cake and trailed down two of their sides.
My husband surprised me with a dozen roses on our anniversary.
It is true that you never have to water plastic flowers but you do have to dust it.


Among the options, the sentence that matches pronouns and antecedents correctly is:

C. My husband surprised me with a dozen roses on our anniversary.

An antecedent is the noun to which a pronoun refers. The pronoun substitutes the noun, so the two words must match when it comes to number and person of speech.For example, if you are talking about a woman named Elizabeth, you should not use "it" or "he". The correct pronouns should be "she", "her", and "hers".Letter A is incorrect because it uses the pronoun "she" to refer to the flower. The correct pronoun is "it".Letter B is also incorrect because it uses "their" to talk about the cake. The correct pronoun is "its".Letter C is the only correct option. It uses "our" to refer to the the speaker and her husband.Letter D is incorrect, because it uses "it" to refer to the plural noun "flowers". It should use "them".

Learn more about the topic here:

What might the author have included Ryan O'brien's guide to poetic forms?



I think I would've really enjoyed this one when I was a kid. It's kind of a fiction/non-fiction hybrid. It's the story of Ryan O'Brian and his inability to stop composing poetry. It continues all day, and the reader is introduced to a variety of poetic forms. The story comes to a conclusion when Ryan's teacher gives the class a poetry-writing assignment... and Ryan finds that he's finally drawing a blank!


Which one uses punctuation correctly?

A. Sarah asked Jim to call Phil: Jim said he would.

B. Sarah asked Jim to call Phil: Jim said he would.

C. Sarah asked Jim to call Phil. Jim said he would.

D. Sarah asked Jim to call Phil Jim said he would​



I believe its C. Sarah asked Jim to call Phil. Jim said he would.


How does Billy’s limited point of view affect his fate?

A) He recognizes the names in the guest book.

B) He stays at the Bed and Breakfast for many years.

C) The reader is able to see what is happening, but Billy doesn’t have access to the knowledge and his fate is sealed.

D) Billy realizes the bird is stuffed.

Plz. Help

38 Points

And brainlest


b, because billy doesn’t realize what’s going on, he stays at the b&b for years

Moved like bright what is the significance



I do not know what are you asking about, may you please clarify the question?


How does Hamlet react to hearing about his father's ghost?
A) He is terrified.
B) He does not believe Horatio.
C) He wants to meet the Ghost.
D) He thinks Horatio is insane.



I think it would be c I think

He wants to meet the gost. The ghost first makes an appearance in the play in front of Hamlet's pal Horatio and two Elsinore castle soldiers.

Why is Hamlet skeptical of the ghost?

He appears to be dubious of the claims that his father's ghost makes about Claudius' regicide. The ghost first makes an appearance in the play in front of Hamlet's pal Horatio and two Elsinore castle soldiers. After Hamlet follows the ghost into the forest, his father's ghost commands him to exact revenge for his death.

Although he initially trusted the Ghost, Hamlet postpones his retaliation for the entirety of the second act because he is starting to doubt if the Ghost is not a devil tempting him to do a dreadful sin.

Come off, gentlemen. If he lets me, by God, I'll turn him into a ghost! I say, go. Continue, and I'll follow.

To learn more about hamlet refer to:


Pls solve it I am having trouble solving it



             a) do.

             b) can.

             c) can't be.

             d) This/That.

             e) will it/ right.

             f) Although.

             g) Plenty of.

             h) All.

             i) Harder.

Explanation: hope it helps.

What are some similarities and differences between the two?



Differences: One has wheels, they are different shapes, they make different sounds.

Similarities: They both INCLUDE circular shapes, they both have round edges.



simulators are one is more detailed one had different shapes different colors and more

carrie is introvert and tends _ _ _shy with new people.​


Answer: To be


change the sentences to passive voice​



1. My purse has been found by one of the cleaners

2. He was hit on the head with a hammer by the robber

3. A new road has been built in this area by the goverment

4. I was handed a note by the assistant

5. John was elected class representative by us

6. My wallet has been taken by someone

7. Bicycles are used  as a means of transport by many people

8. I was advised to get a visa by them

9. The old road was being built by them when I was drop by

10. A new shopping centre was opened by the local council

11. Anything haven't been decided by them yet

12. The new stadium was being slowly filled by the crowd

13. I don't know to do it

14. A knife was used to open the window by Dad

15. Your drink will be bring you by the waitress in a minute

16. Anything of John ever heard by nobody again


pls pls pls pls pls need now​



1) D. menstruation

2) E. Adam's apple

3) B. hair grow

4) A. body odor

5) C. breast


hope this helps!! p.s. i really need brainliest :)

harry potter or ronald wesley


Harry Potter but I do love Ronald Wesley too


Harry potter


I do like Ronald but I like Harry more

Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
What is the example of antithesis in the Gettysburg Address excerpt above?

death/this nation
great task/increased devotion
death/birth of freedom



a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else


Antithesis is a literary device where opposite or contrasting words or ideas are placed together in a sentence to create a balanced effect. In this excerpt, the contrasting words are "freedom" and "government.

What is an antithesis ?

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that involves the use of contrasting concepts, words, or sentences within parallel grammatical structures to create a contrast between two ideas. It is often used to emphasize the differences between two opposing ideas or to create a more dramatic or memorable effect.

The two concepts are opposites, with freedom representing the ideal that the nation is striving for and government representing the means by which that ideal can be achieved.

By using antithesis, the writer creates a balanced and memorable sentence that emphasizes the importance of both concepts. Hence, freedom/government is correct.

Find more on antithesis:


Have anyone every heard od The man in the water??



it's the old man and the sea


a story worth reading about:

The Old Man and the Sea is the story of an epic struggle between an old, seasoned fisherman and the greatest catch of his life. For eighty-four days, Santiago, an aged Cuban fisherman, has set out to sea and returned empty-handed. So conspicuously unlucky is he that the parents of his young, devoted apprentice and friend, Manolin, have forced the boy to leave the old man in order to fish in a more prosperous boat. Nevertheless, the boy continues to care for the old man upon his return each night. He helps the old man tote his gear to his ramshackle hut, secures food for him, and discusses the latest developments in American baseball, especially the trials of the old man’s hero, Joe DiMaggio. Santiago is confident that his unproductive streak will soon come to an end, and he resolves to sail out farther than usual the following day.


On the eighty-fifth day of his unlucky streak, Santiago does as promised, sailing his skiff far beyond the island’s shallow coastal waters and venturing into the Gulf Stream. He prepares his lines and drops them. At noon, a big fish, which he knows is a marlin, takes the bait that Santiago has placed one hundred fathoms deep in the waters. The old man expertly hooks the fish, but he cannot pull it in. Instead, the fish begins to pull the boat.

Unable to tie the line fast to the boat for fear the fish would snap a taut line, the old man bears the strain of the line with his shoulders, back, and hands, ready to give slack should the marlin make a run. The fish pulls the boat all through the day, through the night, through another day, and through another night. It swims steadily northwest until at last it tires and swims east with the current. The entire time, Santiago endures constant pain from the fishing line. Whenever the fish lunges, leaps, or makes a dash for freedom, the cord cuts Santiago badly. Although wounded and weary, the old man feels a deep empathy and admiration for the marlin, his brother in suffering, strength, and resolve.

On the third day the fish tires, and Santiago, sleep-deprived, aching, and nearly delirious, manages to pull the marlin in close enough to kill it with a harpoon thrust. Dead beside the skiff, the marlin is the largest Santiago has ever seen. He lashes it to his boat, raises the small mast, and sets sail for home. While Santiago is excited by the price that the marlin will bring at market, he is more concerned that the people who will eat the fish are unworthy of its greatness.

As Santiago sails on with the fish, the marlin’s blood leaves a trail in the water and attracts sharks. The first to attack is a great mako shark, which Santiago manages to slay with the harpoon. In the struggle, the old man loses the harpoon and lengths of valuable rope, which leaves him vulnerable to other shark attacks. The old man fights off the successive vicious predators as best he can, stabbing at them with a crude spear he makes by lashing a knife to an oar, and even clubbing them with the boat’s tiller. Although he kills several sharks, more and more appear, and by the time night falls, Santiago’s continued fight against the scavengers is useless. They devour the marlin’s precious meat, leaving only skeleton, head, and tail. Santiago chastises himself for going “out too far,” and for sacrificing his great and worthy opponent. He arrives home before daybreak, stumbles back to his shack, and sleeps very deeply.

The next morning, a crowd of amazed fishermen gathers around the skeletal carcass of the fish, which is still lashed to the boat. Knowing nothing of the old man’s struggle, tourists at a nearby café observe the remains of the giant marlin and mistake it for a shark. Manolin, who has been worried sick over the old man’s absence, is moved to tears when he finds Santiago safe in his bed. The boy fetches the old man some coffee and the daily papers with the baseball scores, and watches him sleep. When the old man wakes, the two agree to fish as partners once more. The old man returns to sleep and dreams his usual dream of lions at play on the beaches of Africa.

2. You examine plant cells under a microscope and
notice many round, green structures within the
cells. The structures are most likely
A tissues.
B vacuoles.
C cell walls. D chloroplasts.


It should be the letter D

What is polarization?​



Polarization is a property applying to transverse waves that specifies the geometrical orientation of the oscillations. In a transverse wave, the direction of the oscillation is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the wave.


Polarization is a property applying to transverse waves that specifies the geometrical orientation of the oscillations. In a transverse wave, the direction of the oscillation is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the wave.


polarization, property of certain electromagnetic radiations in which the direction and magnitude of the vibrating electric field are related in a specified way. ... Light may be polarized by reflection or by passing it through filters, such as certain crystals, that transmit vibration in one plane but not in others.


hope it helps you

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