There are many political parties in Nepal. We live in a multiparty............ options are ...... (supreme, expelled, released, democracy, well-to-do, escaped)


Answer 1



There are many political parties in Nepal. We live in a multiparty democracy options are ...... (supreme, expelled, released, democracy, well-to-do, escaped)

Related Questions

Please help me with this question ​


B. He never comes to school
The answer is B yassss

Remember that an inference is information given in a story that is not directly stated by the author, but it is still very important in order to understand a story. Place a checkmark next to each inference the reader needed to make in order to understand "The Cask of Amontillado":

Montresor and Fortunato are wearing costumes because it is carnival time.

One reason Montresor is wearing a costume is to be sure no one recognizes him when he is walking back to his house with Fortunato.

Fortunato was a competitive person because he got jealous when he thought Luchesi was going to taste the Amontillado.

Montresor leads Fortunato down into the catacombs where many people were buried.

Montresor and Fortunato were down in the catacombs until midnight.

Montresor was upset because Fortunato had seriously offended him and wanted revenge.

No one ever found Fortunato, who Montresor buried alive down in the catacombs.

Montresor kept giving Fortunato wine because he knew he could not resist it and wanted Fortunato to keep following him.


not sure sorry i’ll try

A man was sitting with his feet up on a desk. He turned his head when Stanley and the guard entered, but otherwise didn't move. Even though he was inside, he wore sunglasses and a cowboy hat. He also held a can of soda, and the sight of it made Stanley even more aware of his own thirst.

. . .

There must have been a small refrigerator behind his desk, because the man in the cowboy hat produced two more cans of soda. For a second Stanley hoped that one might be for him, but the man gave one to the guard and said the other was for the driver.

Louis Sachar

What do the actions of the man in the cowboy hat show about him?

He is considerate of others.
He is cold to everyone.
He is indifferent to Stanley.
He is pleasant to all children.





It just shows that the man in the cowboy hat was indifferent to Stanley. It doesn't mean he hated him or anything, he just planned already on whom to give the drinks to.


C. He is indifferent to Stanley.


got it right on edge 23




Strong words:

Marred by Dust, Sweat and Blood, and Strives Valiantly

Normal words:

Credit Belongs, The man, and There is No Effort.

Based on the prefix, the word "extricate" most likely means If a writer were writing a modern-day story based on the Theseus myth featured in "Cruel Tribute," what would the story's plot most likely include?



To extract from


Extricate generally means to free or disentangle something from another. In the context of writing a modern day story and it's plot based on Theseus myth featured in Cruel Tribute, the word extricate may be used here to mean "extricating" or applying same plot as is used in Cruel Tribute. In other words the writer may apply the word "extricate" in the context of applying the plot of Cruel Tribute in his new modern-story.

Standing on the "moral high ground" in the Middle East to stir up conflicts, stir up political situation, and even direct war has been a regular operation of the United States. Under the pretext of "democratic peace", it intervened militarily in national democratic revolutions in Many Middle Eastern countries such as Lebanon. Military intervention in Libya and Syria under the pretext of "humanitarian intervention" to support the rebels; Waging war against Iraq on the grounds of "anti-terrorism"; Waging war against Afghanistan on the pretext of "possession of WMD"...





The author mentions seals’ whiskers primarily in connection with which activity?


Answer: A- hunting.


What is the mistake in this sentence? “Henry’s vacation was filled with runnning, biking, and swimming.”




The only mistake I see is the running only has 2 ns not three.

The comma after biking used to be optional, so it is not really an error, but I would check the grammar book you are using. Rules change.

It used to be incorrect to put a word between the verb and to. Now one word is permitted, which my teacher would have given me a week's detention for doing.

So not to go would have been considered correct

to not go was considered wrong, but now it isn't. Things change.

How does the couplet form support the meaning of the lines?
by completing the speaker’s thought
by emphasizing the relationship between the speaker and the king
by describing the king’s actions
by expressing the speaker’s sarcasm



A)  by completing the speaker’s thought


When the speaker completes his thinking, the couplet form serves as a support for the meaning of the words in the quotation, "To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, Great God Direct and Protect Him From On and From His Head, But Also Protect Him From Every Fly." To elaborate on a point is to strengthen and prove it.

What is a concrete poem


Concrete poetry is a way of expressing words and art at the same time. Typically is an arrangement of words converted into shapes to refer the art

You can look up more example pictures online for a better understanding

You are Mohan. You are very keen to go on an excursion organized by your school. You need your father’s consent. In the evening you waited for your father but had to leave for the tennis coaching class from which you were likely to come back late. Write a message for your father seeking his permission.


Dear father, I would like for you to give consent for me to go on excursion my school has organized. Please give consent so I may go.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Write a paragraph on online classes in 150 words.(for stander 6,7)​



An online class is a course conducted over the internet. They are generally conducted through a learning management system,in which student can view their course syllabus and academic process,as well as communicate with their fellow students and their course instructor. Online education normally provides a chance to study at our own speed as there is no rush. Most online courses are usually enjoyable.

Which among the following expresses Mr. Dimmesdale’s guilt?
“Trusting no man as his friend, he could not recognize his enemy when the latter actually appeared.”
“Speak thou for me!’ cried she. ‘Thou wast my pastor, and hadst charge of my soul, and knowest me better than these men can.
“Come up hither, Hester, thou and little Pearl…Ye have both been here before, but I was not with you. Come up hither once again, and we will stand all three together!”
“Death was too definite an object to be wished for or avoided.”



“Come up hither, Hester, thou and little Pearl…Ye have both been here before, but I was not with you. Come up hither once again, and we will stand all three together!”


Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?

after “editors”
after “both”
after “grade”
after “other”


after grade hope this helps


Read the sentence.

Kari and Misha, who have known each other since first grade are both yearbook editors and photographers.

Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?

after “editors” after “both” after “grade” <<<---Correct after “other”


Edge 2021

You can take __________ the shirt ____________ the sweater .Not both. A.Neither--------- nor B.Either-----------or



B. Either-----------or


'Either - Or' is used in the English sentence which refers to a choice between any two options. They are used to determine one or the other of the alternatives.

Either - Or is used to affirm each of the two alternatives.

In the context, it is given that :

We can take one of the two item, that is  ----

1. shirt

2. sweater

We affirm to choose only one item from the two.

So, the answer is " B. Either-----------or "

" You can take either the shirt or the sweater."

What Was Persephone’s character round,flat,dynamic or static?





persephone's character was dynamic given the change she went through because of her change in company with Hades

How do British attitudes towards walking differ from Americans’?


Answer:       Americans' hate walking  

                    British hate walking

Explanation:       69% of the adult population in America are either overweight or obese

                            64% of the adult population in England are either overweight or obese


Read the sentence below.

If you cannot find your running shoes in the mornings, then set them out the night before.

What type of organizational scheme is this?

A. Problem-solution
B. Spatia
l C. Cause and effect
D. Compare-contrast ​



A. Problem-solution


A. Problem-solution

i think the answer is A

What figure of speech is used in "White smoke crept over a green field."






Alliteration means the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

Idiom means a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words.

Simile means a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid.

Personification means the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.

So the answer is personification because "White smoke crept over a green field." is the attribution of a personal nature characteristics.

. Have you ................ any news about Lan since her bike accident

A. heard

B. hearing

C. hear
2. We ............... dinner when he arrived yesterday evening.
A. were having

B. is having

C. are having

3. Mai asked her friend ............... shopping

A. goes

B. to go

C. go

4. I have known her .................... two years.

A. with

B. for

C. since

5. Would you mind ........ the window?

A. open

B. opening

C. opened

6. The table ................ of wood is more expensive than plastics

A. makes

B. made

C. make

7. The old car tires are ......... to make pipes and floor coverings

A. reused

B. reduced

C. recycled

8. How many .................. do you celebrate in your country?

A. festivals

B. festival

C. festivanl











1. Heard
2. Were having
3. To go
4. For
5. opening
6. Made
7. Reused
8. Festivals

How would you describe humility? ​



Humility is the quality of being humble and means putting the needs of another person before your own, and thinking of others before yourself.


. It also means not drawing attention to yourself, and it can mean acknowledging that you are not always right.


I would describe humility as a way to bring down on esteem another person


when you humiliate someone you make fun of their faults and make the person lower than others

Which is the right answer
Adverbial Clauses Of Concession


The correct answer is A. I always get good grades.


The word "Although" is used to introduce contrasting ideas or sentences. In this context, a sentence with the opposite meaning should be added. Therefore, if the first sentence is about a negative practice such as "Although I don't study very much..", the most appropriate for the second sentence would be a sentence in which a positive practice or consequence stands out "I always get good grades." So, the correct answer is A.

Rewrite the sentences using apostrophe s. 1. I was touched by the generosity of the stranger. 2. The garden of the resort is full of mango trees. 3. The porter did not notice the approach of the train. 4. We were awakened by the chirping of the birds. 5. The keyboard of the computer is not working. ​



1. I was touched by the stranger's generosity.

2. The resort's garden is full of mango trees.

3. The porter did not notice the train's approach.

4. We were awakened by the bird's chirping.

5. The computer's keyboard is not working.  


An apostrophe is used to show that one person/thing owns or is a member of something. Also, an apostrophe is used in contractions, plural words, and possessive words.

“We Choose to Go to the Moon:” What is a central theme of “We Choose to Go to the Moon”?
HELP QUICK PLEASEEEEEEE I will give you 30 points




We get to choose it I guess


You’ve been accused of cheating on a test. Another student claims to have seen you copying answers from others. You know that you are innocent. Last week, you met with the accusing student and your teacher to try to resolve the situation. The negotiation only created more resentment and confusion. Which level of conflict resolution is most appropriate at this point in time?
Organize another negotiation with your teacher.
Refer the case to your school’s peer mediator.
Contact the superintendent of your school district.
Switch schools so your safety is not compromised.





I think at this point it's C.

Contact the superintendent of your school district.

You should have nothing to hide if you're truly innocent

with fallacies, how can you ensure your argument is credible ​



by verification of daforest techniques


By asking elder then you can ensure your argument is credible.

Shakespeare was an amazeballs writer who wrote many plays and poems.

What would be a good way to change this sentence so that it fits better with the rest of Marion's report?
Shakespeare was a super cool writer who wrote many plays and poems.
Shakespeare was a mind-blowing writer who wrote many plays and poems.
Shakespeare was an awesome writer who wrote many plays and poems.
Shakespeare was a brilliant writer who wrote many plays and poems.


B would be the best choice

Thank you so much thank y’all help


I definitely think it’s between answer a (what you chose), and answer b.


That is the right awnser


which website is the most credible
a website updated last week
a website updated a year ago
a website updated five years ago
a website updated ten years ago



The answer is A.a website updated last week


i took the assignment


A.a website updated last week



Read this paragraph from chapter 5 of The Prince.

Whenever those states which have been acquired as stated have been accustomed to live under their own laws and in freedom, there are three courses for those who wish to hold them: the first is to ruin them, the next is to reside there in person, the third is to permit them to live under their own laws, drawing a tribute, and establishing within it an oligarchy which will keep it friendly to you. Because such a government, being created by the prince, knows that it cannot stand without his friendship and interest, and does its utmost to support him; and therefore he who would keep a city accustomed to freedom will hold it more easily by the means of its own citizens than in any other way.

Which statement best summarizes the central idea of the paragraph?

A. A prince can hold a newly acquired state that is accustomed to freedom only by first ruining it, then moving there and establishing an oligarchy that is loyal to him.

B. There are three ways for a prince to hold a newly acquired state that is accustomed to freedom: ruin it, live there, or create an oligarchy that is loyal to him—and the third way is easiest.

C. A prince can hold a newly acquired state that is accustomed to freedom only by first ruining it, then moving there and winning the citizens’ loyalty by granting them freedom.

D. There are three ways for a prince to hold a newly acquired state that is accustomed to freedom: ruin it, live there, or create an oligarchy that is loyal to him, all of which are equally effective.



The statement which best summarizes the central idea of the paragraph is:

B. There are three ways for a prince to hold a newly acquired state that is accustomed to freedom: ruin it, live there, or create an oligarchy that is loyal to him - and the third way is the easiest.


"The Prince" is a book published in 1532 by Niccolò Machiavelli, an Italian statesman and and political philosopher born in 1469.

As we can see in the excerpt, Machiavelli is discussing the ways a conqueror can maintain a conquered land under his control, especially if the people from that land are used to being free and to having their own government. According to him, there are 3 ways: "to ruin them, . . . to reside (live) there in person, . . . and establishing an oligarchy which will keep it friendly to you."

The third way is the easiest one. The conqueror would be using the land's own people and politicians in his favor. With that in mind, we can choose letter B as the best option.

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