There are sixty-one mRNA codons that specify an amino acid, but only forty-five tRNAs. This is best explained by the fact that


Answer 1


See the answer below


The phenomenon is best explained by the fact that the genetic codes are degenerates. In other words, more than one codon can specify for the same amino acid being carried by the tRNA.

The base-pairing rule between the third nucleotide of a codon and that of the anticodon on the tRNAs loosens off. For example, GUU, GUC, and GUA all specify for the amino acid valine while GCU, GCC, and GCA all specify for alanine.

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Propuso la teoría catastrofista, según la cual habían sucedido varios episodios de extinción, debidos a grandes cataclismos, seguidos siempre de nuevos periodos de creación



Georges Cuvier.


Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) fue un zoólogo quien propuso que la evolución era el resultado de extinciones producidas por catástrofes a las cuales les sucedían nuevas creaciones con distintas especies. Los ecosistemas con las catástrofes eran destrozados y en los suelos de estos quedaban los  restos de los animales extintos formando parte de los estratos de la tierra.

In recent history, humans have influenced which parts of life on Earth?
A. Almost none of it.
B. Life on land only.
C. Virtually all life on Earth.
D. Life in cities only.


C. Virtually all life on Earth.

They have affected nearly every life form.

I’ll give you the answer later

How many taxa or levels exist in the phylogentic?
d) 8​


D would be the correct answer I think

What's different about the 4 dams



dams could mean the bridges

dams could be mean like something real good

It could also dams as in girl eg-damsel in distress, dams was a old word used in the 70s for girls

1. the movement of water into area with high concentration of dissolved solutes in order to equal out the solute concentration is
a) concentration
b) diffusion
c) osmosis
d) blood oxygen level​


I think the answer is osmosis.


The principle of osmosis states that when a semipermeable membrane separates two fluid spaces, water will flow from an area of lower solute concentration to one of higher solute concentration to achieve equilibrium so that the osmotic pressures are balanced.

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Desmosomes are cellular structures that adhere to neighboring cells. Its function is to hold the epithelial cells together, associating the intermediate filament cytoskeletons of neighboring cells, thus forming a transcellular network with high resistance to mechanical traction. It thus allows the cells to maintain their shape and the epithelial sheet to exist in a stable form. Inside cells act as anchoring sites for intermediate rope-shaped filaments, which form a structural network in the cytoplasm providing a certain rigidity. Through these junctions the intermediate filaments of the adjacent cells are indirectly connected forming a continuous network that extends throughout the tissue.

What was Anton van Leeuwenhoek contribution in the development of cell theory





that is it i think

You cross a red flower with a white flower, and all the seeds result in pink flowers. This is an example of



Di truyền trội lăn không hoàn toàn


Which statement best describes the step in muscle contraction when the sarcomere is the shortest?
A The sarcomere is contracted, and the actin and myosin filaments are partially overlapped.
B The sarcomere is relaxed, and the actin and myosin filaments are partially overlapped.
C The sarcomere is contracted, and the actin and myosin filaments are completely overlapped.
D The sarcomere is relaxed, and the actin and myosin filaments are completely overlapped.



C The sarcomere is contracted, and the actin and myosin filaments are completely overlapped.


In rest, the tropomyosin inhibits the attraction strengths between myosin and actin filaments. Contraction initiates when an action potential depolarizes the inner portion of the muscle fiber. Calcium channels activate in the T tubules membrane, releasing calcium into the sarcolemma. At this point, tropomyosin is obstructing binding sites for myosin on the thin filament. When calcium binds to troponin C, troponin T alters the tropomyosin position by moving it and unblocking the binding sites. Myosin heads join the uncovered actin-binding points forming cross-bridges, and while doing so, ATP turns into ADP and inorganic phosphate, which is released. Myofilaments slide impulsed by chemical energy collected in myosin heads, producing a power stroke. The power stroke initiates when the myosin cross-bridge binds to actin. As they slide, ADP molecules are released. A new ATP links to myosin heads and breaks the bindings to the actin filament.  Then ATP splits into ADP and phosphate, and the energy produced is accumulated in the myosin heads, which starts a new binding cycle to actin. Finally, Z-bands are pulled toward each other, shortening the sarcomere and the I-band, producing muscle fiber contraction.

In the sarcomere, which is the contractile unit of skeletal muscles, there are

Thick myosin myofilaments in the central region belonging to the A band.  Thin filaments united to the Z lines, extending in the interior of the A band until they reach the border of the H band.  Thin actin filaments composing the I band, which belong to two sarcomeres adjacent to a Z line.

When the muscle contracts, the muscular fiber gets shorter and thicker due to the reduction in the length of the sarcomere. The H line and the I band get shorter. The Z lines get closer to the A band, meaning that they get closer to each other. A band keeps constant in length. This change is produced by movement mechanisms that involve a change in the relative position of actin and myosin filaments.




edge 2021

When a cell uses fatty acids for aerobic respiration, it first hydrolyzes fats to Group of answer choices glycerol and fatty acids. glycerol and amino acids. fatty acids and sugars. sugars and glycerol.



glycerol and fatty acids.


Fats as biological molecules can be used as energy sources by the cell when there is low or no carbohydrate (glucose) for use.

Fats, mainly triglycerides enter metabolic pathway in an aerobic condition where they undergo catabolism to produce glycerol and fatty acids, their monomeric units. This process leads to the synthesis of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate). In other words, fats are hydrolyzed to glycerol and fatty acids

A meiotic error occurred during gamete formation, resulting in an egg that has 24 chromosomes. If that egg is fertilized by a normal sperm, how many chromosomes will be in the zygote



47 chromosomes


Meiosis is a kind of division that reduces the chromosome number of the daughter cells by half i.e. 2n - n. It occurs only in reproductive cells to produce sex cells or gametes. In humans, meiosis occurs to produce gametes (egg and sperm) that have 23 haploid chromosomes.

N.B: Somatic human cells have 46 chromosomes

According to this question, a meiotic error occurred during gamete formation, resulting in an egg that has 24 chromosomes. If that egg is fertilized by a normal sperm i.e. sperm with 23 chromosomes. A zygote that posseses (23 + 24) = 47 chromosomes will be produced.

The type of muscle fibers that are the largest, contain the most myofibrils and can generate the most powerful contractions are the:



fast glycolytic type (IIb) fibers

A man with Type B blood has children with a woman with type A blood. Their children have the following blood types, A, AB, B, and O. What are the genotypes of the parents? What would be the genotypes of the parents if the offspring could only have type AB or A blood


the child has the blood type of Ab its obvious


only when both alleles is O, the blood group can be O. Thus both parents must have O as one allele

Thus man's genotype: BO or

[tex] { | }^{b} i[/tex]

Woman's genotype : AO or

[tex] { | }^{a} i[/tex]


the children can not have O blood

The children cannot have B blood

means the man have BO

[tex] { | }^{b} i[/tex]

and woman have AA

[tex] { | }^{a} { | }^{a} [/tex]


if man have BB, and woman have AA

children can only have AB

if man have BB, and woman have AO

children can only have AB and B

Brainliest please~

A computational biologist develops a computationally intensive program for DNA sequence alignment. When they use distributed computing techniques to run the program on four computers in parallel, they find a speedup of 4. In this case, what does a speedup of 4 indicate


Answer: The program completed in a quarter of the time with four computers versus one computer


Distributed computing simply means using distributed systems in solving computational problems and this is done as the problem is divided into many tasks, whereby the tasks are accomplished by one or more computers.

Following the information given in the question, a speedup of 4 indicate that the program completed in a quarter of the time with four computers versus one computer.

Parte de la variabilidad genética que aporta la meiosis se produce en la



Se produce durante la profase 1 de la meiosis, y en ella se da un entrecruzamiento entre una de las dos cromátidas de los cromosomas homólogos, por lo que las cromátidas resultantes son diferentes entre sí y de las originales.


Amal was on a picnic to Hatta with his parents and family friends. While playing, he collected some muddy water from the Wadi in his beaker, which he wanted to make pure and clean. A) What do you think will happen to the mud in his beaker if left overnight? B) What is this process called?



See the answers below


A) The mud in Amal's beaker will settle down at the bottom of the muddy water if left overnight with clear water occupying the surface. This is because the particles of mud are insoluble in water and will settle down at the bottom of the muddy water if left undisturbed for a while.

B) The process is called sedimentation. The settled mud particles are referred to as the sediments and the clear water at the top can be decanted off to separate the sediment from the water.

Give two reasons why humans need a balanced ecosystem.​



1To purify the air so we can breathe properly

2Sequester carbon for climate regulation

Which structure is found in all cells


cytoplasm im pretty sure

plasma membranes




lumenlearning dot com

What are practical applications of genetic engineering?



Medicine, agriculture, animals, and even human mutations ;o

Explanation: Nothing much to explain.

‼️Need answer asap‼️. Which jar contains a mixture? A jar of solid carbon. A jar of carbon dioxide gas. A jar of liquid copper. A jar of copper and water.



A jar of copper and water


The rest are compounds.

The picture shows an organ system in the human body.
What is a function of the organ system shown?


Removes water and salts from the body !

Identify the biotic factor of an ecosystem from the following



Ecosystems are influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors include animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and protists. Some examples of abiotic factors are water, soil, air, sunlight, temperature, and minerals.

Flat bones have surfaces composed of ______ bone with internally placed ______ bone. Multiple choice question. compact, spongy


Answer: compact, spongy


Flat bones have surfaces composed of (compact) bone with internally placed (spongy) bone.

Flat bones are typically thin, although they're often curved. Some examples of flat bones are the cranial in the skull, scapulae which is known as the shoulder blades, ribs, and sternum. They're an attachment for muscles and are used in the protection of internal organs.

Which of the following statements helps support the endosymbiotic theory?
Choose 1 answer:
All cells contain ribosomes that conduct protein synthesis.
Cells contain genetic information in the form of DNA.
If isolated from a eukaryotic cell, mitochondria can no longer survive and reproduce on their
If isolated from a plant cell, a chloroplast can survive and reproduce on its own.



C. If isolated from a eukaryotic cell, mitochondria can no longer survive and reproduce on their own.


The endosymbiotic theory proposes that early eukaryotic cells evolved from endosymbiotic interactions among prokaryotic cells. This theory states that mitochondria and chloroplasts were once primitive bacterial cells that were ingested by large anaerobic prokaryotic cells, and then these cells benefited from living and working together. The most important lines of evidence that support this theory are that mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own genetic material (circular DNA) and their own protein biosynthesis machinery (ribosomes).

Balance the equation with the correct coefficients.



2 KClO³ ------ 2KCl + 3O2



observe the given relation and fill in the blanks cucumber: tendril citrus: meiosis: reduction division mitosis:​



citrus: thorns

mitosis: equational division


From the relationship:

Tendrils are thread-like appendages found in most climbing plants. They primarily function as supporting organs for climbing plants (such as cucumber) by stretching out and twinning around physical supports. The equivalence of this in citrus is the thorn.

Meiosis is a reductional cell division in which the chromosome number of the daughter cells is half of that of the other cells. Mitosis is equational division because the chromosome number of the parent cell is the same as that of daughter cells.

This table shows the codons found in messenger RNA (attached). Using this information, what sequence of nucleotides in the template strand of DNA could code for the polypeptide sequence Val-His-Thr?





Please explain, I'm very confused about this topic and I want to learn about it. No false answers or you will immediately be reported. Thanks in advance!





The correct answer would be option A - GUA-CAU-ACC

Looking at the table of codons, for the amino acid Val, the first base (which is on the 1st column in the 6th row) is G while the second base (2nd column, 2nd row) is U. The third column can be any of U, C, A, or G (6th column, 4th row). Hence, GUA is plausible

For the amino acid His, the first base is C (1st column, 2nd row), the second is A (4th column, 4th row) while the last could be any of the 4 bases. Hence, CAU is plausible.

For the amino acid Thr, the first base is A (first column, 5th row), the second is C (3rd column, 2nd row) while the 3rth could be any of the 4 nucleotide bases. Hence, ACC is plausible.

Therefore, the correct sequence of nucleotides for Val-His_Thr would be GUA-CAU-ACC

A species in imminent danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range is said to be:


Answer: Endangered

The question above is the definition of "endangered": A species that is in imminent danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

Sejak bilakah mereka berkawan?​


What does this mean?

Complete the sentence below by selecting the correct words from the drop-down menus. Factors that affect natural selection include , , and .



The correct answer is -

variation, over population and adaption.


Natural selection is the process to which the various species and populations are able to adapt and change according the environmental changes. It is affected by three main factors that are variation, over population and adaption.

Variation: varion is one of the factor that pushes the population to change towards the beneficial variation in the population for their survivability and reproducing theirselves.

Overpopulation: over population increases the competition amon population and there fore there resources become limited so few have to change or their ways of utilizing resources.

Adaption: Adapting the change takes place due to any situation in environmental that put stress on the population allow them to adapt according the change or they will extinct.


Variation, overpopulation, and adaption


I can confirm this is the right answer, because I just did the assignment.

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