
Answer 1




Answer 2
No u trying to tell me what to do

Related Questions

a food worker inspects a dry food storage area for signs of pest infection what evidence should he look for



look for egg castings, small dropping that look like black pepper grains, and strong oily orders.

A food worker is a person that works in the food industry. He should inspect small black droppings in a dry food storage area for signs of a pest infestation. Thus, option D is correct.

What are pest infestations?

Pest infestation are the invasion of the food and other material by the pests that destroy the food and can lead to diseases by infecting them with harmful microbes.

In dry food storage, the small black droppings must be checked for any sign of pest infections. As this might be the clue that there are rats or other insects in the place.

Therefore, the small black droppings are the signs of pest infestation.

Learn more about pest infestation here:


The complete question is attached to the image below.

2. Within the cortex, the brain's six outer layers are approximately
% of the infant's neurons. *


Answer: the cerebral cortex  and its 10%

Explanation: i just did the test

Which Medicare programs are covered by ACA Section 1557?


Answer:Federal financial assistance includes grants, property, Medicaid, Medicare Parts A, C and D payments, and tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies under Title I of the ACA. (Medicare Part B is not included.)


Federal financial assistance encompasses grants, property, Medicaid as well as Medicare Parts A, C and D payments, also the tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies under Title I of the ACA in which Medicare Part B is not included.

What is section 1557?

Section 1557 has been in impact ever since passage in 2010, and the HHS Department for Civil Rights has been trying to enforce it since then.

Section 1557 normally does not pertain to self-funded ERISA group health plans or short-term short duration plans under the 2020 rule.

These enterprises trying to offer the plans are traditionally not chiefly engaged in the corporate of providing health care and do not receive federal financial assistance.

Federal financial assistance includes grants, property, Medicaid, and Medicare Parts A, C, and D payments, as well as tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies under Title I of the ACA, which excludes Medicare Part B.

Thus, the above program are covered by ACA Section 1557.

For more details regarding Medicare, visit:


Question 39
Medical progress has had no effect on early mortality




you are right becoz all medical services is for provide standard life for public

Medical progress has had effects on the early mortality. The given statement is true. This is because medical progress helps in coping up with the disease.

What are the factors which affect Mortality?

Medical progress is the course of a disease, such as cancer, as it becomes worse or spreads in the other body parts with time.

Mortality refers to the state of being mortal. It is a term which is also used for death rate, or the number of deaths in a certain group of people (population) in a certain period of time.

The variables which show the highest disparity in mortality level are the natural regions which are among the context variables, education of the mother among socioeconomic variables, and interbirth interval and maternal age at the birth of their children among the biological ones.

Learn more about Mortality here:


What is the appropriate method?


Rectal since it is the most accurate.
rectal since its accurate

If a dentist wants to find out if a patient has any interproximal
decay, he or she should take a
O A) periapical radiograph.
panorex radiograph.
C) bite-wing radiograph.
OD) occlusal radiograph.



C. Bite- Wing radiography


It gives a clear image of the interproximal surface to allow for detection of any decay


which factors influence a person’s perception of sexual activity?



Alcohol and drugsMediaPersonal experiencePeer pressurePersonal choiceNorms

Drugs/ alcohol
Social relations
Social media

Mary lives in a small town with few opportunities for outdoor exercise. She begins an online petition to convince the city to take an undeveloped parcel of land and turnit into an exercise park equipped with a track, basketball court, swings, and jungle gym. This is a great solution to overcome which health determinant?



To overcome lack of proper infrastructure.

Choose all options that apply. Which of the following are antiviral medications commonly used to treat the flu? | a) Azelastine Oxymetazoline c) Zanamivir O d) Oseltamivir



C, Zanamivir


Hope it help u

Which statement best fits with Sociocultural theory?
Select one:

Children learn because their successful attempts are positively reinforced by adults.

We are evolutionarily prepared to learn.

Development occurs as a result of inborn mechanisms.

Children depend on assistance from adults and more expert peers as they tackle new challenges.



mark me as brain list.


c.. is the correct answer.

Karl listens to his colleague giving an overview of the store's new leave policy. What behavior can Carl show to show that he cares about what his colleague says? a) click with his finger on his knees b) confirm what is being said with the person next to him c) summarize what he heard at the end of the overview to his colleague d) say “yes, ok” repeatedly



C) Summarize what he heard at the end of the overview to his colleague.

According to the recent Deary study in Psychology and Aging, as individuals grow older, their _____ scores _____.

i. dependability; show no relationship to earlier scores
ii. extraversion; show no relationship to earlier scores
iii. dependability; increase over time
iv. extraversion; increase over time



The correct answer is C:

As individuals grow older, their dependability score increases over time.


Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between aging and dependability.

Dependability here refers to the extent to which one relies on others in other to continue to carry out rudimentary mammalian functions.

Examples of such functions are:

WalkingGetting groceriesDoing Choresand other physically exerting activities.

This is not to say that there are no aging adults who go into the geriatric space with their mental strength and reasonable physical strength intact. The above happens because they have good genes and disciplined themselves to maintain a healthy lifestyle of good diets as well as mental and physical excercise.


Anh, chị nhận định thế nào khi nói "Công tác hỗ trợ tâm lý ở cấp tiểu học không nên chỉ dừng lại ở việc tham vấn tâm lý cho học sinh mà cần phải là tư vấn tâm lý giáo dục mới hiệu quả?"


can you translate please so i can help you out with the question

Alcohol is a depressant drug that slows the nervous system and brain function. If these body systems slow down too much, which of the following can happen?
A. None apply
B. Create a hangover
C. The impulse to vomit can be stopped
D. Increase the impulse to vomit



B. Create a hangover


D: Increase the impulse to vomit

because when the alcohol is going down too slow the body reacts to it as a dangerous thing for the human body therefore it does it's actual best to get rid of it.

What can help reduce problems during pregnancy? (check all that apply)
Nutritious diet that follows My Plate guidance
Drink caffeine
Avoid Alcohol
Avoid multivitamins
Get regular, moderate levels of exercise
Visit doctor on a regular basis throughout pregnancy


all of these are correct

The following which can help reduce problems during pregnancy include:

Nutritious dietAvoid AlcoholGet regular, moderate levels of exercise.Visit doctor on a regular basis throughout pregnancy.

What is Pregnancy?

This involves the fetus being developed inside the womb of an organism such as humans etc.

The following listed above will prevent pregnancy complications as it is a delicate period.

Read more about Pregnancy here


Medicare part D is a


An optional US federal government program to help Medicare beneficiaries pay for self-administered prescription drugs

Joe's manager, Claire, is very busy this week at the warehouse. Joe has been placed in charge of finding room for some new deliveries but he has some questions to ask Claire. Which behavior would demonstrate that Joe respects her time ? a) Calling Claire after work hours to discuss his questions b) Booking a two-hour meeting for tomorrow to discuss all his questions at once c) Emailing Claire a long list of questions d) Booking a ten-minute meeting to discuss his most urgent questions



I would say D


Hope it helps!

The roles and responsibilities for healthcare workers and that of their department or unit can be located?



Healthcare Support Workers Job Responsibilities and Duties:

Assist patients with basic hygiene activities.

Administer medication to patients.

Take vital signs and report findings to superiors.

Collect, store, and label biological specimens.

Sterilize medical equipment.

Keep hospital supplies properly stocked and organized.

I it helps u

The roles and responsibilities of healthcare workers, as well as those of their department or unit, can typically be found in various sources within the healthcare organization.

Here are some common places where this information may be located:

Employee Handbook: The healthcare organization's employee handbook often provides a comprehensive overview of roles, responsibilities, and expectations for all employees, including healthcare workers. It may outline specific job duties, professional conduct, and guidelines for each department or unit.Job Descriptions: Each healthcare worker should have a specific job description that outlines their roles and responsibilities. Job descriptions typically detail the scope of the position, required qualifications, tasks, and reporting structure.Policies and Procedures Manuals: Healthcare organizations have policies and procedures that govern various aspects of patient care, safety protocols, and administrative practices. These documents can provide specific guidelines for healthcare workers and their departments.Department or Unit-specific Guidelines: Each department or unit within a healthcare organization may have its own set of guidelines and protocols that outline roles, responsibilities, and workflows unique to that area of care.Training and Orientation Materials: Healthcare workers often receive training and orientation when they join the organization. These materials may include information about their specific roles and responsibilities within their department or unit.Performance Evaluation and Feedback: Performance evaluations and feedback sessions with supervisors can provide valuable insights into healthcare workers' roles, responsibilities, and areas for improvement.Professional Associations and Regulatory Bodies: Healthcare workers may also refer to guidelines and standards set by professional associations and regulatory bodies in their respective fields, which outline best practices and expectations for their roles.

It's important for healthcare workers to be familiar with these resources to understand their roles and responsibilities fully and ensure they provide safe and effective care within their department or unit.

To know more about healthcare workers follow the link:


How to prove your a mentally fit and stable individual to the court system when your mom is trying to prove your unfit because you don't have a job and you don't want to be around them. What steps would I need to do or information do I need to provide to show I'm a stable adult, since she wants to put me on ssi in the worst way possible.


You should get a job that makes you happy to prove you’re mentally and physically stable and you should be able to support yourself in every way. Like food, shelter, and transportation. You should give the court reasons as to why your mother would want to control you and why she would want this.

A med aide may
a) Never insert a suppository of any kind
b) Insert a nonmedicated suppository, such as a glycerin suppository
c) Insert a suppository with proof of training by an RN or LPN/LVN,
and only when the resident is on hospice


A med aide may never insert a suppository of any kind. That is option A.

A med aide or a medication aide is a certified nursing assistant that has the following duties:

administering daily medication to patients in a medical facility,

monitoring patients,

reporting changes; and

collecting samples.

The license of a med aid approves their ability and capability to administer drugs through the following routes such as:

oral and


Othet invasive drug administration such as suppositories and parenteral routes are carried out by a physician or a Registered Nurse.

Therefore, a med aide may never insert a suppository of any kind.

Learn more about med aide here:

what bone fracture is this


Arm or probably I’m not sure


Greenstick fracture


Break occurs on the convex surface of the bend in the bone.

Dylan has a coworker who is always showing up late and then not finishing his work on time. It's frustrating the other members of the team. What can he do that might help the situation? a) Complain about the coworker to other team members O b) Ask his coworker if he understands his job responsibilities c) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off O d) Complete his coworker's work for him



C - Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off


A - If Dylann complains to his other members they can't do anything about it so it would be useless

B - If he were to ask the co-worker about his jobs responsibilities, the co-worker might not care, in some cases this could work.

C - He could tell his boss who could have the co-worker fired, since hes not helping and still getting paid

D -  He shouldn't complete his  co-workers for him, or else this would encourage the co-worker to not want to work

Gilberto is trying to eat healthier but loves eating hot Cheetos at the grocery store he avoided walking down the junk food aisle to keep from buying chips however one day his roommate brings home a big bag of hot Cheetos and leaves them in the pantry according to research on automatic self control by fish Bach and colleagues 2003 what is likely to happen when Gilberto notices that big bad of Cheetos in the pantry



he will most likely eat them


just a guess


ele irá comê-los


Se ele adora comê-los provavelmente não resistirá e comirá-los-á

A GFR of 95 ml/minute indicates


90 mL/min is normal, mostly in healthy people. Few symptoms are shown at this stage for early chronic kidney disease.

Breweries were first found in ______ around 3700 B.C. Group of answer choices



Godin Tepe in the central Zagros Mountains of Iran


At 17 months of age Aidan was diagnosed with a neuropathy which caused weakness of his left leg. The condition was treated with a 2-week course of prednisone and ibuprofen. He still has some residual weakness in the leg. He has no other medical problems.

Was the fever caused by the vaccines? If so, which vaccine was responsible?



Yes, both


So this is kind of tricky, because prednisone gives you a fever sometimes, usually if your a female over the age of 60+ , but its still possible to get a fever at a younger age.

ibuprofen does give you a fever but that is only because it is specialized to prevent fevers and sicknesses that may enter your body.

So really, both vaccines do give you a fever.

Try to be more specific next time and say if the effects were bad or not because,

bad effect: predisone, may give you a fever but usually taken at the age of 60+.

good effect: ibuprofen, prevents sicknesses and diseases from entering your body.

But if we were to talk in reality, ibuprofen would be responsible for the fever, because i doubt that you give a 17 month year old prednisone.

what is the relation between child development and learning​



Child development is simply the developing of children from one age to the next. For example, the development between a pre-teen to a teenager. Not only can be for physical use it also affects children mentally. Children learn during child development causing them to mature faster which is the relation between child development and learning.

Hope this helped.

Many of the foundations of sophisticated forms of learning, including those important to academic success, are established in the earliest years of life. Development and early learning can be supported continuously as a child develops, and early knowledge and skills inform and influence future learning.

Some believe that learning leads to development whereas others contend that development leads to learning (Piaget). Learning awakens the developmental processes through social interactions with peers and teachers in such a way that it would not occur if the child were in isolation.Jun. 23, 2021

I hope this helps the top answer I actually got from a teacher and the second is what I thought of so if mines not right the first one is most likely

Where to place aed pads on a ten year old



Apply one pad on the upper right chest above the breast. For infants, apply on the front of the chest. Apply the second pad on the lower left chest below the armpit. For infants, apply a second pad to the back


Which of the following statements is generally true regarding change in the workplace? Q A) Most people accept change easily. SB) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace occurs somewhat infrequently. Q d) Individuals can learn how to manage change in their lives.


Hello there if I’m not wrong then it’s d

How are the nervous system and the endocrine system important for teenagers in terms of health, growth, and development?​



Please mark me as brainlyest

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