This table gives a few (x,y) pairs of a line in the coordinate plane.


Answer 1


The x-intercept of the line will be (10, 0)

Step-by-step explanation:

start from -12

get to -2...

-12 + (10) = -2

-2 + (10) = 8

therefore, the x-intercept is (10, 0)

Related Questions

Find the missing length Indicated




Step-by-step explanation:

x² = 144×25

= 3600

x =√3600 =60

Does the point (9, 0) satisfy the equation y = 9x2 + x + 9?




Step-by-step explanation:

y = 9x^2 + x + 9
0 = 9(9)^2 + 9 + 9
0 = 9(81) + 9 + 9
0 = 729 + 18
0 = 747

The answer was automatically wrong to begin with because the numbers were already greater than 0

52 POINTS I need help!
Question 1

The vertex form of the equation of a vertical parabola is given by
, where (h, k) is the vertex of the parabola and the absolute value of p is the distance from the vertex to the focus, which is also the distance from the vertex to the directrix. You will use the GeoGebra geometry tool to create a vertical parabola and write the vertex form of its equation. Open GeoGebra, and complete each step below. If you need help, follow these instructions for using GeoGebra.

Part A

Mark the focus of the parabola you are going to create at F(6, 4). Draw a horizontal line that is 6 units below the focus. This line will be the directrix of your parabola. What is the equation of the line?
Part B

Construct the line that is perpendicular to the directrix and passes through the focus. This line will be the axis of symmetry of the parabola. What are the coordinates of the point of intersection, A, of the axis of symmetry and the directrix of the parabola?
Part C

Explain how you can locate the vertex, V, of the parabola with the given focus and directrix. Write the coordinates of the vertex.
Part D

Which way will the parabola open? Explain.
Part E

How can you find the value of p? Is the value of p for your parabola positive or negative? Explain.
Part F

What is the value of p for your parabola?
Part G

Based on your responses to parts C and E above, write the equation of the parabola in vertex form. Show your work.
Part H

Construct the parabola using the parabola tool in GeoGebra. Take a screenshot of your work, save it, and insert the image below.
Part I

Once you have constructed the parabola, use GeoGebra to display its equation. In the space below, rearrange the equation of the parabola shown in GeoGebra, and check whether it matches the equation in the vertex form that you wrote in part G. Show your work.
Part J

To practice writing the equations of vertical parabolas, write the equations of these parabolas in vertex form:

focus at (-5, -3), and directrix y = -6
focus at (10, -4), and directrix y = 6.



Step-by-step explanation:

A. Directrix: y = 4-6 = -2


B. Axis of symmetry: x = 6

Axis of symmetry intersects directrix at (6,-2)


C . Vertex is halfway between focus and directrix, at (6,1)


D. The focus lies above the directrix, so the parabola opens upwards.


E. Focal length p = 1/(4×0.5)


F. p = 0.5


G. y = 0.5(x-6)² + 1


the one above is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

h.We start with a circle and a line that goes through the center of the circle (C) and one vertex of the triangle (E).

Using the point on the line opposite the vertex as a center (D), we draw an arc with the same radius the circle has.

The two points of intersection with the circle are the other two vertices of the inscribed triangle (F, G).

Find the tangent line equations for the given functions at the given point(s): f(x) = tan x + 9 sin x at (π, 0)



[tex]{ \bf{f(x) = \tan x + 9 \sin x }}[/tex]

For gradient, differentiate f(x):

[tex]{ \tt{ \frac{dy}{dx} = { \sec }^{2}x + 9 \cos x }}[/tex]

Substitute for x as π:

[tex]{ \tt{gradient = { \sec }^{2} \pi + 9 \cos(\pi ) }} \\ { \tt{gradient = - 8 }}[/tex]

Gradient of tangent = -8

[tex]{ \bf{y =mx + b }} \\ { \tt{0 = ( - 8\pi) + b}} \\ { \tt{b = 8\pi}} \\ y - intercept = 8\pi[/tex]

Equation of tangent:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{y = - 8x + 8\pi}}}[/tex]

Find the area of the shaded regions: the green is the shaded area




the green area stands for the safe operation space

Step-by-step explanation:

u say b×h meaning say 80degrees ×9cm which is 720..

Solve the following equation for
a. Be sure to take into account whether a letter is capitalized or not.



6/5 n = a

Step-by-step explanation:

n = 5/6a

Multiply each side by 6/5

6/5 n = 6/5 * 5/6a

6/5 n = a

Rachel and Hugo sorted 236 crayons into boxes for a local arts project. Each box had 10 crayons. How many crayons were left over?

Help please lol




Step-by-step explanation:

236/10 = 23 remainder 6, so 6 crayons is the answer

The electric cooperative needs to know the mean household usage of electricity by its non-commercial customers in kWh per day. They would like the estimate to have a maximum error of 0.09 kWh. A previous study found that for an average family the variance is 5.76 kWh and the mean is 16.6 kWh per day. If they are using a 98% level of confidence, how large of a sample is required to estimate the mean usage of electricity



A sample of 3851 is required.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that to find our level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.98}{2} = 0.01[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Z-table as such z has a p-value of .

That is z with a pvalue of , so Z = 2.327.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

Variance is 5.76 kWh

This means that [tex]\sigma = \sqrt{5.76} = 2.4[/tex]

They would like the estimate to have a maximum error of 0.09 kWh. How large of a sample is required to estimate the mean usage of electricity?

This is n for which M = 0.09. So

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.09 = 2.327\frac{2.4}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.09\sqrt{n} = 2.327*2.4[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{n} = \frac{2.327*2.4}{0.09}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (\frac{2.327*2.4}{0.09})^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 3850.6[/tex]

Rounding up:

A sample of 3851 is required.

help me please pls this ur really hard help


c done it on the test

Suppose an airline policy states that all baggage must be​ box-shaped with a sum of​ length, width, and height not exceeding 144 in. What are the dimensions and volume of a​ square-based box with the greatest volume under these​ conditions?



110592 in³

Step-by-step explanation:

Since baggage should take the shape of a box; with the sum of it's dimension not exceeding 144 ;

Dimensions of a box : length, width, height

If ; l + w + h = 144

Greatest volume is obtained when the dimension is equal : such that l = w = h

Hence, each dimension becomes ; 144 / 3 = 48 in

Volume of box = length * width * height

Volume = 48 * 48 * 48

Volume = 48³ = 110592

Which answer choice correctly identifies the extraneous information in the problem?

Anna babysat 2 children on Saturday night. She charges $8 an hour to babysit. She wants to save the money she earns babysitting to buy a stereo system that cost $225. If Nina babysat for 5 hours, how much money did she earn?


Answer: $40 / $80

Step-by-step explanation: 40$ if it's $8 for BOTH per hour, or if it's $8 for ONE per hour it's $80

Use what you know about decomposing fractions to write 11/10 as a mixed number.

Help please :(



11/10 is 1 1/10

Step-by-step explanation:

1 1/10

This is because is we divide 11 by 10 we get 1 1/10, the answer to this question.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

The graph of the parent function f(x) = |x| is dashed and the graph of the transformed function g(x) = |x – h| is solid.

Use the slider to change the value of h. How does changing the value of h affect the vertex?

Positive values of h shift the graph .
Negative values of h shift the graph


9514 1404 393


positive: rightnegative: left

Step-by-step explanation:

In the transformed function f(x-h), the value of h is the right shift of the parent function.

For h positive, shift is to the right.

For h negative, shift is to the left.

Changing the value of h shifts the graph horizontally. Positive values of h shift the graph to the right. Negative values shift left.

Note: there is a minus sign in front while the value of h is positive, i.e. |x - 5| is shifted 5 units to the right, and |x - (-5)| = |x + 5| is shifted 5 units to the left.

which of the following statements must br true about this diagram exterior and interior angles



C: w > y

D: w > x

E: x + y = w

The IQR is used as a measure of variation when the distribution is ----------------.




Step-by-step explanation:

Marquise has 200200200 meters of fencing to build a rectangular garden.
The garden's area (in square meters) as a function of the garden's width xxx (in meters) is modeled by:
+100xA, left parenthesis, x, right parenthesis, equals, minus, x, squared, plus, 100, x


Hence the maximum possible area is 2500 square meters

Given the area of the rectangular garden expressed as;


The maximum area occurs when dA(x)/dx = 0

[tex]\frac{dA(x)}{dx} = -2x + 100\\0= -2x + 100\\ 2x = 100\\x = \frac{100}{2}\\x = 50[/tex]

Next is to get the maximum area possible. Substitute x = 50 into the original function as shown;

[tex]A(50)= -50^2 + 100(50)\\A(50) = -2500+5000\\A(50) = 2500[/tex]

Hence the maximum possible area is 2500 square meters

Learn more here:

2500 square meters

This question was on Khan Academy and I got it correct

Student Engineers Council at an Indiana college has one student representative from each of the five engineering majors (civil, electrical, industrial, materials, and mechanical). Compute how many ways a president, a vice president, and a secretary can be selected.



A president, a vice president, and a secretary can be selected in 60 ways.

Step-by-step explanation:

The order in which the people are chosen is important(first president, second vice president and third secretary), which means that the permutations formula is used to solve this question.

Permutations formula:

The number of possible permutations of x elements from a set of n elements is given by the following formula:

[tex]P_{(n,x)} = \frac{n!}{(n-x)!}[/tex]

In this question:

3 students from a set of 5, so:

[tex]P_{(5,3)} = \frac{5!}{2!} = 5*4*3 = 60[/tex]

A president, a vice president, and a secretary can be selected in 60 ways.

I need help ASAP is anyone available




Step-by-step explanation:

The graph has asymptotes at x = 2 and x = -1 corresponding to the denominator of option C.

Given f(x) = 3sqrt(2x-1).

What is lim f(x)?



[tex]\displaystyle 51[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra I

Terms/CoefficientsFactoringFunctionsFunction Notation

Algebra II

Piecewise functions



Right-Side Limit:                                                                                             [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c^+} f(x)[/tex]

Limit Rule [Variable Direct Substitution]:                                                             [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c} x = c[/tex]

Limit Property [Addition/Subtraction]:                                                                   [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c} [f(x) \pm g(x)] = \lim_{x \to c} f(x) \pm \lim_{x \to c} g(x)[/tex]

Limit Property [Multiplied Constant]:                                                                     [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c} bf(x) = b \lim_{x \to c} f(x)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle f(x) = \left \{ {{3\sqrt{2x - 1}, \ x \leq 2} \atop {6(2x - 1)^2 - 3, \ x > 2}} \right.[/tex]

Step 2: Solve

Substitute in function [Limit]:                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 2^+} 6(2x - 1)^2 - 3[/tex]Factor:                                                                                                           [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 2^+} 3[2(2x - 1)^2 - 1][/tex]Rewrite [Limit Property - Multiplied Constant]:                                           [tex]\displaystyle 3\lim_{x \to 2^+} 2(2x - 1)^2 - 1[/tex]Evaluate [Limit Property - Variable Direct Substitution]:                             [tex]\displaystyle 3[2(2 \cdot 2 - 1)^2 - 1][/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle 51[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Limits

Book: College Calculus 10e

The radius of a sphere is increasing at a rate of 3 mm/s. How fast is the volume increasing when the diameter is 60 mm



The volume is increasing at a rate of 33929.3 cubic millimeters per second.

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of a sphere:

The volume of a sphere of radius r is given by:

[tex]V = \frac{4\pi r^3}{3}[/tex]

In this question:

We have to derivate V and r implicitly in function of time, so:

[tex]\frac{dV}{dt} = 4\pi r^2\frac{dr}{dt}[/tex]

The radius of a sphere is increasing at a rate of 3 mm/s.

This means that [tex]\frac{dr}{dt} = 3[/tex]

How fast is the volume increasing when the diameter is 60 mm?

Radius is half the diameter, so [tex]r = 30[/tex]. We have to find [tex]\frac{dV}{dt}[/tex]. So

[tex]\frac{dV}{dt} = 4\pi r^2\frac{dr}{dt}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{dV}{dt} = 4\pi (30)^2(3) = 33929.3[/tex]

The volume is increasing at a rate of 33929.3 cubic millimeters per second.

Evaluate −3w − 6p for w=2 and p = −7


-3w-6p when w=2 and p=-7


= -6 + 42

= 36



Step-by-step explanation:

-3w-6p when w=2 and p--7

you want to plug in the numbers to their letters


then you want to times the numbers.



Please help due tomorrow



10x8=80 that would be the area for the picture 14x11=154 for the boards area

PLEASE HELP please I need this done now

The total cost of a truck rental, y, for x days, can be modeled by y = 35x + 25.
What is the rate of change for this function?

A- 35$




Step-by-step explanation:

y = 35x+23 is in the form

y = mx+b  where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

The slope can also be called the rate of change

35 is the slope

The answer to the question is A which is 35$

A cable that weighs 6 lb/ft is used to lift 600 lb of coal up a mine shaft 500 ft deep. Find the work done. Show how to approximate the required work by a Riemann sum. (Let x be the distance in feet below the top of the shaft. Enter xi* as xi.)



A cable that weighs 6 lb/ft is used to lift 600 lb of coal up a mine shaft 500 ft deep. Find the work done. Show how to approximate the required work by a Riemann sum.

Step-by-step explanation:

Translate the triangle. Then enter the new coordinates. A(-3, 4) A'([?], [?]) B'([ ], [ ] C([],[]) B(0, 1) C(-4,1)




The new coordinates are [tex]A'(x,y) = (3, 0)[/tex], [tex]B'(x,y) = (6, -3)[/tex] and [tex]C'(x,y) = (2, -3)[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

Vectorially speaking, the translation of a point can be defined by the following expression:

[tex]V'(x,y) = V(x,y) + T(x,y)[/tex] (1)


[tex]V(x,y)[/tex] - Original point.

[tex]V'(x,y)[/tex] - Translated point.

[tex]T(x,y)[/tex] - Translation vector.

If we know that [tex]A(x,y) = (-3,4)[/tex], [tex]B(x,y) = (0,1)[/tex], [tex]C(x,y) = (-4,1)[/tex] and [tex]T(x,y) = (6, -4)[/tex], then the resulting points are:

[tex]A'(x,y) = (-3, 4) + (6, -4)[/tex]

[tex]A'(x,y) = (3, 0)[/tex]

[tex]B'(x,y) = (0,1) + (6, -4)[/tex]

[tex]B'(x,y) = (6, -3)[/tex]

[tex]C'(x,y) = (-4, 1) + (6, -4)[/tex]

[tex]C'(x,y) = (2, -3)[/tex]

The new coordinates are [tex]A'(x,y) = (3, 0)[/tex], [tex]B'(x,y) = (6, -3)[/tex] and [tex]C'(x,y) = (2, -3)[/tex].

A street light is mounted at the top of a 15-ft-tall pole. A man 6 feet tall walks away from the pole with a speed of 5 ft/s along a straight path. How fast (in ft/s) is the tip of his shadow moving when he is 45 feet from the pole



25/3 ft/s

Step-by-step explanation:

Height of pole , h=15 ft

Height of man, h'=6 ft

Let BD=x



All right triangles are similar

When two triangles are similar then the ratio of their corresponding sides are equal.









Differentiate w.r.t t


We have dx/dt=5ft/s

Using the value


Hence, the tip of  his shadow moving  with a speed 25/3 ft/s when he is 45 feet from the pole.


The tip pf the shadow is moving with speed 25/3 ft/s.

Step-by-step explanation:

height of pole = 15 ft

height of man = 6 ft

x = 45 ft

According to the diagram, dx/dt = 5 ft/s.


[tex]\frac{y-x}{y}=\frac{6}{15}\\\\15 y - 15 x = 6 y \\\\y = \frac{5}{3} x\\\\\frac{dy}{dt} = \frac{5}{3}\frac{dx}{dt}\\\\\frac{dy}{dt}=\frac{5}{3}\times 5 =\frac{25}{3} ft/s[/tex]

The combined value of the ages of Mary, Kate and Tom is 26 years. What will be their age in total after 2 years?




Step-by-step explanation:

they will each age two years, 3x2 is 6, add 6 to 26



Step-by-step explanation:

they will each age two years, 3x2 is 6, add 6 to 26

Simplify the expression. 8x^-10 y^'6 -2x^2y^-8 Write your answer without negative exponents.​



[tex]8x^{-10}y^6 - 2x^2y^{-8} = \frac{8y^{14} - 2x^{12}}{x^{10}y^8}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]8x^{-10}y^6 - 2x^2y^{-8}[/tex]



Rewrite as:

[tex]8x^{-10}y^6 - 2x^2y^{-8} = \frac{8y^6}{x^{10}} - \frac{2x^2}{y^8}[/tex]

Take LCM

[tex]8x^{-10}y^6 - 2x^2y^{-8} = \frac{8y^6*y^8 - 2x^2 * x^{10}}{x^{10}y^8}[/tex]

Apply law of indices

[tex]8x^{-10}y^6 - 2x^2y^{-8} = \frac{8y^{14} - 2x^{12}}{x^{10}y^8}[/tex]

Given: F = {(0, 1), (2, 4), (4, 6), (6, 8)} and G = {(2, 5), (4, 7), (5, 8), (6, 9), (7, 5)}

(F + G) (2) =



9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The ordered pair (2, 4) in the relation for function F tells you F(2) = 4.

The ordered pair (2, 5) in the relation for function G tells you G(2) = 5.

Then the sum is ...

  (F+G)(2) = F(2) +G(2) = 4 +5

  (F+G)(2) = 9




In picture.

Step-by-step explanation:

To do this answer, you need to count the boxes up to the mirror line. This will give us the exact place to draw the triangle.

The picture below is the answer.

Other Questions
SMART PPL PLEASE LOOK AT THIS I BEG YOU AND I WILL DO ANYTHING U WANT!! 8. I got my little brother _____ my bedroom for me!A. tidied B. having tidied C. to tidy D. tidy Use the graph below for this question:what is the average rate of change from x = 0 to x = 2?a) 3b) -1c) 2d) -2 Is scented candle harmful to dogs? Second National Bank is considering adding 5 new ATM machines. Each machine costs $25,000 and installation costs are $15,000 per machine. Second National Bank expects the new machines to save $0.33 per transaction on 250,000 transactions per year on the new machines. It also expects the new machines to last for 15 years. If the bank needs to earn 14 percent return on this investment, what is the net present value of this investment?a. $506,729b. $306,729c. $272,269d. $381,729e. $424,228Can you provide a step-by-step process and the functions for a financial calculator Find the least number when divided by 75,125 and 225 Leaves a remainder 6 in each case. draw the structure of iso -pentylpropanoate Two positive charges ( 8.0 mC and 2.0 mC) are separated by 300 m. A third charge is placed at distance r from the 8.0 mC charge in such a way that the resultant electric force on the third charge due to the other two charges is zero. The distance r is What is the slope of the line that contains these points? x- 31, 36,41,46 y- 10,8,6,4 True or False: Synchronized cardioversion is appropriate for treating an unknown wide complex tachycardi Liisi was so eager to join the other kids in Tallinn's town square, she could not stop moving. At 10, she was just old enough to join in the folk dances as the city celebrated JaanipevJohn's Day, or Midsummer's Eve. The June 23 festival always made her giddy with delight, and as her mother finally released her, she gave her a swift hug and flew out the door.The square was just a few blocks away, and Liisi could hear the cheers of the crowd as she raced down the cobblestone streets. As she rounded the last corner and entered the square, the dancing had already begun. She was so glad she had paid attention when her mom taught her the traditional steps. Making her way to the front of the crowd, Liisi's school friends waved to her. She caught up to them just as the band started playing, and they arranged themselves in a line for the next dance. At that moment, Liisi could not imagine ever living anywhere else.1Select the correct answer.Which detail best reflects the historical and cultural setting of the text?A. the folk dancesB. the last cornerC. the band playingD. the cheers of the crowd This star originated the stand your ground laws A) Florida b) Maryland c) California d) Georgia Find the measure of missing angle NEED THIS ASAP HELPPP What traits have people used to unfairly judge your character? Check any that apply.where I livewhere I shopwhat I wearthe color or style of my hairthe technology I own the technology I do not own What is cube root 16y^4/x^6in simplest form? Needs 20 characters even though the picture says it all. Daphne has a rope that is 60 meters long. She wants to use it to mark the boundary of a circle whose radius is an integer. What's the largest possible radius for her circle, in meters? Why is the following sentence a compound-complex sentence?I can't believe that the school year is almost over, and I have so much to get finished, but I know that everything always gets done.1.)It has at least two independent clauses.2.)It has one independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses.3.)It is not compound-complex.4.)It has at least one subject and one predicate.5.)It has two or more independent clauses and one or more subordinate clauses. What is the x- intercept y =2x^2-8x+6?