thw degree to which the surface of an object seems to have a particular file is referred as an off


Answer 1


Explain it a bit more and show us what answers you have to do.


Related Questions

I need help with questions 1 , 2 , 3 and 4. This is for music it’s due tomorrow please help!


Vas happenin!!!
Hope your day or night is going well
The first one is whole notes all you have to do is draw circles sick of them

2. The space whole draw them in between the two lines and draw six of them

3. G, F, A, G, B, A, C , D, F , C , E, D, F
4. B, A, C, B, D, C, E, D, F, E, G, F, F

Hope this helps *smiles*
Sorry if any of this is wrong I tried

when was the Mona Lisa first Made ​



it was painted between 1503 and 1519 it now hangs in the Louvre Museum

What characterizes tempera paintings?

A. their brilliance and gloss (not correct)
B. their flat, matte finish
C. their secular subjects
for Plato ​




B. their flat, matte finish

Certain forms of body art are expressed and interpreted differently by different cultures. Detail a form of body art that has different interpretations in different cultures, and explain why it is interpreted differently.


In the Sepik tribe in New Guinea scarification is an initiation rite for young men. They slice the mens’ chest, back, and buttocks with a bamboo edge to test their strength and self-discipline. The Sepik tribe believe that crocodiles created the humans, and the scars in their scarification represent teeth marks of the crocodile that “swallowed” the young man during the ceremony. Scarification in the West is growing in popularity, as a way for young people to stand out and be ‘different’.   In some African and Asian cultures a long neck is seen as the ideal of beauty, and to achieve this ideal they use neck rings to stretch their necks. Neck rings are a number of spiral coils that are added on gradually to stretch the neck, and put weight on the shoulder blades to make them deform causing the illusion of a longer neck.Aboriginal body painting or art and personal ornamentation is an ancient tradition which carries deep spiritual significance for the Australian Indigenous People. Their cultural rituals including body painting differ between Aboriginal Tribes and topographic location. It is related to spiritual matters and is very creative in character. The specific designs and motifs used by the Aboriginals reveal their relationships to their family group, social position, tribe, precise ancestors, totemic fauna and tracts of land. There are very strict guidelines to how the body painting and adornment is carried out and an Aboriginal person is not allowed to just use any motives or adornment in their transformation. They must follow traditional, respected patterns. The person adorned with the body paint often takes on the spiritual part of their ancestor dancing, immersed in their character.

When notes are written on a line of the staff, that line must go through the _______ of the note


Jus look and the answer above

introduction to art history and criticism


Art history is the study of objects whereas criticism is the disapproval of something.

Art history is the study of objects and materials created by different cultures that were present around the world in history. These arts are used by the people for their daily usage which is a true form of art while on the other hand, Criticism is the expression of disapproval of something on the basis of mistakes in it or Criticism is the skills acquire to write analytically and teaches readers how to think critically about the world. It is also creates awareness about cultural values, and ideas on which all people depend on it.

What have studies of demographics and income revealed?

Question 13 options:

A Women and men are paid about the same for doing the same work.

B Wages are high when demand for a job's services are high and when the supply of labor for that job is low.

C Race does not appear to play a role in the average wage rate.

D The level of a person's education is a poor indicator of his or her likely lifetime earnings.



I would assume B?

The studies of demographics and income revealed that Wages are high when the demand for a job's services is high and when the supply of labor for that job is low. Thus, option B is correct.

What is income?

Income can be termed as the amount that a person receives after doing some sort of job, selling a product, or rendering services. Income can be earned with jobs, investments, from any schemes, or return on investments.

The study of Geographic and income revealed that the income that is earned will be depending on the place where the demand is very high for the person to do the job and the wages will also be high as there are not enough people to do the job.

As in a particular area, there are fewer people and requirement of the job is there than they will be willing to pay you more amount. Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about income, here:


Which of the following people or businesses may benefit indirectly from a theatrical production?

Grocery stores near the theater
Restaurants near the theater
Paid actors in the production
Town’s tax collector



resturant near theater

The Florentine Camerata can best be described as:
A. the founders of opera.
B. coloratura singing.
C. Italian chamber music.
D. an opera house in Florence.


I think the answer is D


Founders of opera


A life-like painting of a turkey walking on dirt with foliage behind it.

Which of the following statements best describes James Audubon’s intentions when he painted, Wild Turkey?



u didn't include the statements tho

Write a brief letter to a composer as if you were in the 1800's asking them to compose music for you as an elitist. Add the type of music you'd like composed as well as living and expenses.



I can´t acually write a letter for you, but here are some tips!


- Look at text from the 1800ś to identify how they wrote

- Brainstorm about what music you´d like composed

- Research composers from the 1800ś time era

Hope this helps!

Yiyi's favorite kind of comedy is the kind that wasn't supposed to be funny in the first place. What kind of film does Yiyi love most

A. slapstick comedy
B. campy comedy
C. situation comedy
D. physical comedy


C because situation comedy was never supposed to be funny but yiyi loves it
I think it would be C. Situation comedy

Hola como amanecieron yo acabo de llegar del bar me quede dormida en el bar pero con amigos jajajajajajajajaja


yo amaneci bien y tu... :D


eso es gracioso, me desperté de alguna manera en el suelo jajaja

Which sculpture process is additive
which is subtractive?


Additive sculpture means that materials are built up to create the sculpture's form. Subtractive sculpture means the artist starts with a larger piece of material and removes some of it until only the desired form remains.

This editorial is written from the perspective of a person who believes A.A new product should be reviewed by a panel of workers. A. a new product should be reviewed by a panel of workers. B.Consumers have a responsibility to research product safety. B. consumers have a responsibility to research product safety. C.A government agency is more reliable than most businesses. C. a government agency is more reliable than most businesses. D.Businesses need freedom in order to improve their products. D. businesses need freedom in order to improve their products.



A. a new product should be reviewed by panel of workers.


Whenever a company launches a new product then it should be reviewed by different workers who must inspect the quality of the product before the product is made available in the market to the consumers. It is business responsibility to research the product affects carefully and if there is any potential for negative impact or side effect of the product then it should withdraw the product from the market immediately.

Can someone give me a song/piece of music that empowers you- one that makes you think you can do anything and explain in 3-5 sentences why it does?



Uhm….ig a song called “Stand out fit in” by one Ok rock i think thats the artist


I can’t relly describe why but if you

listen to the song then it could describe why I feel like that. Sorry if this is no help


Express yourself - Madonna


The song's lyrics directly address women and urge them to not settle for men who don't treat them like the queens that they are.

in your opinion do toji fushigoro and mugumi fushigoro look alike?​



I mean, sorta, yeah.

Kinda I guess so …….,,

Describe the assembly process and list five possible materials suitable for use in an assemblage.



Fine art is used to creat beauty and pleasure while looking at the art. However, applied art is aesthetic and used to perform a specific duty.

Candy wrappers, water bottles, cans, bird nests, and trash bins


Did as best as I could.

∛if a sprinkler waters 1 over 8 of a lawn in 1 over 2 hour, how much time will it take to water the entire lawn?

2 hours

4 hours

10 hours

16 hours


I’m pretty sure it’s 4 hours..

Hope this helps..

Explore the life and works of a favorite artist.Choose an artist whose work you find interesting describing the artist, his or her life, the time period, the medium in which he or she worked and one or two works You may want to peruse art books to find an artist, or you may want to choose one of the artists whose works you have seen in this lesson and look him or her up on the Internet.



I hope this helps


How is a barrel vault constructed?
Why were buildings constructed with barrel vaults dark and
gloomy inside?


A barrel vault is a continuous arched shape that may approximate a semi-cylinder in form, resembling the roof of a tunnel. It is formed by a series of arches or vaults placed side by side or by a continuous shell

Builders were reluctant to pierce the thick walls of vaulted buildings with windows,they feared that the openings would weaken the vault

Arjun wants to hear some pop musicians who were famous from the 1970s. Who BEST represents music from this decade?





what is photosynthesis?




The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.


Hey there!

Photosynthesis is the reaction that converts light energy to chemical energy in sugar and carbohydrates. Humans can't eat sunlight, so we eat plants. Plants convert the energy in the sunlight into chemical energy using chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a molecule produced by plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, which aids in the conversion of light energy into chemical bonds. It is the green pigment found in the chloroplasts of higher plants. They are a part of our ecosystem, and they are lower on the food chain.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day! :)

Why are there so many young people sick abroad? I can't understand the routine of the media playing a double role with the government. I can't believe in the free media. Which media is not the capital behind? What capital is not profit-seeking? The US government is doing evil and the media is exposing a tiny fraction of it. It's just a show for the American people. An epidemic, 700,000 dead, 40 million infected, the world of evil, which media dare to expose?


Answer:I honestly don’t think we’ll ever het an answer to this question

Explanation: it’s just such a complex topic


bro facts


What's the meaning of Gokyo -no-Waza in Judo game? And also Ippon in judo game​



1. Ippon: A full throw in which a contestant throws his opponent to the mat with "considerable force and speed" so the opponent lands "largely on his back." An ippon is also awarded when a contestant immobilizes his opponent with a grappling hold-down for 20 seconds, or when an opponent gives up or passes out.

me gustan los pingüinos y aquel que diga lo contrario odia bañarse





gracias por los puntos


Venus de' Medici. 3rd century BCE. Marble. Height 5.
The Greeks regarded art as a way to glimpse the ideal, as this sculpture shows.
Where do we get our visions of the ideal today? From art, or some other realm?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Indeed, the Greeks regarded art as a way to glimpse the ideal, as this sculpture shows. Venus de Medici. 3rd century BCE. Marble.

Where do we get our visions of the ideal today? From art, or some other realm?

The reality is that modern society is not as refined as Greeks or Romans were.

I consider that modern society has lost touch with the true meaning of art. People are so exposed to mass media content through television or social media, where they broadcast simple things.

Marketing and advertising have created models for what beauty is, what is the ideal size for women, the stereotyped man of women. And that is not art. That is marketing trying to sell and manipulate people in order to generate more consumption.

That is where people get their vision today.

Often, and just a few people, like to visit a museum to admire pieces of art, sculptures, or paintings.

It seems that people prefer what is conventional, what is common, and what corporations want to impose through advertising.  

Look at this painting by Claude Monet. What makes it an impressionist painting?


D. There are a lot of colors in the picture

En este mes, nuestro Perú cumple 199 años de independencia, estamos a un año del bicentenario, por ello es muy importante refl exionar, tomar acción y comprometernos con el Perú. Una forma es asumiendo nuestras responsabilidades frente al efecto invernadero.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

En este mes, nuestro Perú cumple 199 años de independencia, estamos a un año del bicentenario, por ello es muy importante reflexionar, tomar acción y comprometernos con el Perú. Una forma es asumiendo nuestras responsabilidades frente al efecto invernadero.

Y para que realmente tomemos conciencia de la difícil situación ambiental, es muy importante que nos comprometamos a cuidar el medio ambiente que ya está muy contaminado con gases y bióxido de carbono que resulta de las gasolinas y combustibles, siendo éstos una causa del efecto invernadero y del cambio climático.

Desafortunadamente, mucha gente aquí en Perú no es cuidadosa o no le interesa cuidar el medio ambiente. Ellos tiran basura en la calle, usan mucho el automóvil y contaminan el aire. Las grandes industrias también contaminan el aire, los ríos, lagos, y mares.

Tampoco hay muchos programas o leyes del gobierno que busquen menguar los efectos de la contaminación. Sin embargo, sus consecuencias son destructivas en animales, plantas, bosques y ecosistemas.

Sin duda, como parte de los festejos del bicentenario del Perú, debemos incluir un programa en los medios de comunicación que nos recuerde que si contaminamos nuestras tierras y nuestros mares, no sólo Perú, sino todo el mundo, tendrá un futuro incierto y quizá no lleguemos a festejar los 300 años de independencia.

was a piece of art, and not a kitchen The court case Constantin Brancusi v. United States determined that utensil as U.S. customs believed it to be. Wild Turkey C. Pigeon Stance b. Birds in Flight d. Bird in Space a. ​



birds in flight and birds in space


The answer would be "D", the option should say "Bird in Space".


I took the test just earlier, got it right. Sorry it ain't much of an explanation.

Hope this helps.

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