"To employ" means to........
A.borrow B. buy C. hire D.work


Answer 1
Employment means your hired so C.Hire

Related Questions

Thousands of years ago life was hard as people had to do all the work by themselves. A large number of people would travel from one place to another in search of food and shelter. While travelling one day, a man arrived at the edge of a desert. He was walking in the sands, when he came across a strange creature – it had extremely long, thin legs, a giant hump and a long neck. The following day, he met the creature again. The creature was putting its long neck into the lake and drinking water continuously. 2. In the following weeks, the man saw more such creatures, again and again. It seemed they were all over the desert, aimlessly walking about for miles. The man began to observe the creatures very closely. He saw that they were remarkably meek and gentle. They could walk around the desert without being exhausted. The man thought he would tame the creature and make it ferry all his stuff. 3. So one day, while one of the creatures was dozing, the man went up to it and put a bridle in its mouth. Then he rode around on it after placing an enormous amount of load on its back. With this the taming of the animal was complete, and ever since then, the camel lived up to its title “Ship of the Desert”.

Two qualities of the camel that led to the taming of the camel are: *​





Nr. 2 and 4 are the right answers.

More explanation needed?

Choose the most appropriate phrase/word for the blank space in the following sentence. Choose as many answers as are correct.

The figure is twice as _______ as Germany’s annual budget.



The figure is twice as large as Germany's annual budget.

The figure is twice is much as Germany's annual budget.

large is the first sentence and much is for the second

how does irrigation generate employment in the society and boost the national economy of a country ​



Kindly check explanation


Irrigation refers to an artificial means of getting land and crops watered by leveraging water supply from rivers, and dams through distribution channels. Irrigation thus ensures that crops and land gets constant supply of water to aid growth even when natural sources of supply (Rainfall) cease or becomes insufficient. With enhanced irrigation scheme, the agricultural sector will be able to challenge and tackle posed by erratic and uneven rainfall distribution which mostly hampers the efficient crop growth and the appealing nature of the agricultural sector.

With reliable irrigation scheme in place , the fear of being struck by huge loss resulting from unavoidable and low Rainfall supply is eliminated as farmers, horticulturist can result to the use of of these artifical watering systems. This will appeal to investors who may decide to invest in the sector which has been on the decline in most countries thereby providing jobs and employment opportunities.

With a good and potent irrigation system, there will be a boost in the agricultural sector, this means a probable rise in food and cash crop production meaning the nation would have successfully developed another major of the economy capable of providing good return internally and even greater return on export basis.


Irrigation change barren land into cultivable lands.


Irrigation makes a barren land into a fertile land on which crops can be cultivated. Farming of crops needs water which is provided by irrigation. Due to irrigation, more farming can be done on barren lands that needs more labour to work in the field so due to this irrigation employment is available for the people. More farming on lands produce huge quantity of raw materials which can be used in making more products or directly sold to other countries that increases economy of the country.

What are the word comes in your mind, when you hear the word psychology?





lol totally not even about the question i think

When I think of phsychology, I think of a person that's a psycho being treated.

Why is it important to know where pots will be kept ?

Note :- please copy and write answers from other websites, I need your own answers...


So that you don’t trip and fall. So that you can relax your eyes by wanting them grow. So that you can get surrounded by the pretty view.

What does a claim of policy argue?
O A. Whether or not a specific action should take place
O B. Whether something is morally right or wrong
C. Whether one thing causes another to happen
D. Whether something is an accepted fact or not



This answer is A


A- Whether or not a specific action should take place

1. He failed in the election just because he ___________ his opponent.





He failed in the election just because he underestimated his otonent

Underestimated, he underestimated his opponent

"America could have bombed India if India didn't Ally with it"

Change it into Question​


Could America have bombed India if India didn’t ally with it

When editing a creative text for grammar and punctuation, what should be the two main reasons for making changes?
for clarity and accuracy
for clarity and emphasis
for correctness and to impress a teacher
for accuracy and to show line breaks


The two most important reasons for changing grammar and punctuation are "clarity" and "emphasis." So, option (B) or (II) is the correct answer.  

Why do you need grammatical changes?

Grammatical change is the evolution of a language's grammatical features over time.

Using poor grammar can make phrases meaningless and the message unclear, which can lead to a communication partner's misinterpretation.

Correct language makes it easier for others to grasp what you're saying and can make the communication process more enjoyable.

Check out the link below to learn more about grammatical changes;




"for clarity and emphasis" (B)


Persuasive essay on how bad Jacks conflict with nature is in “to build a fire”



ye ssir of course


mishas nurse was attending his every need, expected and unexpected. is the nurse willfully ignoring misha ?



It depends. If Mishas' situation is serious and in an emergency situation, and if that's why the nurse is attending to Mishas' every need, then the nurse is not willfully ignoring Misha.


Situation A is the nurse might actually be genuine, and situation B is the fact that the nurse might be willfully ignoring Misha either it's because the nurse has a favourite between the two, or the nurse wants to reduce the 'workload' but not every nurse is like this.

who were in the second team​



Maybe we can answer if you give us a passage.

(a)State and explain any two activities that you will do to gather

information about the topic you want to write about​



Hide and seek art and drawing

Rewrite the following sentences into passive:
1. The world uses fossil fuels as the main source of energy.
2. I cannot do this project. It is impossible.
3. Germany has produced over 1 million cars this year,
4. They are building a new hospital in the area.
5. We must find a solution for the power shortage



hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Let me think about it

Is it ok to use “ at the end, I think it’s okay to......”
instead of “in the end, I think it’s okay to....”
I feel like it’s fine but I could be wrong

(Keep in mind I’m writing an essay)



I would say in the end, I think it is ok because it doesn't make you seem like a robot


if this helps pizza brainlist

its in the end i think at the end is like more common for a conversation in person

Why is the consideration of a larger imagined audience so important when writing, if in reality it is likely that your professor may be the only person reading this essay? Why is it not enough for us to simply state our opinions and be done with it?
Who is your target audience for this week’s essay? How do they think? What needs, challenges, or frustrations do they have?
How does your proposed policy help people?
What makes your proposal feasible (in other words, affordable, realistic, or practical)? And if it is feasible, why do you think this policy is not already in place?


Hi. Some of these questions require a personal answer, which is created by you based on your own opinions. In that case, I'll introduce you to answers that can be used as a template for you to create your own answers. I hope this is helpful.

1. It is important to imagine a larger audience when writing, to stimulate your writing skills and present arguments and ideas to people of different minds. This variety of thoughts allows you to prepare your arguments well and find efficient ways to justify them.

2. Because our opinions need to be substantiated by elements that everyone can see, to be considered true. An opinion that is not proven, cannot be considered correct, because it is created without the analysis of facts and evidence, presenting only the perception of its author and this cannot be considered correct.

3. The target audience refers to the audience you want to reach with your essay, that is, what types of people do you want to read and understand the arguments you are presenting in this text and why it is important that this type of person read your text. Also, you must imagine how this text is relevant to these people and how they are helped by it.

4. You must observe how the proposal you present in the text is possible to happen and how it can improve a community or population. However, even though it is a proposal that can be implemented, it does not happen and you should think about the reasons why it does not happen. These reasons can be political, economic, social, environmental, among others.

John's company has been successful for the past 5 years. Reported profits have been rising each
year, with 2018 being the strongest year yet. To celebrate, John treated his staff to a meal at a s-
star restaurant in the city.
1. John is rich
2. John's staff are happy.
3. John's company performed well in 2017.





For the past 5 years John company has see a big rise in profits. especially in 2018 was there strongest year of profit

8. Carbohydrates are found in a) rice b) carrot c) lemon d) pulses.​





Rice is also a starch. That's why doctors will tell you if you are a diabetic to stay away from carbs. Pasta, Bread, Rice are carbohydrates.

The way a writer writes is referred to as the



first they will give a introduction about that topic

then they explain the topics.

At last they write the summary about that topic s

He said to me,"I will help you with you English" change to indirect speech​



He told he will help me with english.

Ben (eat)
breakfast at 6:00 every morning.



Ben ate breakfast at 6:00 every mor ning


what makes you unique



Hope it helps plz mark me Brainliest...!!!


To be a unique person means that you are one of a kind and no other person is exactly like you. They will appear differently on each person and you will have a unique appearance. Identical twins may look exactly alike but they will be their own person in mannerisms, temperament, intelligence, etc.

To be unique means to be different from everyone else. Everyone is different or unique in their own way. For example some people have brown eyes and some people have blue eyes or some people have Long hair or some people have short hair.

George came to this country a year ago
(Ask about a year)



George came to this country a year ago (Ask about a year). 2. See answers. Log in to add comment. hdsgjrg is waiting for your help.

Ms Alvarez wants to determine the seventh graders'
preferences for the location of the end-of-year field
trip. Which of the samples is representative of the
a) all students in Ms. Alvarez's fifth-period class
b) all students in Ms. Alvarez's advisory group
c) every third student from an alphabetical list of all
students in the entire school district
d) every fifth student from an alphabetical list of all
seventh graders in the school



The answer is:


B) All students in Ms. Alvarez's advisory group.


It is because the children of the advisory group have already been selected, which means that it is up to them to decide.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Which sentence in the passage most clearly uses parallelism?
(1) The sun was not the farmers' friend today. (2) It came
to oppress, to punish, to scorch. (3) Each time the tillers of
the soil looked up, the sun glared back. (4) It invited them
into a staring contest it knew it would win, and the farmers
that day could never forget the invitation was there.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
O D. 1


The correct answer is 2. It came to oppress, to punish, to scorch.


Parallelism is a literary figure that consists of the repetition of the same structure several times in the same sentence, making small changes to it. According to the above, the sentence of the passage that uses parallelism is 2. "It came to oppress, to punish, to scorch" because it repeats the word "to" several times and changes the verb that follows it.

A semicolon can replace what part of speech?
A. Articles
B. Verbs
C. Conjunctions
D. Prepositions





For example, if we have a run-on sentence can be fixed by using a conjunction or a semicolon.

-using a conjunction

Hanna enjoys playing tennis, so she goes to the tennis court every weekend.  

-using a semicolon

Hanna enjoys playing tennis; she goes to the tennis court every weekend.

My boss ___ John for lunch on Sunday to discuss the new product. (meet) *
A. meets
B. is meeting
C. met
D. was meeting



The answer is, (is meeting)


this is the answer


its B

met and was meeting are pass tens

and meets sounds like multiple times but its one sunday

What does it mean bedside baptist????


Also known as Pillow Presbyterian, this church is one that you attend in your dreams. Members of Bedside Baptist may be labeled as heathens by members of other denominations.

Suppose, you are a student of 2nd semester, CSE. Your batch want to arrange an initiation ceremony for the freshers of the department. Now, write an application to the proper authority seeking permission to arrange this ceremony by justifying your stance.



Application for seeking permission to arrange an initiation ceremony for the department's freshers.





ABC College

12 March 2014

Subject: Permission to arrange an initiation ceremony for the department's freshers.

Respected Sir,

With the start of the new session, we, the department of CSE would like to organize the annual initiation ceremony for the new students. And for that, we would like to ask for your permission to allow us to hold the event.

So, it is our humble request that you please kindly allow us to organize the said event for the freshers.

Thanking you.



President of the Student Union.

CSE Dept.

20 points options below

when my dads words truly sunk

When I gathered the courage to try beets for the first time

And I remember the moment the clearly now as the day it happened

At Atwood’s cafe when I sat at a table for two near the door


B make the most sense
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