Tobacco farming was labor-intensive, so the Virginia colony's economy developed a need for African slaves. True or false


Answer 1




Answer 2

Tobacco Farming developed need for African slaves is True.

Relation between Tobacco Farming and Rise in Slave Trade:

The Tobacco farming developed need for African Slaves because

Tobacco planters usually relied on enslaved people to help work the fields. Each additional worker could cultivate about three acres of tobacco.There is a relationship between the price of tobacco and the number of slaves imported. As the price of tobacco increases, the number of slaves imported also increases.It was a labor-intensive crop, and demand for it in England and Europe increased, this led to the importation of African slaves in to the tobacco farming.

Therefore, the given statement that Tobacco farming was labor-intensive, and it developed a need for African slaves is TRUE.

Learn More about history of slave trade:

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Answer to the following question is as follows;


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I think that we would have yes, the Civil war was mainly about freeing the slaves in the south, witch was pro slavery do to all the farms and plantations, the north was anti slavery, they had more factories witch worked for women and children.

Long story short yes

By the end of the 1800s, France was a:


b.military dictatorship.

c.hereditary monarchy.

d.province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


military dictatorship
The answer is b. military dictatorship

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The assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the processing stage of the system theory is empty rhetoric. Discuss​



The assertation is valid since systems theory classifies processes by assessing interdependence and interlinks among accounts and systems for the nature of open systems which interrelate with their vicinities. It should be noted that systems are influenced by a vicinity, thus non-formal institutions by playing a role in the formation of a complex whole.


URGENT!! Will mark!
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The Cold War originated from ideological differences. While communist nations and industrialized capitalist nations competed in both technological and political superiority, both nationalistic tones appeared, creating differences leading to the brink of a war without combat

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The act, state or right of possessing something.


Hope it will help u

The definition of ownership is the right to possess land or goods. Explanation: Ownership refers to the ultimate and exclusive rights and control over property that have been conferred by a lawful claim or title.

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1.An anthropologist
2.An archaeologist
3.A geographer





3 A geographer is thw correct answer

How did
the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 limit the power of the monarchy?
O It prevented monarchs from instituting religious law.
O It prevented monarchs from conducting their own trials.
• It prevented monarchs from influencing the courts.
O It prevented monarchs from having opponents arrested.



Third choice


Monarchs didn't have that much influence anymore

Which journalist is correctly linked to the proper subject?
O Jacob Riis-political corruption in cities
Olda Tarbell-living conditions of immigrants
O Upton Sinclair-the handling of food products
O Lincoln Steffens-dealings of the Standard Oil Company


Upton Sinclair- The handling of food products is the journalist correctly linked to the proper subject.

Upton Sinclair was an American writer who was noted for his extensive career that allowed him to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize.

A remarkable fact of his career as a writer is that in 1904, Fred Warren (editor of the socialist newspaper Appeal to Reason) asked him to write a report on the bad practices of the food industry. Sinclair agreed, but later his report became the novel The Jungle, an unprecedented bestseller that made an impact in the United States and other countries.

As a result of the impact caused by this novel, in 1906 the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act were approved to improve food handling practices in the United States.

According to the above, the correct answer is C. In addition, options A, B, and D are not correct because they refer to writers and publications that have no relationship.

Learn more in:


Upton Sinclair- The handling of food products


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King's use of repetition in the excerpt stresses his desire for political power.

According to the original Constitution,
Group of answer choices

slavery would end after 1808

all states were required to return runaway slaves to their slave owners

no tariffs would be allowed on the importation slaves

all of the above

none of the above


The correct answer to this open question is "none of the above."

The original Constitution was the Articles of Confederation. This was the first Constitution of the United States and was adopted in 1781. It really served as the basis of the first form of government in the United States, although it has many disadvantages, basically for the central government.

Indeed, the Articles of Confederation did not say anything about slavery. So under teh Articles, each state had the power to regulate slavery.

Due to some problems that threatened the government such as teh Shay's Rebellion, delegates decided to meet at the Constitutional Convention in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the summer of 1787. THere, Federalists like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton debated with Antifederalists like Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams about the kind of government needed for the new nation.

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Duterte's bold statements

September 30, 2016

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is known for speaking out loud what many consider unspeakable.

But his loud speech and criminal record made him popular with many Filipinos.

Here are some of his controversial statements :

-Praise Hitler

-insult the United States.......


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Plant life


John Muir was a researcher of plants.

Identify Corwin's intended audience. Why do you think Corwin addresses this particular audience?

Corwin states that there will be an immediate consequence for the United States if it continues its war against Mexico. What does Corwin say is the immediate consequence?

Corwin states that the immediate consequence of the Mexican war will produce an "internal commotion" in the United States. Summarize what this "internal commotion" is and how it will bring the United States into a "collision point."


Corvins intended audience is the president of the United States. The reason he made this address to this president is because as president he had the powers to send troops to war.

Another reason is because the president could get popular vote from the senate on why the US should not go into war with Mexico.

The immediate consequences of the war would be the excessive loss of lives. Another consequence is the loss of resources or money in the war.

The internal commotion would be territorial issues and issues that had to do with slavery. He felt that when the US conquers the new territory, those moving into the new territories would do so with the slaves that they  owned.

The point of collision would come up due to domestic arguments back home in the US. That is, if the area should be slave free, if it should be a slave territory or if slavery should be abolished all together. This might lead to civil unrest back in the United States

In summary Corwin was trying to send a message across to the president that going to this war was a bad idea for the US.


What is the freedom of press?



The press has the right to gather and report of public affairs


freedom of press is the right to report news or circulate opinion without getting approval from the government

The last answer is correct

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

From 1871 until 1921, where did most immigrants coming to the United States come
O Eastern Europe and South America
O Southern Europe and Africa
Western Europe and South America
Northern Europe, China, and Japan



eastern and southern Europe


Question 6
2 pts
What are potential arguments against the electoral college? (Select all that apply)
the state by state set-up of the college, in the modern era, leads to states that are safe wins for one party,
leaving a handful of states that get all the attention
small states are over-represented in the electoral college
members of Congress can override the electoral college with a 2/3 vote in the Senate
its outcomes can differ from the outcome of actual citizen voting (also known as the national popular vote)



winner take all system makes it possible for a candidate who loses the popular vote to win the electoral vote.


Hope this helps!

Do you know this it is for social studies


an encyclopaedic entry as it was not taken from the actual event and is only ABOUT the event

What are some long-term effects in the slaughterhouse cases



Slaughterhouse Cases


, in American history, legal dispute that resulted in a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1873 limiting the protection of the privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

What religious group dominated the middle colonies?
A. None; it had a very diverse religious population.
O B. Quakers
C. Catholics
D. Puritans



A. none it had a very diverse religious population


my explanation is that it had a lot of religions it had the Quakers it had Jewish people and many more making one religion dominant really hard to do.

which idea is a fundemental principle of the articles of confederation



I think this answer of this question is very easy. If it is not right answer . you will tell me.


A guiding principle of the Articles was to preserve the independence and sovereignty of the states. The weak central government established by the Articles received only those powers which the former colonies had recognized as belonging to king and parliament.


The sovereignty and independence of the states is a basic element of the Articles of Confederation. It established each state in America as a separate entity bound together by mutual agreement.


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