Traits can also be
, which means they can be masked


Answer 1


is that a question?


Related Questions

7. You and your lab partner are doing an experiment in the physiology lab. Each of you has an isolated muscle cell and you are supposed to stimulate it with an electrode as soon as its absolute refractory period ends. Your partner has a cardiac muscle cell and you have a skeletal muscle cell. Which one of you will use your electrode more times in one minute


Answer: I will use the electrode on the skeletal muscle cell more times in a minute than my partner will.


Based on the information given, an electromyograph tracing can be used on order to know when to use the electrode for the scenario explained.

An electromyograph is simply a machine that is used for the detection and the recording of the electrical potential that's been generated by muscle cells when such muscle cells are activated.

Due to the fact that a skeletal muscle cell while my partner has a cardiac muscle cell, I'll have to use the electrode on the skeletal muscle cell more times in a minute than my partner will.

plants make glucose using energy from the sun and two molecules. which two molecules do they use ?


Plants convert energy from sunlight into sugar in a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis uses energy from light to convert water and carbon dioxide molecules into glucose (sugar molecule) and oxygen (Figure 2).

Which picture shows how an organism uses parental care to ensure the
continuation of its species?


1 picture which picture shows how an organism uses parental care to ensure the continuation of its species ?

B pictures lamo



Please Mark me brainliest

a small ball has a volume of 17 ml and a mass of 39 g. what is the density of the ball



The right answer is "2.30 g/ml".




= 17 ml


= 39 g


The density will be:

= [tex]\frac{Mass}{Volume}[/tex]

By substituting the values, we get

= [tex]\frac{39}{17}[/tex]

= [tex]2.30 \ g/ml[/tex]

easy biology question below first correct answer gets brainliest


A reaction at equilibrium has unchanging observable properties. However, a reaction doesn't stop when it reaches equilibrium. It just looks like it has stopped.
forwardreverse.gif (354 bytes)Instead, it continues, but it goes just as fast in the direction from reactants to products (the forward direction), as it does from products to reactants (the reverse direction). Understanding equilibrium requires an understanding of reaction rates

Answer fast pleAse i really need the help



Due to different reproduction methods.


Organisms from eubacteria, plantae and animal kingdom are used different reproductive strategies which leads to genetic diversity. Bacteria use asexual reproduction which produces identical offspring while on the other hand, plants and animals use sexual reproduction that produces offspring that is different from plants which leads to variation in the organism so that's why we can say that different reproductive strategies is responsible for genetic diversity.

help asap if possible!

what were the four key concepts of Darwin's theory of natural selection?

then explain how Lamarck's theory was different and why it got rejected over time?


i only know the answer to the first one. the four key concepts are variation in each human, inheritance is passed down from generation to generation, that more offspring are produced than what the world can support, and survival of the fittest, i believe

Describe the phases of mitosis and meiosis that are similar. What happens in these phases?


Mitosis and meiosis experience both the same process. Their step by step phases are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. What can happen is DNA replication & condensetion
Aside from these two distinct purposes, both mitosis and meiosis occur in multiple stages during which the same general things happen: DNA replication and condensation, nuclear membrane degradation, spindle formation, chromosomal segregation and nuclear reformation.

which example best shows that the chemisty of water is helpful to plants​


yea same the answer above is correct

what is photosynthesis​



Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy by plants and other creatures, which is subsequently released to fuel the organism's metabolic activities through cellular respiration.


Hope it helps...

Have a great day!!


the process by which the green plants use cardboard dioxide and water in the presence of Sunlight and chlorophyll to simple carbohydrates and release oxygen is called photosynthesis

All wrong answers will be deleted and reported. Plz give me the right answer!! Meningitis causes inflammation of the:

b.)digestive tract
c.)respiratory system
d.)brain and spinal column

TY for your help


The answer is D.

Inflammation of the fluid and membranes surrounding your brain and spinal column.


Inflammation of the fluid and membranes surrounding your brain and spinal column.


Someone please help, the question is down below





AGU and AGC are the two codons that code for the amino acid, Serine. These codons are made of three nucleotides, thus they have a triplet nature. AGU that code for serine is made of Adenine, Guanine and Uracil joined together, carried on the messenger RNA to be added to the growing polypeptide chain

Jaleel and Lisa are simplifying the expression 2 (x minus 2) + 2 as shown. Jaleel's Method 2 (x minus 2) + 2 = 2 x minus 4 + 2 = 2 x minus 2 Lisa's Method 2 (x minus 2) + 2 = 2 x minus 2 + 2 = 2 x



Jaleel is correct



[tex]2(x - 2) + 2[/tex]


[tex]2(x - 2) + 2 = 2x - 4 + 2 = 2x - 2[/tex]


[tex]2(x - 2) + 2 = 2x - 2 + 2 = 2x[/tex]


Who is correct

Analyzing the solutions

For, Jaleel; we have:

[tex]2(x - 2) + 2 = 2x - 4 +2[/tex] --- this is correct

[tex]2(x - 2) + 2 = 2x - 2[/tex] --- this is correct

For Lisa, we have:

[tex]2(x - 2) + 2 = 2x - 2+2[/tex] --- this is incorrect because:

[tex]2(x - 2) + 2 \ne 2x - 2+2[/tex]

Hence, Jaleel is correct




What does it mean to analyze data?


Data exploration
Biological analysis approaches produce comprehensive, high-level summaries of the biology most significantly affected in an experiment. These can include molecular networks, disease processes and biological pathways.

I think this the answer


The process of examining, cleaning, converting, and modeling data with the purpose of uncovering relevant information, informing conclusions, and assisting decision-making is known as data analysis.


Here is a food web:

Which of these correctly describes what the arrow stands for?

a. Eats

b. Gets energy from

c. Provides energy to

d. Depends on



Mark me Brainliest

C. Provides energy to

What keeps the Sun from expanding any further? A. Solar wind B. Hydrogen C. Gravity D. Visible light


Answer: The answer is B. Hydrogen.


What process occurs during transcription? (2 points)
Synthesis of proteins that are coded for by mRNA
Copying of DNA to form an mRNA strand
Replication of DNA to produce a complementary DNA strand
mRNA folding up by forming complementary bonds with itself



Copying of DNA to form an mRNA strand


In transcription, DNA is copied to form an mRNA strand with complementary bases.

The DNA strand being copied during the process is called the template strand, and the mRNA that is made will be created from that strand.

This is the first step of protein synthesis.

This strand of mRNA is further used during translation, where it is used to code for amino acids to make proteins.

So, the correct answer is Copying of DNA to form an mRNA strand

Answer:  The correct answer is Copying of DNA to form an mRNA strand

Explanation:  Confirmed correct

Which of the molecules above is a tRNA molecule?
none of the above.





Transfer RNA (tRNA) is an RNA molecule involved in the process of translation by which cells synthesize proteins. These molecules (tRNAs) have 76-90 nucleotides in length which form characteristic stem-loop structures, and they are considered adaptor molecules because tRNAs serve as the physical link between the messenger RNA (mRNA) and specific amino acid residues of the growing polypeptide chain. A tRNA is composed of a trinucleotide region (i.e., the anticodon region) that binds to the codon in the mRNA, and a region that attaches to a specific amino acid in order to transfer it to the ribosome, where protein synthesis takes place.





What is the name of for a different froms of gene


I’m guessing you’re talking about an allele, that would be your answer.

Which statement is true of gravity?

A. gravity takes up space

B. everything that has mass, has gravity

C. gravity can be seen


B. Everything that has mass, has gravity

"Red rust is one of the destructive diseases in tea plants which results adverse effect on tea yield. It is caused by a type of algae." Which discipline of Biology is related to explain the above statement? a. Mycology b. Agronomy c. Pathology d. Phycology





The correct answer would be plant pathology.

The branch of biology that is generally concerned with the study of diseases is referred to as pathology. When such a study has to do with plants, it is known as plant pathology.

Mycology is the branch of biology that has to do with the study of fungi, phycology deals with the study of algae, while agronomy deals with the study of economically important crops.

Hence, the correct option is C.

A)Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides. B)Exons 2 and 3 must contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer). C)Exons 2 and 3 must contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3, leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2). D)Exons 2 and 3 must have different numbers of nucleotides. Multiple Choice



Statement C is the only one that is necessarily true for exons 2 and 3. It is also true for exons 7 and 8. While statements A and B could be true, they don’thave to be. Because the protein sequence is the same in segments of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10, neither choice of alternative exons (2 versus 3, or 7 versus 8) can alter the reading frame. To maintain the normal reading frame—whatever that is—the alternative exons must have a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3 (the number of nucleotides in a codon) give the same remainder. Since the sequence of the a-tropomyosin gene is known, it is possible to check to see the actual state of affairs. Exons 2 and 3 both contain the same number of nucleotides, 126, which is divisible by 3 with no remainder.

what part of a glucose molecule provides electrons in cellular respiration?



Hydrogen atoms are the part of the glucose molecule that provides electrons in cellular respiration.


Hydrogen atoms are the part of the glucose molecule that provides electrons in cellular respiration. (b) Electron transport complexes set up a proton gradient by passing protons from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space. NADH gives up the two electrons it carries to NADH hydrogenase.

Where does cellular respiration get the energy to make ATP?
A. Chemical energy from sugars.
B. Light energy from the Sun.
C. Energy stored in the covalent bonds of water molecules.
D. Energy stored in the covalent bonds of carbon dioxide molecules.



im un sure it might be B.


You don't have to if you don't.


A . the chemical energy from sugars

IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what is the definition for point mutation




It is like expressing something

Point mutations is a mutation of nucleotides

In a well-fed human eating a Western diet, the richest source of stored chemical energy in the body is ________. In a well-fed human eating a Western diet, the richest source of stored chemical energy in the body is ________. glucose in the blood fat in tissue calcium phosphate in bone glycogen in muscle cells protein in muscle cells



fat in tissue


Biomolecules like carbohydrates, fats etc. are well known for their energy storing abilities. Glucose, as a carbohydrate, is the most used source of energy but is stored in excess as glycogen in the muscle and liver cells.

However, fats are far more efficient in storing energy than carbohydrates or proteins because they give more ATP per molecule. Fats are stored in tissues of the body called ADIPOSE tissues. Hence, the richest source of stored chemical energy in the body is FATS IN TISSUES.

Plz answer, will give brainliest



a. (black fur): phenotype

b. (AA, Aa, aa): genotypes

c. (Aa): heterozygous

d. (aa): hom0zygous recessive

e. (AA): hom0zygous dominant


I took genetics and biology I hope this helps !!

Please I need help with this



nucleus : control activities in the cell. 2, vacuoles: it allows substances in and out of the cell.

IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what is the definition for color blindness (include what is special about how this is inherited)



Color blindness is the inabiliy to see certain colors of the color spectrum. This disease is hereditary and passed down from your parents.





Interphase plays an important role in preparing a cell to divide. Which of the following events takes place during interphase?
A. The cell copies its DNA and grows.
B. DNA and proteins condense into tightly coiled chromosomes.
C. Spindle fibers attach to each chromosome and align them along the cell equator.
D. Cytokinesis takes place, dividing the cytoplasm between the two daughter cells.


The correct answer is A. In the first step of Mitosis, the Interphase is when the DNA is copied and the cell grows. A.
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