True or false questions
1)The Constitution gives specific powers to the Federal government but there are no specific powers given to the state governments.
2)Concurrent powers are ones that belong to the national government.
3)The states and the state constitution's specify how local governments can be established and organized.
4)The Federal government can 'strongly encourage' the states to adopt certain rules or laws by distributing or withholding federal monies to them.
5)Laws at the local level are superior to laws at the state level.
6)Because people can drive from state to state on federal highways, cars and vehicles much be registered with the national government.
7)All 50 states have 3 branches of government.
8)All 50 states have a bicameral state legislature.
9)Veto power: State governors do not have the same veto power as the President does. They cannot veto legislation passed by the state legislatures.
10)Using the initiative process, citizens can have future laws placed on the ballot for the citizens to vote on.
11)States need to generate all their funds / monies through taxes and fees because the Federal government does not give any money to the states.


Answer 1


1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. T

11. F


Answer 2


1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. T

11. F


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What problems did the British face in rescuing their army at Dunkirk?
A. The Germans were poisoning the food supply.
B. The waters were rough and German airplanes attacked the ships.
C. The waters were on fire.
D. The French were fighting the British.





B ..........::...........

Read the excerpt from the student text, then answer the question
that no person may be denied access to or refused service in various public accommodations-hotels, motels, restaurants, theaters, and
the like--because of race, color, religion, national origin, or physical disability"-Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title ||
This section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed because Congress was able to base it on

A. the case of Brown v. Board of Education

B. the commerce power

C.the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.

D.anti-trust laws



C.the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.


Provides equal protection under the laws.

4. What route did Lewis and Clark take during their explorations?



The route of Lewis and Clark's expedition took them up the Missouri River to its headwaters, then on to the Pacific Ocean via the Columbia River, and it may have been influenced by the purported transcontinental journey of Moncacht-Apé by the same route about a century before.


How did the weather affect the Trail of Tears march?

A) The weather turned extremely cold and led to the deaths of thousands.

B) The weather turned extremely hot and led to the deaths of thousands.

C) The weather became pleasantly warm, making the walk easier for marchers.

D) The weather became chilly, but marchers stayed safe by taking shelter along the way.





The time of the trail was hit with one of the coldest winters at the time and the Native Americans weren't allowed to bring any supplies or stop at towns for cover so many died


It's A


NEED HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which majority of Americans supporting the Vietnam War in the beginning and eventually transitioning into opposing it, has there ever been a time in which you were completely in agreeance, doing, or for something and eventually opposing it? What was it and were your reasons for AND against it?



The Vietnam era was a time of great social unrest in Savannah. ... opposing the war were subject to scrutiny by their counterparts. ... locals who served in WWII had a lasting impact on Savannah's relationship with ... as both a starting and ending point of something in America's past.23 ... And ever since that time we've been.


hope am not too late

“Due process”. We have gone over this term at length before when we studied the Bill of Rights. Which Amendment from the Bill of Rights referred to due process? WHAT is due process?



The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, uses the same eleven words, called the Due Process Clause, to describe a legal obligation of all states.

one of the ways in which state governments regualte business is by



Option chartering corporation


What did robert e. Lee accomplish at the second battle of bull run?
He invaded the North for the first time.
He killed General Johnston.
He defended Richmond from near invasion by the Union forces.
He drove the Union soldiers out of Northern Virginia.


The answer is C. Hope that helped!


He drove the Union soldiers out of Northern Virginia.


One of the major philosophical principles of John Locke written by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence was that of


Hey there !

That would be “Natural Rights” or “life, liberty, and property”.

Locke wrote that all individuals are equal in the sense that they are born with certain "inalienable" natural rights. That is, rights that are God-given and can never be taken or even given away. Among these fundamental natural rights, Locke said, are "life, liberty, and property."

Hope this helps !

1 why do you think so many americans were weary of the world events



Because they were practicing isolationism and were tired of coming to save Europe.


What is the best definition of the Cold War?

a long, intense period of armed conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union
any war that is fought with missiles, fighter jets, and other modern weapons
the period of time between 1948 and 1949 when the Soviet Union blockaded Berlin
a period of mutual distrust and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union



a period of mutual distrust and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union


right on e2020

The Cold War is a period of mutual distrust and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. Option (d) is correct.

Cold War, the post-World War II rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union and their allies, was an open but restrained conflict. There was little use of actual weapons throughout the Cold War; instead, it was fought on fronts of politics, economics, and propaganda. The English author George Orwell used the phrase to describe a nuclear standoff between "two or three monstrous super-states, each possession of a weapon by which millions of people can be wiped out in a few seconds" in a piece that appeared in 1945.

Therefore, Option (d) is correct.

Learn more about Soviet Union, here;


Business activity does not increase when available money is used to
А save in a bank
B obtain a loan
C. keep in a house
D invest in a business
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
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That doesnt make sense but im pretty sure its c



Which present Day countries were part of the Silk Road

1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________

6. _____________________

7. _____________________



the answer is the silk road is is in 2020\ but wait :/


i dont really know sorry :/

Which of the following best summarizes the way in which the development of the factory system and the development of new transportation infrastructure such as railways worked together as factors facilitating British industrialization? The factory system produced the surplus labor that led large numbers of British people to emigrate overseas, and the new transportation infrastructure enabled those migrants to make their journeys. A The factory system concentrated the working classes in cities, and new transportation infrastructure allowed governments to better monitor and police these workers. B The factory system concentrated production in relatively few locations, and the new transportation infrastructure allowed more goods and people to reach these locations in less time. C The factory system led to an ever-greater degree of specialization of labor and, by doing so, helped meet the railway industry’s need for highly skilled workers.



The railroad industry created new opportunities for the people to move to different location, quickly and more easily. The trains could carry more goods and could transport civilians faster than a horse drawn carriage could.

How did many enslaved people cope with the miserable conditions they faced?


They escaped or protest idk what are the answers

Laws concerning the administration of the United States within its own borders are generally known as which of the following? Select one: A. domestic policy B. tort reform C. foreign policy D. judicial reform


A. Domestic

Domestic means inside of the borders, like national affairs. I hope this helps




How did the popular front 1936 lead to world war 2?


Answer:Popular front, any coalition of working-class and middle-class parties united for the defense of democratic forms against a presumed Fascist assault. In the mid-1930s European Communist concern over the gains of Fascism, combined with a Soviet policy shift, led Communist parties to join with Socialist, liberal, and moderate parties in popular fronts against Fascist conquest. In France and Spain, popular front governments were formed.


president truman believed that?



'What describes the position that President Truman believed the United States should take when dealing with the spread of totalitarian regimes was the Truman Doctrine or the policy of containment to stop the spread of totalitarianism governments and Communist in other countries.'

How did Diocletian’s changes affect the Roman Empire?

The changes increased taxes and caused greater poverty.
The changes increased unrest and caused many civil wars.
The changes helped end unrest and protect against invasions.
The changes brought the empire together as one united empire





i did it

Diocletian’s changes affect the Roman Empire as The changes helped end unrest and protect against invasions. Thus the correct option is C.

Who was Diocletian?

From 284 to 305 AD, Diocletian was a Roman emperor who governed well known for his efforts to stabilize the Roman Empire, he introduced significant strategies for internal unrest and economic turbulence in the late 3rd century.

A variety of economic reforms, including the establishment of a standard monetary system and tax reform were introduced by Diocletian which aided in increasing economic efficiency and stability, but they also increased taxes on the populace, resulting in increased poverty.

Diocletian's administration was distinguished by a number of significant political and economic developments and reforms. Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about Diocletian, here:


Why did the ancient Chinese river civilization develop without any cultural diffusion?



China developed apart from the other countries because of its geography. What were three features of Shang culture? Three features of Shang culture are that they build their house out of wood, ge walls made of earth surrounded the buildings for protection, and all were needed because it was time for constant war.

How the rivers helped:Just like the Yellow River, the Yangtze played an important role in the development of the culture and civilization of Ancient China. Farmers that lived along the Yangtze River took advantage of the warm climate and rainy weather to grow rice. ... The Yangtze also served as a boundary between northern and southern China.


China developed apart from the other countries because of its geography. What were three features of Shang culture? Three features of Shang culture are that they build their house out of wood, ge walls made of earth surrounded the buildings for protection, and all were needed because it was time for constant war. in short, it developed without any cultural diffusion due to its geography.


Indian society was divided into a caste system based on a person's


Most caste systems in our history were based on a person's skin color. I'm gonna take a guess that it would be the same for this part of the world.

Ancient history says that it’s from Brahma's divine manifestation of four groups. Priests and teachers were cast from his mouth, rulers and warriors from his arms, merchants and traders from his thighs, and workers and peasants from his feet.

And now it’s from their ancestors, previous wealth, deeds and stuff.

why there are so many different theories about who killed JFK?


Answer: there are many theories because they weren't sure who would have been against him.

Explanation: JFK wasn't in many problems during his presidential years so they weren't sure.


He was an assassinated president, it was even recorded, the nation was, and still is, shook. Everyone wants to know what happened, everyone wants to know who did it.


True or False: The Reformation lessened persecution of the Jews in





Let's say you had to write a constitution to live by. What would your own personal constitution say? In other words if you had
to put your own personal values in writing, values that would guide your life moving forward, what would these values be?
Write a short constitution that would guide your life. Include a brief preamble, three articles, and two sections under each



In my opinion, a constitution must embody the values, morals, and ideals of a given society or community. As a result, it should contain basic equal rights for all people, and a framework that allows for equal treatment of all no matter their creed or socioeconomic status




Preamble: This constitution states the things that I value and will try to always follow during my life so that I can be a better person and the people around me.

Article 1: Spiritual Life

Section a: My spiritual life

I will read the bible, pray, and go to church. I must always trust God with the pathways he puts me on and the decisions he makes for me. I must always believe that he loves me and I will always believe that he is leading the right way. I must never doubt God or his ways.

Section b: Other's spiritual life

I must help others and lead them toward Christ. If I see someone that is depressed or having a bad day, I must let them know, to remember that God loves them no matter what and to follow him and let him guide their life.

Article 2: Confidence 

Section a: Towards myself

I must always have confidence and never be afraid because I know God is with me. I must not be afraid to speak up and let people walk all over me. I will not be afraid to try new things.

Section b: Other's Confidence

If I see someone who is scared to do something, I must tell them to breathe and pray to ask God to give them peace. I will help others to gain confidence to try new things.

Article 3: Anger 

Section a: My anger 

When I'm am deeply angry and just want to break something! I must breathe, pray, and ask God to put peace in my heart and to take my anger away. I will try to react calmly towards people and to control my anger so that problems don't occur. 

Section b: Other's anger

A lot of times, I see people who are angry and that also look like they want to break something. I must help them to control it. I will talk to them and pray with them, asking God to put peace and take their anger away. I must ask them what caused the anger and help them solve the problem.

How did Christianity influence the Declaration of Independence?
O by promoting the idea of self-evident truth
O by promoting the idea that people are equal
O by promoting the idea that happiness is worthwhile
by promoting the idea that people should judge their neighbors



I am not sure but I tell you that it's answer is 2

The way Christianity influenced the Declaration of Independence is: "by promoting the idea that people are equal."

This is because Christianity using both the old testament and the new testament of the Bible to live a worthy life, believed that every man is equal.

According to Christians belief, every human is equal in the eyes of God.

And God would judge people accordingly regardless of age, gender, or color.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option B "by promoting the idea that people are equal."

Learn more here:

Which statement best explains why Alexandria became a center for learning?
Students from all over came to visit the library.
Students from all over came to visit the lighthouse.
Students from all over came to learn from the Rosetta Stone.
Students from all over came to learn from Alexander the Great.



A, I got it correct on the assignment.


A.Students from all over came to visit the library.


Hope it helps!

Which of the following is a component of cultural identity?

Culture is shared.

Culture is cumulative.

Culture is learned.

all of the above


All of the above because all of them can spread culture

Answer: All of the above!

Explanation: I took the test and got it right!

Explain how imperialism was a cause of rising tensions that led to war.


The expansion of European nations as empires (also known as imperialism) can be seen as a key cause of World War I, because as countries like Britain and France expanded their empires, it resulted in increased tensions among European countries.

A large painting on display in a public park shows ancient
and modern people working, playing, and dancing together.
Both Catholic and traditional Mexican Indian religious
figures are displayed side by side. In the center, in Spanish,
is a written message about freedom.
Which artistic movement is most likely associated with this description of an
A. The Harlem Renaissance
B. Tin Pan Alley
C. Neograffiti
OD. The Chicano Movement



It's correct answer is Neagraffiti.

Neo graffiti Artistic movement is most likely associated with this description of an image. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is Neo graffiti Artistic movement?

Neo graffiti is a modern and current kind of graffiti art that fuses new media with classic graffiti methods. The creative artist Paul Ygartua's work is featured in our collection of neo graffiti art, which is pushing the limits of this dynamic and developing art form.

In response to the tenets of modern art, the postmodern art movement known as neo-expressionism emerged in Germany around the start of the 1980s.

This movement revived painting as a form of artistic expression, and it later extended to other regions of Europe and the US. The booming 1980s art market was beneficial to many neo-expressionist artists.

Neo-expressionism drew its inspiration from various facets of culture and did not shy away from depicting human emotion, like some other postmodern art styles.

Learn more about Neo graffiti Artistic movement, here


Compare the two maps to answer the following question:

Which of these civilizations were the modern-day cities of Puebla and Leon once home to?

A- The Maya and the Aztecs

B- The Olmec and Maya

C- The Aztec and Olmec

D- The Aztec and the Incas



A- The Maya and the Aztecs


Puebla is in Aztec territory.

Leon is in Maya territory.



it is the Aztecs and the Incas

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