True or False- The thermosphere contains no water vapor.


Answer 1




The temperature can rise as high as 1500 C, the gas molecules are very far apart. This layer is completely cloudless and free of water vapour

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A teacher gave the lab group shown below an "unsafe practice" warning. What is most likely the basis for the teacher's warning?


The teacher warning could be the practice you are about to do can harm you in some way if that careful. Please let me know if I'm understanding this.

Cell replication is important for reproduction of body cells and reproduction of gametes. Which type of reproduction occurs only in gametes





meiosis occurs in reproductive organs

Energy from the sun is called _______ energy.​



Energy from the sun is called Solar Energy


sunlight energy


also known as solar energy

2. Why are humans considered animals?

A. Their zygotes undergo changes to turn into a blastula.

B. Human cells have cell walls and are unable to move.

C. Humans can reproduce asexually when under stress,

D. Animals and humans are both uni-cellular organisms.



It's A


Had it on a test

Humans are considered animals because as in animals zygotes after cell division turns into a blastula, hence option a is correct.

What are animals?

More than any other species, humans are capable of learning new things. Indeed, the majority, but not fully, of what distinguishes us from other animals is anchored in language.

In addition, because we have a backbone, humans are considered to be members of the chordate animal phylum.

The zygote is split into the blastula after fertilization, three germ layers develop in the blastula, which in some species is a hollow ball of cells, during a process known as gastrulation.

Therefore, humans are classified as members of the primate order within the animal group and having the blastula stage, hence option a is correct.

Learn more about animals, here:


Because the cells of skeletal muscle are relatively large and cylindrical in shape, they are also known as



fibers or tubules.


Which organism exhibits behavioral adaptation?
an owl with large pupils and eyes that enable it to see better at night
a possum playing dead to increase its chances of survival
an insect that mimics its environment to hide from its predators
a desert plant that sheds its leaves to lessen water loss during the dry season






A possum playing dead to increase its chances of survival is an example of behavioral adaptation.

What is Behavioral adaptation?

This is an action an organisms does to increase survival rate when faced with some situations.

A good example is the possum which acts dead when faced with predators so as not to be killed which is why option B was chosen.

Read more about Behavioral adaptation here


Just after they taste a sweet liquid, mice are injected with a drug that produces an immune response. Later, the taste of the sweet liquid by itself triggers an immune response. This best illustrates



This question lacks options, options are:

a) classical conditioning

b) observational learning

c) spontaneous recovery

d) operant conditioning.  

The correct answer is a.


The classical conditioning theory derives from the experiments of the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, he hypothesized that when any stimulus predicts the occurrence of another stimulus that triggers an automatic response, that first stimulus would acquire the ability to trigger that response, in other words , is a type of learning according to which an originally neutral stimulus, which does not provoke a response, becomes able to provoke it thanks to the associative connection of this stimulus with the stimulus that normally provokes said response. The conditioning of the immune response is built on the same principles of the classical conditioning paradigm described by Ivan P. Pavlov in which an environmental stimulus that by itself does not produce any immune reaction (conditioned stimulus), is associated with substances that stimulate or they suppress immune function (unconditioned stimulus), and finally, by presenting the conditioned stimulus alone, trigger the appropriate immune response.




Sorry ...


Unfortuntely, you can only answer this question if you've read the book. Those reading this pretty much haven't.

________, a mammalian hormone that also acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, is released during breast feeding and by contact and warmth.



"Oxytocin " is the right answer.


The hormone which is utilized to treat the condition as well as enhance uterine movements or contract or reduce post-birth hemorrhage is determined as Oxytocin.Is therefore considered to have become a driving factor promoting attractiveness and governs all but the most important parts of the reproductive tract as well as birthing.

can someone help me complete the unfinished DNA strands please?



it is T G C A T


as in DNA adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine with guanine. You can also remember it as Apple Tree and Car Garage

The image below shows one of the earliest stages of DNA replication. What
role does helicase play in DNA replication?

A. Helicase breaks the hydrogen bonds and unwinds a section of DNA.

B. Helicase connects the floating nucleotides to the template strands.

C. Helicase checks the base pairs in each new strand of DNA.

D. Helicase bonds together pieces of DNA as new strands form.


Answer:DNA helicases are also called molecular motors. They unwind the DNA with the help of ATP hydrolysis, and thus facilitate the replication and transcription processes. ... Studies have suggested that DNA helicases may play a role in plant DNA recombination, as it is prominent during the meiotic prophase of plants.


Role played by Helicase in DNA Replication is to break down the hydrogen bonds and unwinds a section of DNA.

What is DNA?

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA).

Mitochondria are structures within cells that convert the energy from food into a form that cells can use.

The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T).

Human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all people.

The order, or sequence, of these bases determines the information available for building and maintaining an organism, similar to the way in which letters of the alphabet appear in a certain order to form words and sentences.

What is DNA Replication?

In molecular biology, DNA replication is the biological process of producing two identical replicas of DNA from one original DNA molecule.

DNA replication occurs in all living organisms acting as the most essential part for biological inheritance and it is  essential for cell division during growth and repair of damaged tissues, while it also ensures that each of the new cells receives its own copy of the DNA.

The cell possesses the distinctive property of division, which makes replication of DNA essential.

DNA is made up of a double helix of two complementary strands. The double helix describes the appearance of a double-stranded DNA which is composed of two linear strands running opposite to each other and twist together to form.

During replication, these strands are separated. Each strand of the original DNA molecule then serves as a template for the production of its counterpart, a process referred to as semiconservative replication.

As a result of semi-conservative replication, the new helix will be composed of an original DNA strand as well as a newly synthesized strand.

Cellular proofreading and error-checking mechanisms ensure near perfect fidelity for DNA replication.

What is the role of Helicases in DNA Replication?

Helicases are enzymes that bind and remodel nucleic acid or nucleic acid protein complexes.

Helicases are of two types- DNA Helicases and RNA Helicases.

Role of Helicases:

- Separate the double stranded DNA into single one to allow copying.

- Initiate synthesis at the origin of unwinding

- Helicases use the energy stored in a molecule called ATP, which serves as the energy currency of cells, to break the bonds.

- DNA helicases also function in other cellular processes where double-stranded DNA must be separated, including DNA repair and transcription.

- RNA helicases are involved in shaping the form of RNA molecules, during all processes involving RNA, such as transcription, splicing, and translation.

To learn more about Helicases here


A founding population usually has lower genetic diversity than the original population it came from. For those alleles that are shared by the two populations, how are allele frequencies different (or similar)



In the founding population, the allele frequency is different from the original bigger-sized population. The size of the new population affects this difference even more. Some of the alleles will tend to increase, while some others will tend to decrease in frequency.


Genetic drift is an evolutive force. It is the random change that occurs in the allelic frequency of a population through generations. Its effects are harder in a small-sized population, meaning that the magnitude of this change is inversely related to the size of the original population.  

Genetic drift results in some alleles loss -including the beneficial ones-, while some other alleles get fixated. Low-frequency alleles are the most likely to be lost. The changes produced by genetic drift accumulate in time and results in a loss of genetic variability within a population.  

Genetic drift affects a population and reduces its size dramatically due to a disaster or pressure -bottleneck effect- or because of a population split -founder effect-. The bottleneck effect most likely affects smaller populations.  

Founder effect refers to the origin of a new population from only a few individuals that are coming from a bigger-sized population. These founder individuals, which are carrying some of the genes of the original population, settle down in a new area and reproduce. The new and small population might or might not be genetically representative of the original one. Some rare alleles might be exceeded or might be lost by complete. Consequently, when the small population increases in size, it will have a genetically different composition from the original one. In these situations, genetic variability is reduced, and there exists the possibility of developing a peculiar allelic composition. When the number of individuals that originated the new population is low, the founder effect will be very extreme because the genetic drift effects are inversely proportional to the original number of individuals.  

Manpower is the most important resource of an organization. Explain.​



Manpower planning is counted as the most important function of the human resource management of the organization. It helps in managing the maintenance of the business goodwill by providing value to the man, material, machine and money.

which of the following structures helps our sense of balance​



D answer is correct


semi circular helps our sense of balance




The ear is a sensory organ that picks up sound waves, allowing us to hear. It is also essential to our sense of balance: the organ of balance (the vestibular system) is found inside the inner ear. It is made up of three semicircular canals and two otolith organs, known as the utricle and the saccule

How can a scientist determine if two species are obligate mutualists? The scientist should observe the species in the environment to determine the types of interactions that the two species have. Then, the scientist should transplant each species alone to a new area and simultaneously transplant both species together to see if the single-species transplants die. The scientist should observe the species in the environment, determine the types of interactions that the two species have, and then add an invading species to see if it outperforms one of the other species. The scientist should observe the species in the environment, determine the types of interactions that the two species have, and then transplant both species to a new location to observe if they do better or worse than the individuals in their old location. The scientist should observe the species in the environment, determine the types of interactions that the two species have, and then remove one of the species to see if the other species does not survive.



The scientist should observe the species in the environment to determine the types of interactions that the two species have. Then, the scientist should transplant each species alone to a new area and simultaneously transplant both species together to see if the single-species transplants die


When two species are obligate mutualists, both species benefit one another in such a way that one cannot survive without the other. Hence, in order to find out if two species are indeed obligate mutualists, they should be transplanted together away from other species on one side, and also transplanted individually on another side.

If they are obligate mutualists, the individual transplant would find it difficult to survive and should die in no time while the transplant done together should survive. All other factors being kept constant.

Which organism in the food web below is found in the first trophic level of the

A. Fungus
B. Strangler fig
C. Fruit bat
D. Sloth


A fungus because all the other animals get energy from the plants

Fungus is the organism in the food web displayed in the image in the first trophic level of the ecosystem.

What is trophic level?

Trophic level is defined as the position of an organism in the food chain or food web.

The trophic level consists of organisms at different levels. The first trophic level is made up of producers that initiate the transfer of energy.

According to this question, an image showing a food web is given. The first trophic level in this food web is the fungus because it starts the energy transfer.

Learn more about trophic level at:

Concerning the above image, what region of the eye contains rods/cones?

A) Sclera
B) Optic Nerve
C) Choroid
D) Retina
E) Other:





The retina has rods and cones.

Rods help us see dim images and comes help us see bright and colored images.

Which of the following is NOT
true of the female gamete
A. The central cell divides into four
haploid cells.
B. There are multiple ovules in an ovary.
C. The flower is what draws in pollinators.
D. There is more than one egg cell in each


C is the answer for that


It’s D


¿Cómo transformamos las fuentes de energía renovable en energía eléctrica necesarias para el desarrollo sostenible de nuestro país?



Answer to the following question is as follows.


Natural energy is used to generate power in renewable technologies. Wind, wave, ocean, hydro, biomass, and solar energy are all potential sources of energy. ... A variety of technologies, such as floating offshore wind farms, biomass power plants, and hydroelectric systems, will be required to achieve this.

Renewable energy production and utilisation will enhance energy security, the environment, the economics, mechanical production, construction, transport, and industry, as well as assist in the creation of new employment. Solar, wind, and biomass energy can fulfil local energy demands while also helping to enhance environmental protection.

Select which statements are a part of natural selection.

organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive

organisms better adapted to their environment tend to reproduce and increase in number

organisms pass on their traits to succeeding generations.

over time, favorable traits become more common in a population



organisms better adapted to their environment tend to reproduce and increase in number

Answer:   *organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive

*organisms better adapted to their environment tend to reproduce and increase in number

*organisms pass on their traits to succeeding generations.

*over time, favorable traits become more common in a population

Explanation: all of them are correct :)

Inside a skeletal muscle cell, a set of small cylinders called _______ are assembled into larger cylinders called _______.




Intercalated disc


Myofibrils in a skeletal muscle cell are a set of cylinders which are repeated form of sacromeres.

Intercalated discs are assembled into larger cylinders and are involved in cell to cell communications, they link cells to get her and transmit electrical impulses within the sacrolemma

The water vascular system of echinoderms The water vascular system of echinoderms functions in locomotion and feeding. functions as a circulatory system that distributes nutrients to body cells. moves water through the animal's body during filter feeding. is bilateral in organization, even though the adult animal is not bilaterally symmetrical.



The water vascular system of echinoderms functions in locomotion and feeding.


The water vascular system of echinoderms is responsible for the functions in locomotion and feeding. The water vascular system is a hydraulic system that is used by echinoderms for example sea stars and sea urchins, for the purpose of locomotion (movement), food and waste transportation, and respiration. This system is composed of canals connecting numerous tube feet.

1) which of the following terms is defined as ''all the organisms living in a particular place and their interactions with each other and with their environment ''

A) habitat
B) population
C) community
D) ecosystem ​



D) Ecosystem I think


B. population


they are interact with each other

Name the process by which sugar moves into cell A.
Name the process by which sugar moves into cell B.



sugar moves into cell A by diffusion

sugar moves into cell B by Active transport

Name the process by which sugar moves into cell A - Diffusion

Name the process by which sugar moves into cell B - Active transport.

Glucose tends to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, a process called diffusion

the glucose transporter works with the concentration gradient, its process of moving glucose across the cell membrane is called facilitated diffusion.In order to move against the concentration gradient is due to cell require the transport method called active transportActive transport requires energy to move molecules against the gradient.

Thus, Name the process by which sugar moves into cell A - Diffusion

Name the process by which sugar moves into cell B - Active transport.

Learn more:

If a person uses up his or her reserve supply of glycogen and still does not eat, the body will break down ____ to provide glucose for the brain.





this is because even though the person hasn't eaten he or she still has an amount of carbohydrates in the body that can be broken down and its end product glucose will be obtained

Importance of the water cycle



because it ensure the availability of water for all livings, 95% of our world is covered with water but most of them are either forzen or under ground and also purifies water which can be ready for reuse.

if masquiteos have babys in water then can the have babbies in fog


Maybe, mosquitoes lay eggs in still water like a in pail or bucket

Mosquitoes can lay eggs as long as they’re near a source of water or in water because the babies cannot survive without water

Drag each label to the correct category.
Decide whether each statement describes mass or weight.
measured in newtons
measured in kilograms
does not change when
gravity changes
changes when gravity
the amount of matter
in something
a gravitational force



Weight: newtons, kilograms and changes when gravity changes

Mass: does not change when gravity changes, the amount of matter in something, and a gravitational force

Hope I get this right :)


Weight is measured in Newtons, mass is measured in kilograms, mass does not change when gravity changes; weight does, mass is the amount of matter in an object, and weight is a gravitational force


Weight is measured in Newtons, mass is measured in kilograms, mass does not change when gravity changes; weight does, mass is the amount of matter in an object, and weight is a gravitational force

Pls help me pls this is due today




beacause its ah. cd

How is an organic compound different from an inorganic compound?

Organic compounds contain carbon atoms bonded to other atoms.

Inorganic compounds contain oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms.

Organic compounds come only from nonliving things.

Photosynthesis is responsible for organic compounds.



The correct answer is

" organic compounds come only from nonliving things".

hope it helps you

plz mark me as brainliest

have a good day!

Organic compounds contain carbon atoms bonded to other atoms. The correct option is A.

What are organic compounds?

Any of a wide area of chemical compounds in which one or many carbon atoms are covalently connected to atoms of other elements, most commonly hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen.

Carbides, carbonates, and cyanides are among the few carbon-containing compounds that are not classified as organic.

The main distinction between organic and inorganic compounds is that organic compounds always contain carbon, whereas most inorganic compounds do not.

Furthermore, almost all organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen or C-H bonds.

Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides.

Organic meat, eggs, and dairy products are derived from animals that have been fed natural feed and have not been given hormones or antibiotics.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding organic compound, visit:


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