Two loops of wire are arranged so that a changing current in one will induce a current in the other. If the current in the first is increasing clockwise by one amp every second, the current in the second loop will


Answer 1


The current in the second loop will stay constant


Since the induced emf in the second coil, ε due to the changing current i₁ in the first wire loop ε = -Mdi₁/dt where M = mutual inductance of the coils and di₁/dt = rate of change of current in the first coil = + 1 A/s (positive since it is clockwise)

Now ε = i₂R where i₂ = current in second wire loop and R = resistance of second wire loop.

So,  i₂R = -Mdi₁/dt

i₂ = -Mdi₁/dt/R

Since di₁/dt = + 1 A/s,

i₂ = -Mdi₁/dt/R

i₂ = -M × + 1 A/s/R

i₂ = -M/R

Since M and R are constant, this implies that i₂ = constant

So, the current in the second wire loop will stay constant.

Related Questions

In a science fiction novel two enemies, Bonzo and Ender, are fighting in outer spce. From stationary positions, they push against each other. Bonzo flies off with a velocity of +2.0 m/s, while Ender recoils with a velocity of -3.4 m/s. Determine the ratio mBonzo/mEnder of the masses of these two enemies.



ratio of the masses of the two enemies = 1.7


Applying the law of conservation of momentum,

Momentum fo Bonzo = Momentum of Ender

mv = m'v'................. Equation 1

Where m = mass of Bonzo, v = velocity of Bonzo, m' = mass of Ender, v' = velocity of Ender

m/m' = v'/v............... Equation 2

Where m/m' = ratio of the masses of the two enemies

Given: v = 2.0 m/s, v' = 3.4 m/s

Substitute into equation 2

m/m' = 3.4/2

m/m' = 1.7

Hnece, ratio of the masses of the two enemies = 1.7

1 What is force ? Write its unit and mention
three effects of the force.​


Force is a push or a pull that changes or trends to change the state of rest or uniform motion of an object or changes the direction or shape of an object. It causes objects to accelerate. SI unit is Newton.

1) Can change the state of an object : For example, pushing a heavy stone in order to move it.

2) May change the speed of an object if it is already moving. For example, catching a ball hit by a batsman.

3) May change the direction of motion of an object.

what is the value of gravitational constant​



6.67×10^-11 Nm^2kg^_2

Cần nâng vật nặng G = 15B lên độ cao 2m bằng mặt phẳng nghiêng dài 12m. Hệ số ma sát giữa vật với mặt phẳng nghiên là f = 0,3. Hãy tính số người có thể tham gia vao công việc, nếu như sức đẩy theo phương song song với mặt phẳng nghiêng của mỗi người là B


T h. Yyyytytt was the way to do my own and I can not be a person of myself but

help me with this question ​



Let's set the x-axis to be parallel to the and positive up the plane. Likewise, the y-axis will be positive upwards and perpendicular to the plane. As the problem stated, we are going to assume that m1 will move downwards so its acceleration is negative while m2 moves up so its acceleration is positive. There are two weight components pointing down the plane, [tex]m_1g \sin \theta[/tex] and [tex]m_2g \sin \theta[/tex] and two others pointing up the plane, the two tensions T along the strings. There is a normal force N pointing up from the plane and two pointing down, [tex]m_1g \sin \theta[/tex] and [tex]m_2g \sin \theta[/tex]. Now let's apply Newton's 2nd law to this problem:


[tex]m1:\:\:\:\displaystyle \sum_i F_i = T - m_1g \sin \theta = - m_1a\:\:\:\:(1)[/tex]

[tex]m2:\:\:\:\displaystyle \sum_i F_i = T - m_2g \sin \theta = m_2a\:\:\:\:(2)[/tex]


[tex]\:\:\:\displaystyle \sum_i F_i = N - m_1g \cos \theta - m_2g \cos \theta = 0[/tex]

Use Eqn 1 to solve for T,

[tex]T = m_1(g \sin \theta - a)[/tex]

Substitute this expression for T into Eqn 2,

[tex]m_1g \sin \theta - m_1a - m_2g \sin \theta = m_2a[/tex]

Collecting all similar terms, we get

[tex](m_1 + m_2)a = (m_1 - m_2)g \sin \theta[/tex]


[tex]a = \left(\dfrac{m_1 - m_2}{m_1 + m_2} \right)g \sin \theta[/tex]

A pilot drops a package from a plane flying horizontally at a constant speed. Neglecting air resistance, when the package hits the ground the horizontal location of the plane will Group of answer choices be behind the package. be over the package. be in front of the package depend of the speed of the plane when the package was released.



The location of helicopter is behind the packet.


As the packet also have same horizontal velocity as same as the helicopter, and also it has some vertical velocity as it hits the ground.

The horizontal velocity remains same as there is no force in the horizontal direction. The vertical  velocity goes on increasing as acceleration due to gravity acts.

So, the helicopter is behind the packet.

Please, describe low-frequency vs. high-frequency waves.​


Answer: High-frequency sound waves are perceived as high-pitched sounds, while low-frequency sound waves are perceived as low-pitched sounds. The audible range of sound frequencies is between 20 and 20000 Hz, with greatest sensitivity to those frequencies that fall in the middle of this range.

Explanation: Obviously explained in the answer

: Click Play. Observe how the position of the red dot in the SIMULATION pane relates to the cycle of night and day on the 2D VIEW tab. What astronomical event causes day and night



rotating movement on itself, it creates the phenomenon of day and night.


When a body that rotates around a star (translational movement), rotates on itself (rotational movement), the light from the star cannot reach the opposite part of the object, so at these points it is NIGHT and when in the rotation movement the point is in front of the star it is DAY.

Therefore, in rotating movement on itself, it creates the phenomenon of day and night.

The attraction of a person's body toward the Earth is called weight. The reaction to this force is



Person's body pulling on the earth


The weight of an object is the attraction of a person's body toward the Earth. The weight of an object is given by :

Weight (W) = mass (m) × acceleration due to gravity (g)

We know that, for an action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So, there must be a reaction force for the weight of an object. The reaction force must be the person's body pulling on the earth.

16. What type of lens bends light inwards?



convex lens because it makes parallel light rays passing through it bends inwards and meets convex at a spot just beyond the lens known as the focal point



Why does the moon appear dark from space?
But why does it appear bright when observed from earth, especially when it is full moon?



The moon is actually quite dim.


compared to other astronomical bodies. The moon only seems bright in the night sky because it is so close to the earth and because the trees, houses, and fields around you are so dark at night. In fact, the moon is one of the least reflective objects in the solar system.


It reflects the light send from the sun.


If the moon is between you and the sun, you will see the back of it which doesnt reflect light.

Determine the tension in the string that connects M2 and M3.


therefore mass m1=4.8 kg and the tension in the horizontal spring T2=10N.


PLEASE Mark me as brainliest.


Wavelength of blue photons 495 nm, what is the frequency? and what is the energy?



1.F: About 6*10^14 Hz

2.E: About 4*10^ -19 J


Frequency: We knew that the speed of a wave is its wavelength(λ)* frequency(f, in Hz).  By the wave-particle duality we know we can calculate the frequency of light in the same way. So, c=495nm *f, f=c/495nm=> (299,792,458 m/s) / (4.95*10^-7 m)

=6.05*10^14 /s

Energy: The energy photon contains can be calculate by this formula-- E=hf

f is the frequency and h is Planck's constant which is about 6.62 ×10^-34 *m^2*kg/s (after dimensional analysis ) =6.62*10^ -34 J*s.

So, the energy of a blue photon is (6.05*10^14)*(6.62*10^-34)=40.051*10^-20=  4.051*10^-19 J

A pilot flies an airplane at a constant speed of 590 km/h in the vertical circle of radius 970 m. Calculate the force exerted by the seat on the 82-kg pilot at point A and at point B.



[tex]F = \frac{m {v}^{2} }{r} \\ = \frac{82 \times { (\frac{590 \times 1000}{3600} )}^{2} }{970} \\ = 2270.6 \: newtons[/tex]

Determine the magnitude of the minimum acceleration at which the thief can descend using the rope. Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


Answer: hello your question is incomplete below is the missing part

A 69-kg petty thief wants to escape from a third-story jail window. Unfortunately, a makeshift rope made of sheets tied together can support a mass of only 58 kg.


To 2 significant Figures = 1.6 m/s^2


Calculate the magnitude of minimum acceleration at which the thief can descend

we apply the relation below

Mg - T = Ma  --- ( 1 )

M = 69kg

g = 9.81

T = 58 * 9.81

a = ? ( magnitude of minimum acceleration)

From equation 1

a = [ ( 69 * 9.81 ) - ( 58 * 9.81 ) ] / 69

  = 1.5639 m/s^2

To 2 significant Figures = 1.6 m/s^2

if it takes a force of 20n to stretch a spring 0.1 meter how much energy does the spring have?​



The energy stored in the spring would be 1 joule.


hope that helps?

what are two injuries that heal slowly and with difficulty


Wounds or sores that take more than a few weeks to heal might be infected and require medical treatment, and often indicate an underlying disease such as diabetes.

When you cut or burn yourself, your body begins a three-stage process to repair the damaged skin.

First, an immune response causes the wound to become inflamed to prevent infections.

Second, new cells (a scab) form over the wound, and finally scar tissue forms to heal the wound.

Some wounds heal easily while others can take longer, particularly if they are severe or the individual has a poor state of health.

Who stated that man is an animal


aristotle is the answer to this question

A shooting star is actually the track of a meteor, typically a small chunk of debris from a comet that has entered the earth's atmosphere. As the drag force slows the meteor down, its kinetic energy is converted to thermal energy, leaving a glowing trail across the sky. A typical meteor has a surprisingly small mass, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in speed. Assume that a meteor has a mass of 1.5



A. Power generated by meteor = 892857.14 Watts

Yes. It is obvious that the large amount of power generated accounts for the glowing trail of the meteor.

B. Workdone = 981000 J

Power required = 19620 Watts

Note: The question is incomplete. A similar complete question is given below:

A shooting star is actually the track of a meteor, typically a small chunk of debris from a comet that has entered the earth's atmosphere. As the drag force slows the meteor down, its kinetic energy is converted to thermal energy, leaving a glowing trail across the sky. A typical meteor has a surprisingly small mass, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in speed. Assume that a meteor has a mass of 1.5 g and is moving at an impressive 50 km/s, both typical values. What power is generated if the meteor slows down over a typical 2.1 s? Can you see how this tiny object can make a glowing trail that can be seen hundreds of kilometers away? 61. a. How much work does an elevator motor do to lift a 1000 kg elevator a height of 100 m at a constant speed? b. How much power must the motor supply to do this in 50 s at constant speed?


A. Power = workdone / time taken

Workdone = Kinetic energy of the meteor

Kinetic energy = mass × velocity² / 2

Mass of meteor = 1.5 g = 0.0015 kg;

Velocity of meteor = 50 km/s = 50000 m/s

Kinetic energy = 0.0015 × (50000)² / 2 = 1875000 J

Power generated = 1875000/2.1 = 892857.14 Watts

Yes. It is obvious that the large amount of power generated accounts for the glowing trail of the meteor.

B. Work done by elevator against gravity = mass × acceleration due to gravity × height

Work done = 1000 kg × 9.81 m/s² × 100 m

Workdone = 981000 J

Power required = workdone / time

Power = 981000 J / 50 s

Power required = 19620 Watts

Therefore, the motor must supply a power of 19620 Watts in order to lift a 1000 kg to a height of 100 m at a constant speed in 50 seconds.

each of the following conversions contains an error. In each case, explain what the error is and find the correct answer to make a true statement .
a 1000 kg mg (1kg/1000g) = 1g.
b. 50m (1cm/100m)=0.5 cm
c. "Nano" is 10^-9 , so there are 10^-9 nm in a meter.
d. micro is 10^-6, so 1kg is 10^6 ug​



a. [tex]1000\ kg(\frac{1000\ g}{1\ kg}) = 1\ x\ 10^{6}\ g[/tex]

b. [tex]50\ m (\frac{100\ cm}{1\ m} ) = 5000\ cm[/tex]

c. "Nano" is 10⁻⁹ , so there are 10⁻⁹ meter in a nm (OR)  "Nano" is 10⁻⁹ , so there are 10⁹ nm in a meter.

d. micro is 10⁻⁶, so 1kg is 10⁹ ug​  



The conversion factor is written inverted. The correct statement will be:

[tex]1000\ kg(\frac{1000\ g}{1\ kg}) = 1\ x\ 10^{6}\ g[/tex]


The values in the conversion factor used are wrong. The correct statement will be:

[tex]50\ m (\frac{100\ cm}{1\ m} ) = 5000\ cm[/tex]


Change of units is the mistake here. The correct statement will be:

"Nano" is 10⁻⁹ , so there are 10⁻⁹ meter in a nm (OR)  "Nano" is 10⁻⁹ , so there are 10⁹ nm in a meter.


the conversion will be as follows:

[tex]1\ kg(\frac{1000\ g}{1\ kg})(\frac{1\ \mu g}{10^{-6}\ g}) = 10^9 \mu g[/tex]

therefore, the correct statement will be:

micro is 10⁻⁶, so 1kg is 10⁹ ug​

Tres ladrillos idénticos están atados entre sí por medio de cuerdas y penden de una balanza que marca en total 24 N. ¿Cuál es la tensión de la cuerda que soporta al ladrillo inferior? ¿Cuál es la tensión en la cuerda que se encuentra entre el ladrillo de en medio y el superior?



answer 8N 8N

la tensión del ladrillo inferior es 8N ya que los ladrillos son idénticos, decido 24 por 3 para darme 8

la tensión entre el ladrillo superior y el medio también es 8N

A pulley has a mechanical advantage of 1. What does this tell you about the size and direction of the input and output forces?



The number of input force is the same as output. ... If it equals once, then both numbers are equal making it the same.Explanation:

Does this helps


The number of input force is the same as output. Formula for MA (Mechanical Advantage) is Input Force/Output Force. If it equals once, then both numbers are equal making it the same. In order to raise MA, you must lower efficiency, something you learn around grade 8. Good luck!

P.S. Direction is the same for both, meaning if you pull something, the object you pull will come towards you.

2. Ms. Evelyn lined up her students at recess on the soccer field. She told each student to kick a soccer ball as hard as they could. Then she measured how far each student kicked the soccer ball and marked the distance with a flag. After the activity she brought the class back inside and created a graph from the data. Did Ms. Evelyn's class do an experiment? A. Yes, because they did several tests with the soccer balls and recorded their observations. B. Yes, because every student kicked the same soccer ball. C. No, because they did not start with a hypothesis or a control group. This was an investigation. D. No, because all experiments require the use of a laboratory and scientists.​



A. Yes, because they did several tests with the soccer balls and recorded their observations. B. Yes, because every student kicked


Hi there! I'm not quite sure on how to solve this....


[tex]\frac{dx}{dt} = 2.5 \: \frac{cm}{sec} [/tex]


The volume of a cube is V = x^3. Taking the time derivative of this expression, we get

[tex] \frac{dV}{dt} = 3 {x}^{2} \frac{dx}{dt} [/tex]


[tex]\frac{dx}{dt} = \frac{1}{3 {x}^{2}} \frac{dV}{dt} [/tex]

We know that dV/dt = 30 cm^3/sec so the value of dx/dt when x = 2 cm is

[tex]\frac{dx}{dt} = \frac{1}{3 {(2 \: cm)}^{2}}(30 \: \frac{ {cm}^{3} }{sec} ) = 2.5 \: \frac{cm}{sec} [/tex]




why are you teachers regarded as professionals​



coz teaching is their profession.

An irregular shape object has a mass of 19 oz. A graduated cylinder with and initial volume of 33.9 mL. After the object was dropped in the graduated cylinder, it had a volume of 92.8 mL. What is the density of object( g/mL)



m = 19 oz × (28.3 g/1 oz) = 537.7 g

V = 92.8 mL

[tex]\rho = \dfrac{m}{V}= \dfrac{537.7\:g}{92.8\:mL} = 5.79\:\frac{g}{mL}[/tex]

Suppose the water at the top of Niagara Falls has a horizontal speed of 2.73 m/s just before it cascades over the edge of the falls. At what vertical distance below the edge does the velocity vector of the water point downward at a 52.9 ° angle below the horizontal?



required vertical distance below the edge is 0.6648 m


Given the data in the question;

Horizontal speed of water falls v = 2.73 m/s

direction of water falls 52.9° below the horizontal

The vertical velocity must be such that;

tanθ = v[tex]_y[/tex] / v[tex]_x[/tex]

Now, vertical speed of water falls;

v[tex]_y[/tex] = v[tex]_x[/tex] × tanθ

we substitute

v[tex]_y[/tex] = 2.73 × tan(52.9°)

v[tex]_y[/tex] = 2.73 × 1.322237

v[tex]_y[/tex] = 3.6097

Now, at the top of falls, initial speed u = 0

v² - u² = 2as

s = ( v² - u² ) / 2as

we substitute

s = ( 0² - (3.6097)² ) / (2 × 9.8)

s = 13.029934 / 19.6

s = 0.6648 m

Therefore, required vertical distance below the edge is 0.6648 m

A 3 5m container is filled with 900 kg of granite (density of 2400 3 kg m/ ). The rest of the volume is air, with density equal to 3 1.15 / kg m . Find the mass of air and the overall (average) specific volume


Complete question:

A 5-m³ container is filled with 900 kg of granite (density of 2400 kg/m3). The rest of the volume is air, with density equal to 1.15 kg/m³. Find the mass of air and the overall (average) specific volume.


The mass of the air is 5.32 kg

The specific volume is 5.52 x 10⁻³ m³/kg



total volume of the container, [tex]V_t[/tex] = 5 m³

mass of granite, [tex]m_g[/tex] = 900 kg

density of granite, [tex]\rho _g[/tex] = 2,400 kg/m³

density of air, [tex]\rho_a[/tex] = 1.15 kg/m³

The volume of the granite is calculated as;

[tex]V_g = \frac{m_g}{ \rho_g}\\\\V_g = \frac{900 \ kg}{2,400 \ kg/m^3} \\\\V_g = 0.375 \ m^3[/tex]

The volume of air is calculated as;

[tex]V_a = V_t - V_g\\\\V_a = 5 \ m^3 \ - \ 0.375 \ m\\\\V_a = 4.625 \ m^3[/tex]

The mass of the air is calculated as;

[tex]m_a = \rho_a \times V_a\\\\m_a = 1.15 \ kg/m^3 \ \times \ 4.625 \ m^3\\\\m_a = 5.32 \ kg[/tex]

The specific volume is calculated as;

[tex]V_{specific} = \frac{V_t}{m_g \ + \ m_a} = \frac{5 \ m^3}{900 \ kg \ + \ 5.32\ kg} = 5.52 \times 10^{-3} \ m^3/kg[/tex]

When a resistor with resistance R is connected to a 1.50-V flashlight battery, the resistor consumes 0.0625 W of electrical power. (Throughout, assume that each battery has negligible internal resistance.) What power does the resistor consume if it is connected to a 3.00-V watch battery



the answer is in the above image

When a resistor with resistance R is connected to a 1.50-V flashlight battery, the resistor consumes 0.4 W of electrical power when connected to a 3.00-V watch battery.

We may use the following calculation to calculate the power consumed by the resistor when attached to a 3.00-V watch battery:

[tex]Power = (Voltage)^2 / Resistance[/tex]

[tex]Resistance = (Voltage)^2 / Power\\[/tex]

Resistance = [tex](1.50 V)^2[/tex] / 0.0625 W

Resistance = 22.5 Ω

Now, we know that:

Power = [tex](Voltage)^2[/tex] / Resistance

Plugging in the values:

Power = [tex](3.00 V)^2[/tex] / 22.5 Ω

Power = 0.4 W

Therefore, the resistor consumes 0.4 W of electrical power when connected to a 3.00-V watch battery.

For more details regarding resistor, visit:


A 5.0-kg mass is placed at (3.0, 4.0) m, and a 6.0-kg mass is placed at (3.0, -4.0) m. What is the moment of inertia of this system of masses about the y-axis?



the moment of inertia of this system of masses about the y-axis is 99 kgm²


Given the data in the question;

mass m₁ = 5.0 kg at point ( 3.0, 4.0 )

mass m₂ = 6.0 kg at point ( 3.0, -4.0 )

Now, Moment of inertia [tex]I[/tex] of this system of masses about the y-axis will be;

Moment of inertia [tex]I[/tex]ₓ = mixi²

Moment of inertia [tex]I[/tex] = m₁x₁² + m₂x₂²

we substitute

Moment of inertia [tex]I[/tex] = [ 5.0 × ( 3 )² ]  + [ 6.0 × ( 3 )² ]

Moment of inertia [tex]I[/tex] = [ 5.0 × 9 ]  + [ 6.0 × 9 ]

Moment of inertia [tex]I[/tex] = 45 + 54

Moment of inertia [tex]I[/tex] = 99 kgm²

Therefore, the moment of inertia of this system of masses about the y-axis is 99 kgm²

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