Types of Relationships:
Cause refers to “something that contributes to the occurrence of an event, the rise of an idea, or the bringing about of a development”
Effect refers to “what happens as a consequence (result, impact, outcome) of an event, an idea, or a development”
Similarity tells how “something is alike or the same as something else” Difference tells how “something is not alike or not the same as something else”
Turning Point is “a major event, idea, or historical development that brings about significant change. It can be local, regional, national, or global”
● Describe the historical context surrounding these documents
● Identify and explain the relationship between the events and/or ideas found in these documents (Cause and
Effect, or Similarity/Difference, or Turning Point)

Document 1
Article 1 ...... The First Consul of the French Republic desiring to give to the United States a strong proof of his friendship doth hereby cede to the United States in the name of the French Republic for ever and in full Sovereignty the said territory [Louisiana] with all its rights and appurtenances as fully and in the Same manner as they have been acquired by the French Republic in virtue of the above mentioned Treaty concluded with his Catholic [Spanish] Majesty.
.... The Government of the United States engages to pay to the French government in the manner Specified in the following article the sum of Sixty millions of francs independent of the Sum which Shall be fixed by another Convention for the payment of the debts due by France to citizens of the United States.


Answer 1


“Buddhism, introduced in Japan as part of Chinese culture, was actively supported by the rulers. This political support furthered the mixing of religious beliefs in Japan, since the emperors were also the highest functionaries in the national religion, Shinto.* Soon it became common to read the Buddhist sutras before shrines of the Shinto kami spirits.

It became a common practice to count the kami among those beings who—like humans—could find salvation through Buddhist prayer and ritual. The next stage was to give the title of bodhisattva to these Shinto kami, who were thought to have arrived at an enlightened state through the practice of Buddhism.”

*The traditional religion of Japan, combining elements of animism and ancestor worship

Hartmut Rotermund, European historian of Japan, article in an encyclopedia of world religions and mythologies, 1991

a) Explain how the interactions describe in the article illustrate the process of religious syncretism.

b) Explain ONE similar example of religious syncretism in a region other than Japan.

c) Explain ONE global process after 1980 that contributed to historians' increased interest in studying the type of cross-cultural interactions described in the passage

Related Questions

The United States wanted to do which of the following after world war II?

A: It wanted to spread capitalism in the world.

B: It wanted to spread communism in the world.

C: It wanted to spread socialism in the world.





17. By using____to deny people Christian rites, popes could pressure Them to do the popes' bidding.
a. Tailles
b. Relics
c. Interdicts
d. Heretics





What was life like for most Russians under the Russian empire? How might people's living conditions have contributed to the Russian Revolution?


1. Like most of subjects of the Russian Empire, the clergy lived a life that was rural, poor, and hard. There were two types of serfs, state and private, who constituted the bulk of the Russian Empire. Peasants practiced subsistence agriculture and most of them lived in village communes

2. Economically, widespread inflation and food shortages in Russia contributed to the revolution. Militarily, inadequate supplies, logistics, and weaponry led to heavy losses that the Russians suffered during World War I; this further weakened Russia's view of Nicholas II.

Which of the following is a function of non-verbal communication?
A) Repetition
B) Contradiction
C) Deception
D) Complementing
E) All of the above


All of the above when u search up the defenitions

The function of non-verbal communication is defined as repetition, The second one was a contradiction, and The third one was Complementing.

What is the Communication?

The term communication refers to the Giving, receiving, and exchanging of information are all parts of communication, which might take the form of talking, writing, listening, or reading.

As in the repetition of non-verbal communication, It reinforces and frequently repeats the point you're delivering verbally. Contradiction: It can run counter to the point you're making, implying to your audience that you might not be telling the truth.

Therefore, The right option (A, B, C) is correct.

Learn more about Communication here:



Did Lincoln believe the Union was possible to destroy?



South Carolina was the first state to break away from the Union after the election of President Lincoln.



Yes, Lincoln truly did believe that the union was possible to destroy.

Constitutional Democracy: Federalism:Question 8
Medicinal marijuana is thought to belong under state control by some
people because of which of the following?
Select one
Article 1, Sections 9 and 10
elastic clause
supremacy clause
Tenth Amendment
commerce clause



Article 1, Sections 9 and 10


e) The religion founded by Mohammad is called​





Mohammed was the last prophet of islam religion and he founded Islam...

mark me brainliest plz if you are helped

Which group of people supplied most of the labor in the new factories in major cities?
A.newly freed southern slaves
B.former Union Army soldiers
C.immigrants from Latin America
D.immigrants from Europe


your answer is D

Many of these new immigrants were trying to escape religous persecution and famine (like the irish). There was also and land and work shortage in Europe, but the United States could provide free land and men were needed for these factory jobs.

Your answer will be D I think

What reasons did the members of the Constitutional Convention have for creating the Electoral College? Use examples from your research to support your answer.



They created it so smaller states would have just as much of a voice as big states.


How did slavery in the Americas effect African society?



The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. Depopulation and a continuing fear of captivity made economic and agricultural development almost impossible throughout much of western Africa.


Having proved themselves competent workers in Europe and on nascent sugar plantations on the Madeira and Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, enslaved Africans became the labor force of choice in the Western Hemisphere—so much so that they became the overwhelming majority of the colonial populations of the Americas

By providing firearms amongst the trade goods, Europeans increased warfare and political instability in West Africa. Some states, such as Asante and Dahomey, grew powerful and wealthy as a result.




how did granville woods improve the telegraph?


The improvement as a recording device. Woods made it possible for moving trains to use telegraphs. Woods made the telegraph lighter and easier to carry around.


Woods made it possible use the telegraph as a recording device. ... Woods made it possible for moving trains to use telegraphs. Woods made the telegraph lighter and easier to carry around.

What were South Carolina's stated reasons for seeding from the United States in December 1860? Do you believe that the stated reasons were the complete explanation for South Carolina's secession? Was South Carolina justified in seeding? Explain your answer in a well-organized essay that demonstrates your understanding of the documents and your knowledge of the time period. ( Will Mark Brainliest if correct answer). Please don't repost someone else's answer that is on Brainly Or Any Other Websites Or No Nonsense Answers or you'll be reported.​



1 answer would be: It was December of 1860, South Carolina had just seceded from the U.S. The reason for this was because Abraham Lincoln called for the end of slavery. He was trying to promote equal and civil rights for all African Americans. Most of the south did not approve of this change because they relied heavily on the work from slaves. Another reason would be that after the American Revolution the U.S. established each state as a “free and Independent state”.


I did the assignment

What seems to be purpose for the American invention of concept of race and whiteness ?



please give me 5 star


appeal. While some of the items were a little too obvious – indie music appeared at #41, Wes Anderson movies at #10 – others, including “awareness” (#18) and “children’s games as adults” (#102), were inspired. It was an instant hit. In its first two months alone, Stuff White People Like drew 4 million visitors, and it wasn’t long before a book based on the blog became a New York Times bestseller.

The founder of the blog was an aspiring comedian and PhD dropout named Christian Lander, who’d been working as an advertising copywriter in Los Angeles when he launched the site on a whim. In interviews, Lander always acknowledged that his satire had at least as much to do with class as it did with race. His targets, he said, were affluent overeducated urbanites like himself. Yet there’s little doubt that the popularity of the blog, which depended for its humour on the assumption that whiteness was a contentless default identity, had much to do with its frank invocation of race. “As a white person, you’re just desperate to find something else to grab on to,” Lander said in 2009. “Pretty much every white person I grew up with wished they’d grown up in, you know, an ethnic home that gave them a second language.”

The invenappeal. While some of the items were a little too obvious – indie music appeared at #41, Wes Anderson movies at #10 – others, including “awareness” (#18) and “children’s games as adults” (#102), were inspired. It was an instant hit. In its first two months alone, Stuff White People Like drew 4 million visitors, and it wasn’t long before a book based on the blog became a New York Times bestseller.

The founder of the blog was an aspiring comedian and PhD dropout named Christian Lander, who’d been working as an advertising copywriter in Los Angeles when he launched the site on a whim. In interviews, Lander always acknowledged that his satire had at least as much to do with class as it did with race. His targets, he said, were affluent overeducated urbanites like himself. Yet there’s little doubt that the popularity of the blog, which depended for its humour on the assumption that whiteness was a contentless default identity, had much to do with its frank invocation of race. “As a white person, you’re just desperate to find something else to grab on to,” Lander said in 2009. “Pretty much every white person I grew up with wished they’d grown up in, you know, an ethnic home that gave them a second language.

The invention of whiteness: the long history of a dangerous idea – podcast

looking back at Stuff White People Like today, what marks the site’s age is neither the particularities of its irony nor the broad generalities of its targets. There are still plenty of white people with too much time and too much disposable income on their hands, and plenty of them still like yoga (#15), Vespa scooters (#126), and “black music that black people don’t listen to any more” (#116).

What has changed, however – changed in ways that date Stuff White People Like unmistakably – is the cultural backdrop. Ten years ago, whiteness suffused mainstream culture like a fog: though pervasive to the point of omnipresence, it was almost nowhere distinct. When the sorts of white people for and about whom Lander was writing talked about being white, their conversations tended to span the narrow range between defensiveness and awkwardness. If they weren’t exactly clamouring to dispense with their racial identity, and the privileges that came with it, they were also not eager to embrace, or even discuss it, in public.

tion of whiteness: the long history of a dangerous idea – podca

Following the Civil War, Black Codes were passed in Southern states in order
to deny newly established constitutional rights to African Americans.
to provide freed slaves with protection from violent acts against them.
O to specify how destroyed roads and bridges would be rebuilt.
to determine criteria by which Confederate war veterans would be honored.

Pls help me with these questions, the picture has the second question



O Conditions in the south after reconstruction led many African Americans to migrate.


Fits best with the story.

if u know hisotry and love it this one is for u XD also plz help this question is expensive

What was the experience of North Carolina soldiers throughout the war?

a.They became increasingly passionate that the Union be kept from invading their homeland.
b. They were frustrated that Confederate leaders failed to trust them to fight in important battles.
c.They guarded key cities and rail lines along the Mississippi River, but wanted to fight in Virginia.
d.They fought with enthusiasm at first but became weary, disillusioned, and began to desert.



They guarded key cities and rail lines along the Mississippi River, but wanted to fight in Virginia.


North Carolina addressed to the American civil war in may 20,1861.About 50,000 people fought in the side of Carolina.Among which 15-20K were union soldiers.

A) Briefly explain why ONE of the following options most clearly marks the beginning of the sectional crisis that led to the outbreak of the Civil War.

Northwest Ordinance (1787)

Missouri Compromise (1820)

Acquisition of Mexican territory (1848)

B) Provide an example of an event or development to support your explanation.

C) Briefly explain why one of the other options is not useful to mark the beginning of the sectional crisis.


The Missouri Compromise was what sparked the outbreak of the American Civil War.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The Missouri Compromise intended to organize the regions where slavery would be legalized and where it would not be allowed.The aim was to reduce the lack of agreement between the southern ruling class and the northern ruling class.For this reason, the Missouri Compromise determined that slavery would be prohibited in the region above the 36º30' North Parallel, but would be allowed below the 36º30' North parallel.

The event that caused the Missouri Compromise to trigger the outbreak of civil war was the moment when the federal government allowed California, which was below the 36º30'N parallel, to be a region where slavery was prohibited. This made southerners feel disrespected and threatened to be forced to change their stances on slavery.

The acquisition of Mexican territory was seen as a form of expansion of the country and although slavery was an important issue in this acquisition, it did not trigger a reaction from the southern or northern states.

The Northwest Ordinance, in turn, was also carried out to expand the country and did not provoke any rift between north and south.

More information:



The Missouri Compromise (1820) most clearly marks the beginning of the sectional crisis that led to the Civil War. The Compromise restricted slavery above Missouri's southern border and further asserted the right of the federal government to intervene in the issue of slavery in states. Furthermore, the Compromise only solved temporary problems and did not deal with long-term issues that resulted in the Civil War, such as curbing the sectional tension building. The ruling made Southerners feel threatened to be forced to change their stances on slavery and their economy hurt.

The Acquisition of Mexican territory (1848) would not mark the beginning of the sectional crisis. Though the event was a spur in the direction of the Civil War and did further deepen the divide between the North and South, there are events that date way before that would cause such a divide. 1848 was a time very close to the Civil War, and the crisis had started clearly started before then as seen in debates over the Fugitive Slave Law.


A large tower shaped like a pyramid with several levels. The image on the left is called a . Its purpose was to . The Epic of Gilgamesh is believed to be the first .



probably 2...............


Please submit your PBL Topic below. As a reminder, your topic should be within the guidelines of the following question: "How did exploration shape the societies of the Americas in the early 1400's-1600's?

Please submit your PBL Topic below. As a reminder, your topic should be within the guidelines of the following question: "How did exploration shape the societies of the Americas in the early 1400's-1600's?


Please submit your PBL Topic below. As a reminder, your topic should be within the guidelines of the following question: "How did exploration shape the societies of the Americas in the early 1400's-1600's?


Please submit your PBL Topic below. As a reminder, your topic should be within the guidelines of the following question: "How did exploration shape the societies of the Americas in the early 1400's-1600's?



Please submit your PBL Topic below. As a reminder, your topic should be within the guidelines of the following question: "How did exploration shape the societies of the Americas in the early 1400's-1600's?


Please submit your PBL Topic below. As a reminder, your topic should be within the guidelines of the following question: "How did exploration shape the societies of the Americas in the early 1400's-1600's?


Please submit your PBL Topic below. As a reminder, your topic should be within the guidelines of the following question: "How did exploration shape the societies of the Americas in the early 1400's-1600's?


Tax preparation software can help prepare and file your taxes by _________. making an appointment with a tax expert for you posing questions to collect necessary information calculating your taxes based on your savings account balance providing you with blank tax forms you can fill out


Tax preparation software can be regarded as software that help prepare, then file your taxes by :posing questions to collect necessary information.

Tax preparation software serves as software that makes filing as well as preparation of tax to be easier.

This software includes:

TaxAct TurboTax H&R Block

These software collect the necessary information for the processing by posing some questions.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more at:


Who completed the journey outlined on the map above? A. John Cabot B. Jacques Cartier C. Vasco da Gama D. Bartolomeu Dias



A.John Cabot?


If right please mark brainly

its john cabot

thats on period ahh perioduhh

Please help for 10 POINTS!!!






A. Pizza became a popular dish in the U.S as a result of Spanish immigration


It was a trick question it doesn't want you to find the history of the foods it wants you to find the best influence on America and pizza out does every single dish

Brainliest if correct OK History Final Assessment
Who lived in Greenwood when the riot occurred?
O Wealthy black professionals
O Poor black farmers
O Middle class wage workers
O Poor whites



wealthy black professionals


i aint sure about the explanation

warning did the Monroe Doctrine give Europe?
O A) not to import any more slaves to America
OB) to stop building Indian reservations in America
OC) not to get involved
in America's
Od to stop using the
Atlantic Ocean
for trade





Although it forbade European powers from colonizing more American territories, the Monroe Doctrine was drafted while the U.S. did not have the military might to enforce it. That changed as the U.S. emerged as a global power.

I hope this helps.

rpd am nev pt test

a)Explicaţi de ce partea de nord-est a Podişului Moldovei deşi este o regiune deluroasă cu altitudini medii
peste 200 de metri este numită Câmpia Moldovei.

b) b) Ordonaţi de la nord la sud, după poziţia geografică, următoarele diviziuni ale Podişului Dobrogei:
Depresiunea Nalbant, Munţii Măcinului, Podişul Negru Vodă, Podişul Casimcei



explain the reason why Prince Louise Napoleon made the following statement on the instability of the Frech political system ; it is very difficult in Franc
e to make reforms , we make revolution in France not reforms .


Change would come to France as a result of his political engagement, according to the statement.

After taking governmental power in a coup d'état in 1799, Napoleon declared himself Emperor in 1804.

With the help of Shrewd, an ambitious and talented military strategist, Napoleon was able to wage war against numerous European alliances and expand his empire.

About Prince Louise Napoleon :

Napoleon III, Emperor of France, and Empress Eugénie had only one child, Napoléon, Prince Imperial, also known as Louis-Napoléon.

He moved to England with his family after his father was dethroned in 1870.

After his father's death in January 1873, the Bonapartist side declared him Napoleon IV.

For more information about Prince Louise Napoleon  refer to the link:


What was new imperialism and what caused it to occur?



New imperialism was a period of colonial expansion by European powers during the late 19th century and early 20th century. It is distinguished by the continuous territorial acquisitions of Africa and Asia by European powers. These powers include Great Britain, France, Netherlands


MAKES SENSE!!! hope this helps

Direction:Choose the letter of the correct answer. Shade the circle that correspond

with the letter of your choice.




OOO 1. The picking of fruits in season when they are ready to be

sold or eaten is called (a. harvesting b. marketing

c. storing)

OOO 2 Harvesting is done when they are (a colorful b. big

c. matured) enough.


3. Most fruits are (a. perishable b, sustainable c. usable) so

they decay easily.

OOO 4. The (a. bamboo b. wicker c. rattan) baskets are used to

store fruits.

b. salesman c. middleman) buy

products from the farm and resell them to smaller stores.

OOO 5. The (8. retailers

OOO 6. Prices in (a. farm b. warehouse c. market) are cheaper

because farmers do not need to transport their products to

the market.

OOO 7. In a (a.ist b.part c. contract) both the farmer and buyer

oo 0 8. A (a. company b. cooperative c corporation) owns and



1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. A


Hope it helps:)

which texas president wanted to enhance the armed forces of texas



Sam Houston


Sam Houston, the first constitutional president of the republic, largely reorganized the military forces, however, increasing the regular army to slightly more than 3,600 men in December 1836.

What Byzantine city was a wealthy center of trade that maintained the commercial links between Europe and Asia?




Carthage is your answer





I know this is the right answer because i got it right on my history exam

Richard Nixon was forced to resign because he:
A. could not win the war in Vietnam.
B. had appointed Henry Kissinger as his secretary of state.
C. distanced the United States from China.
D. faced impeachment for his part in the Watergate scandal,


The answer is D! Bc of his watergate scandal.


D. faced impeachment for his part in the Watergate scandal,


Nixon was suspected of tampering with the election through a scandal known as watergate. In this scandal, someone broke into Nixon's opponent's office. Eventually, Nixon was tied to this crime and faced impeachment from congress. Additionally, he also lost the trust of voters. So, instead of being convicted and forced out of the white house, he resigned, being the first and only president to resign in office.

I need this now! I am making a comic book about the revolution! Directions in the go ogle docs comments! https://docs.go ogle.com/document/d/1dF8P82roe2F0zY0Ny3bb8aLgIyRK-f-QlhT2UdBL7jU/edit?usp=sharing



That's a hack


It's not working, it was deleted

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What is the fake medication called? Sub :- Linear Equations a) 60 square meters in square centimeters. Which statements accurately describe how renaissance ideas spread beyond italy?. Which is the most practical approach that can be done by anyone to reduce dependence on nonrenewable energy sources mai owes the bank 60. she gets 85 for her birthday and deposits it into her account how much dose she now have in the bank Dose anyone know the answer lol Read the excerpt from "Give Me Liberty or Give MeDeath" by Patrick Henry.And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we tryargument? Sir, we have been trying that for the lastten years. Have we anything new to offer upon thesubject? NothingHow does the arrangement of questions andanswers in this excerpt support Henry's purpose?O It suggests that the colonists have avoided anyconfrontation with the British.O It explains that the colonists must try harder toreason with the BritishO It emphasizes that fighting the British is the onlyoption left for the colonists.o It shows that previous disputes with the Britishhave been successful. If a triangle is equilateral, then all the sides in the triangle are congruent.If all the sides in a triangle are congruent, then all the angles are congruent. Please help me answer it please no links or you will be reported what tom cruise character confesses to dorothy, "you complete me"? solve pls brainliestJust put yes or no PLEASE HELP THIS IS DUE TOMORROW -2+3y=9 ; y=2x+7 i need help Write an equation in slope intercept form of the line Ron is 25 years old and is retiring at the age of 65. When he retires, he will need a monthly income of $4,123 for 20 years. If Ron contributes 10% of his monthly income to a 401(k) paying 5.5% compounded monthly, will he reach his goal for retirement given that his monthly income is 3,142.23? If he does not make his goal then state by what amount he will need to supplement his income. Round all answers to the nearest cent.a.Ron will meet his monthly goal of exactly $4,123 for retirement.b.Ron will meet his monthly goal of $4,123 for retirement with an excess of $125.34.c.Ron will not make his monthly goal of $4,123 and will need $359.74 to supplement his monthly income when he retires.d.Ron will not make his monthly goal of $4,123 and will need $450.61 to supplement his monthly income when he retires. For the student council meeting after school, Mr. Aggie brought 7 loaves of homemade raisin bread. Each loaf was cut into 20 equal pieces. The sixth grade students ate 1 whole loaf and 4 slices of raisin bread. The seventh grade students ate 9 slices of raisin bread. The eighth grade students ate 6 slices of raisin bread. Which expression below can be used to show the amount of raisin bread eaten by the student council members? Find the reference angle for -369a.9c.99b.81d.171Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD There are 32 students in your class. After voting for the class representative, Alan received 3 times as many votes than David. How many votes did Alan receive? Oxygen and Oxygen Ionic or Covalent? Defense how do you know