Uncle Hammer lived (A) on Granger land, (B) in Chicago, (C) near Vicksburg. (Roll of Thunder, Hear Me Cry)


Answer 1




Answer 2


Uncle Hammer lived in Chicago before coming to visit and live with the Logan family.


After he learned about the problems that his family was facing, he insisted that he help. Uncle Hammer was a wealthier black man, as he had a car. Most black people at the time could not purchase one, so Uncle Hammer was a rare example of one.

Related Questions

His eyes were hollows of madness, his hair like moldy hay,
But he loved the landlord's daughter,
The landlord's red-lipped daughter,
Dumb as a dog he listened, and heard the robber say--

The poet’s use of figurative language in this stanza suggests he thinks the subject (the ostler)...

is unworthy of the love of the landlord’s daughter.

would be a good robber.

doesn’t appreciate the landlord’s daughter.

is more handsome than the highwayman



A. is unworthy of the love of the landlord’s daughter.


It makes the most sense. Hope this helped :)

His eyes were hollows of madness, his hair like moldy hay,

After reading The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone, a student made this statement.
Thomas Young was clearly the most intelligent and determined researcher to try to decipher the writings on the Rosetta Stone.

This statement could be considered biased because it

states two different facts about Thomas Young.
fails to mention any facts about Thomas Young.
views Thomas Young as an ordinary researcher.
favors Thomas Young over other researchers.



the answer is D


i know this because if you know what the word biased mean then u could see it would be that they favor Young more than the others mark brainliest plz

It’s D give brainlist please


Read the excerpt from Catching Sun Rays.

But there is another benefit: switching to renewable energy can create jobs. One environmental group says solar power could mean hundreds of thousands of jobs in the United States. For example, the largest solar farm on the East Coast in New York created more than 200 local construction jobs. And the farm makes enough electricity each year to power 4,500 homes!

Why does the evidence provided in the excerpt make the author's argument more effective?

It is vague.
It is specific.
It is complicated.
It is scientific.


Answer: It is specific because it talks specificly about how renewable energy benefits the economy, creates jobs, and most of all to save energy. The answer to the question is it is specific. Hope this helps you!

The correct response is - It is specific because it discusses in detail how renewable energy boosts the economy, creates jobs, and, most importantly, reduces energy use. The question has a specific response.

What is renewable energy?

The energy that is derived from resources can be regenerated naturally over time and are therefore considered to be renewable. It includes energy sources like sunlight, wind, water currents, and geothermal heat. Despite the fact that the majority of renewable energy sources are sustainable, some are not.

Anything that is regenerable has an unlimited supply or may be replaced. Renewable energy sources never run out. Things that are renewable are always fresh and new because the word "re" implies "again" and the supply can never run out. This phrase frequently refers to energy.

To read more about renewable energy, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/14120097


Use the abbreviations below to label the sentence pattern.

S = Subject
V = Verb
IO = Indirect Object
DO = Direct Object
PA = Predicate Adjective
PN = Predicate Noun

Leroy swims at 3:00 p.m. every day.


Leroy subject swims verb everyday is when

Defundthepolice is this okay??


Yes because they’re mean to poc


......... ..




Read the following excerpt from the article “Charles Steinmetz: Master of Electricity”:

Steinmetz was as recognizable to the American public as Babe Ruth. He even studied how lightning affected plant growth. More important, his research enabled him to test and improve lighting arrestors that would safeguard the power grid and make electricity reliable. (paragraph 18)

Based on the context, what does the word enabled most likely mean?

a) prevented
b) frustrated
c) allowed
d) promoted


Answer: enabled means be able to do something or can Or learn something



Allowed is a synonym for enabled

Calculate and write in simplest from: 2 1/9 + 7 4/9=


Answer: 9 5/9



9 5/9


I did this in my head but I do suggest learning this rather than asking the question. Just a heads up next time, you probably were very confused tho. So I don´t blame you.

Answer the question correctly! Look at the picture.


The answer is c

Good luck


Its C


I took the the test on usatestprep

Grade 7 Unit 2 CFA1 - Annotate each passage to model your metacognition

The Importance of Sending People to Space

Several generations of people have seen pictures of Neil Armstrong stepping onto the Moon in 1969. At 1 the time, the hundreds of millions who watched this historic event likely thought it marked the beginning
of a bold new kind of exploration. Perhaps they thought they would soon hear more messages from outer space. Maybe they envisioned that by the turn of the century someone would walk on the surface of Mars. Now, though, more than 40 years later, it’s robots—not astronauts—who are making most of the voyages beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Robotic space exploration does have some advantages. However, there are many reasons why we should make sending more people into space a priority.

-Beyond the Program-

The capabilities of the space probes and rovers we now use would have been the stuff of science fiction 2 just a few short decades ago. Like any other machines, though, they have one major weakness. They
can do only what they are programmed to do. They cannot make a distinction between unusual and expected observations. They cannot reason. They cannot think. A human scientist who identified a curious specimen on Mars would likely concentrate on finding out everything possible about it. The unthinking robot would probably treat it as just another sample.

-Efforts Yield Results-

One of the arguments in favor of using robots to explore space is that machines can go places humans cannot. This may be true, but let’s consider the other side. Maybe the reason astronauts are not able to go to these places yet is that we aren’t putting enough effort into figuring out how to meet their complex needs during prolonged space missions. Humans have proven time and again that they are able to solve problems that may have seemed impossible at first. There is no reason to assume that the challenge of sending people to Mars, Jupiter, or Neptune and getting them back home safely would be any different.

-Costs and Benefits-

Humans, as living things, have many needs that robots do not. Giving astronauts what they require to stay 4 healthy in space naturally makes these kinds of missions more expensive than ones that use robots. It’s vital to weigh these increased costs against the benefits. If sending one human crew to Venus could advance our knowledge of the universe as much as three robotic space missions could, even a much higher cost would be justified.
Keeping the Dream Alive It is said that the idea of traveling into space captures the imagination. For most, though, it’s not an image 5 of a small vehicle rolling across the surface of Mars that inspires awe and wonder. It’s the notion that—one day—people from Earth will explore distant worlds that are literally millions of miles away from our home planet.



ive tried to answer this and even asked my parents and they dont know either


What are some examples of imagery in the poem? ABANDONED FARMHOUSE

He was a big man, says the size of his shoes

on a pile of broken dishes by the house;

a tall man too, says the length of the bed

in an upstairs room; and a good, God-Fearing man,

says the bible with a broken back

on the floor below the window, dusty with sun;

but not a man for farming, say the fields

cluttered with boulders and the leaky barn.

A woman lived with him, say the bedroom wall

papered with lilacs and the kitchen shelves

covered with oilcloth, and they had a child,

says the sandbox made from a tractor tire.

Money was scarce, say the jars of plum preserves

and canned tomatoes sealed in the cellar hole,

and the winters cold, say the rags in the window frames.

It was lonely here, says the narrow gravel road.

Something went wrong, says the empty house

in the weed-choked yard. Stones in the fields

say he was not a farmer; the still-sealed jars

in the cellar say she left in a nervous haste.

And the child? Its toys are strewn in the yard

Like branches after a storm—

a rubber cow, a rusty tractor with a broken plow,

a doll in overalls. Something went wrong, they say.



“in the weed-choked yard. Stones in the fields”,

“He was a big man, says the size of his shoes”,

and “says the sandbox made from a tractor tire.”


Imagery is used to make readers perceive things involving their five senses:

Mir se ke kan a été le premier à faire des courses en France et à un autre qui se trouve

Based on the preview features in the article “Disappearing bees threaten ice cream sellers”, what do you predict the article will be about? Explain how you made that prediction.
Disappearing bees threaten ice cream sellers
Premium maker Haagen-Das says vanishing bee colonies in the United States
could mean fewer flavors and higher prices.



From what is shown in the article preview, I can predict that it will talk about the negative effects the decrease un bees will affect ice cream sellers in many ways. The resources that the bees provide is in a shortage which means that ice cream sellers have less ingredients for their products. This can be bad for business since they will lose profit."


Which are examples of non-statistical questions?

Question 1 What is Sasha’s favorite movie?

Question 2 What is Stacey’s favorite book?

Question 3 What is your favorite movie?

Question 4 What is your favorite book?

Question _ is the Correct Answer


Answer: question 3 and 4



i think it is 1and 2


Harlan Granger wanted the Logan land because (A) he didn’t think black people should own land, (B) it was richer than his, (C) it was part of his family’s land before the Civil War. (Roll of Thunder, Hear Me Cry)



C it was part of his family’s land before the Civil War. (



Granger didn't believe that black people should own land, as they were not considered people at the time. He consistently threatened to take their land if they could not pay for it.


Sorry, I'm just copying this from my comment. :)

Granger was the richest man in the area, and he had many tenant farmers that begged to farm on his land. The Logan land would have been valuable to him, so he wanted it.

What are things you carry for good luck?



Depends on the person.



My Papa's sweatshirt.


He died a couple of months ago... :(

not a question but anyone else have a really bad day today





You can fix my day by giving me brainliest.

Just kidding, or am I?

He was a_______________ boy, say the__________________ on

the _______________________________________, a ______________________________

boy, too, say the ____________________________ , but not a

boy for _____________________________, say the ____________________________

on the _______________________________________.

He was a __________________________, say the ______________________________

on the _____________________________________________________________________,

___________________________________ say he was

___________________________________, and his _________________________________

say he was always ____________________________________

_________________________________ they say.


He was a kid, says the size of the jackets hung up in the closet,
The brown shutter blinds, say he likes his sleep,
The large dresser, says he has a lot of clothes,
The large glass of water, says he easily gets thirsty,
a Lazy kid too, says the piles of dirty clothes on the floor,

But one that dislikes the dark, says the bright lamp,
A music lover though, says the nice headphones still plugged-in,
he is someone who plays the trumpet, says the trumpet case and music book on the floor,
Dirty with dust, the clock says he does not like to be late,
But not a patient, boy says the ipad and ipod on the dresser,
The mini stick under the bed, says he likes hockey,

The hockey stick says he plays hockey,
But, came first place in a hockey tournament, says the large trophy in the closet,
A boy that likes hockey, says the 500 hockey cards in the small cardboard box still waiting for another,
Something went wrong, says the cracked mirror hanging on the wall,
they had to leave in a hurry, they say.



?what are you asking or saying?


He was a sad boy, say the computer on his desk, a poor boy, too, say the picture on his wall, but not a boy for the streets, say the lamp on the ceiling.

He was a poor boy, say the kids at the school, a poor boy, say he was a weak boy, and his students say he was always great, they say.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, LOVES! So, this IS apart of a class.

List 3 favorite things about Thanks Giving that you are MOST excited about!

List 3 things that you are the LEAST excited about! And explain why!

I said: I am most excited about is.. The pie, Veggies, Fruit. Because I need to stay healthy! Besides the pie.. I said: I am least excited about.. The stuffing, not being able to have REAL family over, and, I do not really like turkey, but ok! Your turn!



HI love how are you  HAPPY THANKS GIVING


i am exited about hunting, stuffing (not DRESSING), and getting along with my fam!!!

i am not exited about school (i have school today -_-), i have to clean, and i have to go to WoRk Yay (not)!!!!!

i dont really like turkey ither


1) spending time with my family,
Roller skating, and
(You said three but I am also excited about getting ungrounded this weekend)

2) going back to school; I don’t learn my best from home:(
Having to do chores

Ps. I don’t like turkey either, but I make a MEAN Mac n cheese:)

T. J. Avery got into trouble in Mama’s class because (A) he used bad language, (B) he got into fights, (C) he cheated on exams. (Roll of Thunder, Hear Me Cry)



T.J cheated while doing an exam. He had repeated his grade multiple times, and he was desperate to get out.


When momma found him cheating, he automatically failed. This also got Stacey in trouble, as he blamed him for his cheating.




Hope I helped

What are some common things you would wish for?



i do not no



I would wish for an iphone because I don't smasung and a puppy


now I just wish I can get a ps5 for my birthday or christmas

Based on details in The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone, which statement best describes Jean-Baptiste Fourier’s influence on Jean-François Champollion?

Fourier angered Champollion by pointing out that Champollion was just a boy.
Fourier annoyed Champollion because Fourier accompanied Napoleon to Egypt.
Fourier shocked Champollion by showing him a copy of the Rosetta Stone.
Fourier inspired Champollion to decipher the writings on the Rosetta Stone.



C is right on edge


Identify three examples of personification


1. The sky is falling
2. It’s raining cats and dogs
3. The thunder is roaring

Often, a successful novel will leave a reader feeling that _____.
all the questions they had were answered
they have no questions at all
they have more questions in their mind at the end
the author asked too many questions


the answer is they have more questions in their mind at the end

This is for anyone who has read "Hatchet" chapters 3-4

How does the author's illustrate the crash scene? Use textual evidence to support your answer.




Ask Google


I didn't read the book

Someone that has had this question on edge can you PLEASE explain how I do this? (please don't tell me just go on easybib or whatever is my laptop is already lagging after having 4 tabs open just for school)
I'm confused about how I'm supposed to cite sources when it gave me "sources" I can't even use bc I don't have a link.
Create a properly formatted works cited page for a research paper about the dangers of cell phone use on the road. Follow the MLA citation format, and make sure to correctly italicize each citation. For the purpose of this activity, it is not necessary to observe the MLA rules for indentation. Use the six sources provided to support the research paper.



Source 1: Stockwell, Jamie." Phone Use Faulted in Collision." , December 6, 2000: B1. Print.

Source 2: Haughney, Christine. "Taking Phones Out of Drivers’ Hands." , November 5, 2000: A8. Print

Source 3: Sundeen, Matt. "Cell Phones and Highway Safety: 2000 State Legislative Update" , . December 15, 2000. Web. February 27, 2014.

Source 4: "Patti Pena’s Letter to Car Talk" ., , , . January 1, 2000. Web. January 10, 2014.

Source 5: Farmers Insurance Group. "New Survey Shows Drivers Have Had ‘Close Calls’ with Cell Phone Users." . , May 8, 2000.  Web. March 1, 2014.

Source 6: Violanti, M. John. Cellular Phones and Fatal Traffic Collisions. Los Angeles, CA: Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1998. Print.


This is what I did for that short writing. I do not know if it's right so use at own risk.

What comes to mind when you read the the title: the monkey’s paw?


^^ something about a monkeys paw

In the story (The Setting Sun and Rolling World)
What does the author mean when he says that Musoni "felt too much of a father"? support your answer with evedince



he was implying that he was becomin more of a father as time went on


soucre i my brain




it is either b or  C



Its the second answer or B


______6. Cassie had (A) three brothers, (B) one sister and two brothers, (C) one brother and two sisters. (Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry)





Uhh It's (B)


Do I really have to have an Explanation?

Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit” (Lunsford and Connors 116). Length and appearance do not determine whether a section in a paper is a paragraph. For instance, in some styles of writing, particularly journalistic styles, a paragraph can be just one sentence long. Ultimately, a paragraph is a sentence or group of sentences that support one main idea. In this handout, we will refer to this as the “controlling idea,” because it controls what happens in the rest of the paragraph.



thank u for the points


I honestly don't know, maybe next time you could cut it in different parts :)

“U made out of plastic FAKE “ opp



Ok and nope. Have a wonderful day and enjoy your week vacation for Thanksgiving

Have a nice day y’all lol
Other Questions
PLSSS HELPPPPP MEEEE III WILLL GIVVVEEE BRAINLIESTTTT!!!!!! There are 720 dishes that need to be rinsed. Brian can rinse them in 72 minutes by himself. It will take his friend Boris 144 minutes to rinse these dishes. Howlong will it take them itthey rinse these 720 dishes together?minutes The periodic table is organized into groups and periods of elements. The characteristics of a certain group of elements are listed below. Which of these elements is in this group? Characteristics of a group of elementsis shinyis solid at room temperaturehas atoms with two valence electronsA-siliconeB-lithiumC-strontiumD-aluminum Which of the following statements most accurately describes the theme? (5 points)A text can have only one theme.The theme is about what readers learn.The theme is the subject of the story.The theme should be stated in a sentence.Whoever answers first gets brainliest letters for a vacancy announcement imagine you have to hunt find food to eat what kind of food will you find Bananas ripe and green, and ginger root Cocoa in pods and alligator pears, And tangerines and mangoes and grape fruit, Fit for the highest prize at parish fairs, Sat in the window, bringing memories of fruit-trees laden by low-singing rills, And dewy dawns, and mystical skies In benediction over nun-like hills. My eyes grow dim, and I could no more gaze; A wave of longing through my body swept, And, hungry for the old, familiar ways I turned aside and bowed my head and wept. The first three lines of the poem mention fruits grown in the tropics. Where exactly does the poet find himself? a)at a church fair b)in the west indies c)in a dream d)on a city street e)on a farm (5,3) and (5,1) and determine theequation of the line. If SJL = DMT, which segment corresponds to LS? The elements on the Periodic Table that we use today are arranged by Elias is writing poems and is formatting several to fit on a page that has been divided into columns. Which column break would allow him to end one poem and start the next poem on the same page?Question 6 options:next pagesequentialtext wrapcontinuous You roll an eight-sided die. What is the chance that it will land on either a 2 or a 5? Write your answer as a fraction. If you get into a car accident, your___________ may increase because you will be considered riskier for insurance companies to coverA. Car loan paymentB. Insurance premiumC. Taxes D. Claims adjustment Suppose X has a continuous uniform distribution over the interval [1.3, 6.2]. Round your answers to 3 decimal places. Required:a. Determine the mean of X.b. Determine the variance of Xc. What is P(X < 3.7)? who do u think is better becky lynch or bayley 9. FLUENCY: ONLY USE A CALCULATOR TO CHECK!1500 + (6 + 4*) 37Your answer Justin calculates the perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 2x-3 and widthof X+4. He tells his teacher the answer is 3x-1. Is he correct or incorrect and why? Who became perhaps the best Indian commissioner in history?a. John Collierc. D.H. Lawrenceb. Ansel Adamsd. Georgia OKeeffe Julio says, "If you subtract 19 from my number and multiply the difference by - 7, the result is - 28." What is Julio's number?Julio's number is A 3-column table with 2 rows. Column 1 is labeled Scale factor with entries 1, 1.25. Column 2 is labeled Width with entries 8 inches, A. Column 3 is labeled Length with entries 28 inches, B. The value of A is ____?The value of B is____?