United flight 15 from New York’s JFK to San Francisco uses a Boeing 757-200 with 180seats. Because some people with tickets don’t show up, United willoverbook by selling more than 180tickets. If the flight is not overbooked, the airline will lose revenue due to empty seats, but if too many tickets are sold and some passengers are denied seats, the airline loses money from the compensation that must be given to bumped passengers. Assume that there is a 0.905 probability that a passenger with a ticketwill show up for the flight. Also assume that the airline sells200tickets for the 180seats that are available.


Answer 1


There is a 29.27% probability that the flight is overbooked. This is not an unusually low probability. So it does seem too high so that changes must be made to make it lower.

Step-by-step explanation:

For each passenger, there are only two outcomes possible. Either they show up for the flight, or they do not show up. This means that we can solve this problem using binomial distribution probability concepts.

Binomial probability distribution

The binomial probability is the probability of exactly x successes on n repeated trials, and X can only have two outcomes.

In which  is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

And  is the probability of X happening.

A probability is said to be unusually low if it is lower than 5%.

For this problem, we have that:

There are 200 reservations, so .

A passenger consists in a passenger not showing up. There is a .0995 probability that a passenger with a reservation will not show up for the flight. So .

Find the probability that when 200 reservations are accepted for United Flight 15, there are more passengers showing up than there are seats available.

X is the number of passengers that do not show up. It needs to be at least 18 for the flight not being overbooked. So we want to find , with . We can use a binomial probability calculator, and we find that:

There is a 29.27% probability that the flight is overbooked. This is not an unusually low probability. So it does seem too high so that changes must be made to make it lower.

Related Questions

Which expression is equivalent to sin(20°)cos(80°) – cos(20°)sin(80°)?
A) sin(-60)
B) cos(-60)
C) cos(60)
D) sin(60)




Step-by-step explanation:

its in form of sin(A-B) which formula is SinA.CosB-CosAsinB

Find the measure of missing angle



58 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

90 - 32 = 58

What is cube root 16y^4/x^6
in simplest form?


Cube root of the given expression [tex]\frac{16y^{4} }{x^{6} }[/tex] in simplest form is equals to [tex]\frac{2y }{x^{2} }\sqrt[3]{2y}[/tex].

What is cube root?

" Cube root is defined as the number when multiply three times and produce result as one original number one time."

According to the question,

Given expression,

[tex]\frac{16y^{4} }{x^{6} }[/tex]

Cube root of the given expression is,

[tex]\sqrt[3]{\frac{16y^{4} }{x^{6} }} \\\\\implies \sqrt[3]{\frac{(2)^{3}(2) y^{3} (y)}{(x^{2}) ^{3} }}\\\\\implies \frac{2y}{x^{2} } \sqrt[3]{2y}[/tex]

Hence, cube root of the given expression [tex]\frac{16y^{4} }{x^{6} }[/tex] in simplest form is equals to [tex]\frac{2y }{x^{2} }\sqrt[3]{2y}[/tex].

Learn more about cube root here




B on edge

trust me bro

Needs 20 characters even though the picture says it all.


It is b I seen it on the test yesterday on Plato

On a piece of paper, graph y = 4x - 2. Then determine which answer matches the graph you drew.​



it's A

Step-by-step explanation:

start at 2 on the y axis and go up 4 and right 1

WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!!!!! A boy had 20 cents. He bought x pencils for 3 cents each. If y equals the number of pennies left, write an equation showing the dependence of y on x. What is the domain of the function?



[tex]\displaystyle \text{Function: }{y=20-3x,\\\text{Domain: }(-\infty, \infty)\text{ or }\mathbb{R}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

If the boy initially had 20 cents, then the total number of cents he will have left after purchasing [tex]x[/tex] pencils is equal to the total cost of the pencils subtracted from 20. The total cost of [tex]x[/tex] pencils, in cents, is equal to [tex]3x[/tex], since each pencil is 3 cents.

Therefore, the total amount, in cents, that the boy has left, [tex]y[/tex], is equal to [tex]20-3x[/tex]:

[tex]\displaystyle \text{Equation: }\boxed{y=20-3x}[/tex]

The domain of this function is [tex](-\infty, \infty)[/tex] or all real numbers [tex]\mathbb{R}[/tex].

Daphne has a rope that is 60 meters long. She wants to use it to mark the boundary of a circle whose radius is an integer. What's the largest possible radius for her circle, in meters?


9514 1404 393


  9 m

Step-by-step explanation:

The relationship between radius and circumference is ...

  C = 2πr

Daphne wants r an integer such that ...

  60 m ≥ 2πr

  r ≤ (60 m)/(2π)

  r ≤ (30/π) m ≈ 9.549 m

The largest integer radius Daphne can use is 9 meters.

What is the x- intercept y =2x^2-8x+6?



see your answer in the image

with full detail

mark me brainlist

Step-by-step explanation:


(3,0) , (1.0)

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the equation of the line that is parallel to the line 5x+2y=12 and passes through the point (-2,4)




Step-by-step explanation:

One is given the following equation.

[tex]5x + 2y = 12[/tex]

The problem asks one to find a line that is parallel to this one, and passes through the point: [tex](-2, 4)[/tex]. The equation of the given line is in the standard format. The easiest approach to solve this problem is to change the equation of the given line into the slope-intercept format. The solve intercept format follows the following general equation:


Where (m) is the slope of the line and (b) is the y-intercept. Manipulate the given equation such that it follows this format:


One property of parallel lines is that they have the same slope. Therefore, if one uses the slope-intercept format to represent the slope of the parallel line, then one can state the following:


Substitute a given point on this line ([tex]-2,4[/tex]) , and solve for (b) to find (b):




Inverse operations,


Substitute this back into the equation in slope-intercept form to find the equation of the parallel line:


find the equation of a line perpendicular to 4x-y=4 that contains the points (0,3)​


9514 1404 393


  x + 4y = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

The perpendicular line can be found by swapping the x- and y-coefficients and negating one of them. Then those new coefficients can be used with the coordinates of the given point to find the required constant.

  line: 4x -y = 4

  perpendicular line: x +4y = constant

Through (0, 3):

  0 +4(3) = constant = 12

The perpendicular line has standard form equation x +4y = 12.


Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

What’s the question-?

Eric wrote the number 57,378. How many
times greater is the value of the 7 in the thousands
place than in the tens place?


It is one hundred times greater, 7000= 70 x 100

A 3000-lb wrecking ball hangs from a 50-ft cable of density 5 lb/ft attached to a crane. Calculate the work done if the crane lifts the ball from ground level to 50 ft in the air by drawing in the cable.


Answer:  227,130 J (or 227 kJ).


When the force is in the same direction than the displacement, we can express the work of this force as: W = F x h

The force is equal to the total weight of the wrecking ball and the cable. The wrecking ball has a mass of 3000 lb. For the cable, we have to calculate the mass as:

Mc = l x p= 50ft x 7lb/ft= 350lb

The total mass is 3,350 lb.

The magnitude of the force is equal to the weight:

F= mg= 3,350lbf

The work done by this force is:

W=F x h= 3,350lbf x 50ft = 167,500lbf - ft

W= 167,500lbf - ft x 1.356J/1lbf - ft = 227,130 J (or 227 kJ).

The height of a triangle is 3 cm more than the length of the base. If the area of the triangle is 119cm^2 find the height and the length of the base.



[tex]base = 14cm \\ height = 17cm[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the length of the base be x

So length of the base = x

height = x +3

[tex]area \: \: of \: \: a \: \: triangle = \frac{1}{2} \times b\times h \\ 119 = \frac{1}{2} \times x \times (x + 3) \\119 = \frac{ {x}^{2} + 3x }{2} \\ 119 \times 2 = {x}^{2} + 3x \\ 238 = {x}^{2} + 3x \\ 0 = {x}^{2} + 3x - 238 \\ {x}^{2} + 3x - 238 = 0 \\ {x}^{2} + 17x - 14x - 238 = 0 \\ x(x + 17) - 14(x + 17) = 0 \\ (x - 14)(x + 17) = 0 \\ \\ x - 14 = 0 \\ x = 14 \\ \\ or \\ x + 17 = 0 \\ x = - 17 \\ \\ length \: \: cannot \: \: be \: \: given \: \: as \: \: a \: \: negative \: \: number \: \: \\ \\ so \\ \: \: base \: = 14cm \\ height = x + 3 \\ = 14 + 3 \\ = 17cm[/tex]

please hello :(
The Venn diagram below shows the type of crops planted by 50 farmers in a particular area.
If a farmer is chosen at random, what is the probability that the farmer planted corn OR lettuce?



D ( It may be because I think other two are non relative )


b) 1\2

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the weight of the piece of aluminum shown below at 0.0974 ​lb/​in^3? ​(Hint: Subtract the volume of the cylindrical​ hole.)


It has to be 8 inches

I need help with both questions.



y = 17x


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{y_{2} -y_{1} }{x_{2} -x_{1} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{85 - 51}{5 - 3}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{34}{2}[/tex] = 17  (find the slope, gradient or rate of change)

The y intercept is 0. Zero hours = 0 charge.

y = 17(35)

y = 595

The jurassic zoo charges $10 for each adult admission and $8 for each child. The total bill for the 139 people from a school trip was $1174.How many adults and how many children went to the zoo?



adults=31, children = 108

Step-by-step explanation:

a + c = 139 equation 1

10a + 8c = 1174 equation 2

a=139-c isolate a from equation 1

10(139-c) + 8c = 1174 substitute a value into equation 2

1390-10c + 8c = 1174

-2c = -216

c = 108

use value of c in either equation to find value of a

a + c = 139

a + 108 =139

a = 31

The annual membership fee at a local club is $100. After each year of membership, the fee is lowered by $8 a year. The
arithmetic sequence {100, 92, 84,...) models this situation.
Write an explicit function that describes the fee at the club after n years of membership. Then rewrite your function in the
slope-intercept form.



y = 100 - 8(n - 1)

Step-by-step explanation:

I. if n = 1 or 1st year = 100 - 8(1-1) is 100

  if n = 2 or 2nd year = 100 - 8(2-1) is 92

  if n = 3 or 3rd year = 100 -8(3-1) is 84

Hope it'll help.

An election ballot asks voters to select two city commissioners from a group of six candidates. In how many ways can this be done?



15 ways

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 6 choices available for the first seat

There are 5 remaining choices for the second seat.

6(5) = 30 possible combinations

however, as the two seats are of equal power, the combination of AB is equal the the combination of BA etc, This eliminates half of the options.

When taking a measurement with a pH meter, keep the instrument in the Choose... until it is needed. Rinse the pH meter with Choose... and gently pat dry. Place the meter in the sample solution, and record the measurement when the



Storage solution;  deionized water; stabilizes

Step-by-step explanation:

A pH scale measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in acidic and alkaline solutions.

In chemistry, pH literally means the power of hydrogen ions and it is a measure of the molar concentration of hydrogen ions in a particular solution; thus, specifying the acidity, neutrality or basicity of any chemical solution.

Mathematically, the pH of a solution is given by the formula;

[tex] pH = -log_{10}(H^{+}) [/tex]

On a pH scale, a solution with a pH of 7 is neutral, a solution with a pH below 7 is acidic and it's basic (alkaline) when it's pH is above 7.

A pH meter can be defined as a scientific instrument or device designed and developed for the measurement of the hydrogen-ion concentration in water-based solutions, in order to determine their level of acidity or alkanility.

As a general rule, when using a pH meter to take a measurement, you should keep it in a storage solution until it is needed. Also, a deionized water should be used to rinse the pH meter and gently pat dry.

Furthermore, the pH meter should be placed in a given sample solution and a reading of the measurement taken when the pH of the solution stabilizes

When taking a measurement with a pH meter, keep the instrument in the storage solution until it is needed. Rinse the pH meter with distilled water and gently pat dry.

The pH meter has been the instrument used for the measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in a sample. The instrument has consisted of a probe that has been placed in the storage medium when it is not in use.

The working procedure of the pH meter has required the washing of pH meter with the distilled water and properly removing the excess water from the probe by pat dry.

The probe has been immersed in the sample and the pH has been recorded. After the experiment, the instrument has been again washed with the distilled water and get stored in the storage solution.

For more information about pH meter, refer to the link:


I need Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9514 1404 393


150.72 cm³314 cm³160 cm³48 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

Put the given numbers in the relevant formula and do the arithmetic.

right cylinder

   V = πr²h = 3.14(4 cm)²(3 cm) = 3.14×48 cm³ = 150.72 cm³


  V = 1/3πr²h = 1/3(3.14)(5 cm)²(12 cm) = 3.14×100 cm³ = 314 cm³

pyramid of unknown shape

  V = 1/3Bh = 1/3(16 cm²)(30 cm) = 160 cm³

square pyramid

  V = 1/3s²h = 1/3(3 cm)²(16 cm) = 48 cm³

Enter the letter of the graphed
Plz help! And plz explain thx!!!



Option a

Step-by-step explanation:

One way to solve part of this is to look at the values of y between each x intercept.

Our x intercepts (or when y=0) occur when x=-2, x=1, and x=3. We know this by looking at the graph.

First, we have the space when x is between -∞ and -2. This is negative on the graph, and as a result, there should be an odd number of negatives as an odd number of negative numbers multiplied by each other is negative.

For a, (x+2) is negative when x is between -∞ and -2, (x-1) is negative, and (x-3) is negative as well. So far, this works

For b, we have to count (x-3) twice because it is squared. (x+2) is negative, (x-1) is negative, and (x-3) is negative twice. This is 4 negatives, so it doesn't work. This implies that between x=-∞ and x=-2, y is positive, which isn't the case

For c, (x+2) is negative, (x-3) is negative, and (x-1) is positive twice, making it 4 negatives and letting us rule it out

For d, (x-1) is negative, (x-3) is negative, and (x+2) is negative twice, making it 4 negatives and letting use rule it out

For e, (x-1) is negative, (x-3) is negative, and (x+2) is negative 3 times, making it 5 negatives and letting us keep it

After our first set of checks, we can see that only a and e are possibilities. Because the only thing separating the two possibilities is (x+2)², which is always positive past x=-2, and multiplying a number by a positive keeps its sign (e.g -5 * 5 = -25, which is still negative), all other rounds of checks would result in the same answer.

Another way to figure it out is to take an example point. We can see on the graph that when x=0, y=6. We can test that in each of our two remaining possibilities.

For a, we have (0+2)(0-1)(0-3) = (2)(-1)(-3) = 6

For e, we have (0-1)(0-3)(0+2)³ =  (-1)(-3)(2)³ = (3)(8) = 24

Therefore, option a is the only one that fits, and is your answer

(x+2) is negative when x is between the interval [-∞ -2] (x-1) is negative, and (x-3) is negative as well. Option A is the only one that fits in the graph.

What is a function?

A function is defined as a relation between the set of inputs having exactly one output each.

Our x-intercepts (or when y=0) occur when x=-2, x=1, and x=3. We know this by looking at the graph.

A. (x+2) is negative when x is between the interval [-∞ -2] (x-1) is negative, and (x-3) is negative as well.

B. (x+2) is negative, (x-1) is negative, and (x-3) is negative twice. This is 4 negatives, so it doesn't work. This implies that between x=-∞ and x=-2, y is positive, which isn't the case

C. (x+2) is negative, (x-3) is negative, and (x-1) is positive twice, making it 4 negatives and letting us rule it out

D. (x-1) is negative, (x-3) is negative, and (x+2) is negative twice, making it 4 negatives and letting us rule it out

E. (x-1) is negative, (x-3) is negative, and (x+2) is negative 3 times, making it 5 negatives and letting us keep it

We can see on the graph that when x=0, y=6. We can test that in each of our two remaining possibilities.

For a, we have (0+2)(0-1)(0-3)

       = (2)(-1)(-3) = 6

For e, we have (0-1)(0-3)(0+2)³

=  (-1)(-3)(2)³

= (3)(8) = 24

Therefore, option a is the only one that fits in the graph.

Learn more about function;



whats the common difference of p+q, p , p-q



- q

Step-by-step explanation:

p - ( p + q )

= p - p - q

= - q

p - q - p

= p - p - q

= - q

Common difference is - q.



plz help


All the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees.
180 - 32 -64 = 84

What are the solutions to the quadratic equation x^2-16=0



x = ±4

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!


Move 16 to the other side


Take the square root of both sides


I hope this helps!

Q2 (a). Workout the value of each expression:
X-y when x =
10 and y = 15
n when m
10 and n= = 2
iii) f+2g when f= 5 and g = 10


Step-by-step explanation:

x=10, y=15

x-y = -5

n=10, m=2

n-m= 8

f=5, g=10




Point J is the midpoint of the line segment KI Find the length of JI.



I belive i is 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Factor out the GCF of the three terms, then complete the factorization of 6x3 + 6x2 – 1202.


Answer : 2( 3x^3 +3x^2 - 601 )

yannie read 24 pages of a book. one fourth of the book is unread.how many pages are there?




Step-by-step explanation:

24/3=8, 24+8=32

that's how I think of it

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