URGENT !!!!!!!

When the government puts restrictions on how credit card companies and financial institutions can behave with regard to who they can lend money or give credit, this reducing predatory lending, this is an example of which type of policy? (budget, monetary, regulatory, or fiscal?)

pls write as much as possible ab it


Answer 1

The government restrictions presented in the question above is an example of monetary policy.

This is because these restrictions aim to regulate and control the circulation of the country's national currency, allowing for inflationary control and interest rate control in different economic scenarios.

In other words, it is the monetary policy that regulates the economy, stimulating or retracting it, if necessary.

For this reason, it is important for the government to limit the way financial institutions and credit card companies can behave in relation to providing money or credit to the population.

You can find more information about monetary policy at the link below:


Related Questions

the id
1. Identify Main Ideas How did trade play a role in
Britain's becoming a global power?



Slave Trade

The British were very successful slave traders who transported millions of Africans to the Americas in exchange for raw materials. The income they received from this increased their coffers and made them capable to ruling an empire.

Second Agricultural and Industrial Revolution

The British were the first to introduce large scale changes to Agriculture that led to an increase in crop yields in what was termed the Second Agricultural Revolution. This led to them also taking the lead in Industry with the Industrial revolution.

They therefore had many new goods that were highly sought after in the world and so they established trading companies that sold these goods all over the world such as the British East India Trading company. These companies had military might and defeated entire kingdoms and subjugated them with the income they gained from trade.

The Royal Navy

There was a need to protect the trading routes of the British empire so the Royal Navy was expanded such that it became the foremost navy in the world and it remained that way for centuries until the emergence of the U.S. Navy.

In general, how has the power of the federal and the state governments changed over the course of the country’s history?


The federal government early in the US’s history had a very weak federal government with the articles. But the federal government became more powerful while states governments became less powerful because of the creation of the constitution

Which of the following was not a factor that contributed to the growth of factories in the United States during the industrial revolution?



Industrial Revolution, in modern history, the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world. Although used earlier by French writers, the term Industrial Revolution was first popularized by the English economic historian Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) to describe Britain’s economic development from 1760 to 1840. Since Toynbee’s time the term has been more broadly applied.

What was a prominent cultural trait of Italian immigrants?

A. Political and economic gain was the paramount goal of Italian culture.

B. talian history and culture promoted a strong bond with strangers and the upper class members of society.

C. The family was the purpose of existence and thc heart of the social/cultural system.

D. Italian Catholics did not believe in the use saints as intermediaries to God.​



C. The family was the purpose of existence and thc heart of the social/cultural system.


Italian immigrants were very family-oriented to the point of making family the heart of their subculture. The reason is that Italians themselves are very family oriented in Italy and those who emigrated did not change this aspect of their culture.

This was also advantageous because families helped each other in such a difficult process as it is emigrating to a different country with very little or no property at all.

Plz look are the pic and answer
The question is - Fill the flow chart to write about the division of the Chola empire.
Plz help



Mandalams -> Valandus -> Kottams


The Chola Dynasty was divided into several provinces called mandalams

which were further divided into valanadus,

which were subdivided into units called kottams or kutrams.

The State of Florida Constitution is similar to the U.S. Constitution because it

A: extends the power of government
B: protects people's individual rights
C: is the supreme law of the land
D: has the same length and laws


B I think


I suck at explanation

On June 27, 2019, the Supreme Court took up the question of extreme gerrymandering.
Did the Court decide that the federal courts could address the problem or not



Reno, 509 U.S. 630 (1993), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in the area of redistricting and racial gerrymandering. The court ruled in a 5-4 decision that redistricting based on race must be held to a standard of strict scrutiny under the equal protection clause.


¿Cómo puede nuestro sistema de federalismo conducir a
un conflicto entre los estados y el gobierno federal?
Dé su respuesta en forma de al menos tres oraciones



Explanation:I don’t know the answer sorry need +5

Our system of federalism in the United States divides powers and sovereignty between the federal government and the individual states. This division can create conflict when there are disagreements regarding the scope of federal authority versus states' rights.

One source of conflict is when states believe that federal policies encroach upon their rights or interfere with their ability to govern their own affairs. States may argue that certain issues should be within their jurisdiction, and they resist what they perceive as overreach by the federal government. For example, debates over immigration policies, healthcare regulations, or environmental standards often involve clashes between states and the federal government.

Conversely, conflicts can arise when the federal government asserts its authority and expects states to comply with federal laws or regulations. In such cases, states may resist or challenge these mandates, claiming they infringe upon their autonomy or contradict their own policies. This can lead to legal battles and political disagreements as states seek to protect their interests and maintain their independent decision-making power.

These conflicts highlight the tension inherent in our federal system, where the balance of power between the federal government and the states is constantly negotiated and contested. The courts often play a crucial role in interpreting the Constitution and resolving disputes between states and the federal government.

Overall, the potential for conflict arises from the inherent complexities of federalism, with states and the federal government each having their own spheres of authority. Balancing these competing interests is an ongoing challenge in maintaining a functional relationship between the federal government and the states within the framework of the U.S. Constitution.

To know more about  federalism here



Our system of federalism can lead to conflict between states and the federal government due to the division of powers and sovereignty between the two levels of government. Disputes can arise when states feel that federal policies infringe upon their rights or when the federal government believes that states are not complying with federal laws or regulations. These conflicts can manifest in legal battles, political disagreements, and tensions over issues such as immigration, healthcare, or environmental regulations.

In order to encourage the establishment of communities in the Western lands Congress set aside land for what?


The Land Ordinance of 1785 was adopted by the United States Congress of the Confederation on May 20, 1785. It set up a standardized system whereby settlers could purchase title to farmland in the undeveloped west.

Which Latin American nation was controlled by Augusto Pinochet?
O Argentina
O Nicaragua
O Chile
O Cuba





Which Latin American nation was controlled by Augusto Pinochet?

O Chile




Why did a stalemate develop along the Western Front during World War I?
A. Both sides moved their armies rapidly and did not stay in one
location for long.
B. Both sides refused to use their deadliest weapons for ethical
C. Both sides used trenches to effectively defend against enemy
D. Both sides stopped fighting in order to intervene in the Armenian



C the answer is definitely C

of the
The setting, character, and conflict are found in the
plot diagram
rising action
falling acton


Fallon gohdhdyenfyrnrtttendydngtfjd dudurbdngr


Thought I would give the right awnser

A business cycle is best described as


the business cycle is the upward and downward movements of levels of GDP (gross domestic product) and refers to the period of expansions and contractions in the level of economic activities (business fluctuations) around a long-term growth trend.

how did modernisation affect Japan as a nation



Modernization turned Japan into a major world power. They were able to rapidly industrialize and build a powerful military. This allowed them to acquire an empire in East Asia, and even defeat Russia during the Russo-Japanese War from 1904-1905


What land was excluded from the Land Lottery of 1901?
A. land allotted to American Indians
B. land reserved for large investors
C. land left as a surplus from reservations
D. land set aside for presidential visits​



A. land allotted to American Indians


The land that was excluded from the Land Lottery of 1901 was land allotted to American Indians under the Dawes Act.

The Dawes Act of 1887 was a ruling which gave the President the power to allocate land to Native Americans based on tribal communal holdings.


A. Land allotted to Native Americans.

have a great day and please mark brainlets! :)


What was the goal of the Bay of Pigs invasion?
to bomb communist defenses in Cuba
to restore Fulgencio Batista
to remove Castro from power
to protect American sugar farms



To remove Castro from power?

why the attitude toward the Etruscan rule changed over time.



They saw them as honorable men.


How did the attitude of Romans toward the Etruscans change over time? They saw them as honorable men. ... The Etruscans built temples, passing on their religious rituals to the Romans. They even influenced the style of clothing that the Romans wore.

What goals seem to have changed or expanded since the Cold War? Are some goals new? Explain your answer.



When the Cold War ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, many looked forward to a period of peace, with the world no longer subject to the threat of imminent nuclear destruction, and half the world's resources no longer being squandered on weapons of mass destruction. While the threat of World War Three is no longer as prominent as it was back then, things really haven't changed that much. Smaller hot wars like the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan took over from the Cold War, with the spending on weapons of war hundreds of billions of dollars a year higher than it was back then. Defense contractors are still the most profitable companies on earth. The world, despite the establishment of the United Nations after the end of the second World War, still doesn't have a practical mechanism for settling international conflicts short of war. And as the song by Dionne Warwick said, mothers still wonder, when their children grow up, both male and female children now, when some Commander-in-chief who never faced enemy fire himself will send them off to war.


class 6 sst ch diversity,how can people depend on each other​


The answer above me is correct

What geographic feature in North Africa served as a barrier separating it from the rest of the continent?



the sahara desert serves as a natural barrier that separates it from the rest of the continent

What is the benefit of competition in a free market system?
Cause producers to try to put each other out of business
Follow the traditional methods of production
O Create a variety of new and cheaper products
Make sure everyone gets an equal share of resources



C)  Create a variety of new and cheaper products


Unit Activity: The Rise of Industry and Nationalism
6 of 8
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Part B
Think about the first four lines of the poem. What is the narrator expressing in these lines?
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Part C
Read lines four through eight of the poem. What is the narrator expressing in these lines?
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The first four lines are the author talking about how when he was young his mother died. His father sold him into the chimney sweeping business before he could speak. Since then, thats all he does besides sleep covered in chimney dust


When President Clinton was elected to a second term in 1996,
Republicans maintained control of Congress.
Democrats took over the House and Senate.
voters overwhelmingly favored the Democrats.
voters blamed the Republicans for the economy.





Which of the following American Indian cultures was made up of several groups who spoke a common language?
O the Cherokee
the Iroquois
the Adena
the Mogollon



the Iroquois


I took the test

What effect did labor reform have in the United States and Great Britain during the 1800s



Explanation: It immediately led to better working conditions for children and adults. It ended child labor, but conditions for older workers remained the same. It led to gradual improvements in working conditions for everyone.

What caused the United States to adopt the policy of containment?
a desire to prevent prosperity in Germany
Soviet rejection of the Marshall Plan
the spread of communism across Europe
the spread of communism on several continents


Americans feared that the Soviet Union hoped to spread communism all over the world, overthrowing both democratic and capitalist institutions as it went..


The Truman Doctrine essentially meant giving money and weapons to enemies of the USSR. The Marshall Plan was an attempt to get all of Europe in debt to the USA and allow the Americans to dominate it. The American view was that the Truman Doctrine was stopping the continuing spread of Communism. please marks me as brainliests please for my effort...


C.   the spread of communism on several continents


the guy above gave the answer, for those of you that are to lazy to read here ya go

What was the goal of the Crusades?
O A. To gain power for the Moors
O B. To push the Moors out of Spain
O C. To retake Jerusalem from the Muslims
O D. To spread Catholicism to Asia





The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period. The best known of these Crusades are those to the Holy Land in the period between 1095 and 1291 that were intended to liberate Jerusalem and its surrounding area from Islamic rule.


They wanted to recapture the Holy Land (Jerusalem).

Do US dollar is a currency made of low cost materials it is valuable/ need help ?!?!



The answer is "Option C".


It is government-issued money that isn't back by a product includes gold or silver. It provides central banks more influence over the government as they can regulate how so much money is created. The majority of modern paper currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, is fiat currency. It is a medium of exchange that had to define as money, usually by government regulation. It proposes as a replacement for paper currency and representational currency.

What is full form of cid​



Crime Investigation Department


Cid =Criminal Investigation Department

Which best expresses Henry Clay’s opinion of the American System



Which of the following best expresses Henry Clay's opinion of the American System? ... Henry Clay believed the American System would mostly benefit the cotton and tobacco plantations in the South. Henry Clay believed the American System would benefit the entire nation and impact all regions.

please mark me as brainliest

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