Use deprivation in an original sentence.
Use bliss in an original sentence.
Use vacant in an original sentence.
Use utmost in an original sentence.
Use pensive in an original sentence.


Answer 1


Deprivation means the lack of something. (noun)

Sentence: The drought that occurred last week caused a deprivation of water.

Bliss means overwhelming, or perfect joy. (noun)

Sentence: She gave a sigh of bliss after taking a bite of chocolate.

Vacant means empty, or not containing something. (adjective)

Sentence: He parked his car in a vacant spot in the parking lot.

Utmost means most extreme, or greatest. (adjective)

Sentence: Climbing Mount Everest is a task of the utmost danger.

Pensive means being engaged in deep or serious thought (adjective)

Sentence: Sherlock Holmes is often in a pensive state of mind when considering the case he is solving.

Hope this helps!

Related Questions

eassy on importance of medicine​



If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

Importance of health and medicine has enhanced the life expectancy of human beings. For last hundred years' medicinal processes and medical equipment are proved to be the boon to human health for diagnosing properly and for applying proper medicines to the patient.The medicine word is derived from the Latin word ' ars medicina', meaning 'the art of healing'. Egyptian had advanced medicine systems at their time. Egyptians and Babylonians introduced the method of diagnosis and medical examination. Greece added further advancement in medical surgery system. Thus the history of medicine is a bigger subject. However I want to clear one thing that real advancement in medical science started from the midst of 20th century. In this period of time computerized instruments dragged the medical diagnosis at the peak level for simplified case study of diseases . The energy thrown in research of medical science is proving that human effort has adopted medicine subject as one of the most important subject for ensuring our health free from diseasesResearch is always driven by business opportunities. So we can say that many business groups somehow noticed and found the depth and width of marketability and expending capacities of human beings for securing their health. Thus ultimately the large market in health sector opened the opportunities for business. Thus it became a win win business model for customers as well as sellers

Please help ASAP!!!!!!!



The adjective is Filipino


In this case, 'Filipino' is describing the 'dessert'

pls help im gonna have to repeat 7th grade i need to finish all my assignments!!!

Identify examples of Eliza’s speech from Act 3 that show Eliza as a high society member and examples where she reverts back to the kerbstone flower girl.


Hey there! I literally did this assignment a day or two ago. Here is what I put!

Hope this helps! Please mark me as brainliest!

Have a great day!

When is the festival of colour celebrated?​



Holi ( /ˈhoʊliː/) is a popular ancient Indian festival, also known as the "Festival of Love", the "Festival of Colours" and the "Festival of Spring".[1][8][9] The festival celebrates the eternal and divine love of Radha Krishna.[10][11] It also signifies the triumph of good over the evil,[12][13] as it celebrates the victory of Lord Vishnu as Narasimha Narayana over Hiranyakashipu.[14][15] It originated and is predominantly celebrated in India and Nepal but has also spread to other regions of Asia and parts of the Western world through the diaspora from the Indian subcontinent.

Holi -19 March

Write a letter to your friend conveying that you miss your school during the pandemic.
( Try to make it humorous and witty)



I'm very very sad to write to you this letter

Helper the reason why is that


i miss my school during the pandemic ooo

give two reasons why the speaker didnt listen to the birds​



the speaker's not listening to the bird, because the bird isn't singing to him. At the same time, the speaker's also singing, which would make it difficult for him to listen to the bird even if the bird actually were singing to him.


Describe your class teacher​



Nice, and caring


Which subjects at school do you find interesting and motivating? What makes them so?​


I like spelling (Word Building is what my school calls it) because I get to learn how to spell words I never now how to

what movie is this??


Star Wars

It is Star Wars.


this movie is Star Wars yes I am write yeah

Which paragraph in the text might the correct answer to part A summarize



Plz give me the text to summarize your A...

I. Adverbs of frequency - Put the adverb of frequency on the right place
1. He listens to the radio. (often)_____________________________
2. They read a book. (sometimes)_____________________________
3. Pete gets angry. (never)_____________________________
4. Tom is very friendly. (usually)_____________________________
5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)_____________________________
6. Ramon is hungry. (often)_____________________________
7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)_____________________________
8. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)_____________________________
9. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)_____________________________
10. Christine smokes after dinner. (seldom)_____________________________
V. Complete the following sentences by using the right form of to do (do, don't, does, doesn't).
1) My mother likes chocolate, but she ________ like biscuits.
2) What _________ the children wear at your school?
3) Lynn's father watches badminton on TV, but he ___________ watch judo.
4) Where _________ the Masons buy their fruit?
5) _________ the cat like to sleep on the sofa?
6) Dogs love bones, but they ______________ love cheese.
8) We eat pizza, but we ____________ eat hamburgers.
9) ___________ Mrs Miller read magazines?
10) _____________ the boys play cricket outside?
VI. Put in the correct verb forms into the gaps. Use Simple Present.
1) _______ you ______________ mineral water? (to drink)
2) _________ Sarah and Linda ______________ their pets? (to feed)
3) _________ your teacher _____________ your homework? (to check)
4) _________ they _____________ in the old house? (to live)
5) ___________ the cat _____________ on the wall in the mornings? (to sit)
6) _____________ Nina _____________ computer games? (to play)
7) _________ your parents _____________ TV in the afternoon? (to watch)
8) __________ your grandmother ____________ the phone? (to answer)
9) __________ Andy ____________ the shopping? (to do)
10) ______ Garry and Ken ________ a cup of tea in the afternoon? (to have)
11) _______________ to school? (you/to walk)
12) _______________ a banana in the morning? (Ronda/to eat)
13) _______________________ parrots? (your father/to like)
14) _______________ a room with her sister? (Wendy/to share)
15) _______________ a lot in England? (it/to rain)
16) ______________________ sports after school? (the friends/to do)
17) ______________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________ camping in summer? (Susan and Jack/to go)
18) _______________ their friends to the party? (they/to invite)
19) _______________ at the bus stop? (we/to wait)
20) _______________ in the mornings? (he/to smile)
VII. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Simple Present.
1) Anne _________________________ my questions. (not/to answer)
2) ______________ they _______________ tomatoes in this shop? (to sell)
3) This girl ______________________ trousers at school. (not/to wear)
4) _________________ Mr Barker ______________ Physics? (to teach)
5) The guinea pigs ______________________ under the desk. (not/to hide)
6) ____________ Ken often _________________ the school bus? (to miss)
7) The poster __________________ on the wall anymore. (not/to hang)
8) __________________________ for the tickets? (you/to pay)
9) The boys ___________________ stones. (not/to throw)
10) _________ the bells of your church still ________________? (to ring)
11) They _________________ hockey at school. (to play)
12) She ______________________ e-mails. (not/to write)
13) ___________ you ____________________ English? (to speak)
14) My parents _______________________ fish. (not/to like)
15) ________ Anne _________________ any hobbies? (to have)
16) Andy's brother ______________________ in an office. (to work)
17) Leroy ____________________ very fast. (can/not/to read)
18) ________ Jim and Joe ___________ the flowers every week? (to water)
19) Yvonne's mother _____________________ a motorbike. (not/to ride)
20) ___________ Elisabeth ___________________ cola? (to drink)



1.He listens to the radio often

2.They sometimes read a book

3.Pete never gets angry

HELP PLEASE! ill give u brainliest, i just need a essay typed for this asap!

Question 8 (Essay Worth 20 points)

Read the speech "Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True" and consider the advertisement "The Opportunity of a Lifetime." Then, answer the question.

Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True

A Speech to the Student Body of Evergreen High

[1] Picture this: It's Spring Break, and you fly off to some country where there's lush rainforests and beautiful, blue coastlines to explore. There's also people in need, so you decide to blend your vacation with volunteering. Volunteering as a tourist, or voluntourism, seems like a great way to explore new regions and help people at the same time. However, this "volunteer plus travel" experience can actually harm local communities. While many teens might view traveling and volunteering abroad as a worthwhile adventure, there are more genuine and effective ways to make a difference.

[2] Most would agree that volunteering in general is a worthy use of time. However, what if you found out the children you are "helping" are actually being kept in poor conditions so voluntourists will spend money to come to the local area? Dale Rolfe, a supporter of ethical voluntourism, explains the shocking reality that "Animal sanctuaries and orphanages are often manufactured for the voluntourist...encouraging a cycle of exploiting the very animals and children the volunteers are trying to help."

[3] Proponents of the "volunteer plus travel" experience also argue that traveling to new places builds character and is a valuable way to learn about different cultures. With voluntourism, however, participants often pursue experiences that are all about them. For example, they sign up to build a school for a gold star on their resume, but they have no real building skills and take jobs away from local construction workers (Schulten). Or, they arrive to teach English but instead take selfies with the locals. One world traveler and ethical voluntourist believes voluntourism "can perpetuate small minded views of the world by taking insulated, fake, and structured experiences and selling them as unabridged and eye opening" (Carlos). The voluntour experience is a mirage. The voluntourist's eyes are not opened to real life at the destination, and lasting change is not achieved.

[4] If you want a genuine experience where you can see a lasting impact, there are better options than voluntourism. You can volunteer in your local community. Give an hour every week to your town's animal rescue. Serve monthly dinners to the homeless. Be a reliable, positive influence on a child who needs a mentor. Studies show that volunteering and forming lasting relationships with those you help has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. In fact, blood pressure is reduced, memory is improved, and rates of depression are reduced (Michaels).

[5] There is another reason to look into alternatives to voluntourism. Did you know the average "voluntour" travel package costs $3,400 (Rolfe)? Could that travel money be better spent? If the world's citizens are your passion, it could go to an international organization. If you care about education, your funds can be used to buy books for students in faraway lands. If you want villagers to have clean water, contribute funds to local efforts to dig wells. If you want to experience a different culture, travel to the country as a guest, and learn from the locals how you can best help them after you've returned home. But do not voluntour.

[6] In reality, there are better ways to make a difference. Voluntourism might appear to be an adventure that blends travel and helping others, but it does little except provide a costly, superficial experience that might actually do more harm than good. So, volunteer where you are most needed-at home, where you can stay to see the job through and form genuine, lasting relationships. Choose a beautiful coastline closer to home and send the travel money you saved to an international organization that will put it to good use. Whatever you do, don't turn someone else's hardship into your vacation.

"The Opportunity of a Lifetime"

A magazine advertisement with the title

Both texts (the speech and the advertisement) address voluntourism. However, each text has a different purpose, which is reflected by the details each writer chose to include. Consider the words and images used.

In a paragraph of 6-8 sentences, identify what each text emphasizes and explain how that emphasis reveals each author's position on voluntourism. Be sure to state each author's position and include evidence from both texts to support your analysis.



Each text emphasizes the false ways that voluntourism may advertise or appeal to teenage tourists who want to help, but are doing more harm than good. The first passage Explains how voluntourism seems like a great way to help people actually harms local communities, because the money you spend goes to the event or charity to help more teens hurt the community. The second passage explains how it is used to exploit the animals in children they are supposed to be helping. The third passage touches on how voluntourism may be hindering local jobs and such. The fourth passage explains that volunteering in your local community would be more helpful than voluntourism. The fifth passage gives helpful alternatives to voluntourism and such. All of these passages are negative towards voluntourism and offer alternatives, or expose their untruthful natures.

which writing purpose would most likely require an informal style? A. Writing a history term paper about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. B. Emailing your congresswoman to ask her to vote to lower the driving age. C. Emailing your favorite world-class chess player to ask for an autograph. D. Writing an advice column for fellow students in your school newspaper.



I think is c. I'm not sure

Select the correct answer. What do the underlined sentences in this excerpt from William Dean Howells's "Editha" reveal about the speaker? "I don't want you to feel foolishly bound to my memory. I should hate that, wherever I happened to be." "I am yours, for time and eternity—time and eternity." She liked the words; they satisfied her famine for phrases. "Well, say eternity; that's all right; but time's another thing; and I'm talking about time. But there is something! My mother! If anything happens--"



Hi. You didn't underline any sentence, but we can see from the sentences presented that the speaker is very outspoken and speaks directly, without fear.


In the question above, we can see that the sentences presented are excerpts from the book "Editha" which tells the story of how Editha insisted that her fiance join the army and go to war, because she thinks this is his duty as a men. Editha is a woman who speaks openly about her thoughts and is not ashamed to be direct and frank in everything she thinks, as we can see in the sentences presented above.


Answer a series of questions about several works of art and literature inspired by Ovid's story of Daedalus and Icarus. First compare and contrast the theme of Ovid's story with that of Brueghel's painting Landscape with the Fall of IcarusThen compare and contrast two poems with Brueghel's painting and with each other



1.  Both of these depict the consumption of pride as a story. The hidden lesson of these stories is that if you don't learn to be humble and assert yourself, you will burn in the sun if you fly too close to it. In Ovid's story, pride causes loss. In the story, Daedalus builds wings for himself and his son and then loses his son when he flies too high and dies. Both Ovid's story and Brueghel's painting deal with human pride. In Ovid's story, pride and arrogance are weak shields. It may have far-reaching consequences. It was with great pride that Daedalus created wings for himself and his son, but his pride was dashed when he discovered his son dead from too high a flight. Brueghel's painting, however, depicts a different kind. It shows people think their suffering matters because they feel important in this world. Unlike in his painting, Icarus' drowning body is barely visible. This represents the value of one person in this world. You are a speck in the grand scheme of things. After they died, the world went on as usual. So, Brueghel's new idea in Ovid's story is people's indifference to others' suffering.

2.  Brueghel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus emphasizes that our individual suffering is insignificant in comparison to the entire world, as a single individual is only a grain of sand in comparison to the entire world. The viewer can form his or her own opinion. A powerful vocabulary includes "suffering", "martyrdom", "disaster" and "forsaken". Many readers will agree that they share many ideas.

Second, "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" is about indifference. The poet uses the mythological character Icarus to discuss human indifference. It was spring and a farmer was plowing his field when Icarus fell.

The painting depicts a tiny splash of Icarus falling into the ocean, which we know from the title of the work. The rest of the scene is calm and quiet as if nothing happened. It seems to grieve at the idea that our individual suffering isn't more important in Auden's poem.

3. William Carlos Williams' poem "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" focuses on the fact that if it doesn't happen to me, I don't care. Even if an event is significant in the eyes of future generations, it may go unnoticed if it has no immediate impact. It's not surprising that two poets have addressed this issue, but their portrayals of the drama differ slightly. However, in Pieter Brueghel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, the person in front is wearing long sleeves, which does not emphasize spring. When Icarus fell from the sky in the poem “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus,” a farmer was plowing his field. Also, the painting depicts ships and sheep, but William Carlos Williams' poem “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” does not.

4. Both W.H. Auden and William Carlos Williams describe Pieter Brueghel's painting "Landscape with The Fall of Icarus." Both poets describe the scene in detail. Both poets use imagery to describe the painting's scene.

But the poets differ in other ways:

Auden presents his poem in free verse, with two long stanzas devoid of rhyme. The poem is divided into six stanzas, each with three lines.Auden's reflections on the painting's depiction of suffering and routine are more delicate and meditative. In the second stanza, he contemplates his psyche. Williams, on the other hand, is concise. He informs the reader and describes the painting with examples. He mentions Icarus from the first stanza but doesn't focus on how he or others felt at the time.Auden felt the painting and tells the reader about it. Williams is a snoop. He describes what he saw without revealing his inner feelings or thoughts.

i love pets in a complex sentence



Answer: Although my parents don't like pets , but I love pets .



Colin was so ................. because of his exam that he could not sit still for five minutes.
A. on the verge B. on edge C. on border D. on rim



B. on edge


it is another way of saying nervous

john has to play to him. (into negativ)​



John don't has to play to him


Negative <●>

What is the structure of the following statement? "Something needs to be done about the local playground.
Graffiti defaces most of it, and there are broken bottles and trash everywhere.
A. Descriptive
B. Compare and contrast
C. Problem Solution
D. Cause and effect



a)descriptive is the answer as I think




Many people disagree about the appropriate age to allow children and young adults to use social media. Write an essay that argues your viewpoint about the issue. Develop your claim with reasons and evidence, and form a rebuttal to argue against a counterclaim. The topic (what you will write about) is . The purpose of this essay is to .



I believe the best age for anyone to start using social media is around 15-16. A child under the age of 13 will most likely be easily influenced by things they see since they are still developing their views and opportunities on the world and themselves. Younger teens (13 or 14) will most likely also be influenced but also pressured by social media. Social media can cause stress or pressure for those who are still young and developing. Around 15 or a little older is a great age to start because it is a good way to start giving freedom to young adults. 15, 16 or 17 year olds for the most part have discovered their personality and have a higher level of common sense and critical thinking


The right or appropriate age to allow children and young adults to use social media is 13 years.

What is the right age to use social media?

Studies has shown that the right age for social media use is 13 as it is the the minimum.

I believe that the above is correct because at that age, the child will want to learn more about school work and others. Note that introducing your child to social media below that age is not right as they can easily be influenced by it.

Learn more about social media from


. _________ most of us got poor results.
A. So difficult was the test that B. Was difficult so the test that
C. So difficult the test was that D. So difficult was the test


The answer is D.
So most of us got poor results.
That is the only one that would fit.

"So difficult the test was that most of us got poor results". This is the best completed sentence.

What is a sentence ?

A sentence is a verbal expression in linguistics and grammar, as in the English example "The swift brown fox jumps over the slow dog." It is often described in conventional grammar as a group of words that conveys a full notion or as a unit made up of a subject and predicate.

It is often described in non-functional linguistics as a maximal unit of syntactic structure, such as a constituent. According to functional linguistics, it is a group of written texts that are separated by markers like periods, question marks, and exclamation points as well as graphological traits like capital letters.

Contrast this idea with a curve, which is defined by phonological characteristics like pitch and loudness as well as markers like pauses; and with a clause, This is a string of words that depicts a process that is occurring throughout time.

Hence, So difficult the test was that most of us got poor results. This is the best completed sentence, option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about  sentence here:


Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

Well, as I was saying, they have hardly uttered a word, or not more than a word, of truth; but you shall hear from me the whole truth: not, however, delivered after their manner, in a set oration duly ornamented with words and phrases.

What is Socrates saying about rhetoric in this excerpt from The Apology? !!!Select all that apply!!!!

His accusers' rhetoric is lengthy and uninteresting.
His accusers' rhetoric is attractive but lacking in substance.
His own rhetoric is straightforward and to the point.
His own rhetoric is more charming than that of his accusers.



.His accusers' rhetoric is attractive but lacking in substance


 "they have hardly uttered a word, or not more than a word, of a set oration duly ornamented with words and phrases"

nesecito las respuestas


1. a bar of chocolate

2. a jug of olive oil

3. a pack of biscuits

4. a jar of honey

5. a tub of margarine

6. a glass of water

7. a bottle of Coke

8. a carton of milk

9. a bowl of soup

10. a box of cereals

I hope this helps! (give brainliest if you can)

You must answer this question. You received an email from your new friend, Leela who has just enrolled in your school.

Hi. The weekends are finally here. Let's go to the beach with our schoolmates. Which beach shall we go to and what can we do there? What should we bring? I will be waiting eagerly for your reply. Bye!

Now write an email to your friend in about 80 words. Write your answer below.​


Hello Leela!

I hope you are doing fine. It's a great idea to go to the beach with our schoolmates during the weekend.

We should go to Santa Barbara Beach. It is near us, and it is a very cool place. If we are planning on spending our day there, we should bring food, what about some sandwiches?. Also, we have to ask our schoolmates to bring a volleyball ball and a frisbee to have some good fun!

Can wait for the weekend!

See you.


When writing an email to a friend:

Greet the person in an informal style. For example, hello, hi, or hello (friend's name). Exclamation marks are allowed and make the letter more friendly and casual.Ask the reader how they are and give a short answer to the email. In this case, the short answer is, "It's a great idea to go to the beach with our schoolmates during the weekend."Answer the email questions (which beach and what to bring)Write a closure sentence expressing how you feel.Sign the letter.

To sum up, when we write an email to a friend, we should use a friendly and informal style. As regards the organization, first greet the friend, then make a brief introduction, next proceed to answer the questions in the body of the letter, and lastly, sign the email.

Learn more about emails to friends here:

1. true / false / doesn't say​






Why did the writer long for dashain hollydays?​



cuz he loved items was vey happy

your friend had a misunderstanding with his parents and he confided in you that he tends to run away from home as a result of this. Write a letter to him dissuading him from taking such an action.​



Dear (friends name)

That does not seem like a logical response to a disagreement, something as minor as this should not be responded to by a dramatic action. (add some more stuff relating to how un-logical it is to run away because of the disagreement)


My sister supports me into passive voice


I am supported by my sister

Active voice:-

The voice told directly by the speaker is called active voice

Ex:-I play cricket

Passive voice:-

The voice told indirectly by the speaker is called passive voice.

Ex:-Cricket is played by me

3. Which of the following statements is true?
a ) Video should be used sparingly.
b) Video should be avoided whenever possible.

c) Video should be used together with text.
d) Video should be used as often as possible.



The answer is A, Video should be used sparingly.


I did the quiz! hope it helps<33


Video should be used sparingly.


Video can be a very useful tool, but should be used sparingly and should not be combined with other media.



Is there a picture or something that I can see to help you answer?
Other Questions
The planet Mercury travels in an elliptical orbit with eccentricity 0.203. Its minimum distance from the Sun is 4.5 x 10^7 km. If the perihelion distance from a planet to the Sun is a(1 - e) and the aphelion distance is a(1 + e), find the maximum distance (in km) from Mercury to the Sun.Pick from the following:1. 7.7 x 10^7 km.2. 6.6 x 10^7 km.3. 6.8 x 10^7 km. Why do Joey and Topthorn enjoy Crazy Old Friedrich? What happens to Friedrich? In war horse Yale University professor William Graham Sumner was an advocate of social Darwinism. Sumner said, The aggregation of large fortunes is not at all a thing to be regretted, on the contrary, it is a necessary condition of many forms of social advance. Millionaires are the product of natural selection. The Salvation Army advocated the Social Gospel. Author Charles M. Sheldon asked his readers to consider What would Jesus do? in regard to societys problems. Explain the difference between social Darwinism and the Social Gospel. What did each school of thought advocate in terms of social policies? What actions did each believe the government or individuals should take? Which of the following represents a time when a person would likely consult a company handbook ? a ) To find the company's mission statement or goals Ob ) To view a list of customers c ) To find all the company locations d ) To view their coworkers ' vacation requestso Can someone help me with this math homework please! Which of the following phrases is a verb phrase?The black snakeSunned itselfOn the sidewalkBeside the riverQuestion 3 of 7 A company received cash proceeds of $206,948 on a bond issue with a par value of $200,000. The difference between par value and issue price for this bond is recorded as a:________A. Credit to Interest Income B. Credit to Premium on Bonds Payable. C. Credit to Discount on Bonds Payable. D. Debit to Premium on Bonds Payable E. Debit to Discount on Bonds Payable Which of the following functions is graphed below? (picture included) Which mind maps would display the cause and effect of events? Fine the area and circumference of each circle and round to the nearest tenth. Which statement can be proved true using the given theorem? The diagram shows the electric field lines surrounding two positive point charges. If the charge on the right were replaced with a negative charge, which of these would need to change to make a correct representation of the electric fields? (Choose all that apply)A. Field Lines would full in between the two charges (instead of leaving a blank area at point DB. The field lines around both charges would change direction.C. The field lines would get closer togetherD. The arrows on the field lines surrounding the negative charge would need to point toward instead of away from the charge. anne said" i have never been to the united states". change into indirect speech Which was one of the earliest talking films?A. Don JuanB. The Great Train RobberyC. The Wizard of OzD. The Wild West Show Find the domain and range of the function graphed below. neutral radicals examples Next, youll compare the speeches by Lewis and Lincoln. Begin by recording each authors purpose, audience, and overall message in the table below. Be sure to include textual evidence to support your thinking, especially in the Message column. Good readers reread the text to find accurate textual evidence. at the school festival , raffle tickets were sold at $1 each, or 3 for $2. At the end of the day, 15 books of tickets, each containing 20 tickets, were sold. the money collected from the sale was $236. How many tickets were sold at 3 for $2? A pie chart is to be drawn for Cathys spending.Cathy spent a total of $800 last month.She spent $120on entertainment last month.Calculate the size of the angle for entertainment in the pie chart. As Vince attempted to park in the crowded lot, his truck kissed the bumper of an Impala. What is being personified?Which human trait or quality is given?