Use the abstract noun forms of the word given in the bracket to fill in the blanks:
1. There is no______ in your writing. (clear)
2. Teacher said that there is no ________about the board exams. (inform)
3. We have to work hard to fulfill our parent's _________. (expect)
4. It's great to take ________ in our hard work. (proud)
5. ________ is the greatest curse. (blind)



Answer 1








hope that helps

Related Questions

sumina said to father what is your name into indirect speech​



I think it goes like this...


Sumina asked her father what his name was.

You're doing research for a presentation comparing electric cars to gasoline-powered cars. Which source should you use



I would use gasoline-powered cars

A distaste for everything that had happened to him in the war set in because of the lies he had told. All of the times that had been able to make him feel cool and clear inside himself when he thought of them; the times so long back when he had done the one thing, the only thing for a man to do, easily and naturally, when he might have done something else, now lost their cool, valuable quality and then were lost themselves. What does the excerpt reveal about Krebs


Answer: He is dissatisfied and feels disillusioned with his surroundings


The thing that the excerpt reveal about Krebs is that he is dissatisfied and feels disillusioned with his surroundings.

From the excerpt given, we can infer that due to the lies that he had told in the war, a distaste for everything that had happened to him in the war set in. He no longer enjoyed the things that he enjoyed.


He is dissatisfied and feels disillusioned with his surroundings.


Which of the following is an example of an overly broad generalization? (RIGHT ANSWER GETS BRAINLIEST)

A) Either you become a physicist, or you enjoy reading great literature.

B) Everyone who voted for Governor Jones does not care about education reform.

C) Jack had never met a person from Montana before, so his new friend must not be from Montana.

D) Calculus is a difficult subject, so I will buy all of my biology textbooks today.



Calculus is a difficult subject, so I will buy all of my biology textbooks today.

Explain how form Impacts meaning in the poem "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou.



Maya Angelou does not let the standard meter, rhyme, and pase to control her poetry. She is the one who determines the structure or the lack of it and uses form  to achieve what she wants. The sound, tempo,  rhythm, and the rhyme are in service of each line. The poem “Caged Bird” is a great example of unstructured verse. The number of beats per line differs. The number of lines in each stanza changes as well. In addition, she uses  the intermittent stanza as well.  She also uses sporadic rhyme. The repetition of the third stanza serves to give some predictability to the poem and it draws the reader to participate with caged bird. Other parts of the poem are unpredictable. The joy of the free bird makes it possible for the reader understand the tragic story of the oppressed.In "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou, the free bird is an extended metaphor for a free person, and the caged bird is an extended metaphor for an oppressed person. Angelou creates a comparison between the two birds to make her point. For example, a free bird that "leaps on the back of the wind" is a metaphor for being free to do anything, while a caged bird with clipped wings and tied feet is a metaphor for being kept from doing most things. Angelou alternates the focus of the stanzas between the free bird and the caged bird. This emphasizes the contrast between the two and highlights the emotions her extended metaphors convey.

pls Mark me as brainliest trust me

The underlined part of the sentence is a

restrictive phrase.
nonrestrictive phrase.
restrictive clause.
nonrestrictive clause.





The underlined part of the sentence is a restrictive clause. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is a restrictive clause?

A restrictive clause is a type of subordinate clause that provides essential information to the sentence, without which the meaning of the sentence would be unclear or incomplete. It is also known as an essential clause.

A restrictive clause is usually introduced by a relative pronoun, such as "who," "whom," "that," "which," or "whose," and it modifies the noun or pronoun that immediately precedes it in the sentence.

It is important to note that a restrictive clause is not set off by commas, as it is an essential part of the sentence. In contrast, a non-restrictive clause, which provides additional, non-essential information to the sentence, is set off by commas.

Learn more about restrictive clause, here


don't answer this unless your brainly name is xXtherealXx



as you sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Read this passage.

“There is a look about you,” he said. “It lies in your eyes and the mark is on your face. What is it?”
“Would you not grieve too,” I said, “if the woman who gave you birth was no more than a handful of dust?”
“It is not that alone. The hurt is of longer standing. Why do you lie?”
I looked up and his eyes were on me.
Surely, I thought, my mother has told him, for he knows; but as if he guessed my thoughts he shook his head.
“No, I do not know. Tell me.”
I held back. He was a foreigner, and although I no longer stood in awe of him, still the secret had been long locked up in my breast and would not come out easily. “I have no sons,” I said at last, heavily. “Only one child, a girl."

Why is the narrator at first unable to state what troubles her?

She is unsure of what troubles her.

She is too grieved by the death of her mother to speak.

The man questioning her is a foreigner.

She is too awestruck to speak.



The man questioning her is a foreigner.


She knows what troubles her, the loss of her mother is unrelated, and she is no longer awestruck.

The narrator at first is unable to state what troubles her because the man questioning her is a foreigner.

What is "The Story of an Hour"?

It is a fictional story by Kate Chopin. The story is about truth, and it says that truth shall set you free. When Mrs. Mallard finds out that her husband is dead, she goes through a new search for life and thoughts.

Thus, the correct option is C.

Learn more about "The Story of an Hour"


By Hugh Lofting

Chapter 1: The Cobbler's Son
My name was Tommy Stubbins, son of Jacob Stubbins, the cobbler of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh; and I was nine and a half years old. At that time Puddleby was only quite a small town. A river ran through the middle of it; and over this river there was a very old stone bridge, called Kingsbridge, which led you from the market-place on one side to the churchyard on the other.

Sailing-ships came up this river from the sea and anchored near the bridge. I used to go down and watch the sailors unloading the ships upon the river-wall. The sailors sang strange songs as they pulled upon the ropes; and I learned these songs by heart. And I would sit on the river-wall with my feet dangling over the water and sing with the men, pretending to myself that I too was a sailor.

For I longed always to sail away with those brave ships when they turned their backs on Puddleby Church and went creeping down the river again, across the wide lonely marshes to the sea. I longed to go with them out into the world to seek my fortune in foreign lands—Africa, India, China and Peru! When they got round the bend in the river and the water was hidden from view, you could still see their huge brown sails towering over the roofs of the town, moving onward slowly—like some gentle giants that walked among the houses without noise. What strange things would they have seen, I wondered, when next they came back to anchor at Kingsbridge! And, dreaming of the lands I had never seen, I'd sit on there, watching till they were out of sight.

Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the plot as presented in the excerpt of "The Cobbler's Son"? (6 points)

Tommy had little hope of escaping his quiet life.
Tommy learned strange songs from sailors in his youth.
Tommy hoped to live a life of adventure in his youth.
Tommy lived in a quaint, small village in his youth.



Tommy hoped to live a life of adventure in his youth.

Read the excerpt from activist cesar Chavez 1984 address to the commonwealth club of San Francisco. Which ideas from the excerpt would be most appropriate to include in a summary ?select two options


Could we have the excerpt? Then I will try and answer.

Read the passage below from "Marigolds" and answer the question.

I had Indeed lost my mind, for all the smoldering emotions of that summer swelled In me and burst-the great
need for my mother who was never there, the hopelessness of our poverty and degradation, the
bewilderment of being neither child nor woman and yet both at once, the fear unleashed by my father's tears.
And these feelings combined in one great Impulse toward destruction.

Based on the passage above, which of the following themes are evident in the story?

loss of innocence

good overcomes evil

value of family

love and sacrifice



C. Value of family







At the end of summer, many children are not ea___
to go back to school


The answer is Eager, I believe

He is as tall as you. (negative)


He is not as tall as you


I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things.
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Which of the following sentences best describes the dramatic irony in the poem?
The traveler knows he will see the statue in the desert.
The traveler knows who the king was.
The audience knows the traveler has seen the statue in the desert
The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.


The correct answer is D. The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.


Dramatic irony is a literary device that is based on giving the reader information about the story so that he understands the hidden meanings of the story related to the actions of the characters. In addition, the reader understands aspects that the characters themselves are unaware of, creating a feeling of suspense. In the excerpt presented the narrator tells the reader the power of the king will not last, as the narrator says "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains".

According to the above, it can be established that the correct answer is D. The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.

Pesquise sobre quais as maneiras e situações em que ocorre a influência cultural americana, escreva um texto com, no máximo 20 linhas sobre o tema, destacando as razões pelas quais é importante aprender inglês.



El inglés es el idioma internacional más importante, consecuencia de la política colonial del Imperio Británico en el siglo XIX y la influencia global de los Estados Unidos de América en los siglos XX y XXI.

El inglés se originó a principios de la Edad Media como el idioma de algunas de las tribus germánicas que invadieron Gran Bretaña. Se convirtió en nativo de la mayoría de la población británica y, con el crecimiento territorial del Imperio Británico, se extendió a Asia, África, América del Norte y Australia. Después de que las colonias británicas obtuvieron la independencia, el inglés siguió siendo el idioma nativo de la mayoría de la población (EE. UU., Canadá, Australia, Nueva Zelanda) o uno de los idiomas oficiales (India, Nigeria). El inglés se enseña en instituciones educativas de muchos países como lengua extranjera.

Question 3 of 24
Suppose a novel tells about a young girl growing up poor in a rural town. She
overcomes hardship and obstacles, including the small-minded expectations
of her society, to better her situation through hard work and ingenuity. Which
of these would best symbolize her struggle?
A. A feral cat with only one eye that manages to keep stealing
enough food to stay alive
B. A recycled glass wind chime that signals changes in the weather
and approaching storms
C. An image of an eye that she seems to encounter in various places
at key moments
D. A movement taking place in the nearby town to install the first
electric stoplight



i say the first one


How is voice different from point of view?


you see, voice is something actually speaking from their perspective in their body and point of view is letting people see and actually grasp

Which is a tool that you can use to write a gripping concluding statement?

A. You can use a challenging quotation.

B. You can sum up your key points.

C. You can restate your thesis statement.

D. You can add a new twist to your main idea.



In my opinion D is the best


hope this helps you:-)>.<

Which part of this excerpt from William Shakespeare's Macbeth uses apostrophe?


This question is missing the excerpts. I was able to find them online. However, since they are too long to post here, I have attached them.


The excerpt in which Shakespeare uses apostrophe is the first one.


The figure of speech known as apostrophe happens when an author or character addresses an inanimate object, a dead person, or someone who is absent. In the first excerpt (which can be found in the attachment), the speaker is addressing an inanimate object - a dagger (thy blade). At this point, Macbeth seems to be hallucinating, perhaps consumed with the guilt of knowing he is going to commit murder. He thinks he sees a bloody dagger before him, and begins to talk to the object.

"Macbeth" is a tragic play by English playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616).

In the poem above, to what is spring compared?



hay esta

..Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred:
'Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns' he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre-stroke,
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder'd.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!
Poet Name - Alfred Lord. Tennyson

Answer with reference to the context

2.Charge for the guns' he said:
Into the valley of Death

a.What do you think the speaker is trying to convey in the first line?

b.what is the tone used by the speaker?

c.what is the valley of death​​



Throughout the course of The Charge of The Light Brigade (a poem the based the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War), Lord Alfred Tennyson uses many poetic techniques such as imagery, intertextuality, rhyming, and meter to highlight loyalty leads to sacrifice.


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this

The feeling of love that the expresses in the poem is best contrasted by which line





The poem “I Am Offering this Poem” by Jimmy Santiago Baca reflects the poet’s love for his beloved for whom he has dedicated the poem.

The line “no longer cares if you live or die” best contrasts with the poet’s feeling of love. He wants his love to be a shelter and covering upon her beloved even if anyone isn’t concerned about her. He wrote the poem and dedicated to his beloved so that she would never feel an emptiness in her life even in his absence.

Yellow fever is a painful, often-fatal disease in tropical areas of Africa and Central and South America. How does it spread? There seem to be common conditions when yellow fever breaks out. I describe each condition, and then offer a suggestion that may minimize the spread of disease. 1. Lack of immunity. Provide vaccines to prevent breakouts. A single does of yellow-fever vaccine will provide lifelong protection. 2. Still water. Mosquitoes carry the disease, and they breed in water that sits still. Eliminate or chemically treat places where water collects and sits still. 3. Insects bites. Close yourself indoors. cover your skin with thick clothing, and use repellent. Which statement best describes how the author organize the information? A. The author shows cases of yellow fever and prescribes medical treatments. B. The author analyzes the effects of yellow fever and traces its cause to insects. C. The author identifies the problems of yellow fever outbreaks and offers solutions D. The authors describes certain experiments and offers conclusions based of experience.



C. The author identifies the problems of yellow fever outbreaks and offers solutions.


If you look at how the text is structured, then you can see that the causes of the disease are examined by the author, followed by a solution for those problems. Therefore, it is C.

1. A. Environment B. Fertilizer C. Editor D. Scientist 2. A. Disposal B. inorganic C. Chemical D. Natural 3. A. Reduction B. Pollution C. Solution D. Conclusion 4. A. Consume B. Rinse C. Resource D. Organise 5. A. Diverse B. Ritual C. Bridesmaid D. Decisive



1. C. Editor

2. B. Inorganic

3. A. Reduction

4. D. Organise

5. B. Ritual


Word whose underlined part is pronounced differently

1. A. Environment B. Fertilizer C. Editor D. Scientist

C. Editor

2. A. Disposal B. inorganic C. Chemical D. Natural

B. Inorganic is pronounced differently

3. A. Reduction B. Pollution C. Solution D. Conclusion

A. Reduction

4. A. Consume B. Rinse C. Resource D. Organise

D. Organise

5. A. Diverse B. Ritual C. Bridesmaid D. Decisive

B. Ritual

Which details did you include in your paraphrase? Check all that apply o the use of the derrick to transport materials

Sample response: Thinking ahead allowed builders to construct the Empire State Building very quickly. Every day, workers were given instructions that showed what had to be done and where each delivery needed to go. Individual materials were marked to make sure they went to the right place in the building.

▪the use of the derrick to transport materials
▪how much skill the planning torok
▪the organization of the project
▪the speed of the project​





took test hope it helps :)



Explanation:Took Test.

Lennie’s death is paralleled by
Select one:
a. the death of the puppy
b. the death of Candy’s dog
c. the death of Curley’s wife
d. All of the above



b. the death of Candy’s dog


lennie was kind of humanely put down

a and c were caused by lennie

The answer is B . The death of candy’s dog

Kristin is reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for class, and she takes note of the setting, especially the mountains. She thinks about how mountains are set apart from the rest of society and begins to think about what impact this has on the story itself. Kristin is: Select one: a. Reading and responding b. Interpreting c. Evaluating



b. Interpreting


A play can be defined as a literary work that presents the dialogue between characters, as well as portrayal of fictional and non-fictional events in a theatre. A plot simply describes the order of events in a literary work such as a play.

In this scenario, Kristin is reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for class while taking note of the setting, especially the mountains.

Consequently, Kristin thinks about how mountains are set apart from the rest of society and begins to think about what impact this has on the literary work itself. Thus, we can safely deduce and conclude that Kristin is interpreting the book.



WHY SHOULD STUDENT HAVE EDUCATION or you can think of somthing in your own word





Reason 1:

Reason 2;


Evidence/and Support:

Call of Action:



Concord TV: Which issue do you think was most important in the Concord City election? Explain your choice.  

Your response: The most important issue could be the drought. Many farmers and people relied on the grapes for money.

Concord TV: Which candidate had the best plan, in your opinion, to address the issue? Explain your choice.  

Your Response: Rita Republican because she built a factory and now more people are coming in and city farmers would benefit from it as well.

Concord TV: Which issue do you think was most important in the Concord City election? Explain your choice.  

Your response: The most important issue could be the drought. Many farmers and people relied on the grapes for money.

Concord TV: Which candidate had the best plan, in your opinion, to address the issue? Explain your choice.  

Your Response: Rita Republican because she built a factory and now more people are coming in and city farmers would benefit from it as well.

Concord TV: Which candidate do you think had the weakest support for his or her claims? Why?

Your response: Davin Democrat because he said that he was going to build a school but then he messed it up because the tax was high on it and farmers got mad.

Concord TV: Did the media show any bias while covering the Concord City election? Explain your response.

Your response: The media is a source of communication such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. By advertising the candidates in the media, it played a role in the Concord City electio

Question 2 of 10
Which statement is a theme of "The Yellow Wallpaper"?
A. A woman becomes obsessed with the wallpaper in her room.
O B. People need to be mentally active and engaged to keep their
O C. A husband takes his wife to a mansion with a garden to help her
recover from an illness.
D. A married couple should always consider the feelings of both the
husband and wife,



O B. People need to be mentally active and engaged to keep their  sanity


The importance of self-expression is one of the highlights of the book, "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In the book, the narrator, a woman plagued with mental illness experiences difficulty recovering because her husband focuses on physical treatment. The woman found solace and sanity in writing for she kept a personal journal which she hid from others. Writing was therapeutic for this woman and this shows that keeping oneself mentally engaged helps to safeguard sanity.

Directions: Read the given questions carefully. Choose the letter of your answer and write it on the space before the number.

1. With varying success, many women around the world today struggle for equal rights. Historically, women have achieved greater equality with men during periods of social adversity. What feature of academic writing is evident in this statement?
A. Clear and Limited Focus
B. Logical Structure
C. Evidence - Based Arguments
D. Impersonal Tone

2. Social studies classes focus on the complexity of our social environment. The subject combines the study of history and the social sciences and promotes skills in citizenship. What feature of academic writing is manifested in the paragraph?
А. Clear and Limited Focus
B. Logical Structure
C. Evidence - Based Arguments
D. Impersonal Tone

3. Infant studies indicate that humans are born with an innate love of sweets. Based on statistics, a lot of people in Great Britain must be smiling because on average, every man, woman and child in that country consumes 95 pounds of sugar each year. What feature of academic writing is manifested in the paragraph?
А. Clear and Limited Focus
B. Logical Structure
C. Evidence - Based Arguments
D. Impersonal Tone

4. What feature of academic text states that each sentence and paragraph must logically connects to the next in order to present a clear argument?
A. Clear and Limited Focus
B. Logical Structure
C. Evidence - Based Arguments
D. Impersonal Tone

5. While most people think of dogs as pets, some dogs are bred and trained specifically for certain types of work. The bloodhound's acute sense of smell and willing personality make it ideal for tracking people missing in the woods. What does the second sentence do?
А. It makes a contrast
В. It states an effect
C. It draws a conclusion
D. It restate the idea found in the first​


In my opinion, it's:






It will be interesting to see the answers of others! Pardon me if anything is wrong.

1. D. Impersonal Tone: The feature of academic writing evident in this statement is the use of an impersonal tone. Academic writing aims to present information objectively and without personal bias.

What is Infant studies ?

Infant studies, also known as developmental psychology or child development research, refers to the scientific investigation of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of infants and young children.

2. A. Clear and Limited Focus: The feature of academic writing manifested in this paragraph is a clear and limited focus. Academic writing often emphasizes the importance of presenting information in a focused and concise manner.

3. C. Evidence-Based Arguments: The feature of academic writing manifested in this paragraph is evidence-based arguments. Academic writing relies on supporting claims and statements with evidence from credible sources.

4. B. Logical Structure: The feature of academic text stated in this question is the requirement for logical structure. Academic writing emphasizes the need for coherence and logical flow in presenting arguments and ideas.

5. B. It states an effect: The second sentence in the given statement states an effect. It highlights the result or consequence of the bloodhound's acute sense of smell and willing personality.

Learn more about Infant studies at:


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Name the process by which sugar moves into cell A.Name the process by which sugar moves into cell B. PLZ I NEED ANSWER ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Which structure is directly involved in gas exchange?ESSEO tracheapharynxO alveoliO bronchi Question 12 (5 points)Determine the value of x0.28 units0.98 units3.58 units1.12 units This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does democracy require equality of income or wealth? 5 impact of fandom culture A sociologist claims the probability that a person picked at random in Times Square in New York City is visiting the area is 0.83. You want to test to see if the claim is correct. State the null and alternative hypotheses. What is the purpose of "display:table"? Which of the following is the most reliable online source?A) The blog of a mother who shares anecdotal evidence of the harmfuleffects of vaccinations: www.novaccinesplease.blogB) A popular science magazine that charts developments and trends invaccinations over the last twenty yearsC) The website of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,which is the federal agency that protects public health and safety:www.cdc.govD) A parenting magazine website article on the controversies ofvaccinations: the place of development of society diffres from society to society.Clarify with its example 51What is the inverse of the function f(x) = 2x + 1?Oh(x) =12x-o hx)= kx +- 3x-2Oh(x) =Oh(x) =Mark this and returnSave and ExitNextSubmitType here to search81O10:49 AM^ D 0xmamman Match the sentence on the left with the correct meaning of the word exercise on the right You have job were you are paid (p) $1,000 a month plus $15.00 for every hour (h) you work. You work 150 hrs (h), how much money did you make? What is the minimum of y=1/3 x^2 + 2x + 5 _____________risk is the possible outcome that can occur when an organization or business unsuccessfully addresses its fiscal obligations. The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a(n) The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a(n) algae. chytrid. yeast. protist. fungus. 8.7 Two products are formed in the following reaction in a 50:50 mixture. Would the resulting solution be optically active Frida Kahlo is one of the twentieth century's most commented-upon artists. In the painting The Broken Column, she created a work that communicates some of the pain she endured because of an initial injury and numerous later surgeries. What makes this artist's personal story worth caring about for viewers of this work? Is it because of the intensity of her expression, or because she seems to speak for all women? 1. Why don't you let me .............thatfor you? I am happy to help.doto dodiddone