Use the diagram to determine the height of the tree.


Answer 1

where's the diagram?

Related Questions

Need Help this is due in 30 minutes!




Step-by-step explanation:

Since all the numbers are hundredths decimals, let multiply by the power of 2 of the base 10. So let multiply the equation by

[tex]10 {}^{2} [/tex]

So our new equation is

[tex]3 3{x}^{2} + 71x - 14 = 0[/tex]

Solve by AC method

[tex]ac = - 462[/tex]

[tex]b = 71[/tex]

We must think of two numbers that

Multiply to -462 and Add to 71. Set up equation

The numbers are 77 and -6.

So our new equation is

[tex] {33x}^{2} + 77x - 6x - 14 = 0[/tex]

Solve by factoring by grouping

[tex](33 {x}^{2} + 77x) - (6x - 14)[/tex]

Factor out 11 for the first equation

[tex]11x(3x + 7) - 2(3x + 7)[/tex]

So our factors are

[tex](11x - 2)(3x + 7)[/tex]

Set each equal to zero

[tex]11x - 2 = 0[/tex]

[tex]11x = 2[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{2}{11} [/tex]

[tex]3x + 7 = [/tex]

[tex]3x = - 7[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{ - 7}{3} [/tex]

A pair of fair dice are rolled. Find the probability of rolling a sum that is a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 4.



0.5555 = 55.55% probability of rolling a sum that is a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 4.

Step-by-step explanation:

A probability is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.

Possible outcomes:

For the pair of dice:

(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (1,6)

(2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5), (2,6)

(3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4), (3,5), (3,6)

(4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4), (4,5), (4,6)

(5,1), (5,2), (5,3), (5,4), (5,5), (5,6)

(6,1), (6,2), (6,3), (6,4), (6,5), (6,6)

So 36 total outcomes.

Desired outcomes:

Sum being multiplies of 3 or multiples of 4, so:

(1,2), (1,3), (1,5)

(2,1), (2,2), (2,4), (2,6)

(3,1), (3,3), (3,5), (3,6)

(4,2), (4,4), (4,5)

(5,1), (5,3), (5,4)

(6,2), (6,3), (6,6)

3 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 20


[tex]p = \frac{20}{36} = 0.5555[/tex]

0.5555 = 55.55% probability of rolling a sum that is a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 4.

35. Graph the following system of equations and find the x-coordinate of the solution.
3x+ 3y=3
x= -2
X = 3


9514 1404 393


  (b)  x = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

The graph shows the lines intersect at (x, y) = (-2, 3).

The x-coordinate of the solution is x = -2.

Which expression is equivalent to 27 + 45?



8 x 9

Have a nice day!

Given the flag ABCDE, determine the single rule (x,y) that creates the
transformed figure A'B'C'D'E'. Fill in your answer below in the format (x,y)--



(y, -x)

Step-by-step explanation:

Rotation of 90°


(x, y)  ---> (y, -x)

Rotation of 90°


(x, y) --> (-y, x)

Rotation of 180°

(Both Clockwise and Counterclockwise)

(x, y) ---> (-x, -y)

Rotation of 270°


(x, y) ---> (-y, x)

Rotation of 270°


(x, y) ---> (y, -x)

HELP. Need help on this



what are the answers

Step-by-step explanation:

a. A simple random sample of size 80 has a mean of 7.31. The population standard deviation is 6.26. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the population mean




Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for calculating the CI is expressed as;

CI = x±z*s/√n

x is the mean= 7.31

z is the 99% z-score = 2.58

s is the standard deviation = 6.26

n is the sample size = 80

Substitute into the formula

CI = 7.31± 2.58*6.26/√80

CI = 7.31± 2.58*6.26/8.94

CI = 7.31± (2.58*0.7002)

CI = 7.31±1.806516

CI = (7.31-1.806516, 7.31+1.806516)

CI = (5.503484, 9.116516)

Hence the 99% confidence interval for the population mean is


A biologist is researching a newly discovered species of bacteria. At time t = 0 hours, she puts 100 bacteria into what she has determined to be a favourable growth medium. The population of bacteria doubles every 3 hours. How many bacteria are there in 6 hours? a)200 b)100 c)400 d)600​



I'm sorry but I don't know this one

The diagonal of rectangle ABCD measures 2 inches in
What is the length of line segment AB?
1 inch
03 inches
04 inches
43 inches



B. √3 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Apply trigonometry ratio to solve for AB

AB = DC (opposite sides of a rectangle are equal)


reference angle (θ) = 30°

Hypotenuse = BD = 2

Adjacent = DC = ?

Apply CAH, which is:

Cos θ = Adj/Hyp


Cos 30° = DC/2

2*Cos 30° = DC

2*√3/2 = DC (Cos 30° = √3/2)

DC = √3 in.

AB = DC. Therefore,

AB = √3 inches

The table below represents average food costs broken down by meal. If you
were planning a trip, how much should you budget for food costs per day?
A. $20.00
B. $60.00
C. $80.00
D. $45.00


By taking the addition of the values in the table and overestimating a little bit, the correct option is B: $60.00

How much should you budget for food costs per day?

Here we have the following table of average costs:

Breakfast  $12.98Lunch        $18.95Dinner       $26.58

Assuming you eat these 3 per day, the total cost in food per day is the sum of all the values in the table.

It gives:

Total cost: $12.98 + $18.95 + $26.58 = $48.51

Notice that these are average costs, so you should budget a little bit over that just in case, then the correct option is $60, which is the first option over the average total cost.

Learn more about additions:




Step-by-step explanation:

1. In 2020, the populations of City A and City B were equal. From 2015 to 2020, the population of City A increased by 20% and the population of City B decreased by 10%. If the population of City A was 120,000 in 2015, what is the population of City B in 2015?

2. A chef is preparing a sauce for a steak she offers as a key dish in her menu. To prepare the sauce she needs to prepare a mix with 40% butter, with the rest being egg yolk. In the kitchen right now, she only has a sauce that has 20% butter (rest is egg yolk) and a sauce that has 50% butter (rest is egg yolk) in stock. In what ratio should she mix the 20% sauce with the 50% sauce in order to obtain the 40% sauce that she needs to prepare her famous recipe?

3. A book was on sale for 30% off its original price. If the sale price of the book was $28, what was the original price of the book? (Assuming there is no sales tax)

4. At a retail store, they needed to do surveys of 32 stores which equals 40% of all their stores. How many stores does the retailer have in total?*



180000 people

1 : 2


80 stores

Step-by-step explanation:


Population in 2020 are equal : Let population =

City A increased by 20% From 120,000 in 2015

(1 + 0.2) * 120,000 = (1.2 * 120,000) = 144,000

Hence, city A = 144,000.

Since, city A and B have equal population ; city B also has a population of 144000 in 2020.

Let population in 2015 = x

(1 - 0.2) * x = 144000

0.8x = 144000

x = 144000/0.8

x = 180,000


Let proportion of 20% butter = x and proportion of 50% butter = 1 - x

0.2x + 0.5(1 - x) = 0.4

0.2x + 0.5 - 0.5x = 0.4

-0.3x + 0.5 = 0.4

-0.3x = 0.4 - 0.5

-0.3x = - 0.1

x = 0.1/0.3

x = 0.3333

(1-x) = 1 - 0.33333 = 0.6666%

0.3333% of 20% butter

0.6666% of 50% butter

Hence ;

0.3333 : 0.6666

1 : 2


Let original price of book = x

Discount on sale = 30%

Sale price = $28

Sale price = original price * (1 - discount)

$28 = (1 - 0.3) * x

$28 = 0.7x

x = $28/0.7

x = $40


Let total number of stores = x

Store surveys needed = 32

40% of total stores = 32 stores

0.4x = 32

x = 32 / 0.4

x = 80

The average monthly salary of a worker is ₹8200. If there are 45 workers in a factory, then total expenditureincurred on expenditure is:​


Answer: [tex]Rs.3,69,000[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


average monthly salary of a worker is [tex]Rs.8200[/tex]

If there are 45 workers in a factory

Total expenditure is calculated by taking the product of Average monthly salary and no of workers in the factory

[tex]\Rightarrow 8200\times 45\\\Rightarrow Rs.3,69,000[/tex]

Please help me thank you


9514 1404 393


y = 32.1x +779.91165 cases in 2010

Step-by-step explanation:

A suitable statistics calculator can tell you the coefficients of the linear regression equation. In the attached, we put the given x- and y-values into a table and asked for the best fit equation. Rounded to tenths, the equation is ...

  y = 32.1x +779.9

The year 2010 is 12 years after 1998, so we can find the desired projection using x=12.

  y = 32.1×12 +779.9 = 385.2 +779.9 = 1165.1

The number of cases is projected to be 1165 in 2010.


We wonder if using the button "Open Statistics Calculator" will let you solve this question yourself.


Maintaining your balance may get harder as you grow older. A study was conducted to see how steady the elderly is on their feet. They had the subjects stand on a force platform and have them react to a noise. The force platform then measured how much they swayed forward and backward, and the data is in table #7.3.10 ("Maintaining balance while," 2013). Do the data show that the elderly sway more than the mean forward sway of younger people, which is 18.125 mm? Test at the 5% level.

Table #7.3.10: Forward/backward Sway (in mm) of Elderly Subjects












Reject H0 and conclude that adults sway more than the mean forward sway for younger people.

Step-by-step explanation:

H0 : μ = 18.125

H0 : μ > 18.125

Sample data: 19 30 20 19 29 25 21 24 50

Sample size, n = 9

Sample mean, xbar = Σx / n = 237 / 9 = 26.333

Sample standard deviation, s = 9.772 (calculator)

The test statistic :

(xbar - μ) ÷ (s/√(n))

T = (26.333 - 18.125) ÷ (9.772/√(9))

T = 8.208 / 3.2573333

T = 2.519 = 2.520

Decison :

Reject H0 ; If Pvalue < α

The Pvalue :

Degree of freedom, df = n - 1 ; df = 9 - 1 = 8

Pvalue(2.520; 8) = 0.0179

Since 0.0179 < 0.05 ; WE reject H0 and conclude that adults sway more than the mean forward sway for younger people.

write √3 x √6 in the form b√2 where b is an integer



[tex]3 \sqrt{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \sqrt{(9 \times 2)} [/tex]

Take the square root of 9 out of the square root and leave the 2 in.



Step-by-step explanation:

Using the rules of radicals

[tex]\sqrt{a}[/tex] × [tex]\sqrt{b}[/tex] ⇔ [tex]\sqrt{ab}[/tex] , then

[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] × [tex]\sqrt{6}[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{3(6)}[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{18}[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{9(2)}[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{9}[/tex] × [tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]

= 3[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Any help would be very appreciated ​




Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

tan theta = opp/ adj

tan 60 = x / 7 sqrt(3)

7 sqrt(3)  tan 60 = x

7 sqrt(3) sqrt(3) = x

7*3 = x

21 = x

What is the value of cot ø= 2/3 what is the value of csc ø



Step-by-step explanation:

cotθ = cosθ/sinθ = 2/3

sinθ = 3/√(2²+3²) = 3/√13

cscθ = 1/sinθ = √13/3

Please help me solve log3(2x+5)=3



x = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide both sides by 3

3 (2x + 5)/3 = 3/3


2x + 5 = 1

Subtract 5 from both sides

2x + 5 - 5 = 1 - 5


2x = -4

Divide both sides by 2

2x/2 = -4/2

Simplify: 2x/2

Divide the numbers: 2/2 = 1

= x

Simplify: -4/2

Apply the fraction rule: -1/b = -a/b

= - 4/2

Divide the numbers: 4/2 = 2

= -2

x = -2

Rectangle QRST with vertices Q(-3,2), R(-1,4), S(2,1), and T(0,-1)) in the x-axis




Step-by-step explanation:

The coordinate of the new rectangle after the reflection across will be Q'(-3, -2), R'(-1, -4), S'(2, -1), and T'(0, 1). Then the correct option is D.

What is a transformation of a point?

A spatial transformation is each mapping of feature space to itself and it maintains some spatial correlation between figures.

The reflection does not change the shape and size of the geometry. But flipped the image.

Rectangle QRST with vertices Q(-3, 2), R(-1, 4), S(2, 1), and T(0, -1).

The coordinate of the new rectangle after the reflection across is given as,

Q' = (-3, -2)

R' = (-1, -4)

S' = (2, -1)

T' = (0, 1)

The coordinate of the new rectangle after the reflection across will be Q'(-3, -2), R'(-1, -4), S'(2, -1), and T'(0, 1). Then the correct option is D.

More about the transformation of a point link is given below.


Which equation could represent a linear combination of the systems?


9514 1404 393


  (b)  0 = -78

Step-by-step explanation:

Subtracting 6 times the first equation from the second will give ...

  (4x +15y) -6(2/3x +5/2y) = (12) -6(15)

  0 = -78


the answer is b

Step-by-step explanation:

In another state, all license plates consist of 6 symbols chosen from the 26 letters of the alphabet and the digits 0-9. How many license plates are possible if no repetitions are allowed and there must be exactly 3 letters followed by 3 numbers



11,232,000 license plates are possible.

Step-by-step explanation:

The order in which the symbols are chosen is important(ABC is a different plate than BAC), which means that the permutations formula is used to solve this question.

Permutations formula:

The number of possible permutations of x elements from a set of n elements is given by the following formula:

[tex]P_{(n,x)} = \frac{n!}{(n-x)!}[/tex]

In this question:

3 letters from a set of 26.

3 digits from a set of 10. So

[tex]T = P_{26,3}P_{10,3} = \frac{26!}{23!} \times \frac{10!}{7!} = 11232000[/tex]

11,232,000 license plates are possible.

A survey of 77 teenagers finds that 30 have 5 or more servings of soft drinks a week. a. Give a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of teenagers who have 5 or more servings of soft drinks a week. b. In the general population, 30% have 5 or more servings of soft drinks a week. Is there evidence that a higher proportion of teenagers have 5 or more servings of soft drinks a week than the general population



a) The 90% confidence interval for the proportion of teenagers who have 5 or more servings of soft drinks a week is (0.2982, 0.481).

b) 30% = 0.3 is part of the confidence interval, which means that there is no evidence that a higher proportion of teenagers have 5 or more servings of soft drinks a week than the general population.

Step-by-step explanation:

Question a:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

A survey of 77 teenagers finds that 30 have 5 or more servings of soft drinks a week.

This means that [tex]n = 77, \pi = \frac{30}{77} = 0.3896[/tex]

90% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.1[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.1}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.645[/tex].  

The lower limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.3896 - 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.3896*0.6104}{77}} = 0.2982[/tex]

The upper limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.3896 + 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.3896*0.6104}{77}} = 0.481[/tex]

The 90% confidence interval for the proportion of teenagers who have 5 or more servings of soft drinks a week is (0.2982, 0.481).

Question b:

30% = 0.3 is part of the confidence interval, which means that there is no evidence that a higher proportion of teenagers have 5 or more servings of soft drinks a week than the general population.

Simplify to the extent possible:

(logx16)(log2 x)



Step-by-step explanation:

Use the change-of-base rule.

Which equation is true?

f of negative 10 = 1
f of 2 = negative 10
f of 0 = 6
f of 1 = negative 10



f(0) = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Complete question:

The function f (x) is given by the set of ordered pairs 1,0 (-10,2), (0,6) (3,17) (-2,-1) which equation is true





Given the coordinate (x, y). This shows that the input function is x and the output function is y, i.e. f(x) = y

From the pair of coordinates given, hence;

f(1) = 0

f(-10) = 2

f(0) = 6

f(3) = 17

f(-2) = -1

From the following options, this shows that f(0) = 6 is correct


f(0) = 6

Step-by-step explanation:


About 9% of the population has a particular genetic mutation. 400 people are randomly selected. Find the mean for the number of people with the genetic mutation in such groups of 400



36 people

Step-by-step explanation:

The expected value E(X) = mean of sample = np

Where, p = population proportion, p = 9% = 0.09

n = sample size, = 400

The mean of the number of people with genetic mutation, E(X) = np = (400 * 0.09) = 36

36 people

which of the following tables represents an inverse variation between x and y​



I think that d is the answer

Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(07.02 MC)
Jason has two bags with 6 tiles each. The files in each bag are shown below
Without looking, Jason draws a file from the first bag and then a file from the second bag What is the probability of Jason drawing the file numbered 5 from the first bag and an odd file from the second bag?




Step-by-step explanation:

Because there’s a total of 12 files in each bag which is 6 in each

A G.P is such that the 3rd term minus a first term is 48. The 4th term minus 2nd term 144. Find: (i) Common ratio ii) The first term (ii) 6th term of the sequence​



Step-by-step explanation:

r is the common ratio.

Third term minus first term is 48.

a₃ - a₁ = 48

a₃ = a₁r²

a₁r² - a₁ = 48

a₁(r²-1) = 48

r²-1 = 48/a₁

Fourth term minus second term is 144.

a₄ - a₂ = 144

a₂ = a₁r

a₄ = a₁r³

a₁r³ - a₁r = 144

a₁r(r²-1) = 144

r²-1 = 144/(a₁r)

48/a₁ = 144/(a₁r)

r = 3


r²-1 = 48/a₁

a₁ = 6


a₆ = a₁r⁵ = 1458

(i) The common ratio for the given condition is 3.

ii) The first term of the sequence is 6.

iii) The 6th term of the sequence​ is 1458.

What is a sequence?

It is defined as the systematic way of representing the data that follows a certain rule of arithmetic.

Divergent sequences are those in which the terms never stabilize; instead, they constantly increase or decrease as n approaches infinity,

It is given that a  is a geometric progression such that the 3rd term minus a first term is 48. The 4th term minus the 2nd term 144.

Each number following the first in a geometric sequence is multiplied by a particular number, known as the common ratio.

As the third term minus the first term is 48.

a₃ - a₁ = 48

a₃ = a₁r²

a₁r² - a₁ = 48

a₁(r²-1) = 48

r²-1 = 48/a₁

The fourth term minus the second term is 144.

a₄ - a₂ = 144

a₂ = a₁r

a₄ = a₁r³

a₁r³ - a₁r = 144

a₁r(r²-1) = 144

r²-1 = 144/(a₁r)

48/a₁ = 144/(a₁r)

r = 3

r²-1 = 48/a₁

a₁ = 6

a₆ = a₁r⁵ = 1458

Thus the common ratio for the given condition is 3, the first term of the sequence is 6 and the 6th term of the sequence​ is 1458.

Learn more about the sequence here:


Which of the following describes an angle with a vertex at Z?


B is the answer and why is bc I took the quiz

round 8 5/6 to the nearest whole number




Step-by-step explanation:

8 5/6

5/6 is close to 1 so it will round up

8+1 = 9

8 5/6 rounds to 9



Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Round [tex]8\frac{5}{6}[/tex] to the nearest whole number

In order to round up, the fraction needs to be either 1/2 or greater than 1/2.  In our case, it is greater than half therefore we will round up to 9.

Answer:  [tex]9[/tex]

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