Valve is a company that makes world-class computer games such as Half-life, Counter-Strike, Dota 2, Team Fortress and creates a world-leading game distributing platform known as Steam. This organization has been working boss-free which translates into “everyone is equal and managers don't exist” for years and still performs excellently on the digital game market. Here are some insights from its employees:

- “We're free to choose to work on whatever we think is interesting.”

- “We form into teams based on a need to complete a feature or complete a game, and then we disperse into new teams.”

- “People ask you questions about what you are working on. And the response is not to get defensive but to have that conversation and make sure that we're all invested in each other.”

- “I think the fact that we're not managed by people and we're not managing people and you're able to formulate your own ideas and work with whoever it is to come up with a project or feature - that's empowering”

- “It's a community of respect and the best idea wins no matter who it comes from, whether they've been at Valve for a year or founded Valve.”

Use the knowledge you have earned to identify the type of organizational design of Valve. Explain how Departmentalization, Chain of command, Span of control, and Formalization works in this organization


Answer 1
Can you post a picture I don’t fully understand

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phân tích các nội dung cơ bản trong xây dựng và hoàn thiện njaf nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa ở nước Việt Nam hiện nay



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characteristics of a free market economy



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A free market economy is characterized by the following:

Private ownership of resources. ...

Thriving financial markets. ...

Freedom to participate. ...

Freedom to innovate. ...

Customers drive choices. ...

Dangers of profit motives. ...

Market failures.

Sứ mệnh của giai cấp công nhân hiện nay có thay đổi không vì sao


Theo quan điểm duy vật lịch sử, sứ mệnh lịch sử của một giai cấp không phải do ý muốn chủ quan quy định mà trái lại, được quy định bởi những điều kiện khách quan của lịch sử; đồng thời cũng chính điều kiện lịch sử khách quan đó là cơ sở khách quan tạo cho giai cấp đó có được những đặc điểm chính trị - xã hội mang tính cách mạng có thể thực hiện được sứ mệnh lịch sử ấy.

Chứng minh:

Thứ nhất, theo lý luận hình thái kinh tế - xã hội, nhân tố quyết định sự phát triển của xã hội là sự phát triển của lực lượng sản xuất; trong đó, người lao động là lực lượng sản xuất hàng đầu. Trong xã hội tư bản chủ nghĩa hay trong bất cứ một xã hội nào dựa trên sự phát triển của nền đại công nghiệp thì lực lượng sản xuất hàng đầu của nó vẫn là người công nhân. Chính người công nhân là đại biểu cho sự phái triển của lực lượng sản xuất tiên tiến nhất của thời đại ngày nay; không có một giai cấp nào có thể thay thế địa vị đó.

Chú ý: ở đây là nói người công nhân với tư cách là sản phẩm của nền sản xuất đại công nghiệp tư bản chủ nghĩa hay xã hội chủ nghĩa; nó đại biểu cho sự phát triển của lực lượng sản xuất tiên tiến của xã hội hiện thời và xã hội tương lai.

Thứ hai, trong các giai cấp, tầng lớp xã hội đối lập (mâu thuẫn) giai cấp tư sản thì chỉ có giai cấp công nhân là giai cấp ở vào địa vị mâu thuẫn trực tiếp nhất và có tính đối kháng. Điều này khiến cho giai cấp công nhân trở thành giai cấp có tính cách mạng triệt để nhất trong cuộc đấu tranh chống lại ách thống trị, áp bức và bóc lột của giai cấp tư sản. Trong cuộc đấu tranh để tự giải phóng mình và giải phóng toàn thể nhân dân lao động khỏi ách thống trị, áp bức, bóc lột của giai cấp tư sản, giai cấp công nhân (với tư cách là giai cấp vô sản) không mất gì cả, ngoại trừ mất xiềng xích, còn nếu được thì dược cả thế giới.

Thứ ba, xuất phát từ đặc điểm của nền sản xuất công nghiệp, nhất là nền công nghiệp hiện đại, khiến cho giai cấp công nhân có được tính tở chức cao với kỷ luật chặt chẽ. Đồng thời, với sự phát triển mở rộng, có tính xã hội hoá cao của nền sản xuất công nghiệp khiến cho giai cấp công nhân có được mối quan hệ liên minh mang tính quốc tế của nó từ cơ sở của nền công nghiệp phát triển và nền kinh tế thị trưòng mở rộng có xu hướng quốc tế hoá. Mặt khác, đội ngũ của nó cũng không ngừng lớn mạnh nhờ quá trình phát triển của công nghiệp hoá ngày càng mở rộng trong phạm vi một quốc gia cũng như ở nhiều quốc gia khác nhau.

Thứ tư, giai cấp công nhân là giai cấp thuộc những người lao động, điều đó là cơ sở khách quan cho sự liên minh vững chắc và lâu dài giữa giai cấp công nhân với các giai cấp và tầng lớp lao động khác trong toàn xã hội, tạo thành lực lượng cách mạng của công cuộc cách mạng xoá bỏ xã hội cũ, xây dựng xã hội mới - xã hội xã hội chủ nghĩa.

Thứ năm, giai cấp công nhân là giai cấp có được hệ tư tưởng khoa học của nó - đó là chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin.

Trên thực tế, trong cuộc sống hàng ngày hiếm khi hành động xã hội của con người thuộc chỉ một trong bốn kiểu loại hành động xã hội mà Max Weber đề cập đến mà là sự kết hợp phức tạp hơn thế. Hay nói cách khác, trên thực tế, một hành động xã hội có thể là sự pha trộn của các kiểu loại hành động mà Max Weber đã phân loại.

Từ góc nhìn xã hội học, tự lấy các ví dụ và phân tích để làm rõ nhận định trên



ơ  oiiiiiiiii, bạn học  NV với cùng lớp xhh với mình hả =))))))))))))))))))

Theo bạn tại sao Việt Nam phát triển theo mô hình kinh tế thị trường định hướng xã hội chủ nghĩa



hello how are u I'm in undrwat

Which of the following is not an effect of an earthquake?



what following? :<<

can't see

state two problems children in a single-parent family may face?



Children with single parent family will face a lot of troubles like:

Some children won't be do good in school, they will sometimes have problems with people.Most single parent have to work to keep up for the child, so the child will have more alone time then time with the parent.


hope this help

Complete the following for the Passages: (Does or Does not) commit a fallacy; specifically, it (Does or Does not) commit a false cause fallacy.
Passage A
This lever releases the parking brake and allows the car to move. When I got out of my car, I definitely engaged the parking brake. So either someone pulled the brake-release lever before my car went rolling down the hill, or else the brake itself was defective.
Passage B
Most of the time, after a priest administers last rites to an ill patient, the patient dies soon thereafter. Hence, there should be a law against priests administering last rites!
Passage C
Every time I am awake at 6:10 AM or earlier, my neighbor's sprinklers come on at exactly 6:10 AM. My neighbor said she wants her sprinklers to come on at 6:10 AM. So if I want to honor my neighbor's wishes, I should make sure that I am awake at 6:10 AM or earlier.
Passage D
The pastor of my church said that existentialism denied absolute truth and undermined the ideaof genuine moral standards. As far as I can tell, existentialism is a movement in philosophy that consists in some rather complex philosophical theories. So, I'll just take my pastor's word for it that existentialism is bad.
Passage E
That pilot who safely landed a commercial airliner in the Hudson River has been called a hero and was even invited to attend the president's State of the Union address. But there are hundreds of pilots in northern Alaska, Canada, and other remote areas who deliver supplies via seaplane and often land safely on water. Why don't they get invited to attend the president's State of the Union address?



Passage B

Most of the time, after a priest administers last rites to an ill patient, the patient dies soon thereafter. Hence, there should be a law against priests administering last rites!

Does not commit a fallacy


What will happen if the value of the American dollar decreases?
A. Exports will cost more.
OB. Imports will cost more.
C. Income tax rates will go down.
D. Salaries will go down.





There will be less imports since the value of the dollar is deprecated so that in result means that higher value products such as imports will increase is value.

B there will be less imports because I got this on the test

14. What was the name for Japanese suiside bombers in World War II?
A. Kamikaze
OB. Okinawa
O C. Iwo Jima
O D. Blitzkrieg


The answer is kamikaze

According to Thomas Aquinas, God is a necessarily existing being. Created beings, by contrast, are contingent rather than necessary. Consequently, the concept of a natural right to life is incompatible with theism, because human existence is radically contingent on the divine being's will. From this argument, type the conclusion indicator word or phrase here:

Which statement best represents the conclusion of the argument?
a. Created beings are contingent rather than necessary.
b. The concept of a natural right to life is incompatible with theism.
c. God is a necessarily existing being.
d. Human existence is radically contingent on the divine being's will.


The correct answer is D) Human existence is radically contingent on the divine being's will.

The statement that best represents the conclusion of the argument is "Human existence is radically contingent on the divine being's will."

St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) was an Italian priest of the Dominican religious congression that founding the influential Thomistic school that developed theological concepts in the Middle Ages. Written between 1265 and 1274, "Summa Theologica" has been one of the most important books for the Catholic Church that still today is part of the curriculum of religious studies for priests. In Summa Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas sought to reconcile faith and reason.

Suggest one way community groups may help young people with learning difficulties in your country


Answer: i am going to put more than 1 in case you dont like any

one way a community group may help young people with difficulties is by

By taking your time to understand where they mostly struggle at, then you can help them. they can listen to them and not be distracted by anything. they will listen to you in some ways other people cant.They can show them that they are appreciated and they are smart. they will show them that they are just the same as any other person

Hope this help

Who is the protagonist of the story? Describe them? In the bully book​



Bill is the leader and most self-assured member of the Losers Club as well as the main protagonist of the story. Feeling responsible for Georgie's death, he seeks revenge on the monster. › wiki › I...
Eric Haskins he is the outcast of the school . Eric is the bullies Favourite target .

if you have to leave it during this time, and you heard about gold in California would you have traveled west to California ? why or why not?​



Actually I wouldn't because it feels stressful and greedy in a way

No because by the time I get there it’ll prolly be gone

in britain, you are generally considered to be unfortunate if your birthday is in the last half of december. why?



beacause in a britain country is has sign that unlucky or can give you bad luck.


i don't need links!!​



For a business such as hospitality, the front office department comes with an aspect of elevating customer experience with the business.

Front Office department is a common link between the customers and the business. Let us learn more about it.

What is Front Office Department?

It is the one of the many departments of the hotel business which directly interacts with the customers when they first arrive at the hotel. The staff of this department is very visible to the guests.

Front office staff handles the transactions between the hotel and its guests. The staff receives the guests, handles their requests, and strikes the first impression about the hotel into their minds.

Front Office Department Includes:

•Front Desk

•Uniformed Services


•Front Office Accounting System

•Private Branch Exchange (PBX), a private telephone network used within an organization.


Lackey is a:_______
a. A non-reductionist, credulist about testimony
b. A complete and total skeptic about all testimony
c. A hedonist about testimony



a. A non-reductionist, credulist about testimony


The term 'Lackey' existed in the United States during 1500s to define the male person who works as a servant or a male slave. Lackey was a uniform male servant, especially a liveried footman.

A lackey is not wise person and is often used as a slang. He is always credulist about any testimonies and evidences. He acts as a non reductionist.

thanh điệu của tiếng việt là gì?


Answer: Là dấu à ???


The Plains Native Americans used buffalo for all of the following purposes except:
A. food
B. shelter
C. clothing
D. Transportation





Hope it helps

Which of the following was only provided for in the Constitution years AFTER the Constitutional Convention?
a. How many representatives each state would have in Congress
b. How powers would be divided between the President and Congress
c. How slaves would be counted for tax purposes
d. What specific rights each citizen was entitled to



its really just a i have to hit 20 though

What is the relationship between the given statement and the new statement?

Given statement: Some non-A are not non-B (T) New statement: Some B are not A

Group of answer choices










contraposition because A and B are not in the same position

The relationship between Some non-A is not non-B (T) and Some B are not A is obversion. The correct option is c.

Obversion is defined as a "type of immediate inference in which another proposition is inferred from a given proposition whose subject is the same as the original subject, whose predicate is the opposing of the original predicate, and which is affirmative if the original proposition's quality was negative and vice versa."

In the statements Some non-A are not non-B (T) and Some B are not A is obversion it can be seen that Some non-A are not non-B (T) is converted to Some B are not A by obversion.

Therefore the relationship between the two statements is obversion.  

Thus, the correct option is c.

Learn more about obversion, here:


which of the following occurs when a person doesn't give up his or her cute cultural identity but does add another cultural layer?​


I think the right answer would be intercultural

Describe the route by which Western farm products traveled to markets in the East. ​



There were few roads in the West, so farmers shipped their crops down the Mississippi to the port at New Orleans. From there, the goods were shipped to markets in the East.


Which process allows for citizens to propose a new law?

Which process is a vote by citizens to approve or reject a law?

Which process allows for citizens to change an existing law?

Which process is a vote by citizens to remove an elected official from office?



1. initiative

2. referendum

3. referendum

4. recall


got it right


1. initiative

2. referendum

3. referendum

4. recall


Name two improvements during the Silla kingdom


Oct 3, 2016 · The Silla kingdom ruled south-eastern Korea during the Three ... Land') which was changed to Silla during the reign of king Beopheung (r.

who was the 1st preident of the usa



George Washington

On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States.


Hope it helps


George Washington was the first president of the USA.


•| ۝ jess bregoli ۝ |•

#keep learning!!

Which of these are more important and why? Health, wealth, youth, looks, ability, beliefs, or family connections


the most important would be health


the most important is health

Passage A:

The pastor of my church said that existentialism denied absolute truth and undermined the idea of genuine moral standards. As far as I can tell, existentialism is a movement in philosophy that consists in some rather complex philosophical theories. So, I'll just take my pastor's word for it that existentialism is bad.

Above Passage ______________ commit a fallacy; specifically, it _____________ commit a false cause fallacy.



It does commit a fallacy, specifically, it does not commit a false cause fallacy.


The argument presented above presents a fallacy, specifically, a fallacy known as the Argumentum ad verecundiam, or appeal to authority. This kind of fallacy occurs when a relevant personality is used as a justification to support a false argument. In the case of the argument presented in the text above, the speaker uses the authority that the pastor presents in his life, to justify the argument that existentialism is bad.

What can the reader infer from the text about Marco Polo?



Provides information about his achievements.


The reader can infer a lot of information from the text about Marco Polo. The text provides information about the adventures and exploration done by Marco Polo. The adventure of Marco Polo has a great influence on the world. Marco Polo had introduced gunpowder to the Chinese and start trade between Europe and China. The Europeans were introduced to citrus fruits, spices, and other new goods which the can't see in their lifetime.

The government needs to provide public goods for what reason?
A. They are necessary for raising the standard of living.
B. Private companies cannot profit by providing them.
C. Citizens demand government regulation to protect their freedom.
D. The government can reduce taxes by profiting from public goods.​





Because the government needs to reduce the gap between poor and the riches

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