What does this line from the story “The Masque of the Red Death” represent?
“And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.”

A. The plot

B. The rising action

C. The theme

D. The symbol


Answer 1


C. The theme


"And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all". The take-home message is "death conquers all." At the beginning of the story, the Red Death was all over Prospero's kingdom, but Prospero himself fled and created a place that was supposedly safe from death.

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Identify the figurative language and define it.
His fingers were a blur as he typed his story.


His fingers were a blur as he typed his story. "a blur" is a metaphor if I'm not mistaken. It compares two subjects without using "like" or "as"


Metaphor. Comparison between two subjects without using like or as


Your Headmaster Essay ​



He is academically and professionally well-equipped. He must possess progressive outlook and constructive leadership. An ideal headmaster recognizes that a good organization is an arrangement of persons, wherein its members may work effectively, economically and harmoniously together to achieve a common purpose. The Headmaster must be cultured, well- behaved. He must be social and sociable. He should be able to win confidence and earn respect of others.

The good Headmaster is the leader of school. He should have a clear perception of ideals of education. He must possess ability to coordinate the work of the human equipment of the school. He should not be parasite of public funds.

Really, an ideal Headmaster is sensitive to the needs of the society. He may be able to transform schools into tree and cooperative communities of youth. He must have good knowledge communities of youth. He must have a good knowledge of child and adolescent psychology, general principles of health and hygiene, the latest trends and practices in education.


Headmaster essay


The destiny of a ship depends upon the Captain who mans it. The same is true

of the school. Its success and failure depends upon the Head Master.

Mr. M.U. Ahmad is our Head Master. He is an M.A., B.Ed. He is an experienced


A good Head Master is a boon to the school. Our Head Master is able and hard

working. He is very noble and honest. He takes great interest in his work. He is

the friend, philosopher and guide of the students. The students regard him

very much. He is not only a good administrator but also a good teacher. He

teaches us English. He is specially interested in poetry.

He is famous for his method of teaching. He teaches us so nicely that we follow

whatever he teaches us. In his hands English has lost its dullness. If we do not

understand any point he makes us understand it clearly.

He has a sweet personality. He attracts students as magnet attracts iron. All the

students are prepared to carry out his orders at all costs. He lives for the

school and students. They are his first love. They are his last love. His word is

law for us. He is, no doubt, the king of his little kingdom of school.

He takes a round of the school. He sees that all the teachers are working well.

If any teacher is on leave, he asks his first assistant to make arrangement for

his time table. He is religious minded. He always advises us to work hard. He

also asks us to be obedient to their parents and teachers. He likes to see us

good citizens of free Pakistan.

Our Head Master is very keen about games. He sees that every boy takes part

in one game or the other. He has divided the school into different houses. In

our school Inter-Houses Tournaments are held. He is a true lover of cricket.

Sometimes matches are held between students and the members of the staff.

Our Head Master believes in strict discipline. He attaches great importance to

orderly behavior and good manners. He sees that students come in school

uniform. He himself is very particular about his dress.

Our head Master is a man of lofty character. He is also interested in extra

curricular activities, such as games, dramas, debates and lectures. He is a great

man and he is making his students gift.

what do you think tone is


The answer is:

Tone is a literary device that reflects the writer’s attitude toward the subject matter or audience of a literary work. By conveying this attitude through tone, the writer creates a particular relationship with the reader that, in turn, influences the intention and meaning of the written words.

However, though the writer’s tone may reflect their personal attitude or opinion, this literary device may also strictly apply to conveying the attitudes and feelings of a certain character or narrator.

Therefore, it’s essential for readers to look closely at the literary choices made by the writer so as not to unfairly assign a tone to them and to interpret tone judiciously.

If you don’t agree with someone’s interpretation of a novel, what two things should you do? (Choose all that apply.)

Leave the subject before an argument begins.

Explain how your interpretation is different.

Consider if your interpretation could be expanded or tweaked.

Modify your view to match the person’s interpretation.



Explain what your interpretation is different;

Consider if your interpretation could be expanded or tweaked.


Explain what your interpretation is different;

Consider if your interpretation could be expanded or tweaked.


Taking the subway to the airport is______than going by taxi, but it's less expensive
A) most inconvenient
B) inconveniently
C) more inconveniently
D) none of these


None are valid. The correct answer would be more inconvenient.
None of these are correct

Travelling to space is an extraordinary experience. why?​


It is extraordinary experience while travelling to space because we will go their first time.

1. They are _________________ the use of learning online at the moment. (courage) 2. The ………………of radio was made by Marconi . ( invent )
3. They are _________________ the use of learning online at the moment. (courage) *
4. We are listening to Helen’s …………………………of the wedding. (describe) *
5. She offered me five………………………kinds of cake. (difference) *
6. There is a lot of ……………………………………….. In the workshop. ( equip ) *
7. My mother says there is something__________________ on TV tonight. (interest)
8. The students _______ participated in the “Green Group”. (happiness) *
9. (Luck ) ……………………… ,the barber cut my hair too short.
10. Language learners should _______________words regularly. ( revision) *
11. Joan was looking for a new and ……….……….. career. (satisfy)
12. You should participate in ______________________ program. (recycle) *
13. Bell ________ the telephone in 1870s. (invention) *
14. Our parents always behave (generous) ………………. towards us. *




It takes a lot of time

mark me as brainliest ❤️ plz


1. Courageous

2. Invention

3. Courageous

4. Description

5. Different

6. Equipment

7. Interesting

8. Happily

9. Luckily

10. Revise

11. Satisfying

12. Recycling  

13. Invented

14. Generously

Read the story description and historical context for the short story "Hamadi" and answer the question.

Story Description:

Who are the prophets in your life—you know, the people who make you think about the truly important things? Susan, the narrator in "Hamadi," finds her own prophet of sorts, a family friend from her homeland in the Middle East, whose outlook on life and sage advice are gifts he bestows on everyone he meets.

Historical Context:

The Middle East is a term used to describe the region where three continents meet—Africa, Asia, and Europe. This region includes the nations of Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine, which border the Mediterranean Sea. Historically, the Middle East has been involved in many complex conflicts rooted in issues of land, religion, and politics. In fact, deadly conflicts are ongoing now. The Prophet was published in 1928 by Lebanese author Kahlil Gibran. The book contains spiritual and philosophical essays on subjects dealing with love, sorrow, pain, freedom, marriage, death, friendship—the things of life no matter where you live.

Where is Susan, the narrator in "Hamadi," from?

Middle East
United States


Seems pretty clear it’d be the Middle East, unless I’m missing something.

De La Pena has worked in multiple media in terms of journalism. Which has had the most significant impact on her? Why do you think so?





the type of journalism or media that had the most significant impact of her was experience the storyline as if was happening at that moment

I believe the form of journalism that made the most significant impact on De La Pena was immersive journalism.  The concept of immersive journalism is to place the individual into a virtual recreation of a specific moment in time, allowing them to experience the circumstance firsthand and draw their own conclusions.

Although Edey and JoJo have the same parents, they…………have different talents for sports.

b. each
c. both





The correct answer C. Both

2. My mother........ food.(cook)simple present tense



2. My mother cooks food.

what are the independent and dependent variables for an experiment



stands alone


: An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent variable.

What Major change occurs in the narrators society from the beginning of the story to the end?


where is the story? Then i can answer

Help me on the one question - own words

Why is it important for every student to take Civics?


Civics is the study of rights and duties as a citizen, and therefor every student should study civics, because every students is a citizen. If citizens don’t know their laws and rights our country would surely fall apart so kids must be taught their rights

What does “cachet & accord mean?” (Again: I didn’t have time to research got distracted)


Cachet: state of being admire & respected
Accord: to give or grant power


Cachet means to be respected

Acord means to come to an agreement or a settlement.


I hope this helps it would be easier if you included the entire text because the words have different meanings but I was able to read a bit!

1. Read the following passage and do the activities that follow: [10] eat 1s Food can maintain and save life. It can destroy life as well. Proper food serves as medicine. improper food works as poison. A little care about the quality and quantity of food will keep us healthy and happy. If we go about eating all sorts of things, we sh ecome sick. We take pride in calling ourselves civilized. Being sensible means to know the ference between good and bad right and wrong. It will not do to become slaves to our tongue or taste. Even cattle. birds and beasts only what best for their body We mostly eat processed food and refined sugar. We pay heavily for junk food, for Chipese dishes or deep fried snacks. As a result we catch diseases. We have drifted away from Mother Nature. We laugh at the rules of hygiene, healthy diet and the advice of our elders. This has given rise to diabetes. We offer chocolates, cakes and ice creams too often to our children. We also attend parties or dine out every day. This way we invite obesity and diabetes. A. Answer the following questions briefly: [4+2=8] a) What are the functions of food? (b) What is meant by 'improper food? (c) What does 'civilized life' imply? (d) How does a modem life style and food habits affect us?​



plz plz add me in brain lest


It is high time we……complaining about our unfortunate situation.

b.shall stop
c.should stop



A. Stop


Need help asap with C!!!!!



Paraphrase: You can either choose to overcome your obstacles and grow as a person, or stop persevering and let challenges get the best of you.

Example: I broke my ankle playing soccer and felt excluded from the team. I didn't want to play anymore. One night I was looking at photos from my old tournaments and decided not to give up. Even though I was broken, I resumed training the next day.

Read the passage from A Room of One's Own. What perspective is emphasized by the underlined phrases? ​



Men often give in to their urges for recognition.

Read the short passage below from the later chapters of the novel Jane Eyre. In it, Jane Eyre, a private tutor, has agreed to marry her employer, Mr. Rochester, although
mysteries surround his private life. The character's actions convey the theme that people will risk everything for love and acceptance. Which literary element impacts the
characters actions in this excerpt?

"But what had befallen the night? The moon was not yet set, and we were all in shadow: I could scarcely see my master's face, near as I was. And what ailed the chestnut tree? writhed and
groaned; while wind roared in the laurel walk, and came sweeping over us.
'We must go in,' said Mr. Rochester: 'the weather changes. I could have sat with thee till morning, Jane.
"And so,' thought I'could I with you.' I should have said so, perhaps, but a livid, vivid spark leapt out of a cloud at which I was looking, and there was a crack, a crash, and a close rattling
peal; and I thought only of hiding my dazzled eyes against Mr.Rochester's shoulder."

1. setting
2. tone
3. conflict
4. figurative language



figurative language


Look at the pictures below and discuss the varieties of food.



thes are two types of food vegetarian or non vegetarian ok.

Identify the pronoun in the sentence below.

The little girl took her wagon down the street to the park





a pronoun just substutes a specfic names or nouns, instead of "Stacy took Stacy's book off the shlef" you would say "Stacy took her book of the self."

Choose the verb that best completes the sentence.

In the train station (sit, sits) three weary travelers.







In the train station sits three weary travelers.

Why are sentence fragments considered to be incomplete sentences?


It tell you in the name fragments are bits and pieces of the whole, so sentence fragments are pieces of the full sentence.

What's the main idea of the civilized city



Civilization concentrates power, extending human control over the rest of nature, including over other human beings.


A body or large gathering of people that come together to build an empire,  to live, work, and die together, to achieve things not possible in small groups or alone.

Moorish Banquet Meal​



hope this helps

Guest at Moorish meal sit on cushion laid on the floor or an low divans.They were given white large napkin that they lay on their knees it is used to clean the lips only.The left hand is used only for handling breads because in Moorish belief it is believe left hand is unclean and the right hand used for handling other foods.They avoid using forks,spoon,knives and ETC .You must only used two fingers and your right thumb and you shouldn't touch the lips when eating no matter how greasy it is.

first course- a pale green soup

second course-a whole roasted lamb called mechour

third course-another roasted lamb but with sauce added to it

fourth course- the pastilla that takes 48 hours to prepare inside it is shrimps,sweetbreads,tripe,olive,liver,clams and fried eggs but it is difficult to eat using your bare hands

Which of the following statements supports the main idea in this paragraph?

Blume only publishes books that she expects will win awards.
Blume prefers to write novels for adults rather than pre-teens.
Blume has had an extremely and uncommonly long writing career.
Blume is a gifted writer who can write for children as well as adults



Blume is a gifted writer who can write for children as well as adults


The first Answer is correct


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 states: "It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer--to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." Do you think this act is being upheld? If not, where is there room for improvement?



It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employment agency to fail or refuse to refer for employment, or otherwise to discriminate against, any individual because of his race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or to classify or refer for employment any individual on the basis of his race, color, ...

What are the answers pls





because that means it stands out.

whats the place value


I did this 8 years ago, So give me a moment to think, my thinking is done, and here is the answer:


Answer: i dont know

Explanation: i dont know

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