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bantu ya...​


Answer 1


What is the question?


Related Questions

help me please and thank u

What plans do you have for after high school?And how might Kipp through college be about to help you make those plans into a reality?​



As for a good answer, I had a aim to be a computer programmer. I had a good relation with IT. My idol is Bill Gates, his story is inspiring.

From now I am learning codes . If I want to reach my aim, I have be hardworking. But I need to work smarter not harder to gain my aim.

To succeed in my life, I must have that goal infront my eyes. Study having my aim.

Which best states a comparison of the tones used in these sentences? Both sentences are negative, but the second sentence has a more negative tone. Both sentences are positive, but the first sentence has a more serious tone. Both sentences are despairing, but the first sentence has a gloomier tone. Both sentences are uplifting, but the second sentence has a more moral tone.


This question is missing the sentences, being incomplete for that reason. I've found the complete question online. It is the following:

Read this sentence from Silent Spring.

Along the roads, laurel, viburnum and alder, great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year.

Read this sentence from "Save the Redwoods".

The wrongs done to trees, wrongs of every sort, are done in the darkness of ignorance and unbelief, for when light comes the heart of the people is always right.

Which best states a comparison of the tones used in these sentences?

A. Both sentences are negative, but the second sentence has a more negative tone.

B. Both sentences are positive, but the first sentence has a more serious tone.

C. Both sentences are despairing, but the first sentence has a gloomier tone.

D. Both sentences are uplifting, but the second sentence has a more moral tone.


The option that best states a comparison of the tones is:

D. Both sentences are uplifting, but the second sentence has a more moral tone.


Both the sentences from "Silent Spring" and "Save the Redwoods" have an uplifting tone. However, the second sentence talks of right and wrong, which is a moral matter. The first sentence does not bring any type of judgement, only a sense of inspiration and delight. The second sentence speaks of light coming to the heart of people, which does inspire some cheerfulness. But it still talks of darkness, ignorance, and wrongful doing. Therefore, we can say both sentences are uplifting, but the second one has a more moral tone.

Answer: d.


I just got it right on the test :) name me brainliest plz :))))

You are arvind/anushka sharma, secretary of the eco club of your school.

The school is celebrating " ban the plastic week" to create awareness regarding the harm caused due plastic. Draft a suitable notice in not more than 50 words

Body......... Ban the plastic

The eco club is observing a Plastic Ban Week from 12 August,2020 in our school.

Several activities including songs, short plays and poster making competitions will be held to create awareness about the ill-effects of plastics on our environment. For futher details, contact the undersigned.

Plssssss answer fast its veryy urgent please





August 10, 2020.

Saint Peter Catholic School is honored to host Ban Plastic Week's annual celebrations, which will take place from August 24 to 31, 2020, from 8 am to 5 pm. On the occasion there will be lectures, presentations, debates, round tables, among other activities whose main objective will be to publicize the importance of reducing the use of plastic in our daily lives. The event will also show how we can help reduce the environmental impact and the importance of recycling plastic.

Students interested in presenting a work or article, must register by August 14, in addition to submitting a summary of their work.

We count on the participation of all.

Anushka Sharma

(Secretary, Eco Club)

Who did Pound look to as the founder of truly American poetry, and why?



Pound looked to Walt Whitman, who was the first to break from European tradition.

Which detail most clearly reflects the feature of a
strong hero?
O "At four hundred miles they stopped to eat"
O "When the sun was setting, they dug a well"
O "they filled their waterskins with fresh water"
"Gilgamesh climbed to the mountaintop"


"Gilgamesh climed to the mountaintop"

1. Why are the weapons stored out of reach? From the odyssey



The weapons were stored out of reach so that when Odysseus attacks the suitors, they will not be able to get their hands on any weapon and defend themselves.


Homer's epic narrative "The Odyssey," tells the story of the protagonist Odysseus and his return back from the Trojan War. Though the war had been over long ago, the journey that Odysseus and his men took to get back to Ithaca involves numerous encounters with both gods and men.

In book XIX, Odysseus had returned to his palace and seen the suitors and the turmoil they have created. So, he ordered his son Telemachus to get things ready so that they will execute his plan to secretly attack them while they're unprepared. He asked him to remove the weapons and armors inside, "Make some excuse when the suitors ask you why you have removed it. Say that you have taken it to be out of the way of the smoke, inasmuch as it is no longer what it was when Ulysses went away, but has become soiled and begrimed with soot. Add to this more particularly that you are afraid Jove may set them on to quarrel over their wine, and that they may do each other some harm which may disgrace both banquet and wooing, for the sight of arms sometimes tempts people to use them". This way, when they attack the suitors, they will be left helpless and not reach for any weapon to defend themselves.

Place a checkmark next to each sentence that correctly illustrates parallelism. ----- Kyle is funny, handsome, and outgoing. -----Kyle is funny, he looks nice, and is friendly. ----On our vacation we are planning to go skiing, snowshoeing, and to use our snowboards. -----On our vacation we are planning to go skiing, snowshoeing, and snowboarding. -----Sasha enjoys watching movies, eating sushi, and playing basketball. ------Sasha enjoys watching movies, going to eat sushi, and basketball games.



>  Kyle is funny, handsome, and outgoing.   (3 adjectives)

>  On our vacation we are planning to go skiing, snowshoeing, and snowboarding.   (3 gerunds/nouns)

>  Sasha enjoys watching movies, eating sushi, and playing basketball.                (3 verbs)


Please reply to please!!!!
Thank you in advance:)


I’m sorry about the mean thing i said to you

Write a Poem and a Response
Write a poem that has a similar theme to the poem that you chose as your favorite and
just wrote about. The poem can be any length.
After you finish your poem, write a response of one or two paragraphs that explains
your poem. In your response, answer the following:
• What is the theme of the poem you wrote?
• Which line(s) in your poem best capture or convey its theme?
• How do your poem and its theme reflect the theme of the poem you chose in the
previous section?
Use the Poetry and Response Rubric found in the essential documents to help you
evaluate your poem and response.
Submit your assignment when complete.



How happy are creepy shadows!

Do shadows make you shiver?

do they?

The light that's really blinding,

Above all others is the daylight.

Are you upset by how dazzling it is?

Does it tear you apart to see the daylight so glary?

When I think of the murk, I see eerie eyes.

Down, down, down into the darkness of the murk,

Gently it goes - the buxom, the adipose, the obese.

How happy is the cunning dawn!

Now artful is just the thing,

To get me wondering if the dawn is adroit.

Pay attention to the aloneness,

the aloneness is the most solitary temperament of all.

Never forget the sole and nonsocial aloneness.

Pay attention to the sky,

the sky is the most faint welkin of all.

Down, down, down into the darkness of the sky,

Gently it goes - the light, the cowardly, the wispy.


this will get you started heres the poem

Which sentence has one or more adjectives, but no adverb?



Hey is there suppose to be sentences on a photo so we can chose which one is correct

A psychologist whose goal is to explain a behavior will
A. record descriptions as objectively as possible
B. discuss why a behavior has occurred
C. hypothesize or predict future behavior
D. suggest why a behavior occurs




suggest why a behavior occurs


A: Record descriptions as objectively as possible


Using these lines from Act II, explain the relationship between Macbeth's words and the words of Duncan's sons. You must cite from and explain these lines in your response. (25 points) Macbeth Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had liv'd a blessed time; for, from this instant There's nothing serious in mortality: All is but toys: renown and grace is dead; The wine of life is drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag of. Malcolm What will you do? Let's not consort with them: To show an unfelt sorrow is an office Which the false man does easy. I'll to England. Donalbain. To Ireland, I; our separated fortune Shall keep us both the safer: where we are, There's daggers in men's smiles: the near in blood, The nearer bloody.


telling us a story about the Macbeth and malcolm


How does Stanton use pathos as a rhetorical appeal?

a. by describing one young woman’s unfulfilled potential
b. by emphasizing the injustices endured
c. by women by explaining laws that govern marriages
d. by establishing her authority to question the status quo


Read the excerpt from the Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled.

How does Stanton use pathos as a rhetorical appeal?

by describing one young woman’s unfulfilled potential

by emphasizing the injustices endured by women

by explaining laws that govern marriages

by establishing her authority to question the status quo


by emphasizing the injustices endured by women


Pathos is simply evoking the feeling of pity or sadness in a person.

Stanton uses pathos as a rhetorical appeal to emphasize the injustices endured by women as she evokes pity through this line in the excerpt Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled where she talked about the long-suffering of the women through long trains of "abuses and usurpation"

In the Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, pathos was used by  b. emphasizing the injustices endured.

Pathos refers to the appeal to the emotions of people. It is meant to provoke anger, pity, love, etc., in the minds of those who read a given text.

When describing the difficulties that women had to endure from men, Stanton appealed to the emotion of pity.

She emphasized the "train of abuses and usurpations" that women endured.

Learn more about Elizabeth Cady Stanton here:


Identify the three mistakes and type the correct answers.

She was found guilty for murder and was sentenced too a long period of inprisonment.

Someone find the mistakes please



"too" should be "to"

Also "Inprisonment" should be "Imprisonment."


She was found guilty for murder and was sentenced to a long period of imprisonment.

How does Oona describe Ivan?


Explain more on the question

Which features of epic poetry does this passage show? Check all that apply. a vast setting a supernatural force a hero with great strength a compelling, formal speech a narrative voice


1. a vast setting

3. a hero with great strength

5. a narrative voice


1 3 5


hey kids, whats the right answer?



It's either A or C, but I'm pretty sure it's C. I hope this helps!


Create an accurate summary of the pilot and his reasons for obeying the rules of the EDS. Provide your answer in two to three sentences. The book is the cold equations



The pilot had to choose. Does he save one life or many lives? The little girl did not know the rules but sh still had to accept the consequences.


I am a member of British parliament and I need to write a reply to the declaration of independence​



So you're definitely furious and I'm not gonna help you cheat but make sure to act furious as the song You'll be Back from Hamilton describes the feeling really well



Excerpt from I Have A Dream Martin Luther King, Jr. 3 But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In paragraph 3, which rhetorical technique is being used to add emphasis?





The girls are singing change the voice



Singing has been done by the girls.


Singing is done by the girls.


This sentence is using active voice, where the subject is doing the verb, and it is straightforward.

To change the voice, change this into passive voice, "Singing is done by the girls."

Hope this helped!

Have a wonderful day!

Hey everyone good morning...... if u would start a business.what kind of business would u start?and why?


Answer: slime buisness

Explanation: i would start a slime buisness because it is just really fun and kids love playing with it

What is an emotional strain that prevents efficient performance known as? a) Workplace Stress b) Humility c) Tact d) Conflict



that would workplace stress but stress overall.


That would be stress..


According to those answers...humility wouldn't work,tact wouldn't work either,conflict is not an emotional strain

Leaving you with workplace stress..

It is also very practical since you have also experienced stress at some point

The _____ is important to the cultural context of Nectar in a Sieve. Select all that apply.

Muslim tradition
history of Britain
partition of India
Indian caste system



Indian Caste System



The answer is the Indian caste system


The caste system is a system of social stratification and provides hierarchical structure which is used to classify.

Question #5: Make a sentence by adding the correct group of words. A beautiful sunset _______. A.was seen Friday night B.seen Friday night C.Friday night



The answer is A.

A beautiful sunset was seen Friday night.

Identify the verb or verb phrase in the following sentence.
He seemed too tired to work very well.



Tired is the answer


Tired explains that he is too sleepy and needs to go to sleep and cannot work well without sleeping.

Hope this helps.

Have a nice day!!!!

Read each sentence. Look at the underlined words. Which sentence is written correctly?
Group of answer choices

I saw them last night at the party.

I had saw them last night at the party.

I sawed them last night at the party.

I seen them last night at the party.



I saw them last night at the party.

Point of view answers which of these questions?
Where and when does the story take place?
What is the main message or lesson of the story?
Who is the narrator, and what is their relationship to the story?
What problem is the main character trying to solve?​



Hey there!

Point of view means from what perspective is the story in, or who the narrator is. Thus, the question of " Who is the narrator, and what is their relationship to the story? " can be answered.

Let me know if this helps :)

word start with t and end with t what is that​



Throat is a word that starts wit t and end with t.


Hope this helps!

Answer: test, teapot, throat,tract, turret


At the beginning of “The Most Dangerous Game,” Sanger Rainsford’s argument with Whitney and the pitch black night which they can’t see through, represent two types of conflict. Which are they? Select all that apply.

Person vs. Person
Person vs. Society
Person vs. Environment
Person vs. Self


Hi there!! (✿◕‿◕)


Person vs. Person

Person vs. Environment


Hope this helped!!  ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

The two types of conflicts represented here are person vs. person and person vs. environment.

What do you mean by conflict?

"Conflict is serious disagreement and argument."

The sentence represents person vs. person conflict when Sanger Rainsford clashes with Whitney and person vs. environment conflict when both of them argues with the night through which they were unable to see.

To learn more about types of conflict here



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