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Answer 1
I don’t think that is a question…

Related Questions

A conflict is a struggle between?



A struggle between two forces




a conflict is a struggle between two opposing forces


Reread Nick's dialogue with Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby. Do you think that Nick trusts Jordan's ideas about Gatsby? What makes you think so? Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer.


Based on the dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

This is highlighted when Jordan mentions that Gatsby had told her that he went to Oxford but she doesn't believe him

What is a Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done about a particular event and shows the sequence of actions involved.

Hence, we can see that based on the complete text, there is a dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

Thus, the specific example is cited above.

Read more about The Great Gatsby here:



I will never forget that lonesome hill of stone that is her
final bed, as it fades from my sight. I tread softly by my
uncle, my hand in his. I walk with my head turned, watching
that small hill as it fades from my sight. The soldiers make
us continue walking. My uncle talks to me, trying to
comfort me. I walk in loneliness.
Which statement best describes how the author's word choice contributes to
the tone of the passage?
O A. The author's use of words like final and soldiers gives the passage
a sad and isolated tone.
O B. The author's use of words like final and soldiers gives the passage
an angry and aggressive tone.
O C. The author's use of words like lonesome and fades gives the
passage an angry and aggressive tone.
D. The author's use of words like lonesome and fades gives the
passage a sad and isolated tone.



It would be answer D


Change in Indirect speech
Does that mobile phone cost high? ​



Did that mobile phone cost high?

Please Mark Me As Brainliest

write a paragraph on use and abuse of internet mobile phone​



The mobile phone is a device that is used to make calls or to send messages to our near and dear ones. But there are both uses and abuses of mobile phones. Now a day the use of the mobile phones is not only to make calls or send SMS. In addition to that Mobile phone is used to listen to songs, watch movies, play online games, browse the internet, calculate things, etc. But there are some abuses of mobile phones also. Doctors have warned that excessive use of the mobile phones can be harmful to our health. Again mobile phone helps the anti-social groups in spreading their networks and they can easily do criminal activities in a much easier way with the help of mobile phone as well.

Pretest form language in poetry



All languages are pretty in their own sense.

What type of Literary Devices is this passage and provide an explanation
“Mary sat musing on the lamp-flame at the table
Waiting for Warren. When she heard his step. . .”


Alliteration is very prevalent within this passage; the repetition of the 'm' vowel for "Mary" and "musing" should be a clear indicator for this device. The repetition of the vowel 'w' for "Waiting", "Warren", and "When" should also make it obvious as well.

Ways that fans can use their social media effectively to support their idols or celebrities.


They can support the voice finder stuff and many more just showing love to the and I don’t like as many people but it’s not good

Knowing the time period when a plece of literature was written allows the
reader to understand which of the following?
A. Why the author chose the title of the work
B. The setting of the work
C. The themes and concerns of the work
D. The characters' names


probably b or c, leaning towards b

Read the excerpt from "Speaking Arabic."
At a neighborhood fair in Texas, somewhere between the German Oom-pah Sausage Stand and the Mexican
Gorditas booth, I overheard a young man say to his friend, "I wish I had a heritage. Sometimes I feel-SO
lonely for one." And the tall American trees were dangling their thick branches right down over his head.
Which best explains how Nye's word choice helps establish her voice in the excerpt?
Nye uses short, forceful words to support her opinion that an American heritage is limited and mechanical
O Nye describes a neighborhood fair to support her opinion that the idea of an American heritage does not exist
Nye creates a powerful image of trees to support her opinion that living among a variety of cultures is an American
Nye directly quotes something she heard in order to express her distress over a lack of American heritage.
Mark this and return
Save and Exit


The correct answer is C. Nye creates a powerful image of trees to support her opinion that living among a variety of cultures is an American heritage.


This excerpt belongs to a text "speaking Arabic" which speaks about heritage, in the excerpt the author describes how an American man thinks he has no heritage "I wish I had a heritage. Sometimes I feel - so lonely for one." and this idea is presented as contradictory because the man is surrounded by American trees and by representations of different cultures such as food from Germany and Mexico. This shows the variety of cultures is an important element in the American Heritage and the author explains this idea by describing the scene of the trees in different foods. So, the correct answer is C.




A value is important to society because it is?



A value is important to a society because it is the measure used to determine how good a person is. an amount of goods or services considered reasonable. a human characteristic that is considered desirable.

Hope it helps you. Have a good day

I agree with the answer above me!

who was the author of a farewell to arms


The author would be Ernest Hemmingway


Ernest Hemingway,


hope this helped :)

Conducting research is similar to going on a trip. Choosing a topic helps you
decide where you're headed in your research. Your major research questions
then direct your course by becoming your map and helping to answer the
question, Why am I going there? Write down two possible research topics that
you're interested in learning more about and explain why you chose those topics.
Then write five research questions about each topic.



Topic One: Animation!

I'm a huge fan of animated TV shows and I want to know more about how they're done.

-How do animators come up with the vision for the characters?

-How did the artists learn to draw the style used for the show?

-How long does it take to animated one episode?

-When choosing music, how do you make a decision on the correct song?

-How long does it take to complete one series?

Topic Two: Music Artists.

I listen to music a lot, so I'm curiorus.

-How do the artists come up with the lyrics?

-How many times does it take for the artists to finally get seen?

-Why did they start learning music?

-Why did they share their music?

-How did they come up with musical chords?


I hope this helps!

Planting the roses was a difficult
task but spraying them for
aphids was arduous
complex sentence
7 compound sentence
run-on sentence
9 sentence fragment
simple sentence



Compound Sentence

A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction.

some words that are in a compound sentence are;

butfornoror soyetand

So the sentence above includes the word but which is a conjunction and it's found in a compound sentence.

so therefore the answer is a compound sentence.

As you gather sources, how do you know which sources will be useful for your project?

written answer



The sources that are trustworthy and proven to be factual.


You want to use a source that you know isn't some fake source that is just making things up. You would choose like history.com over wikipedia and that kind of thing.


By figuring out the the facts from that source of information is accurate.

Scenario - Crowded Store: There are a lot of customers in the store and you are the only associate working. For the past fifteen minutes, you have been helping the same customer. After going through the third product, the customer asks to see the first product again.

What would you MOST likely do to handle this situation?

A, Tell the customer you need to assist other customers. When a decision is made, you will be happy to check-out the customer.

B. Walk the customer back to the first product. Tell the customer you need to check on other customers but will return shortly.

C. Go over to the first product and answer the customer's questions. Continue working with the customer until the customer gets what is needed.

D. Point the customer in the direction of the first product to review independently.


D is the best so they don’t feel the pressure of you looking over them and you get to help out other customers

The scenario in the crowded store can best be handled this way: B. Walk the customer back to the first product. Tell the customer you need to check on other customers but will return shortly.

In the scenario described, the employee has to make a choice between leaving other customers unattended and satisfying the needs of the current customer.

To meet the situation halfway, it will be best for the sales representative to direct the customer to the first product and promise to return shortly after checking on the other customers.

Learn more about customer service here:


Read the passage from the story “The Minister’s Black Veil.” In this passage, the minister’s fiancée, Elizabeth, tries to get Mr. Hooper to remove the veil. How might you best rewrite the request she makes of him?

From “The Minister’s Black Veil”

“There is an hour to come,” said he, “when all of us shall cast aside our veils. Take it not amiss, beloved friend, if I wear this piece of cra pe till then.”

“Your words are a mystery, too,” returned the young lady. “Take away the veil from them, at least.”

“Elizabeth, I will,” said he, “so far as my vow may su ffer me. Know, then, this veil is a type and a symbol, and I am bound to wear it ever, both in light and darkness, in solitude and before the gaze of multitudes, and as with strangers, so with my familiar friends. No mortal eye will see it withdrawn. This dismal shade must separate me from the world: even you, Elizabeth, can never come behind it!”

“If you won’t take away the veil, then please at least explain to me why you wear it.”

“Please explain the sermon you preached last Sunday when you were wearing the veil.”

“I don’t understand what you just said. Would you mind at least repeating it?”

“If you don’t remove the veil, then don’t you realize you are breaking your word to me?”


In “The Minister’s Black Veil,” the minister’s fiancée, Elizabeth, tries to get Hooper to remove the veil. In this passage, he explains why he cannot. In which sentence is Hooper’s argument for keeping the veil best summed up?

From “The Minister’s Black Veil”

“Your words are a mystery . . .” returned the young lady. “Take away the veil from them, at least.”

“Elizabeth, I will,” said he, “so far as my vow may suffer me. Know, then, this veil is a type and a symbol, and I am bound to wear it ever, both in light and darkness, in solitude and before the gaze of multitudes, and as with strangers, so with my familiar friends. No mortal eye will see it withdrawn. This dismal shade must separate me from the world: even you, Elizabeth, can never come behind it!”

“What grievous affliction hath befallen you,” she earnestly inquired, “that you should thus darken your eyes forever?”

“If it be a sign of mourning,” replied Mr. Hooper, “I, perhaps, like most other mortals, have sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil.”


“No mortal eye will see it withdrawn.”


“This dismal shade must separate me from the world: even you, Elizabeth, can never come behind it!”


“I, perhaps, like most other mortals, have sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil.”


“Your words are a mystery . . .,” returned the young lady. “Take away the veil from them, at least.”


C. “I, perhaps, like most other mortals, have sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil.”


According to the passage from the story “The Minister’s Black Veil.”, Elizabeth tries to make Mr. Hooper remove his veil but he refuses to do so and tells her that no mortal should be able to see beyond the veil and that not even she could make him take it off.

In this passage, the minister’s fiancée, Elizabeth, tries to get Mr. Hooper to remove the veil.

The best way to rewrite the request the minister’s fiancée, Elizabeth makes of Mr. Hooper to remove the veil is option C, “I, perhaps, like most other mortals, have sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil.”

How ____________ now? Better than before?
A. you are feeling
B. do you feel
C. did you feel









To solve this question you have to read all of them out so like this:

A. How you are feeling now?

B. How do you feel now?

C. How did you feel now?

m2 and m3 different between​


M2 have 2 doors and sit low to the ground, giving it more aggressive appearance. And M3 offers more room within the cabin and have 4 doors.


How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and older people wishing they were young again. Each age has its own pleasures and pains, and happiest person is the one who enjoys what age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets. Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. A child is fed and looked after by his parents. It is impossible that he will be ever again so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always representing new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too familiar. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain or in the snow. His first visit to the sea side is a marvelous adventure. But a child has his pains, he is not as free as he wishes to be and as he thinks older people are. He is continuously being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong. His life, therefore, is not completely happy.


The happiest person is the one who enjoys what age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets. A child has his pains, he is not as free as he wishes to be and as he thinks older people are. He is continuously being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

What is the theme of "Fighter" by Walter Dean Myers?



Social injustice/police brutality. Value of life in Harlem.


Read the rough draft of a student’s conclusion to an argumentative editorial.

(1) Year-round schooling would help student achievement. (2) Not so much information would have to be crammed into nine months. (3) Furthermore, the elimination of long breaks, particularly summer break, would significantly reduce "learning loss” and the additional time wasted at the beginning of each academic year to reteach previously learned material. (4) It is clear that year-round schooling helps students learn and retain more. (5) The United States is not the only country to experiment with a year-round school schedule. (6) Although many still claim that evidence about year-round school and its link to higher achievement is inconclusive, these people need to open their eyes and see that students in these schools consistently score higher on certain assessments than students who attend schools with traditional nine-month calendars. (7) It is about time that we replaced our outdated and inefficient school calendars.

Which revision would most improve sentence 7?

A) suggesting an alternative plan to replace the current school calendar
B) explaining why the current school calendar is outdated and inefficient
C) expressing an opinion about those who oppose changing the calendar
D) restating the strongest piece of evidence used to support the claim


Answer i think is 0A

What do you make of the metaphor with the ants and the umbrella destroying their little house in the dirt


Hi. You didn't submit the part of the text that features the metaphor. This makes it impossible for this metaphor to be analyzed and for an opinion to be issued. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that presents a comparison between two elements. This comparison is made implicitly, but it is possible to see that the author of the text is establishing a relationship between the two elements. To analyze this comparison, you must locate the place in the text where this metaphor is established, you already know that this metaphor is related to the ants and the umbrella, which makes it easier for this metaphor to be located in the text.

To show your opinion about this metaphor, you must understand what is being compared in the metaphor. When you understand this, you can give your opinion on whether this comparison has deep meaning, whether it presents a lesson to the reader, whether it adds humor to the text, whether it adds a dark tone, among other things.

The number of hours in a day is ________________. So, you can complete only a certain number of tasks in a day. You have to decide which tasks are more _____________________ or ________________ for you.



24 , important or necessary


what does Persuasion can go through obstacles that force cannot mean


“If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect. ... “Persuasion can go through obstacles that force cannot.Answer:


I just know

in 10 sentences write about how you spen your weekends at home​


When I go home for the weekend I like to relax by my pool and playing with my dog Benny.I spend time with my family and do some pretty fun things,I love to play on my PlayStation with my friends I always beat them.I sleep a lot I like to sleep in because,I feel so good when I wake up.last weekend my family took us to the lake for the day I went jet skiing and tubing I fell off a few time but it was still fun.on Sunday I wake and clean up and get ready to go back to school and that is my weekend.

5. Read the passage.
Spaniards arrived in New Mexico and began to farm. During this time, some of the domesticated animals they raised included dogs and
turkeys: The people of this area, living in organized cities, were given the name Pueblos, meaning Townsmen, by the arriving Spaniards.
Which underlined group of words is a participial phrase?
O living in organized cities
O domesticated animals
O arriving Spaniards
O included dogs and turkeys



The underlined group of words that is a participial phrase is:

O living in organized cities


One can recognize a participial phrase in a sentence because it looks like a verb, but it actually functions as an adjective.  Its purpose is to modify a noun in the same sentence. For example, "living in organized cities" is a participial phrase that spices up or further describes "the people of this area."  Phrases like this modify a noun and provide added description about the action of the noun or its description.


O included dogs and turkeys


hi guys, does anyone know the formal way for the word "freeloader"





I'm not sure if it's correct, though. Perhaps scrounger or parasite?

Choose the right sentence My brother have a good job My brother have good job My brother has good job My brother has a good job ​



My brother has a good job.



My brother has a good job.


What is the setting's role in helping to establish characterization in a story?
A. It shows the historical events that have influenced the setting.
B. It shows past events that happened in the story's location.
C. It shows how characters react to or interact with their
D. It shows the articles of clothing common to the setting.



B no it shows past events that happened in the story location

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Which of the following are not used to prevent flooding during storms?A.damsB.levees C.breakwaters D.sandbags Finding angle measures given two intersecting lines The following is TRUE about Inventory: A. Firms increase inventory because there is an opportunity cost to holding inventory B. Firms increase inventory because more inventory sitting for longer periods of time present more opportunities for damage, errors, rework, theft, and obsolescence C. Firms increase inventory because more inventory means more movement of materials D. Firms increase inventory because there is a risk of significant and unpredictable fluctuations in downstream demand E. Firms increase inventory because the more we spend on inventory, the more we need to spend on other inventory-related expenditures Plz answer my question i asked before this (plz, i will give brainliest to u if answered correctly) Explain the effect of a price ceiling on the quantity by ceiling and the quantity of a good and who this intervention intends to assist State what is meant by a gravitational potential at point A is -170 109 J kg-1. Which similarity statement is true? Calculate the sum of the first 30 terms in the sequence that begins with 70,65,60 PLEASE DONT AWNSER ANYTHING RANDOM I REALLY NEED THIS AND DO YOUR OWN AWNSERWhich statements about the box plot are correct? Check all that apply.A box and whisker plot. The number line goes from 30 to 80. The whiskers range from 34 to 76, and the box ranges from 42 to 70. A line divides the box at 46.Fifty percent of the data values lies between 34 and 46.Seventy-five percent of the data values lies between 42 and 70.It is unlikely that there are any outliers.The interquartile range is 24.The range is 36. Ruston Company Income Statement January 1 to December 31, 2017 (amounts in thousands) 7,800 1,560 6,240 780 700 500 4,260 70 4,190 1,676 2,514 Revenue Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) nl Gross Income Sales, General, & Administrative Expenses (SG&A) Depreciation Expense Other Expenses Earnings Before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) Interest Pre-Tax Income Income Taxes Net Income Between January 1 and December 31, 2017: 1. Accounts Receivable increase by $600,000 2. Accounts Payable increase by $300,000 3. Gross Property, Plant, & Equipment increase by $8,300,000 4. Long Term Debt increases by $700,000 Assume no other changes What is the Net Cash Flow? Why did farmers oppose the good standard? Question 4 of 10Solve the triangle. Round your answers to the nearest tenth. she read the class a story .... a clever Mouse deer What is the value of the expression below?e^In 4O A. 12B. 3C. 4.D. 8SUBMI rewrite he sentence to be active voice. tw The characteristics of a certain gas are listed in the table.What is the expected density of the above sample of gas?A - 3.16 g/LB - 1.58 g/LC - 1.21 g/LD - 1.03 g/L find the volume of each figure. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. Chris is concerned about deploying an application to a cloud service provider and being locked in technologically so that his organization would have to stay with that cloud service provider in order to run that application. Which of the following could he possibly use that should allow for an easier migration from one cloud service provider to another?a. Virtual machines.b. Containerization.c. Orchestration.d. Serverless computing. Plants as well as brown, green, and red algae show a basic life cycle which involves the alternation of generations between a(n) egg and a sperm. seed and a cone. spore and pollen. megaspore and a microspore. sporophyte and a gametophyte. The transfer of heat by the movement of matter, such as the flow between the warm and cool parts of aliquid, is an example of:O A. RadiationB. ConductionOC. InductionD. Convection