What are some specific criminal justice policies that can be analyzed based on the death of George Floyd?


Answer 1


George Floyd's death occurred on May 25, 2020, when Derek Chauvin - a white police officer - arrested Floyd and knelt on his neck for approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds after he was handcuffed and lay face down on the floor.

The incident was filmed by several attendees who asked Chauvin to remove his knee from Floyd's neck. Likewise, the police officers were wearing body cameras, which also recorded the entire interaction with Floyd. Although the footage from operated body cameras was eventually also released, this did not happen until months after the incident itself and the publication of the private video footage. The day after the arrest - after several eyewitnesses had released their video footage of the incident - all four police officers were fired. Two autopsy reports subsequently found that Floyd had been killed, although the conclusions of the two reports as to the cause of death are not conclusive.

The incident, including in particular various video recordings, created a great deal of attention worldwide. In the United States, the incident led to large-scale demonstrations organized by Black Lives Matter around various American cities. Several of the demonstrations in the United States were accompanied by various forms of swelling, violence, street fighting and other forms of crime. President Donald Trump in several cases ended up approving the deployment of extra police officers to reduce the violence that ensued following the demonstrations. The case was a wake-up call to American society regarding institutional racism, especially in police agencies, as well as a sign of their brutality.

Related Questions

24. The penalties for a first-time DUI charge include community service for
A. 5 hours
B. 20 hours
C. 50 hours
D. 200 hours
24 40


Answer: B. 20 hours


the first offence is a class c misdemeanor and usually is 20-40 hours of community service given

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.

Which type of evidence establishes a direct link between a crime and a defendant?

(blank) evidence is a type of real or testimonial evidence that establishes a direct link between a crime and a defendant, such as an eyewitness who saw the defendant committing the crime.



I believe the answer is circumstantial evidence


4. What should you do when you come behind a stopped school bus which is unloading children?

A. Slow down before passing the bus.

B. Make a full stop before passing and move slowly.

C. Stop behind the bus and remain stopped as long as lights are flashing.

D. None of the above


C. Stop behind the bus and remain stopped as long as lights are flashing.

it’s c

stop behind the bus and remain stopped as long as lights are flashing

Increasing line of sight and path of travel is a good idea when driving at higher speeds because it helps a driver to remain prepared.


the answer is true!!!

It is true that Increasing line of sight and path of travel is a good idea when driving at higher speeds because it helps a driver to remain prepared. Thus, the correct answer is option (a).

What is a line of sight?

The fictitious line that connects the observer and the target is called the line of sight (LOS). Line of sight in communications refers to both the straight path between a transmitter and a receiver and any potential obstacles in that path.

Line of Sight, also known as Sight Distance, is the length of the road surface that a driver can see while maintaining a reasonable reaction time.

The series of consecutive positions your vehicle takes as it moves toward your destination is known as the path of travel. Unless other circumstances modify the location of your car and cause you to change your direction of travel, you will typically stay in the middle of a driving lane when travelling straight ahead.

Therefore, the statement is true.

To learn more about line of sight, click here:



Which of the following best captures how Aristotle might respond to Locke’s claim that the purpose of politics is to secure life, liberty, and property?


Answer: The primary or the highest purpose of government or politics is to form good character/cultivate the virtue of citizens, promote morality, and realize the good life.


You didn't put the options but I searched and got the options online and choose the correct answer.

The option that best captures how Aristotle might respond to Locke’s claim that the purpose of politics is to secure life, liberty, and property is that the primary or the highest purpose of government or politics is to form good character/cultivate the virtue of citizens, promote morality, and realize the good life.

many people have argued that Ghana has no laws. Do you subscribe to this class of people.​



No, I do not. Ghana does have laws.


Ghana has a very operational legal system. Its judicial universe is patterned after that of Britain's Common Law system.

Besides having a functional and healthy legal complex, Ghana is known for the adroitness of its judges, the independence of its legal system from the politics or the influence of the political class, and the ability to dispense justice fairly.

The republic of Ghana's legal system rests on the foundation of its constitution. Her constitution which exists as the supreme law of the Republic was approved by 92 percent of the electorate through a national referendum on the 28th day of April nineteen-ninety-two.


Many of you may remember when Target decided to allow those who identified as a different gender to use the restroom of the gender they identified with. After this decision, Target's stock prices dropped dramatically. After reading the section on The Business Judgment Rule, please tell me in your own opinion if you think a decision that devastates a stock price like this one did is a breach of the executive officer's duty to their shareholders? Explain your answer.


Answer:well its kina,hard ro explain my thought ands opinion on this but,as in diffrent genders could be a dif but not as well


The business judgment rule is a legal principle that gives executives and directors of a corporation a presumption of good faith and reasonableness in their business decisions, provided that they act in the best interests of the corporation and with a reasonable amount of care and diligence.

What is the business Judgement rule principle?

The business judgment rule states that if a director's actions can be proven to have been taken logically, a court will not pursue them. with good intentions. knowing they were acting in a way that was advantageous to the company.

The rule recognizes that business decisions often involve risks and uncertainties and that decision-makers should be allowed to exercise their judgment without undue interference or second-guessing.

In the case of Target's decision to allow individuals to use the restroom of the gender they identify with, it can be argued that the decision was made in the best interests of the corporation, as it reflects the company's commitment to inclusivity and diversity.

While the decision did result in a drop in stock prices, it is important to note that stock prices can be affected by a variety of factors beyond the control of the executives, such as market conditions, competition, and global events. Moreover, the long-term effects of the decision on the company's reputation and customer loyalty may offset the short-term drop in stock prices.

Learn more about the business Judgement rule here:



Select the correct text in the passage.
Which detail about Stephanie mentioned in the passage below may give Stanley a reason to exclude her as a juror using a challenge for cause?
Stephanie is part of a jury pool. Stanley, a defense attorney, has interviewed Stephanie to see if she can qualify as one of the twelve jurors for an upcoming criminal trial. During the interview, Stanley learned various details about Stephanie. She is a 27-year-old US citizen. She does not have much knowledge of the criminal trial in concern. She has not come across any media reports about this trial. She has been a victim of a similar crime in the past. Lastly, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Literature.



The correct answer is "She has been a victim of a similar crime in the past." due to the fact she might have a prior bias in the situation

A cryptocurrency trader wants to open a bank account in your bank in Italy. What documents would you require him to do it? Imagine that the trader explains his business in detail, and he says that he buys cryptocurrency online and sells them for more money to make a profit. He has financial statements; ha pays taxes and has all of this in the rule. Do you think his economic activity is risky for AML purposes? Would you open the account to him?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

If a cryptocurrency trader wants to open a bank account in my bank in Italy, I would be very strict in order to proceed with his request. I would double-check the present legislation in Italy regarding Anti-money Laundering and all the laws regarding international finance and banking transactions. And do not want to have any problems with the law.

The documents I would require him to provide are the legal constitution of his company in a real country, not in the so-called "fiscal paradises" such as Andorra. He would have to provide me with all the documents that prove he runs a legal business and I would take these documents to the legal department of the bank to prove and certify them.

I would also ask my assistant to personally check on the web or public criminal records to know if the ma's company has had any problems in the past that had affected his reputation.

I would ask him to explain his business in detail, with the presence of an expert in the cryptocurrency business. I would require a copy of the company's financial statements, his taxes, and proof that he has no debt. He needs to prove that all the documents are in perfect rule.

Yes, I think his economic activity is risky for AML purposes because that is the nature of the cryptocurrency business. It has not been regulated by any government in the world. That is the reason why almost no bank in the world or country accepts cryptocurrency as normal currency. It is so volatile. Indeed, nobody regulates cryptocurrency. And the proof is the thew bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies change their value on a daily basis.

I would think twice about accepting opening the account to hi, It is risky to the first degree.

Why do you think a credit card company would agree to lend people money to buy things before they p ay for them


Because of interest. When we ask for money, we have to pay an extra amount per month, week, year (interest) That’s how your bank, card company etc makes money. It’s off of your money.

in a judicial sale, a junior lien holder is not extinguished by foreclosure of the



In a judicial sale, a junior lien holder is not extinguished by foreclosure of the property or asset.


Judicial Sale: When a court forces, authorizes or requires the sale of a property or assets in order to satisfy the debt for which it was pledged as collateral, a Judicial sale is said to have occurred.

Foreclosure: Many times, this is said to be the result of a judicial sale. When a judicial sale occurs it is mostly done to recover unpaid debts. When this happens in real estate, it is called foreclosure. Especially when the property was mortgaged and the mortgagee has stopped making payments.

Lien: In the above scenario, assuming a family or a person takes up a mortgage for a house, the legal document retails the original owners and probably the bank or the government (depending on who the realtor is) as part-owners until the debt is fully paid. When the loan is fully paid, then total rights are transferred to the mortgagee. In the above case, the bank and original owners of the property are considered Liens.

Junior lien: This is a statutory position that is created when a mortgagee uses the mortgaged property to secure another loan whilst the first loan is still in existence.

Under such a scenario, the person who secures the other loan is called a Junior lien holder.


What does visual lead time refer to?


the time and distance a driver visually scans ahead of their vehicle

Visual lead time refers to the duration between perceiving a visual stimulus and initiating a corresponding action or response.

It encompasses the processing time required for the brain to interpret visual information, make decisions, and initiate a motor response. This concept is crucial in various domains, including sports, driving, and everyday tasks.

A shorter visual lead time indicates faster reaction speed and can provide a competitive advantage. Factors influencing visual lead time include individual perceptual and cognitive abilities, task complexity, and environmental conditions.

By understanding and optimizing visual lead time, individuals can improve their responsiveness and decision-making, leading to enhanced performance in activities that rely heavily on visual processing.

Learn more about  visual lead time here






Aggressive driving has been a problem on our roadways for a while, and it seems to only be getting worse. Incidents of screaming, rude gestures, and sometimes even violence are reported frequently on our roadways to the point where it has earned its own name: road rage. Learn what causes road rage, whether you are prone to it, and how you can help to keep our roads safe by not giving in to road rage.

An officer can arrest a suspect for any misdemeanor that has been committed in his view or presence


In most states, an officer can't arrest an adult for a misdemeanor without a warrant, unless he witnesses the person committing it. In other words, the misdemeanor must occur "in the presence" of the officer.

What is the administrative law?



Administrative law is the law that governs the administrative actions. ... It governs the executive and ensures that the executive treats the public fairly. Administrative law is a branch of public law. It deals with the relationship of individuals with the government.



Administrative law is the law that governs administrative actions. It governs the executive and ensures that the executive treats the public fairly. Administrative law is a branch of public law. It deals with the relationship of individuals with the government.


100% on Edge. 2022

Which of the following is an example of procedural law? A. The order in which the steps of a trial take place B. The specific civil rights listed in the U.S. Constitution C. What an individual is allowed to do in public locations D. The amount of a certain chemical that can be present in manufacturing waste ​



A. The order in which the steps of a trial take place


Procedural law is actual law in which procedures are followed in-order to administer it. For example, some one accused of theft, there is need to follow a procedure in-order to validate whether the person is guilty or not. At the initial time, it would be assumed that, the person is not guilty till proven otherwise.

Juan, a man, thinks a new state law prohibiting abortion is unconstitutional. Which jurisdictional requirement prevents Juan from filing suit to challenge the law?
A: Standing
B: Mootness
C: Ripeness
D: Res Judicata


It’s B moistness lol

Drugs if drugs are bad for you why are they called the good stuffffffffffffffff


because the good stuff is the good stuff

Answer: it depends on what the drugs are for some people take drugs perscribed by their doctor to help them. some people need drugs for example people with ADHD take drugs to help them focus. if your sick you would be perscribed drugs to take. what you tlking about is people who take drugs to fell good. taking the wrong drugs can be bad for you and may cause an addiction. first they try it and it feels weird but after a few times of taking said drug they start to feel an addiction to it and have a strong need for the drug and later on they waste their money trying to get a hold of the drugs and the look lke garbage. They say its the good stuff because it may be a quality version of the drug of it make themselve feel good after taking it.


cộng sản Việt Nam đã vận dụng lí luận chủ nghĩa Mác Lê nin về hình thái kinh tế xã hội vào xây dựng chủ nghĩa xã hội trong thời kì quá độ ở nước ta như thế nào ? rút ra ý nghĩa đối với sinh viên


TCCS - Thời kỳ trước đổi mới, ở Việt Nam cũng như ở các nước trong hệ thống xã hội chủ nghĩa (XHCN) đã đồng nhất sở hữu với tư cách là một quan hệ pháp lý với sở hữu là quan hệ kinh tế khách quan. Chúng ta đã không tuân thủ những chỉ dẫn của C. Mác và Ph. Ăng-ghen về xóa bỏ chế độ tư hữu nên đã có tư tưởng chủ quan, nóng vội, duy ý chí muốn xóa bỏ chế độ sở hữu tư nhân và kinh tế tư nhân trong một thời gian ngắn. Trước yêu cầu đòi hỏi của thực tiễn hiện nay, chúng ta cần tiếp tục hoàn thiện các vấn đề về sở hữu trong thời kỳ quá độ lên chủ nghĩa xã hội (CNXH) ở Việt Nam.

For what crime might a person need to appear in front of a Federal Magistrate?

speeding ticket
stealing someone’s mail
assaulting a policeman



b . shoplifting .


by definition of magistrate , they deal with less serious cases like minor theft .

A crime might a person need to appear in front of a Federal Magistrate is shoplifting. Option B is correct.

What is shoplifting?

Shoplifting is the theft of merchandise from an open retail outlet.

Typically, the offender leaves the store without paying after concealing a store item on their person, in their pockets, under their clothing, or in a bag.

Shoplifters may put on apparel and leave the store wearing it after stealing other items. In most legal contexts, the phrases "shoplifting" and "shoplifter" are not defined. Larceny is the legal category under which shoplifting typically falls.

Further Federal magistrate in United States has the authority to order criminal arrests, civil penalties, or both, based on the retailer's policies as per state laws for shoplifting crime.

Thus Option B is correct.

Learn more about shoplifting refer:



The discovery step of civil cases is where.



each party gathers info from each other

What’s The answer to this question ?!



both parties


looked up the definition

号 Which of the following can be inserted on the Insert tab? Borders Excel spreadsheets Captions Headers and footers​



Headers and footers


The insert tab can the found on the ribbon of word processing programs, excel spreadsheets as they contain commands which allows the insertion of objects such as illustrations, tables, charts hyperlink, pictures, text boxes, Footers and headers. In a word processing program too, the insert tab also contains these elements. Therefore. From the question given, the feature from the given options which can be inserted from the insert tab is the Footer and Header. Which allows allows users to add information at the top and bottom areas of a page.

Cuáles son los aspectos que influyen en la correcta alimentación? Para los 4 aspectos inventar un ejemplo.



Una dieta sana es una dieta que garantice el suministro de todos los nutrientes y la energía necesarios en cantidades que coincidan exactamente con las necesidades del cuerpo. Según el conocimiento médico moderno, este tipo de dieta no se puede definir con precisión, porque la demanda de nutrientes es diferente para cada persona debido a las diferencias individuales, la edad, el sexo, el estado de salud, el estado fisiológico, el estilo de vida, el tipo de trabajo, las condiciones culturales, el lugar de residencia, temporada y disponibilidad de determinados alimentos.  

La mayoría de las instituciones científicas gubernamentales o independientes que se ocupan del tema de una dieta saludable generalmente se limitan a recomendaciones generales sobre la cantidad de nutrientes (como grasas, carbohidratos, proteínas, fibra, vitaminas y micronutrientes) que deben consumir las personas de cierta edad y con un estilo de vida determinado.

Dcfs caan assessment



What? Does its a question

meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

Under which form of intermediate sanction do offenders report to a place daily to continue rehabilitation? As a form of intermediate sanction, offenders might need to report to every day to continue rehabilitation through vocational training, therapy, drug treatment, and so on.



The intermediate sanction that offenders can receive, which requires them to attend a location daily to continue rehabilitation, is through the provision of services to the community.


Community service can be an intermediary sanction applied to offenders of minor crimes. The community service, in this case, requires that the offenders work for free in institutions determined by a judge, for a period of time also determined by that judge. These institutions promote some type of service performed to help a community. This work must be carried out every day in the same place, which will be chosen by the judge and the institution responsible for receiving the offender.

Ngày 10.08.2017 thương nhân A và thương nhân B giao kết hợp đồng mua bán hàng hóa trong đó các bên thỏa thuận ngày 20.08.2017, A phải giao hàng và ngày 01.09.2017, B phải thanh toán tiền hàng.

Đến hạn giao hàng, do sự kiện bất khả kháng nên A không thực hiện việc giao hàng. B đã chuẩn bị kho bãi và các điều kiện để tiếp nhận hàng hóa nhưng không được nhận hàng nên đã thông báo ngừng thanh toán tiền hàng.

Ngày 01.10.2017, B đề nghị A giao hàng nhưng A không thực hiện được và trả lời sẽ cố gắng giao hàng vào ngày 01.11.2017.

Do nhu cầu sản xuất, ngày 25.10.2017, B đã mua hàng của một thương nhân khác. Ngày 01.11.2017, A giao hàng và yêu cầu B thực hiện nghĩa vụ thanh toán.
Câu hỏi
Căn cứ vào quy định của pháp luật thương mại hiện hành, xác định yêu cầu của thương nhân A đối với thương nhân B có phù hợp với quy định của pháp luật không? Giải thích tại sao?



What is the South African law that is unjust​



The South African Law of Unjustified Enrichment provides a comprehensive, systematic exposition of the principles of the law of unjustified enrichment. It sets out the general requirements for enrichment liability, differentiates between the main types of situations in


hope this helps...

13. Supporters of Madison's view about the inclinations of members of Congress could point to which of the follow ing actions ? (A) Members of Congress voting to authorize increased military spending (B ) Members of Congress using earmarks to direct federal money to local projects Members of Congress requiring federal oversight for cleanup of toxic waste sites ( ) Congress authorizing the use of states " National Guard units to patrol the country's borders


Answer: (B ) Members of Congress using earmarks to direct federal money to local projects


James Madison believed in a strong federal government that would yet be balanced by the members of Congress being both loyal to the nation as a whole and to their states.

He believed that state governments should not worry too much about the federal government taking power from them because members of Congress were from various states and would work to advance the interests of those states at a federal level.

Supporters of this view would point to members of Congress using earmarks to direct federal funding. A process which allowed Members of Congress to fund projects in their home states directly from federal funds which showed that the members of Congress were advancing state interests at a federal level.

batho pele principles​



it is based on 8 principles


service standards






value for money

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