what are the grandfather clauses example of


Answer 1

Answer: Examples included the action oof imposing of poll taxes and residency and literacy tests. An exemption to these requirements was made for all people allowed to vote before the American Civil War, and any of the descendants.


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Question 9 of 50
2 Points
What group of people might The Very Young Man represent in The Time Machine?
A. Politicians
B. Doctors
C. Teenagers
OD. Lawyers
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Answer: whats the background of this question


Ivan III was also called Ivan the Great because a. he helped to centralize the government by moving the capital to Moscow. c. he renewed trade with the west and opened Siberia for settlement. b. he built domed churches which inspired and awed the people. d. he was the first ruler of the independent state of Russia.



ouu yes OK then I will fix it

*Prepare a Mind Map on Birth of the Weimar Republic



emperor of Germany abdicated

national assembly created federal structure and democratic constitution for Germany

people of Germany elected deputies from german parliament(reich stag)

In 1883 who was responsible for creating the first system of time zones in the United States?




The rail road industry

People began to have a more personal and emotional religious experience, as well as questioning the authority of the church during the _______________


New Amsterdam

Great awakening

Bacon’s Bebellion


Answer: I believe it would be the Great Awakening

Explanation: The Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized, and passion for religion had grown stale. The result was a renewed dedication toward religion.

What was the primary focus of the no child left behind act



to close student achievement gaps by providing all children with a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education.


hope this helps

summary for the wanderings of ulysses


Ulysses' journey home back from Troy takes ten years, and he faces many dangers on the way. He is rescued partly by the help of goddess Athena, but largely by his own confinement. For example, when he is captured by the Cyclops Polyphemus, he tells him that his name is "Nobody". He then succeeds in blinding Polyphemus; and when he calls for help the other Cyclops come to see what is happening, when they ask Polyphemus who is worried, he answers "Nobody". Polyphemus is the son of the sea god Poseidon, who becomes the enemy of Ulysses.

He spends seven years as a prisoner of the nymph Calypso, until Athena persuades her to release him. By the time he arrives home to Ithaca, he has been away for twenty years in total, and his house is full of men who wish to marry his wife, Penelope, believing she is now a widow. Ulysses kills them all and retakes his kingdom.

Learn more about Ulysses and his trip in https://brainly.com/question/3701415.

According to Diamond, what is the “true explanation” for European domination after the 15th century?


Guns, germs and steels!
Hope this helps!!

what happened as European economies built trading empires?​



Massive profit opportunities, increased access to raw goods, more political power and colonization outside Europe, and the rise of the Industrial Revolution.


the expansion of Europe led to the conversion of indigenous populations in South and Central America


How do you reach enlightenment in Buddhism?
A. Through reincarnation
B. Through war
C. Through trade
D. Through meditation



Through meditation .......

Answer: ans is D


How would you describe the narrator, Junior Polatkin?
(Choose all answers that apply)






Round and dynamic because throughout him narrating there are drastic changes and up’s and downs

Write a research-based argumentative essay for or against health care for everyone.

Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.

What is the product you will write?

What is the topic of your writing?

Who is your audience?

What is your purpose for writing?



What is the product you will write?

✔ a research-based argumentative essay

What is the topic of your writing?

✔ whether everyone should have health care

Who is your audience?

✔ your teacher and peers

What is your purpose for writing?

✔ to argue a point about health care


This is right. I promise

I'm also sorry for the late reply.

The following are the correct option of the questions.

a research-based argumentative essay

whether everyone should have health care

your teacher and peers

to argue a point about health care.

What is argumentative essay?

The argumentative essay is a type of writing where students must research a subject, gather, produce, and assess supporting information, and succinctly present their stance. The difference between an explanatory essay and an argumentative essay could be unclear at times.

Despite the similarities between these two genres, the argumentative essay requires more pre-writing (invention) and research than an expository essay does. The argumentative essay requires extensive, in-depth research and is frequently given as a capstone or final project in first-year writing or advanced composition courses. Expository essays are shorter and require less research than other types. Expository essays are frequently used for writing assignments in class or on writing assessments like the GED or GRE.

Learn more about argumentative essays here:



Thank you so much thank y’all help



i think the answer is alliteration



answer the following true or false questions

Malaria is carried by a particular mosquito.t/f

Scalp ringworm is very contagious.t/f



malaria is carried by a particular mosquito, true.

Scalp ringworm is very contagious, true

the answer to both of these questions is definitely true

Write the process of the formation of District Co-ordination Committee.
Answer it fast plz


[tex]\huge\sf{\underline{\underline{➪Aɴsᴡᴇʀ \: :-}}}[/tex]

What Changed the population registration act being put in place?



The Population Registration Act of 1950 required that each inhabitant of South Africa be classified and registered in accordance with their racial characteristics as part of the system of apartheid.


The effects of population registration act were that it led to the implementation of many discriminatory laws based on race.

Hope this helps <3 If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.

On  17 June 1991, when the South African Parliament repealed the act the amendment that was seen in the act was in the context of the colored and Indians. They both were initially classified into various subgroups.

What is an amendment?

The term amendment is basically a synonym for the word change. The use of this term is done in the context of the constitution. It is not about any particular country’s constitution, the term amendment is used for all the countries that are present on this earth.

When it is about the change or can be said as an amendment which is made in the population registration act, then this change was done in 1991 on June 17. The act was initially commenced on July 7, 1950.

As a result amendments in the act were focused on Coloureds and Indians. Both of them were formally classified into various subgroups.

Learn more about amendments from here:



কবে বাংলাদেশ দখল মুক্ত হয়


Ching ping moo sho shen mann

Pearl Harbor was caused by all of the following events EXCEPT:
Japan taking over China (Manchuria).
Japan's alliance with Germany.
The U.S. cutting off oil and scrap metal.
Japan's alliance with Russia


Japan's only chance was the element of surprise and to destroy America's navy as quickly as possible.

C they wanted to take the ship as soon as possible

If 7 × 4 = 28, what value should be subtracted from 28 to find the product of 6 × 4?







7 × 4 = 28


6 × 4 = 24


28 - 4 = 24 = 6 × 4


4 is the required answer.




7 x 4 = 28

6 x 4 = 24

28 - 24 = 4

In what two cities was the atomic bomb dropped in Japan?

Nagasaki and Tokyo

Hiroshima and Tokyo

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Tokyo and Seoul




Hiroshima and Nagasaki


In what two cities was the atomic bomb dropped in Japan?


The answer is option C Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure. Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people. Japan’s Emperor Hirohito announced his country’s unconditional surrender in World War II in a radio address on August 15, citing the devastating power of “a new and most cruel bomb.”


How have humans created crater fires accidentally in the past?



A group of Soviet geologists accidentally created the crater, searching for oil, according to the Smithsonian Magazine. Due to the methane underneath, the ground couldn't support the weight of their equipment and collapsed. To burn away the dangerous methane, they reportedly set it on fire.


hope this helps


A subject is the part of a sentence that performs a verb( an action) in a sentence.

The predicate is the part of a sentence that contains the verb.


A subject is the one who does the action and performing something.

For example, He likes to play, Sara loves flowers. in the following sentences, HE and Sara are the subjects as they doing and performing something.

And the predicate is the verb and the rest of the sentence and not the subject.

For example; He likes to play, Sara loves flowers. in these sentences likes to play and loves flowers are the predicates of the sentences.

1)The bunnies like to play in the sunshine( The bunnies are the subject and "like to play in the sunshine" is the predicate),

"they"(subject) and "will often come right up to you"(Predicate)

"You"(subject) and "offer them something to eat"(Predicate).

2)"The issue"(subject)

"I want to discuss with you is difficult to talk about because "it"(subject) is so contentious"(Predicate)

3)" the man who"(subject)

"was sitting"(predicate)

in front of "me"(subject)

"stood up"(predicate)


"refused to to sit down again"(predicate).

Who was targeted and denounced by the Red Guards?



People that followed a religion, and anyone who was also a capitalist were targeted. They were seen as untrustworthy.

The Red Guards also publicly humiliated teachers, monks, former landowners or anyone else suspected of being "counter-revolutionary."


The Red Guards were denounced as counter-revolutionaries and radicals by the school administration and by fellow students and were forced to secretly meet amongst the ruins of the Old Summer Palace.


The Governor-General who was impeached
(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Lord Hastings​



Lord Mountbatten


Una pregunta...... Que es lo que marca las diferentes etapas de la edad de los metales?




for further info, go to azom . com

More reliable and abundant food supply
Job specialization based on a surplus of food
development of a more formal social hierarchy
Increased population creating some social pressures as traditional family/clan loyalties broke down
All of the above resulted from what cultural change?
The adoption of agriculture
The growth of complex, organized religion
The development of complex government
The development of metal tools



A):The adoption of agiculture


The adoption of agriculture are resulted from cultural change. Thus, the option (a) is correct.

What is cultural?

The term "culture" refers to a society's entire way of life, which includes its language, religion, conventions, and sense of style. Geographical influences on culture are numerous. The culture is included in communication. As a result, it covers social graces, garb, language, religion, customs, and creative standards.

The societal cultural trends are embraced as new trends. Adopting agriculture's adaption as food development promoted job specialization in the food industry. Agriculture is the foundation of the traditional family in culture. The component parts of loyalty are social pleasure. The adaptation of agricultural are resulted to in social pressure food supply.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on cultural, here:



Please I need help! What were some similarities and differences between Native American cultures in the Great Plains and the East?



Most white settlers were Christian, native Americans weren't

Native Americans were usually more prepared for Midwest winters than the newer white settlers (survived more gruel-some winters than whites with stocking up on food, clothing, etc.)

Many Native Americans preferred to live and sleep outside during the the spring, summer, and fall while the white settlers depended on their houses for mostly all their shelters.

D-Day was significant to winning the war for the Allies because


Ok I just have to get my car fixed I’m going out of woiteo internet so I’m sorry I don’t

describe how Ubuntu could help fight poverty​




A study conducted by McKinsey & Company found that “Ubuntu graduates will contribute $195,000 to society, while their peers will cost society $9,000.” In addition to providing child health care, the pediatric clinic offers prenatal and postnatal care, HIV and TB testing and treatment.

Which was a common restriction included in the black codes?



Black Codes restricted black's right to own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces. States punished black men who were out of work, or those who were not working at a job that white people recognized.

What effect did the coup of 1991 in Moscow have?

It resulted in the fall of the Berlin Wall.
It restored the communist leaders to power.
It accelerated the breakup of the Soviet Union.
It overthrew Boris Yeltsin as president of Russia.
(The answer is C)



It accelerated the breakup of the Soviet union


simplified answer is  C


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At this point they do not care which students are in the subset or if there is some feasible subset with total value larger than the target. Armed with this information they consider another group of students (which may overlap) to see if that group has a feasible subset that meets the target. They continue doing this until they have found a desirable group. The psychologists then determine a feasible subset of children in that group that has largest total value. There are two computational problems the psychologists must solve:(1) Given a set of students with their values and friendships, and a target T, determine if there is some feasible subset of the students with total value at least T. This is a YES/NO question.(2) Given a set of students with their values and friendships, find a feasible subset of students with largest total value.These two problems seem to be hard to solve efficiently. As usual your manager calls you in and asks you to write programs to solve the two problems. 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Completa las siguientes oraciones usando la forma correcta del presenteindicativo, el infinitivo, los mandatos (informales, nosotros) o del presentesubjuntivo.Usa la forma de t si los mandatos son para una sola persona y la forma de Uds. cuandose especifique. Usa la forma nosotros cuando se especifique.Pedro:Para m es obvio que el carro (1) _______________ (tener) un problema. Lesrecomiendo que lo (2)_________________ (revisar: nosotros). Marco, (3)_______________ (abrir) el cap. Pepe, (4) ________________ (buscar) el manual delautomvil y (5) ____________ (drmelo). No (6) ________________(preocuparse:Uds.), yo s mucho de carros.Pepe:Pues yo creo que (7) ____________ (ser) un problema que tiene que ver con la gasolina ypor lo tanto les sugiero que la (8) ______________(analizar: nosotros). Bertilio, (9)_____________(hacer) un anlisis del nivel de la gasolina. Marco, (10)______________(aadir) este lquido especial al tanque. (11) _____________(ir:nosotros) a hacer esto y ya estamos en casa!PonchoNo (12) _____________ (perder: nosotros) el tiempo! No es necesario (13)______________(hacer) nada de eso. Pepe, no (14) ____________(hacer) nada ms.Pedro, (15) ____________(sentarse) en el automvil y (16) ______________(encenderlo), luego (17) ______________ (apagarlo), y (18) ______________(volver) aencenderlo. No creo que (19) _______________ (tener: nosotros) que hacer nada ms.Todo (20)_____________(estar) bien What system of equations is shown on the graph below Managers should not become complacent about efficiency-based cost advantages because: a. both learning effects and economics of scale go on forever. b. the experience curve will bottom out at some point. c. cost advantages gained from experience effects are not affected by the development of new technologies. d. unit costs keep reducing as output increases. e. the experience curve steadily rises after a certain threshold is reached, indicating an increase in unit costs. Proteins are:amino acids.carbohydrates.minerals.sugars.