What are the systems of units? Explain each of them.​


Answer 1


CGS System- (Centimeter-Gram-Second system) A metric system of measurement that uses the centimeter, gram and second for length, mass and time.

FPS System- (Foot–Pound–Second system).

The system of units in which length is measured in foot , mass in pound and time in second is called FPS system. It is also known as British system of units.

MKS System- (Meter-Kilogram-Second system) A metric system of measurement that uses the meter, kilogram, gram and second for length, mass and time. The units of force and energy are the "newton" and "joule."

Related Questions

What is the volume of a metal block 3cm long by 2cm wide by 4cm high? What would be the volume of a block twice as long, wide, and high?



Volume of a metal block = 24 cm^3

Volume of a block twice as long, wide and high = 192 cm^3


Volume of a block is measured in l*w*h and in the first block, the sides are 3, 2 and 4 and 3*2*4 = 24

Second block, just double each of the lengths to get 6*4*8 = 192

A block of mass 0.260 kg is placed on top of a light, vertical spring of force constant 5 200 N/m and pushed downward so that the spring is compressed by 0.090 m. After the block is released from rest, it travels upward and then leaves the spring. To what maximum height above the point of release does it rise


After being released, the restoring force exerted by the spring performs

1/2 (5200 N/m) (0.090 m)² = 12.06 J

of work on the block. At the same time, the block's weight performs

- (0.260 kg) g (0.090 m) ≈ -0.229 J

of work. Then the total work done on the block is about

W ≈ 11.83 J

The block accelerates to a speed v such that, by the work-energy theorem,

W = ∆K   ==>   11.83 J = 1/2 (0.260 kg) v ²   ==>   v ≈ 9.54 m/s

Past the equilibrium point, the spring no longer exerts a force on the block, and the only force acting on it is due to its weight, hence it has a downward acceleration of magnitude g. At its highest point, the block has zero velocity, so that

0² - v ² = -2gy

where y is the maximum height. Solving for y gives

y = v ²/(2g) ≈ 4.64 m

A 700N marine in basic training climbs a 10m vertical rope at constant speed in 8sec. what is power put ​



875 Watts


P = W/t = mgh/t = 700(10)/8 = 875 Watts

You are to connect resistors R1 andR2, with R1 >R2, to a battery, first individually, then inseries, and then in parallel. Rank those arrangements according tothe amount of current through the battery, greatest first. (Useonly the symbols > or =, for exampleseries>R1=R2>parallel.)



The current is more in the parallel combination than in the series combination.


two resistances, R1 and R2 are connected to a battery of voltage V.

When they are in series,

R = R1 + R2

In series combination, the current is same in both the resistors, and it is given by Ohm's law.

V = I (R1 + R2)

[tex]I = \frac{V}{R_1 + R_2}[/tex]..... (1)

When they are connected in parallel.

the voltage is same in each resistor.

The effective resistance is R.

[tex]R = \frac{R_1R_2}{R_1 + R_2}[/tex]

So, the current is

[tex]I = \frac{V(R_1+R_2)}{R_1 R_2}[/tex]..... (2)

So, the current is more is the parallel combination.

Develop a hypothesis regarding one factor you think might affect the period of a pendulum or an oscillating mass on a spring. Potential factors include the mass, the spring constant, and the length of the pendulum's string. Write down your hypothesis. 2. Design a controlled experiment to test your hypothesis. Take extreme care to keep all factors constant except the variable you are testing.



A hypothesis for the period of a pendulum is:

"The period of the pendulum varies with its length"


A hypothesis for the period of a pendulum is:

"The period of the pendulum varies with its length"

To test this hypothesis we can carry out a measurement of a simple pendulum keeping the angle fixed, in general the angle used is about 5º since when placing this value in radiand and the sine of this angle they differ little <5%. therefore measured the time of some oscillations, for example about 10 oscillations, changing the length of the pendulum to test the hypothesis.

If the hypothesis and the model used is correct, the relationship to be tested is

              T² =(4π² /g)   L  

by making a graph of the period squared against the length if obtaining, os a line, the hypothesis is tested.

Two train 75 km apart approach each other on parallel tracks, each moving at
15km/h. A bird flies back and forth between the trains at 20km/h until the trains pass
each other. How far does the bird fly?



The correct solution is "37.5 km".



Distance between the trains,  

d = 75 km

Speed of each train,

= 15 km/h

The relative speed will be:

= [tex]15 + (-15)[/tex]

= [tex]30 \ km/h[/tex]

The speed of the bird,

V = 15 km/h


The time taken to meet will be:

[tex]t=\frac{Distance}{Relative \ speed}[/tex]


  [tex]=2.5 \ h[/tex]


The distance travelled by the bird in 2.5 h will be:

⇒ [tex]D = V t[/tex]

        [tex]=15\times 2.5[/tex]

        [tex]=37.5 \ km[/tex]


A man standing in an elevator holds a spring scale with a load of 5 kg suspended from it. What would be the reading of the scale, if the elevator is accelerating downward with an acceleration 3.8 m/s?.



3.1 kg



R = m(g-a)..................... Equation 1

Where R = weight of the scale when the elevator is coming down, a = acceleration of the elevator, g = acceleration due to gravith.

From the question,

Given: m = 5 kg, a = 3.8 m/s²

Constant: g = 9.8 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 1

R = 5(9.8-3.8)

R = 5(6)

R = 30 N

Hence the spring scale is

m' = R/g

m' = 30/9.8

m' = 3.1 kg

1) exothermic
2) endothermic​





An endothermic is any process with an increase in the enthalpy H (or internal energy U) of the system. In such a process, a closed system usually absorbs thermal energy from its surroundings, which is heat transfer into the system.

An electron is moving at speed of 6.3 x 10^4 m/s in a circular path of radius of 1.7 cm inside a solenoid the magnetic field of the solenoid is perpendicular to the plane of the electron's path. Find its relevatn motion.



Here, m=9×10





































































A spring whose stiffness is 3500 N/m is used to launch a 4 kg block straight up in the classroom. The spring is initially compressed 0.2 m, and the block is initially at rest when it is released. When the block is 1.3 m above its starting position, what is its speed



the speed of the block at the given position is 21.33 m/s.



spring constant, k = 3500 N/m

mass of the block, m = 4 kg

extension of the spring, x = 0.2 m

initial velocity of the block, u = 0

displacement of the block, d =1.3 m

The force applied to the block by the spring is calculated as;

F = ma = kx


a is the acceleration of the block

[tex]a = \frac{kx}{m} \\\\a = \frac{(3500) \times (0.2)}{4} \\\\a = 175 \ m/s^2[/tex]

The final velocity of the block at 1.3 m is calculated as;

v² = u² + 2ad

v² = 0 + 2ad

v² = 2ad

v = √2ad

v = √(2 x 175 x 1.3)

v = 21.33 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the block at the given position is 21.33 m/s.

The speed of the block at a height of 1.3 m above the starting position is 21.33 m/s

To solve this question, we'll begin by calculating the acceleration of the block.

How to determine the acceleration Spring constant (K) = 3500 N/m Mass (m) = 4 KgCompression (e) = 0.2 mAcceleration (a) =?

F = Ke


F = ma


ma = Ke

Divide both side by m

a = Ke / m

a = (3500 × 0.2) / 4

a = 175 m/s²

How to determine the speed Initial velocity (u) = 0 m/sAcceleration (a) = 175 m/s²Distance (s) = 1.3 mFinal velocity (v) =?

v² = u² + 2as

v² = 0² + (2 × 175 × 1.3)

v² = 455

Take the square root of both side

v = √455

v = 21.33 m/s

Learn more about spring constant:


The armature of an AC generator has 200 turns, which are rectangular loops measuring 5 cm by 10 cm. The generator has a sinusoidal voltage output with an amplitude of 18 V. If the magnetic field of the generator is 300 mT, with what frequency does the armature turn





From the question we are told that:

Number of Turns [tex]N=200[/tex]

Length [tex]l=5cm to 10cm[/tex]

Voltage [tex]V=18V[/tex]

Magnetic field [tex]B=300mT[/tex]

Generally, the equation for Frequncy of an amarture is mathematically given by

[tex]f =\frac{ V}{(N B A * 2 pi )}[/tex]

[tex]f =\frac{ 18}{(200 300*10^{-3} (10*10^-2)(5*10^{-2}) * 2 *3.142 )}[/tex]


If a jet travels 350 m/s, how far will it travel each second?



It will travel 350 meters each second.


The unit rate, 350 m/s, tells us that the jet will travel 350 meters per every second elapsed.


5.83 seconds


60 seconds in 1 minute

350 meters per second



A 0.160 kg glider is moving to the right on a frictionless, horizontal air track with a speed of 0.710 m/s. It has a head-on collision with a 0.296 kg glider that is moving to the left with a speed of 2.23 m/s. Suppose the collision is elastic.

a. Find the magnitude of the final velocity of the 0.157kg glider.
b. Find the magnitude of the final velocity of the 0.306kg glider.


The masses of the gliders provided in the question differ from the masses mentioned in the "Required" section. I'll use the first masses throughout.

Momentum is conserved, so the total momentum of the system is the same before and after the collision:

m₁ v₁ + m₂ v₂ = m₁ v₁' + m₂ v₂'


(0.160 kg) (0.710 m/s) + (0.296 kg) (-2.23 m/s) = (0.160 kg) v₁' + (0.296 kg) v₂'


-0.546 kg•m/s ≈ (0.160 kg) v₁' + (0.296 kg) v₂'

where v₁' and v₂' are the gliders' respective final velocities. Notice that we take rightward to be positive and leftward to be negative.

Kinetic energy is also conserved, so that

1/2 m₁ v₁² + 1/2 m₂ v₂² = 1/2 m₁ (v₁' + 1/2 m₂ (v₂'


m₁ v₁² + m₂ v₂² = m₁ (v₁' + m₂ (v₂'


(0.160 kg) (0.710 m/s)² + (0.296 kg) (-2.23 m/s)² = (0.160 kg) (v₁' + (0.296 kg) (v₂'


1.55 kg•m²/s² ≈ (0.160 kg) (v₁' + (0.296 kg) (v₂'

Solve for v₁' and v₂'. Using a calculator, you would find two solutions, one of which we throw out because it corresponds exactly to the initial velocities. The desired solution is

v₁' ≈ -3.11 m/s

v₂' ≈ -0.167 m/s

and take the absolute values to get the magnitudes.

If you want to instead use the masses from the "Required" section, you would end up with

v₁' ≈ -3.18 m/s

v₂' ≈ -0.236 m/s

a point object is 10 cm away from a plane mirror while the eye of an observer(pupil diameter is 5.0 mm) is 28 cm a way assuming both eye and the point to be on the same line perpendicular to the surface find the area of the mirror used in observing the reflection of the point



1.37 mm²


From the image attached below:

Let's take a look at the two rays r and r' hitting the same mirror from two different positions.

Let x be the distance between these rays.

[tex]d_o =[/tex] distance between object as well as the mirror

[tex]d_{eye}[/tex] = distance between mirror as well as the eye

Thus, the formula for determining the distance between these rays can be expressed as:

[tex]x = 2d_o tan \theta[/tex]

where; the distance between the eye of the observer and the image is:

[tex]s = d_o + d_{eye}[/tex]

Then, the tangent of the angle θ is:

[tex]tan \theta = \dfrac{R}{d_o+d_{eye}}[/tex]

replacing [tex]tan \theta = \dfrac{R}{d_o+d_{eye}}[/tex] into [tex]x = 2d_o tan \theta[/tex], we have:

[tex]x = 2d_o \Big( \dfrac{R}{d_o+d_{eye}}\Big)[/tex]

[tex]x = 2(10) \Big( \dfrac{0.25}{10+28}\Big)[/tex]

[tex]x = 20\Big( \dfrac{0.25}{38}\Big) cm[/tex]

x = (0.13157 × 10) mm

x = 1.32 mm

Finally, the area A = π r²

[tex]A = \pi(\frac{x}{2})^2[/tex]

[tex]A = \pi(\frac{1.32}{2})^2[/tex]

A = 1.37 mm²

S.I unit for distance =______

(A) m (B)cm

(c) km (d) mm



opinion a


the si units of distance is metre (m)




Good evening everyone Help me i n my hw ,The wall of cinema hall are covered with sound absorbing materials. Why?Answer it ASAP.Good day ​


what do you mean about it

Chameleons catch insects with their tongues, which they can rapidly extend to great lengths. In a typical strike, the chameleon's tongue accelerates at a remarkable 220 m/s^2 for 20 msms, then travels at constant speed for another 30 ms.

During this total time of 50 ms, 1/20 of a second, how far does the tongue reach?


Solution :

We know,




For the first 20 ms,


S = 0.044 m

In the remaining 30 ms, it has constant velocity.



v = 4.4 m/s



[tex]$S'=4.4 \times 0.030[/tex]

S' = 0.132 m

So, the required distance is = S + S'

                                              = 0.044 + 0.132

                                              = 0.176 m

Therefore, the tongue can reach = 0.176 m or 17.6 cm


The total distance is 0.176 m.


For t = 0 s to t = 20 ms

initial velocity, u = 0

acceleration, a = 220 m/s^2

time, t = 20 ms

Let the final speed is v.

Use first equation of motion

v = u + at

v = 0 + 220 x 0.02 = 4.4 m/s

Let the distance is s.

Use second equation of motion

[tex]s = u t + 0.5 at^2\\\\s = 0 + 0.5 \times 220 \times 0.02\times 0.02\\\\s = 0.044 m[/tex]

Now the distance is

s' = v x t

s' = 4.4 x 0.03 = 0.132 m

The total distance is

S = s + s' = 0.044 + 0.132 = 0.176 m

A object of mass 3.00 kg is subject to a force Fx that varies with position as in the figure below. A coordinate plane has a horizontal axis labeled x (m) and a vertical axis labeled Fx (N). There are three line segments. The first segment runs from the origin to (4,3). The second segment runs from (4,3) to (11,3). The third segment runs from (11,3) to (17,0). (a) Find the work done by the force on the object as it moves from x = 0 to x = 4.00 m. J (b) Find the work done by the force on the object as it moves from x = 4.00 m to x = 11.0 m. J (c) Find the work done by the force on the object as it moves from x = 11.0 m to x = 17.0 m. J (d) If the object has a speed of 0.450 m/s at x = 0, find its speed at x = 4.00 m and its speed at x = 17.0 m.




An impulse results in a change of momentum.

The impulse is the product of a force and a distance. This will be represented by the area under the curve

a) W = ½(4.00)(3.00) = 6.00 J

b) W = (11.0 - 4.00)(3.00) = 21.0 J

c) W = ½(17.0 - 11.0)(3.00) = 9.00 J

d) ASSUMING the speed at x = 0 is in the direction of applied force

½(3.00)(v₄²) = ½(3.00)(0.450²) + 6.00

v₄ = 2.05 m/s

½(3.00)(v₁₇²) = ½(3.00)(0.450²) + 6.00 + 21.0 + 9.00

v₁₇ = 4.92 m/s

If the initial speed is NOT in the direction of applied force, the final speed will be slightly less in both cases.

Cuando el pistón tiene un volumen de 2x10^-4 m^3, el gas en el pistón está a una presión de 150 kPa. El área del pistón es 0.00133 m^2. Calcular la fuerza que el gas ejerce sobre el embolo del pistón.



F = 1.128 10⁸ Pa


Pressure is defined by

         P = F / A

If the gas is ideal for equal force eds on all the walls, so on the piston area we have

        F = P A

We reduce the pressure to the SI system

       P = 150 kpa (1000 Pa / 1kPa = 150 103 Pa

we calculate

       F = 150 10³ / 0.00133

       F = 1.128 10⁸ Pa

In a game of pool, the cue ball moves at a speed of 2 m/s toward the eight ball. When the cue ball hits the eight ball, the cue ball bounces off with a speed of 0.8 m/s at an angle of 20', as shown in the diagram below. Both balls have a mass of 0.6 kg.
a) what is the momentum of the system before the collision
b) what is the momentum after the collision
c) what angle dose the right ball travel after the collision
d) what is the magnitude of the eight balls velocity after the collision



a)  p₀ = 1.2 kg m / s,  b) p_f = 1.2 kg m / s,  c)   θ = 12.36, d)  v_{2f} = 1.278 m/s


For this exercise we define a system formed by the two balls, which are isolated and the forces during the collision are internal, therefore the moment is conserved


a) the initial impulse is

         p₀ = m v₁₀ + 0

         p₀ = 0.6 2

         p₀ = 1.2 kg m / s

b) as the system is isolated, the moment is conserved so

        p_f = 1.2 kg m / s

we define a reference system where the x-axis coincides with the initial movement of the cue ball


we write the final moment for each axis

X axis

         p₀ₓ = 1.2 kg m / s

         p_{fx} = m v1f cos 20 + m v2f cos θ

         p₀ = p_f

        1.2 = 0.6 (-0.8) cos 20+ 0.6 v_{2f} cos θ

         1.2482 = v_{2f} cos θ

Y axis  

        p_{oy} = 0

        p_{fy} = m v_{1f} sin 20 + m v_{2f} cos θ

        0 = 0.6 (-0.8) sin 20 + 0.6 v_{2f} sin θ

        0.2736 = v_{2f} sin θ

we write our system of equations

         0.2736 = v_{2f} sin θ

         1.2482 = v_{2f} cos θ

divide to solve

         0.219 = tan θ

          θ = tan⁻¹ 0.21919

          θ = 12.36

let's look for speed

            0.2736 = v_{2f} sin θ

             v_{2f} = 0.2736 / sin 12.36

            v_{2f} = 1.278 m / s

a vector starts at the point (0.0) and ends at (2,-7) what is the magnitude of the displacement



|x| = √53


We are told that the vector starts at the point (0.0) and ends at (2,-7) .

Thus, magnitude of displacement is;

|x| = √(((-7) - 0)² + (2 - 0)²)

|x| = √(49 + 4)

|x| = √53

A space ship has four thrusters positioned on the top and bottom, and left and right as shown below. The thrusters can be operated independently or together to help the ship navigate in all directions.
Initially, the Space Probe is floating towards the East, as shown below, with a velocity, v. The pilot then turns on thruster #2.

Select one:

Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be speeding up.

Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be speeding up.

Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be slowing down.

Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be slowing down.

Ship experiences no change in motion.



The correct answer is - c.  Spaceship will have a velocity to the East and will be slowing down.


In this case, if turned on thruster #2 then it will exert force on the west side as thruster 2 is on the east side and it can be understood by Newton's third law that says each action has the same but opposite reaction.

As the spaceship engine applies force on the east side then according to the law the exhauster gas applies on towards west direction. It will try to decrease the velocity of the spaceship however, the direction of floating still be east side initally.

Q)what are convex mirrors?​



A curved mirror is a mirror with a curved reflecting surface. The surface may be either convex or concave. Most curved mirrors have surfaces that are shaped like part of a sphere, but other shapes are sometimes used in optical devices.

A convex mirror (or lens) is one constructed so that it is thicker in the middle than it is at the edge.

Open the sash half way up, take the beaker containing the dry ice / water out of the hood, and slowly move it from right in front of the hood all the way down to the floor. At what point do the fumes stop getting sucked up by the fume hood?



The fumes stop getting sucked up by the fume hood once the beaker is pulled out of the hood.

calculate the length of wire.



L = 169.5 m


Using Ohm's Law:

V = IR


V = Voltage = 1.5 V

I = Current = 10 mA = 0.01 A

R = Resistance = ?


1.5 V = (0.01 A)R

R = 150 Ω

But the resistance of a wire is given by the following formula:

[tex]R = \frac{\rho L}{A}[/tex]


ρ = resistivity = 1 x 10⁻⁶ Ω.m

L = length of wire = ?

A = cross-sectional area of wire = πr² = π(0.6 mm)² = π(0.6 x 10⁻³ m)²

A = 1.13 x 10⁻⁶ m²


[tex]150\ \Omega = \frac{(1\ x\ 10^{-6}\ \Omega .m)L}{1.13\ x\ 10^{-6}\ m^2}\\\\L = \frac{150\ \Omega(1.13\ x\ 10^{-6}\ m^2)}{1\ x\ 10^{-6}\ \Omega .m}\\\\[/tex]

L = 169.5 m

A block of mass 2 kg is launched by compressing a spring of force constant 1200 N/m. The block slides on a frictionless surface, up a 1 meter tall ramp, then it enters a region of rough surface. It comes to a stop after traveling 3 meters over the rough surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the rough surface is 0.40.

a. How many forces end up doing work on the block from release to stop?
b. What is the total non-conservative work done on the block?
c. What is the change in the spring potential energy of the block?





What type of wave is a microwave?
O heat
O longitudinal



Microwave is a types of a electromagnetic radiation




Because microwave is electromagnetic  waves and all electromagnetic waves are transvers.

Suppose a 60-turn coil lies in the plane of the page in a uniform magnetic field that is directed out of the page. The coil originally has an area of 0.325 m2. It is stretched to have no area in 0.100 s. What is the magnitude (in V) and direction (as seen from above) of the average induced emf if the uniform magnetic field has a strength of 1.60 T



 emf = 312 V


In this exercise the electromotive force is asked, for which we must use Faraday's law

           emf =  [tex]- N \frac{d \Phi }{dt}[/tex]- N dfi / dt

           Ф = B. A = B A cos θ

bold type indicates vectors.

They indicate that the magnetic field is constant, the angle between the normal to the area and the magnetic field is parallel by local cosine values ​​1

It also indicates that the area is reduced from  a₀ = 0.325 me² to a_f = 0 in a time interval of ΔT = 0.100 s, suppose that this reduction is linear

            emf = -N B [tex]\frac{dA}{dT}[/tex]

            emf = - N B (A_f - A₀) / Dt

we calculate

           emf = - 60 1.60 (0 - 0.325) /0.100

           emf = 312 V

The direction of this voltage is exiting the page

An astronaut on the moon drops a rock from rest. The rock falls 0.8m in one second of falling time. If the dropped rock fell for a total of two seconds of time instead of 1 second, then the distance traveled would be:____.
A) The same.
B) Doubled.
C) Tripled.
D) Quadruple.
E) None of the above.



D) Quadruple.


We will use the second equation of motion to solve this problem:

[tex]s = v_it + \frac{1}{2}gt^2[/tex]


s = distance travelled by the rock

vi = initial speed of rock = 0 m/s

t = time taken

g = acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon


[tex]s = (0\ m/s)t+\frac{1}{2}gt^2\\\\s =\frac{1}{2}gt^2[/tex]----------- equation (1)

Now, we double the time:

[tex]s' = \frac{1}{2}g(2t)^2\\\\s' = 4(\frac{1}{2}gt^2)[/tex]

using equation (1):

s' = 4s

Hence, the correct option is:

D) Quadruple.

I’m a photoelectric effect, which property of the incident light determines how much kinetic energy the ejected electrons have ?
A) brightness
B) frequency
C) size of the beam
D) none of the above



b = frequency

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the set of ordered pairs {(6,4),(2,-5),(-2,4) Write expression with two terms that is equivalent to the expression shown. 4(2x + 11 - x) The 1960s and 1970s gave rise to the use of ________________, where federal regulations were enacted that states were required to implement but without money from the federal government to do so. A leading thinker on Old World history and author of books such as Man Makes Himself and Dawn of European Civilization, V. Gordon Childe moved beyond classification, seeking to understand:_______ Help me please :) giving brainliest Late for work? No time to eat? Morning Glory breakfast bars are packed full of the protein and complex carbohydrates your body needs to start your day on the right track. Theyre low in sugar, saturated fat, and cholesterol. They also contain 100% of 12 vitamins and minerals your body needs for good health. They taste great, too. Morning Glory breakfast bars. Grab one and go!Who is the intended audience for this advertisement?parents of children who are picky eatersstudents who go to school every morningbusy adults who care about health and nutritionall adults who like to eat fast food what is local technology ? give examples Jordan Bikes 4/3 miles in 1/10 hours. whats is his speed in miles per hour? Calculate the axis of symmetry in the equation Y = (x+1) (x-4)Come on anyone please helppppppp. Which of the following functions represent exponential decay? The current in a light bulb is 2 A. How long does it take for a total charge of 4 C to pass a point in the wire please help! i could really use it right now 342225 square root by division method pls give the steps if a diver is 10 feet under water, how many feet does he need to move get to 5 feet above water Put the verbs in brackets: present perfect or present perfect continuous or past perfect. 1. It is already 9:30 pm and I ( wait ) __ here for over an hour. If John does not get here in the next five minutes, I am going to leave.2. Did you hear that Ben was fired last month? He ( work ) __ for that import company for more than ten years and he ( work ) __ in almost every department.3. I ( see ) __ many pictures of the pyramids efore I went to Egypt last summer. Pictures of the monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually quite smaill.4. Sarah ( climb) __ Mount Everest, ( sail) __ around the world, and ( go) __ on safari in Kenya. She is such an adbentureous person. How much water should be added to 90ml of 45 percent acid solution to dilute it to 25 percent acid solution Need help! Thank you :) Which of the following are not Polynomials? What is the rate of change of the amount earned with respect to hours worked for this function? A) 1/13 hours per dollarB) 2/5 hours per dollar C) 3 dollars per hour D) 13 dollars per hour What is responsible for regulating the programs we see on television?A. Watchdog groupsB. The U.S. government's V-chipC. The Radio-Television News Directors Association's code of ethicsD. All of the above