What can cause water to change to a different state or phase?
A. a change of volume
B. a change in temperature


Answer 1

B change in temperature

Related Questions

Plz Help I have One more time To retake and I can't fail it..​





Hydrogen bonds are intermolecular forces of interaction that exist between molecules of a substance in which hydrogen is bonded to a highly electronegative atom. Hydrogen bonds are strong intermolecular forces and account for high melting and boiling points of small molecules such as water. They stem from dipole-dipole interaction between molecules of a substance.

Metallic bonds are bond forces which exist in a metal. Metal cations are held together by a sea of electrons via electrostatic interaction.

The ionic bond is formed by transfer of electrons from one atom to another leading to the formation of an ion pair held together by electrostatic attraction.

Metallic bonds and hydrogen bonds are much weaker than ionic bonds. Ionic compounds are known to have high melting and boiling points.

Some one please Help and Thank you



C is the correct answer


most probably

why water molecules remain associated in liquid water



Answer: They are attracted to each other due to their electrostatic attraction. All that means is the hydrogen atom is positively charged, while the oxygen atom is negatively charged. ... The hydrogen of one water molecule will bond to the oxygen atom of another molecule.


They are attracted to each other due to their electrostatic attraction. All that means is the hydrogen atom is positively charged, while the oxygen atom is negatively charged. ... The hydrogen of one water molecule will bond to the oxygen atom of another molecule.


Classify EACH possible hypothesis about a medical aloe Vera plant as falsifiable or non-falsifiable
A) Aloe Vera gel is the best natural skin moisturizer.
B) Aloe Vera gel can heal wounds by boosting cell renewal.
C) Aloe Vera juice tastes better than carrot juice.
D) Drinking aloe juice can reduce the risk of lung cancer.



The correct answer is -


Aloe vera gel can heal wounds by boosting cell renewal.

Drinking aloe juice can reduce the risk of lung cancer.


Aloe vera gel is the best natural skin moisturizer.

Aloe vera juice tastes better than carrot juice.


Falsifiable is the ability or chances of any hypothesis, claim or statement to be proved wrong. In such a hypothesis, it is possible to carry an experimental observation that disproves the idea in claim or question.

In the given examples

Aloe vera gel can heal wounds by boosting cell renewal.

Drinking aloe juice can reduce the risk of lung cancer.

There is no observation in the favor of the claim so there more likely to be falsifiable whereas, Aloe vera gel is the best natural skin moisturizer.

Aloe vera juice tastes better than carrot juice are more non-falsifiable as these are based on personal choice or experimental observation.



Aloe vera gel can heal wounds by boosting cell renewal.

Drinking aloe juice can reduce the risk of lung cancer.


Aloe vera gel is the best natural skin moisturizer.

Aloe vera juice tastes better than carrot juice.



Any shipment of peanuts that contains more than 25 ppb of this dangerous fungus is rejected. A company receives 24 t of peanuts to make peanut butter. What is the maximum mass, in g, of fungus that is allowed? Hint 1 t = 1000 kg.



0.60g of the fungus can be allowed


The maximum concentration of the fungus that can be allowed is 25 ppb, that is 25mg/t.

As the peanuts are 24t, the mass of fungus that can be allowed is:

24t * (25mg/t) = 600mg of the fungus can be allowed. In grams are:

600mg * (1g/1000mg) =

0.60g of the fungus can be allowed


0.5g of toxin


ppb = mass of solute/ mass of solution x 10^9

ppb = mass of fungus/ mass of peanuts x 10^9

25ppb = (x/2 x 10^7g) x 10^9

x = (25)(2 x 10^7g)/ 10^9

x = 0.5g of toxin

x represented the unknown mass of solute (fungus), in which we solved for. We already knew we were using the ppb formula, which is mass of solute/ mass of solution x 10^9, because the question mentions that there are 25ppb of peanuts in the shipments. In the calculations, you can see that I substituted the mass of peanuts with 2 x 10^7g. I did this because the question mentions that there are 20t of peanuts and since each t = 1000kg, I multiped 20 x 1000 to get 20 000kg. In my formula for ppb, I know that I have to use grams of solution, not kilograms. Knowing this, we follow the formula for ppb and substitute our known values and solving for unknown values.

Answer in detail?? What precautions would you take to protect yourself from an earthquake, when you are at home and when you are outdoors?



If you're indoors, stay inside. If you're outside, stay outside. If you're indoors, stand against a wall near the center of the building, stand in a doorway, or crawl under heavy furniture (a desk or table). Stay away from windows and outside doors.


Protect your head and neck with a large book, a pillow, or your arms. The goal is to prevent injuries from falling down or from objects that might fall or be thrown at you.If you are able, seek shelter under a sturdy table or desk. Stay away from outer walls, windows, fireplaces, and hanging objects.If you are unable to move from a bed or chair, protect yourself from falling objects by covering up with blankets and pillows.If you are outside, go to an open area away from trees, telephone poles, and buildings, and stay there.

you have read in chapter 1 that the Parliamentary form of Government that is used in India has three tier this includes the Parliament control Government and the various state legislative state government fill in the following table with the information on the various represent it is from your area​



[tex]\begin{array}{lll}&State \ Government&Central \ Government\\Political \ parties \ in \ power&PDP&PDP\\Present \ area \ representative & Jude \ Ogbimi&Leo \ Ogor \\Opposition \ party&APC&APC\\Date \ of \ election&April \ 10 \ 2021&February\ 23\ 2019\\Date \ of \ next \ election&April \ 2025&February \ 2023\\Number \ of \ women&2&Non\end{array}[/tex]


The People's Democratic Party, PDP, are the party in power in the Delta state House of Assembly, while the All Progressives Congress, APC, are the opposition party

how to prepare hydrogen gas​


1. Natural Gas Reforming/Gasification: Synthesis gas, a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and a small amount of carbon dioxide, is created by reacting natural gas with high-temperature steam. ...

2. Electrolysis: An electric current splits water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Hope this helps :))

hello, please help!! asap!



I think your correct but I'm not so sure

For the reaction C + 2H2 → CH4, how many grams of hydrogen are required to produce 16.8 moles of methane, CH4 ?


The answer is going to be 2.40g

What information is obtained from radioactive dating?

- How old something was when it died
- The damage done to an object from radiation
- The age of an object that was once living (ANSWER)
- The lifetime of an isotope in a particular object





The age of an object that was once living. Hence, option C is correct.

What is radioactive dating?

Radioactive dating can be defined as a strategy to date the age of fossils by means of radioactive isotopes.

These methodologies (Radioactive dating) are fundamental for the application field of geologists and palaeontologists.

In conclusion, Radioactive dating refers to the techniques used to date the age of rocks and fossils by radioactive isotopes.

Information related to the age of an object that was once living is obtained from radioactive dating.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about Radioactive dating here:



What is the name of the molecule below





the 8-carbon chain (oct); has a double bond (ene) is on the 2nd carbon (2-)

Is there law in the United States? Why are black people killed at random by police?


No there are just many injustices already implemented in the institution itself

What is a nucleus please telll me



A nucleus is the center of an atom that consists of protons and neutrons. Different elements have a different number of protons and neutrons


The center of an atom

if 0.00327 g of a gas dissolves in 0.376 L of water at 867 torr, what quantity of this gas (in grams) will dissolve at 759 torr?





Hope this helps!





Write the formula for each compound

a. Chromium(III) sulfite

b. Magnesium hypochlorite

c. Nickel(II) nitrate hexahydrate



Chromium(III) Sulfite Cr2(SO3)3 Molecular Weight

Mg(ClO)2 - PubChem


13.8g element consist 4.6 ×10^22 atoms what is atomic mass of element?​


~Solution :-Here, to find the atomic mass of element, we must;

We know that,

4.6 x $ \sf{10^{22}}$ atoms of an element weigh 13.8g.


The atoms of $ \sf{ 6.02 \times 10^{13}}$ will weigh;

[tex] = \sf{\frac{13.8 \times 6.02 \times {10}^{23} }{4.6 \times {10}^{22} } } \\ [/tex]

[tex] = \sf{180.6 \: g \: \: (molar \: mass)}[/tex]

Hence, the molar mass (atomic mass) will be 180.6 g.

Which particle has an electronic structure of 2.8.8?



argon has an element structure of 2.8.8




Argon has a electron configuration of 2.8.8. This shows an octate state, meaning that it has no lose pair of electrons. It has a total of 18 electrons on its shell

The graph shows the change in concentration of one of the species in the reaction
A + B + C→D.

If the graph indicates the reaction rate, then the concentration of which species is plotted?







its D


Took the test

The specie whose concentration is plotted is D. The rate of reaction is how quickly or slowly hat a reaction proceeds.

Rate of  reaction

The term rate of reaction refers to how quickly or slowly hat a reaction proceeds. A reaction rate plot involves the concentration of the species plotted against time.

Now we can see from the plot that concentration is increasing with time. Since the concentration of products increases with time, then the specie whose concentration is plotted is D.

Learn more about rate of reaction: https://brainly.com/question/11256472

The sum of the kinetic energies and potential energies of all of the molecules
in a substance is called the energy of the substance?



The correct answer is - internal energy.


The movements of the particles are continuous inside In any substance/object, within random directions and with random speeds which are termed as Brownian motion.

Due to these movements, these substances have some kinetic energy and the interaction between particles takes place due to the presence of electrostatic intermolecular forces, this leads to having some potential energy.  The sum of the kinetic energies and potential energies of the particles in a substance is called internal energy it is internal to the confines of the substance.

A galaxy that has an undefined shape is best classified as a(n)



irregular galaxy

pls give brainliest :)


irregular galaxy

it is undefined shape

What is the atomic mass of sulfur (S)?



atomic mass of sulfur is 32.06 g/mol


Nearly the entire world uses the metric system for their measurements. The US is one in of three countries that does not use metric. Would you support changing school curriculum to teach the metric system as the primary measurement system in the US? Why or why not.
(It must be 3-5 sentences long please)



I would


I would support the change to the metric system only because it allows children to understand smaller forms of units and measurements. Also, it will allow people in the math and science fields to broaden their knowledge of equations and formulas. Meaning that the scientist and mathematicians will be able to solve more problems in the world right now.  Overall, the education system for the children of the United States would benefit from the change in the measurement system.

Find the number of moles of sodium hydroxide in 25cm3 solution of concentration 0,1 mol/dm3​



0.0025  moles


25cm^3 = 25/1000 dm^3

Conc = mol/dm^3

Mol = conc * dm^3

Mol = 0.1 * 25/1000

A chemical reaction requires you to use 3.25 mol of sodium chloride. How many
grams of sodium chloride are needed to supply 3.25 mol of sodium chloride?



3.25 moles of sodium chloride to grams: 189.3545 grams


1 moles NaCl = 58.44277 gram

What makes a strong acid different from a weak acid?



D. A strong acid dissociates more completely than a weak acid.



Name the following bases.
- iron(III) hydroxide
- iron(II) hydroxide
- iron hydroxide





Ferric Hydroxide

3. 1

Fe. (OH)



iron(III) hydroxide


I just took the quiz!

what is water
a. a universal solvent
b. something you can drink
c.a liquid​





Water is called the "universal solvent" because it is capable of dissolving more substances than any other liquid. This is important to every living thing on earth. It means that wherever water goes, either through the air, the ground, or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients.


according to Chemistry its A

When a drawing of a circle made in the center of a piece of paper with a black marker gets wet, the marker bleeds, and as the water moves through the paper the ink separates into several colors.





Chromatography is a technique for separating mixtures that involves the use of a moving liquid and filter paper. The solvent travels through the spots on the paper, taking the chemicals away in the opposite direction. If the solvent combination has been properly chosen, each of them will move at a different velocity than the others.

which one is unsaturated hydrocarbon?
I) C3H8
2) CH4
3) C2H6
4) C2H4

pls tell the answer fast ​



The correct answer is - D C2H4.


Saturated hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons with single covalent C-C bonds. They are known as alkanes. The general formula for these hydrocarbons is  CnH2n+2

Unsaturated hydrocarbons the hydrocarbons with double or triple covalent C-C bonds. They are known as alkenes and alkynes respectively. The general formula for these hydrocarbons is  CnH2n and CnHn-2

For the given options:

Option D: C2H4, is the simplest alkene with a double bond so it is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.

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